Release dates for the UK

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Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

So does that mean we might get the MSF stuff at the beginning of Feb?

I am so hoping so... I'm going on a post birthday shopping trip in Bath on Feb 4th and am praying that the MSF stuff will be in by then.


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Originally Posted by m4dswine
So does that mean we might get the MSF stuff at the beginning of Feb?

I am so hoping so... I'm going on a post birthday shopping trip in Bath on Feb 4th and am praying that the MSF stuff will be in by then.

the MSFs are out NOW hun - ive had mine about 10 days


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Originally Posted by madkitty
the MSFs are out NOW hun - ive had mine about 10 days

I'm guessing she means the new foundation stuff!

I've not heard anything about the new foundations yet! I'll pop into my local store and see what I can find out!


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Glasgow HoF always has it out at least a week before the reported date. I don't know if they are being sneaky, but it works for me!

I really hope the natural MSF's are out SOON.


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Originally Posted by amy_forster
I'm guessing she means the new foundation stuff!

I've not heard anything about the new foundations yet! I'll pop into my local store and see what I can find out!

Yeah, I meant the foundation and natural MSFs... I'm not big on shimmery stuff, have skin that looks like plastic when its covered in shine!
Re: UK release dates

hiya, I have an email from MAC saying that barbie will be at counters on Feb 24th over here!!! I for one cannot wait!


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

here's the update I have:
Icon 3rd February
Mineralize 5th February
Barbie 24th February


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

This is what I got from MAC:

Dear Ms. Cole

Thank you for taking the time to contact us and for your interest in Mac.

With regards to your e-mail, we wish to advise that the Limited Edition
collections you are
looking for will be available as follow:

-Mineralise Satinfinish
Foundation :
8th Feb
-Mineralise Skinfinish:
8th Feb
-Barbie Loves MAC Eyes:
1st Mar
-Barbie Loves MAC Lips:
1st Mar
7th Jun
Exclusive to Selfridges & On-line (TBC)

May we kindly suggest that you visit your regular M.A.C counter where our
representative will
be happy to demonstrate those products nearer the time.

Once again, thank you for contacting us and for the opportunity to address
your concern.


Gerald Cool
Consumer Communications

But I think ringing your counter/store nearer the time to ask about release dates is probably the best thing... we know what MAC say and do are different things!!

I will certainly be ringing Bath just before I go next week to ask if there is any chance of Mineralise on Feb 4th.


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

way hay consistency ;-)

cant believe baloonacy is online only grrrrrrrrrrrrrr


New member
Re: UK release dates

Ive just rung my local Harvey Nichols and they told me they'd be lanching the Barbie loves Mac range on 1st March


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Does anyone know when the Icon collection will be online? I thought it was meant to launch on the 3rd?


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

i rephoned my store as well and barbie is 1st - boy I cant wish this month away quick enough LOL


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

I'd heard not. The last update was january (I think) and they only get three months. The next one must be sometime soon and they already know about balloonacy so its gotta be coming sooner than june! I'm fairly sure its the next collection!


Well-known member
Re: UK release dates

Originally Posted by madkitty
its only march - I cant wait until June!!!!

Me neither! I NEED THAT QUAD AND I NEED IT NOW, goddamnit!!!
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