Release dates for the UK

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Originally Posted by Kirsty

Originally Posted by LMD84
my goodies will arrive today! yay!!!

Hurray for
I'm wearing Briar Rose, Hot House and Bad Fairy today and they're all so pretty!

Originally Posted by PurpleCherry
I haven't had any dispatch email yet, I'm guess I'm getting my little black box tomorrow!

Aaw, never mind, tomorrow's not that long now!


Well-known member
ahh my 2 vv orders have arrived but the stupid courier left them with a neighbour (didn't even bother knocking!) and i have to go to work
so i won't get to play with them til tonight. but hurrah for


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Originally Posted by Kirsty

Mine just arrived! I'm gonna get food and make swatches and then I'll tell allllllll



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I look forward to hearing all you ladies opinions on the VV products! I'm stuck at my laptop finishing my final piece of OU work to be submitted later tonight
But once I've hit that submit button I can get all excited about going to get my VV goodies from the store tomorrow morning


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well my goodies didn't arrive until and hour ago so i'll have to wiat for the morning to get them! i'm very excited!


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Oh, and I can paint my nails a fabulous colour later too
I didn't see the point in doing it before I'd submitted, with all the tapping away on my laptop I'd only chip it anyway


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I wasn't expecting to get ANYTHING today, but my little black box has JUST appeared. MAC didn't send me a dispatch email or anything. I'm SO EXCITED!! *bounces around room*


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Originally Posted by PurpleCherry
I wasn't expecting to get ANYTHING today, but my little black box has JUST appeared. MAC didn't send me a dispatch email or anything. I'm SO EXCITED!! *bounces around room*

Yay for all the big boxes arriving today!
I'm excited with you all!


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Originally Posted by PurpleCherry
I can't stop staring at the MES. Oh my god. Seriously one of the most beautiful products I've seen. I'm in love.

They are really gorgeous!


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I love the nail polishes, they are
worthy. Even the bf said how cool Formiddable was. Sadly, I have a few interviews coming up in the next few days, so I cant use these yet
Just boring neutral colours.

Strange potion is more peachy than it looked on Temptalias swatches, but still pretty. Although looking back, i'd prefer Revenge is Sweet.

All in all, im really happy with everything. It was totally worth the wait!


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Seriously jealous of everyone getting their boxes, i feel like the last person on earth to get their hands on this. I'm not going to even swatch osf tommorrow(even thou it will be so hard) as i want the pink face kit from tt and from erins swatches, they are close enough to be the same product.


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I ordered mine on named day delivery for tomorrow...then remembered I'm meant to be going on a bike ride in the morning
If they don't deliver, do they normally leave a card or give it to a neighbour?


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I think someone said OSF was changed from the face kit? I think Anitacska about a page back?

Okay... so I've had a chance to play with my goodies and here's what I think:

Bad Fairy:
Loved the colour, hated the texture and the formula. For me, it took 4 coats for things to look even and opaque. And if it was opaque from one angle, it was streaky and uneven at another. And even with realllllly thin coats, it still ended up taking ages to dry for me and took about an hour to properly set. I prefered this best with just one coat tbh, when you get so many different colours at different angles, it makes your nails look so weird! I do think this is going to be amazing used as a "layering" polish, as it will completely change anything that's underneath it.. my matte reds are in for a treat!

Toxic Tale:
A lot more red-coral then I expected, and this was SUPER pigmented, I actually thought it was an amplified finish, but no - a satin!? I loved this colour - while my mouth was closed. When ever my teeth came into the picture it seemed to pull any yellow tone and run away with it. Not attactive. I think I'll have to work with blotting it and layering something that takes some of the orange away from it. It also seemed to emphasize lip lines, although it didn't settle much.

Strange Potion:
A lot thicker then my other lipglasses.. I don't know why? Quite pigmented and as Kirsty said, more peachy then Temptalia's swatches.. it's also very jelly like and doesn't contain much shimmer at all. It gives me a kinda my lips but better look. Yum!

