Ricky Martin flips off president..


Well-known member
Well let me tell you that your land was not taken away by the US
it was taken by Israel. and the US is actually doing the favor to have those camps set up.

We didnt make u guys lose your land so why should we help you get it back?

I dont mean to sound harsh. but you have really really crossed that line..

you say it like "the us said we would have our land back"
like if were not makin good on a promise ..

if we didnt lose it,

then thats something you should talk to YOUR government about


Well-known member
Raerae - I am proud to from California. California rocks, I'd hate to live in the Midwest or East Coast (I don't do snow). People in California don't treat me the way people on this forum treat me.

glamdoll - you're getting yourself a lil worked up over nothing. I'm not saying I'm the only person who is treated poorly. I stated other racers being treated poorly earlier.


Well-known member
Shimmer - I guess it's hard for you to understand what I'm saying. So we can pretend you're what is making me leave.

glamdoll - The US did have a part in helping Israel become Israel and taking over Palestinian land. They don't need to help give it back, but when they fund Israeli terrorisim then do you really expect Palestinians to jump for joy in support of Israel?

I'd like to add that there's not much the Palestinian government can do because they don't have much power. Israel holds the power.


Well-known member
No Im not getting worked up.
Its just that now your saying that ppl in california dont treat you
like people on here, but then you said something about how your ppl get treated here.

then how your not american, or dont like it..
and now ur proud californian, when california is part of america

yeah I dunno..
I dont think you even know..

but anyway...

yeah ricky martin flipped off the damn president
just like britney flippd off ppl in mexico

so lets call it even


Well-known member
The middle east the middle east...
oh gosh what to do about them.. war here war there..
if the US gets in.. there is war ..
if the US doesnot help..
there is war..

its just really hard to even try and help them..
theyr at war with themselves

in the land of Christ...


Well-known member
lmao I know what I've said thanks. No people in California don't treat me like this, because the Bay Area is very liberal. I'm aware that California is a part of America. Everyone just makes assumptions of what I'm saying so I'll let you guys do that.

I said I was American by citizenship and Palestinian by heritage ... if you can't understand what I'm saying and jump to your own conclusions and interpert what I'm saying then there's not much I can help you with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Shimmer - I guess it's hard for you to understand what I'm saying. So we can pretend you're what is making me leave.

You said people treating you badly is why you want to leave.
Then you said I'm the only person who treats you badly.
Logic follows that I am the one who is making you want to leave. I don't agree with you, but ok.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
The middle east the middle east...
oh gosh what to do about them.. war here war there..
if the US gets in.. there is war ..
if the US doesnot help..
there is war..

its just really hard to even try and help them..
theyr at war with themselves

in the land of Christ...

If you don't understand or know the situation don't try to solve it. And just remember that Palestinians are Christian too, and yes they are effected by Israel. Being concerned for the land of Christ should also have you concerned for your fellow Christians. (now I'm just making the assumption that you're Christian)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
and to Raerae.. its not as easy as it sounds to be just american.
wen u fill out exams for school.. it gives u options

-pacific islander

and so on and so forth..
I dont see the "american" option anywhere in there.
I consider myself a Mexican American and its not a label
its what I am.

Thats because your Ethnicity, isn't your Nationality. Your filling out paperwork, it's assumed that your an American.

Being Polish isn't an Ethnicity. People in Poland are Caucasian. The're also Black, Asian, Arab, Hispanic, etc etc etc.

Mexican isn't really a Ethnicity eigther. If your Mexican, your Hispanic. So when strangers say, oh what a cute Mexican girl, they incorrectly using Nationality in place of Ethnicity. As chances are if your heritage was from any other Latin American country, they would say, "what a cute Mexican Girl" too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You said people treating you badly is why you want to leave.
Then you said I'm the only person who treats you badly.
Logic follows that I am the one who is making you want to leave. I don't agree with you, but ok.

I didn't say you're the only one, I said you're the only one I've encountered. I don't get hatred for being Muslim or Arab .. the general Muslim and Arab community gets it. The only LOCAL attack on Muslims was an Afghan woman killed in the East Bay for wearing hijab.

I don't like the general hatred towards Muslims and Arabs in this country. You say you don't think it's ok to openly be anti-Muslim but the fact is that the majority of this country thinks it is.


Well-known member
I agree with shimmer.. Id quote ur past postings but theirs too many of them where u said its ppl like her that make u want to leave..
then that in cali u DONT get treated bad..
but then that your ppl get treated bad by our country

yes i get that ur american by citizenship n palestenian by heritage
I said that first about me being american and mexican by heritage..

what I dont get is your anger against the US
you make it seem like were bad when all this country
tries to do is send help all around the damn globe wen we hve problems at home..

and no no one here except trunkmoney was treating you bad.
you started an all out attack on our country..



Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I didn't say you're the only one, I said you're the only one I've encountered. I don't get hatred for being Muslim or Arab .. the general Muslim and Arab community gets it. The only LOCAL attack on Muslims was an Afghan woman killed in the East Bay for wearing hijab.

