Ricky Martin flips off president..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
Who cares? obviously you do because you're the one that brought it up. Granted Ricky Martin is a washed up has been but you'd have been happy to post something that anybody did that's disrespectful to him because you have a personal animus towards him.

As to my tone and censorship it could happen it could NOT happen however if I get my hand spanked on a board for breaking it's rules I try not to break those rules again or find boards that are more along my lines of thinking. Perhaps you ought to give those lines of thinking a shot.

As for your religion? Well I the only one I see that actively recruits people to dress in suits made by Dupont and turn themselves into not very smart bombs is yours.

Now I am painting with a very broad brush here but you have to admit that when the tables got turned on you you didn't like it much did you? Learn something from it is my suggestion.

Actually I didn't start this thread ... and you should really study people's religions before you start speaking out your ass. Oh and Shimmer I'm glad to see that you thanked her for her comments about my religion actively recruiting people to turn themselves into bombs.


Well-known member
Why Amoona does this mean we're not friends? I mean if I didn't think we were friends I don't think I could bear it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Actually I didn't start this thread ... and you should really study people's religions before you start speaking out your ass. Oh and Shimmer I'm glad to see that you thanked her for her comments about my religion actively recruiting people to turn themselves into bombs.

That's actually not the part of the post I was "thanking" but since you asked I was glad to see a new member who said:
"As to my tone and censorship it could happen it could NOT happen however if I get my hand spanked on a board for breaking it's rules I try not to break those rules again or find boards that are more along my lines of thinking."

As for the rest of the post, I'm sure there are statistics to both support and refute the conclusion, non?


Well-known member
Please dont think that you are not able to speek freely without being jumped on.. B.c that is not the case. You are also not the only memeber on Specktra that gets censored. Any memeber that does not follow the TOS gets sensored/edited. We try to treat everyone the same. So dont point yourself out like that. Jamie already handled the situtaion, and i think we should just leave it at that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Please dont think that you are not able to speek freely without being jumped on.. B.c that is not the case. You are also not the only memeber on Specktra that gets censored. Any memeber that does not follow the TOS gets sensored/edited. We try to treat everyone the same. So dont point yourself out like that. Jamie already handled the situtaion, and i think we should just leave it at that.

She already handled the situation?! Then please explain why it's ok for people to openly and freely make anti-Muslim statements?! Last time I checked this thread was about Ricky Martin and it was in the Entertainment section!!! If I were to make those type of statements and they were anti-Jewish or anti-Christian I would have my comments deleted.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
She already handled the situation?! Then please explain why it's ok for people to openly and freely make anti-Muslim statements?! Last time I checked this thread was about Ricky Martin and it was in the Entertainment section!!! If I were to make those type of statements and they were anti-Jewish or anti-Christian I would have my comments deleted.

Again, I'm not making anti-Muslim statements. I'm saying don't be a hypocrite. And, the thread is about his behaviour and why it's offensive. You said it wasn't, people are disagreeing (myself included) and stating why it was.


Well-known member
You're not but Trunkmonkey is openly making anti-Muslim statements that have nothing to do with the thread. She's personally attacking me and you're "thanking" her for it. Just proves how much hate people on this forum have towards Muslims. It proves that it's ok to be anti-Muslim in this country because we're the "enemy". This thread didn't have anything to do with Muslim until I made a statement saying I didn't see it as a big deal cuz it's just Ricky Martin and then YOU decided to bring up the fact that I'm Muslim. Because that's all that I am right?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
You're not but Trunkmonkey is openly making anti-Muslim statements that have nothing to do with the thread. She's personally attacking me and you're "thanking" her for it. Just proves how much hate people on this forum have towards Muslims. It proves that it's ok to be anti-Muslim in this country because we're the "enemy". This thread didn't have anything to do with Muslim until I made a statement saying I didn't see it as a big deal cuz it's just Ricky Martin and then YOU decided to bring up the fact that I'm Muslim. Because that's all that I am right?!

well your avatar kind of clued me in as well not to mention I lurk this board and only today really had the time to bother with drivel. however as I really want to be friends with you I'm offering a gift of

to you


Well-known member
Did you miss this post regarding the "thanks" feature and the reason I used it?
No, I didn't bring up the fact that you're Muslim, and then make the leap of logic that since you're Muslim you're wrong.
I brought up the fact that his actions were disrespectful, regardless of whether you saw them as such, much the same as you viewed the cartoonists actions as disrespectful, though I did not.
TrunkMonkey's statements, while inflammatory and presented in a pretty flat-out deadpan manner, aren't entirely incorrect.
Instead of getting riled and making assumptions about things, why not bring forth evidence to refute what she's saying? I'm sure you, as someone who has studied her religion and is as knowledgable as you are, have a ton of evidence to the contrary of what she's saying.
Just because you don't agree with me on a subjective matter doesn't make you wrong, but how you handle the disagreement can cast you in poor light. The same goes for me and how I handle my own disagreement with you on subjective matter. If I fly off the handle and make unfounded assumptions, I'm only damaging my own credibility, no matter how valid my point may be.


