Ricky Martin flips off president..


Well-known member
Back the truck up and check your facts hon.

I didn't pull YOUR RELIGION into this.
I said you're being a hypocrite.
There's a difference.
I don't care what religion you are.
You're sensitive about it obviously, but I did not ever one single time criticize you for being Muslim. I couldn't care less.
I called you out, and will continue to do so, for being a hypocrite.

Stop demanding respect but being unwilling to give it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
It's almost impossible for me to identify just as being from a state of the US or as US citizen. I haven't met a single soul who isn't sated with me replying that I'm from x state or from the US. They press and press it; it's really ridiculous, considering I don't really identify with East Asia/Korea.

OMG I know.... People ask where I'm from, And I say, "the united states" or "california." And there like, "NO! I mean where are you from?!?!?" Are you German, French, British, etc etc etc"

And I'm like... I'm from America...

And there like "Ok... Where are your PARENTS from!"

And I'm like, "America."

And there like, "..."

Then there like, "Where are your parents, parents, parents, parents, parents, parents.... parents, parents, from?"

And I'm like, "Poland." (My father died early, do I dont identify with his side of the family.)

And there like, "So your Polish-American!"

And I'm like, "..."


I really dont understand it...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Then really, you haven't experienced America as a whole have you?
I mean, I live here in Texas but I've lived numerous other places and experienced people from all over the country.

I'm certainly not trying to be rude and it is definitely important to be passionate about your beliefs, but maybe your attitude and the way you behave has something to do directly with how you're treated?

I never claimed that ALL AMERICANS ARE ANTI-MUSLIM AND ANTI-ARAB. I said that in this time, after 9/11, it became ok to openly not like Muslims, Arabs, and people who are thought to be them. I said that's why I don't like living in this country. Before that I had no problem with it. Everyone here just wants to believe that I am anti-American. I have two major problems with this country - 1, my tax dollars go to help kill people in my own country and 2, the media plays one side of what we are so it makes it ok if someone in this country hates muslims/arabs.

But since I'm not gun-ho everyone wants to assume that I hate this country with a passion and want evil things to happen here. I forgot who but someone even said that I thought America was evil lol. I never said that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Back the truck up and check your facts hon.

I didn't pull YOUR RELIGION into this.
I said you're being a hypocrite.
There's a difference.
I don't care what religion you are.
You're sensitive about it obviously, but I did not ever one single time criticize you for being Muslim. I couldn't care less.
I called you out, and will continue to do so, for being a hypocrite.

Stop demanding respect but being unwilling to give it.

What does my religion have to do with me thinking Ricky Martin flippin Bush off isn't a big deal!?! Why do you have to pull my religion into it and call me a hypocrite because I don't hold a politicial figure as high as I do a religious figure?! Stop trying to get me to believe the same shit you believe. I don't believe it's the same so I can't be a hypocrite. You believe it's the same so to you I'm a hypocrite, to me I'm not. You just can't deal with the fact that I don't see eye to eye with you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I never claimed that ALL AMERICANS ARE ANTI-MUSLIM AND ANTI-ARAB. I said that in this time, after 9/11, it became ok to openly not like Muslims, Arabs, and people who are thought to be them. I said that's why I don't like living in this country. Before that I had no problem with it. Everyone here just wants to believe that I am anti-American. I have two major problems with this country - 1, my tax dollars go to help kill people in my own country and 2, the media plays one side of what we are so it makes it ok if someone in this country hates muslims/arabs.

But since I'm not gun-ho everyone wants to assume that I hate this country with a passion and want evil things to happen here. I forgot who but someone even said that I thought America was evil lol. I never said that.

You said you hate it here, you hate living here, you hate living in this country, you hate hate hate hate hate hate hate your parents hate living here, and on and on.

What exactly do you think people are supposed to think?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
What does my religion have to do with me thinking Ricky Martin flippin Bush off isn't a big deal!?! Why do you have to pull my religion into it and call me a hypocrite because I don't hold a politicial figure as high as I do a religious figure?! Stop trying to get me to believe the same shit you believe. I don't believe it's the same so I can't be a hypocrite. You believe it's the same so to you I'm a hypocrite, to me I'm not. You just can't deal with the fact that I don't see eye to eye with you.