I don't like the general hatred towards Muslims and Arabs in this country. You say you don't think it's ok to openly be anti-Muslim but the fact is that the majority of this country thinks it is.

How many different places in this country have you lived?


Well-known member
Shimmer - I've only lived in the Bay Area as far as America.

glamdoll - If you misinterpert what I say there's nothing I can do about that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK

kiełbasa! Not Sausage =p

Pierogi! <---- Best ever when made correctly! I LOL when people try to pronounce it and always get it wrong.

Golumpki <--- Good stuff too.

We actually have at my Moms house, my Grandma's recipies. All handwritten on scraps of paper. Probably the worst part about her dying of Ahlztimers, I didn't get enough time to learn all the little tricks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I didn't say you're the only one, I said you're the only one I've encountered. I don't get hatred for being Muslim or Arab ...

I thought you said that you were being picked on for being muslim?
what about trunkmonkey who was the only one openly attacking you.. shimmer never attacked you personally

and wen you say " the rest of the country thinks is ok"

so you have talked to every single person in this country and they told you "oh yeah being anti-muslim is ok"


because yeah it must be true, there are NONE of our soldiers dying out there in the Middle east right?

none of our boys trying to bring democracy abroad rite?

yeah anyway

dont talk for the country as a whole because their is alot of ppl who try to change this..
there are ppl trying to change the hate against muslims, jews and many other groups that get hated on..
and u make their efforts seem non existant when you thrwo them in alont with "the rest of the country"

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I can't stand it when people hyphenate their nationality. I'm X-American, I'm Y-American, I'm Z-American. No your not. Your an American.

I think it's okay, if you and your family maintain the traditions of that national culture. I don't know how else to explain it, but I have friends who strongly identify themselves as dual-cultures. They're maintaining Indian and American culture (for instance), celebrating the holidays and things like that.

My personal pet peeve is if someone identifies more strongly with the other culture than the US one, when they grew up in this country.

It's almost impossible for me to identify just as being from a state of the US or as US citizen. I haven't met a single soul who isn't sated with me replying that I'm from x state or from the US. They press and press it; it's really ridiculous, considering I don't really identify with East Asia/Korea.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
kiełbasa! Not Sausage =p

Pierogi! <---- Best ever when made correctly! I LOL when people try to pronounce it and always get it wrong.

Golumpki <--- Good stuff too.

We actually have at my Moms house, my Grandma's recipies. All handwritten on scraps of paper. Probably the worst part about her dying of Ahlztimers, I didn't get enough time to learn all the little tricks.

Stay on topic Raerae
.........lol i kidd kidd and i must agree Pierogi is soooooooooo freaking good.. see now im hungry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Shimmer - I've only lived in the Bay Area as far as America.

glamdoll - If you misinterpert what I say there's nothing I can do about that.

Then really, you haven't experienced America as a whole have you?
I mean, I live here in Texas but I've lived numerous other places and experienced people from all over the country.

I'm certainly not trying to be rude and it is definitely important to be passionate about your beliefs, but maybe your attitude and the way you behave has something to do directly with how you're treated?


Well-known member
I agree with you beauty mark..

its true.. my one pet peeve is that ppl here in the us
celebrate "5 de Mayo" like this huge event..
wen I was 14 I was in mexico about to do my communion
and Quinceañera adn I was all excited cus I thought it be an even bigger celebration in mexico..
but no..
normal day.. nothing special.. nothing..

and here even the president has celebrated Cinco de MAyo!
the real holiday is on Sept 16 wen we gained our independence!
but yeah..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I thought you said that you were being picked on for being muslim?
what about trunkmonkey who was the only one openly attacking you.. shimmer never attacked you personally

and wen you say " the rest of the country thinks is ok"

so you have talked to every single person in this country and they told you "oh yeah being anti-muslim is ok"


because yeah it must be true, there are NONE of our soldiers dying out there in the Middle east right?

none of our boys trying to bring democracy abroad rite?

yeah anyway

dont talk for the country as a whole because their is alot of ppl who try to change this..
there are ppl trying to change the hate against muslims, jews and many other groups that get hated on..
and u make their efforts seem non existant when you thrwo them in alont with "the rest of the country"

LMAO are you serious with this stuff?! Shimmer had to bring up the fact that I'm Muslim when it had nothing to do with this topic. She, as a Mod of this board, allowed those remarks to be made. I said she's the only person that feels the need to bring up that I'm Muslim anytime I make a comment. What does me being Muslim have anything to do with me not thinking it's a big deal that Ricky Martin flipped off the preseident?! Why does my religion have to be brought into it. Shimmer is the only person who ever does that constantly. Yes mulitple people on this board have made anti-Muslim remarks towards me but she is the one who likes to bring it up when it has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

No I didn't speak to every person in this country, but I guess you don't understand what I meant by that either.

Don’t throw it in my face that your soldiers are dieing. I didn’t ask them to come, they signed up for the army. I don’t think anyone was confused and thought they were signing up for summer camp. They are well aware that they could go to war and die. Not my fault.

And when we do have democracy in the Middle East … i.e. Palestine, we get shit for it because it wasn’t who America wanted us to vote for.

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