Well-known member
I'm not going to discuss it because this topic isn't about it! Not to mention that TrunkMonkey seems to be a 15 year old child with no knowledge of anything beyond her own world. I don't have the time or engery to try to inform ignorant children about reality. I'm not trying to make anyone agree with me, I was just making a statement of what I thought.

Then I get attacked by it like I always do when I make a comment on something that isn't make-up related. I'm not flying off the handle, I'm just coming to the realization that this forum has a lot of anti-Muslim people, a lot of people who think it's ok to be hateful towards Muslims. Fine, that's America what can I expect. I just realize that I can't make any statements outside of make-up comments without being attacked for being Muslim ... even though my statements had NOTHING to do with me being Muslim.


Well-known member
You weren't attacked for being Muslim.
Muslims don't bother people. Generally they really really don't. What bothers most people about anyone, Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Moonies, Mormons, whatever, is hypocrisy.
It's not hateful to say that the Christian religion is full of hypocritical leaders, who more often than not privately embody that which they speak against.
It's likewise not hateful to say that there are a preponderance of people of the Muslim faith who believe it's a great idea to walk into a non combatant marketplace and blow a hole in the ground.
I don't think trunkmonkey is being ignorant, and the syntax suggests she's probably educated.
Reality? Which reality? The one were Islam is a religion of peace and love or the one where car bombs, backpack bombs, and suicide bombers are in the news everyday? Which reality are we going to discuss? I'll gladly discuss either, but when we do, be prepared for me to ask "Ok, peace love harmony, got that but if that's the case then why...?" and expect a reasonable answer.


Well-known member
TrunkMonkey please be nice. If you have a point to make, by all means, please do so, but don't be deliberately inflammatory.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona

I'm just coming to the realization that this forum has a lot of anti-Muslim people, a lot of people who think it's ok to be hateful towards Muslims. Fine, that's America what can I expect.

Im offended by this comment..........

1: from what i can gather members on this forum is NOT Anti-Muslim...

2:That's (America) I beg to differ......... you shouldnt generalize the american ppl. B.c all american Ppl are not like that.. Funny how u make that comment.. and at the same time you live in Cali" USA/America... No?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
TrunkMonkey please be nice. If you have a point to make, by all means, please do so, but don't be deliberately inflammatory.


yes maam... my apologies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
That's using using rational and wholly logical arguments against my point? Funny. As far as you not being offended by the cartoons of the Prophet I don't expect you to. If you're not Muslim you don't believe in him so why would you be offended? As for the reason why I'm offended by his cartoon ... they drew him with a turban that had a bomb on it. I never said it should matter to you or it should be a big deal. I just don't think it's one the same level.

But since it's ok for people to speak to me the way Trunkmonkey spoke to me, and it's not ok for me to speak freely without being jumped on ... like I said before, I'll stick to the make-up threads. AND yes you have censored me A LOT in the past, if I were to have made the comment that Trunkmonkey did you would have deleted it in a heart beat.

I'm not going to defend someone I don't know, but I didnt' read what she said to you as being that harsh, until you reacted the way you did.
By all m eans, speak freely, it's encouraged, but please don't be offended when others do the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'll gladly discuss either, but when we do, be prepared for me to ask "Ok, peace love harmony, got that but if that's the case then why...?" and expect a reasonable answer.

There a billions of Muslims in the world if you want to know why they do the things they do then you need to ask them directly. I can only imagine why people in Palestine and Iraq blow themselves up. It has nothing to do with Islam, it has to do with politics. If you ask why then I can only refer you to the Qur'an and let you know that in the Qur'an suicide of any kind is a sin and killing innocent people is a sin. That's like me asking you why do Christians blow up abortion clinics?! That's not very Christian of them. Or why do Jews live and support in Israel when infact the Torah forbids a Jewish state until the coming of the Messiah?! That's not very Jewish of them. They feel that it is, even if it really isn't. I can't expect you to answer for indiviuals who take religion and make it into what they want it to be.

It also shouldn't be ok for an entire religion to be attacked for what a handful of people do. And if you think I haven't been attacked on this forum before for being Muslim, or on this thread for being Muslim ... then just know I'm not the only person who thinks that. I've been sent numerous PMs from people now, and in past threads, who have said that you're always attacking me for my religion and my heritage. I can't even make a comment about a celebrity without my religion being brought into the mix.


Well-known member

"jackasses like Bush just need the finger lol."

George Bush is the President of the United States. When you make comments like that I consider it somewhat inflammatory.

I have some work to do now so I'm going to give you a couple of free hours to explain why I should be concerned with not upsetting you by making harsh statements about something you hold dear when you have no such concern when it comes to anyone else.

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