Because you hold him important, you'd be angry at the idea of a public figure flipping the bird when discussing Muhammed, because you hold him important. Certain people hold our president important, myself included, so it's just as offensive.
The fact you can't see that isn't because you can't, it's because you choose not to.
Don't dismiss someone's indignation, when you yourself would be indignant were you in their shoes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Because you hold him important, you'd be angry at the idea of a public figure flipping the bird when discussing Muhammed, because you hold him important. Certain people hold our president important, myself included, so it's just as offensive.
The fact you can't see that isn't because you can't, it's because you choose not to.
Don't dismiss someone's indignation, when you yourself would be indignant were you in their shoes.

Why do I HAVE TO agree with you? I don't, just like you've said many times you don't care about Muhammed or those cartoons. Why should I care about someone flippin off Bush?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Not my fault if they take it whatever way they want to take it.

Then, it's not my fault you feel persecuted. You're creating the situation in your own mind.


Well-known member
The UN also recognizes Isreal as a legitimate state.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Why do I HAVE TO agree with you? I don't, just like you've said many times you don't care about Muhammed or those cartoons. Why should I care about someone flippin off Bush?!

I'm not saying that you should care about someone f lipping off the President.
I'm saying that you shouldn't dismiss the feelings of those who DO care.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Not my fault if they take it whatever way they want to take it.

And THIS is precisely why Shimmer keeps calling you out for being hypocritical. You'd go apeshit if someone was singing about your god and flipped the bird. Yet you refuse to acknowledge that to some people, George Bush is important. Just because he isn't to you, he couldn't POSSIBLY be important to anyone else. This is why people have issues with you, not because you are Muslim, but because of your attitude.


Well-known member
Shimmer - I'm not dismissing the feelings of those who do care. I never told you not to care. I never said you shouldn't care. What I've been saying over and over and over again is that I don't care. If you do then go for it, I'm not telling you not to care.


Well-known member
Can I just say... that Ricky Martin brings out the "best" in people...LOL.... ( sorry I had to )

what the hell have I done? started world war specktra!? lol I wasnt trying to get people to fightttt.. I'm just in loveeeee with Ricky.. =]

and I totally respect the fact that people have their own opinions, because I have them too.. but ricky is NOT a bad person for what he did.. i DID NOT say that what he did was right.. but that doesn't make him a bad person..

and hes sexy as hellllllllllllll

haha sorrry theres just too much tension up in hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
And THIS is precisely why Shimmer keeps calling you out for being hypocritical. You'd go apeshit if someone was singing about your god and flipped the bird. Yet you refuse to acknowledge that to some people, George Bush is important. Just because he isn't to you, he couldn't POSSIBLY be important to anyone else. This is why people have issues with you, not because you are Muslim, but because of your attitude.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
LMAO are you serious with this stuff?! Shimmer had to bring up the fact that I'm Muslim when it had nothing to do with this topic.


Most people can understand the value of an Analogy when trying to show someone their opinion or value.

Since you dont understand X, I'll show you how Y (which you do understand) is similar to X. This way you can understand X.

Many people in America see the President as JUST as important a figure, as you see your Prophet. Your prophet is the leader of the Islamic Religion. GWB is the current leader of the free world.

Just because YOU dont think he's as Important, doesn't mean others do. I dont personally think your Prophet is important (I think most organized religion is silly). Just because I dont believe he's as important, doesn't mean you value his importance any less.

You may not respect the Man, but you SHOULD respect the office.

So while you say it's no big deal Ricky gave GWB the finger, many American's DO think it's a big deal. So to better help you understand WHY they feel it's important (since you dont understand that), she drew an analogy to someone you hold a great deal of respect for.

To SHIMMER (and others) giving GWB the finger is JUST AS DISRESPECTFUL, as you feel drawing a cartoon of the Prophet is.

Thats ALL she said.

You then started to protest, when their was really nothing to protest at all. Typical.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Shimmer - I'm not dismissing the feelings of those who do care. I never told you not to care. I never said you shouldn't care. What I've been saying over and over and over again is that I don't care. If you do then go for it, I'm not telling you not to care.

And I explained to you why (because you did ask) it IS such a big deal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
...not president bush

Glad you clarified that. Somehow I just don't see you two together.

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