Resort Life:
Almost reminded me of an iced mocha? A lot browner then I thought it would be, but I quite liked it. And the glitter/shimmer was gorgeous! It kinda changed from white to pink at angles, which I thought was quite sweet. A lot stickier then my other lipgelees, but I found that layering another lipgelee over it got rid of that. Try Slicked Pink over it - the best combo I've tried. Looks amazing!

Brash and Bold:
Is seriously in yer face pink! Very pigmented, smooth and lovely! However, I'm not sure how similar Bold and Brash and Bright Fuchsia are though? Although Bold and Brash has a slight blue shimmer. Really lovely shade... anyone know if this is lip safe?

Push the Edge:
Is literally Violet's counterpart for a perfect purple smoky. It has the same blue shimmer, and it just looks amazing. Not awesomely good when used dry, but when used wet it just comes alive. A very sultry colour and so so smooooooooth.

Also, I got quite a few things which were maybes on my list and didn't like, so I'm going to sell on, so I've been able to really test the product but I saw the colour etc:

Oh So Fair:
Too big for my liking - I don't think I could ever get through a whole BP. Quite a muted colour, and it reminded me of a much lighter Dame? As I'm not into face products that much I couldn't justify it, although it's a pretty colour.

Bite Of An Apple:
Is a lot more muted then I expected too? It seemed to have quite a peachy brown tone to it, which disappointed me as I like the brighter type of colours!

Mean And Green:
Was gorgeous! It had quite an olive look to it, with flashes of chartreuse, which was lovely, but as I'm not interested in that type of colour normally, I thought I'd leave it alone... probably more unique then Bad Fairy imho.

She Who Dares:
Blergh. Not sparkly ENOUGH. I felt like I could just get a glitter in both those colours and I'd like it more. What can I say? I'm a sparkle whore.


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Originally Posted by ilexica
I ordered mine on named day delivery for tomorrow...then remembered I'm meant to be going on a bike ride in the morning
If they don't deliver, do they normally leave a card or give it to a neighbour?

Both. Normally try for a neighbour, and either way, leave a card.


Well-known member
i got my goodies in the post today,

got both MES

i probably shouldnt have got my dark magic as i have young punk, but i really like the darker shade, its like young punk's cool toned sister., i can see this looking hot with beautiful iris or her alter image or that one that came out in dare to wear.

she who dares is gorgeous, but i have the blue style black one so i wish it was a big green and small blue but hey, the style black ones have WAY more glitter, and the base is a lot darker, i may give the style black one to my sister, emphasis on the maybe, cos i love my style black one more that this.

i wish they would release a green on its own or a green and turquoise one

bite of an apple - well, i kinda went in on the hype on this one, its too similar to hipness that i would not have ordinarly bothered to buy it, but i actually prefer it to hipness. but hey, my sister might end up being a very lucky lady with my cast offs this year

wicked ways - i was so disapointed in this, i expected monumental sparkle, its just not sparkly enough
but i do actually like it, and i can see myself mixing this and brash and bold from dare to wear and creating a super glittery not so sticky lip.

tomorrow i'm going to check out

toxic tale, innocence beware, heartless and briar rose and oh so fair, i might leave with nothing, but i will probably pick up toxic tale. oh and probably all the nail varnishes too!

hope you all like you purchases!


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Originally Posted by banana1234
i wish they would release a green on its own or a green and turquoise one

OMG that would be so gorgeous!

Really excited about going tomorrow, for a minute I thought I might not be able to because my daughter's school phoned and asked me to come in tomorrow morning, but thankfully it's BEFORE school, so I can make it. I have to be back by noon to pick up my youngest, so only have 2 hours tops as it is.


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That sucks.. but hey, 2 hours to look at MAC without any kids will be good
Unless they play with the makeup too?
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