Ricky Martin flips off president..


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Originally Posted by amoona
That was not directed at you, it was directed at Shimmer. I responded to that right after her comment.



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Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Hun Jamie "can not do anything in tihs Forum" even though we are both Mods.. this is not our section... so with all repsect Jamie nor i can make any mods in here.

And if u feel like there are some anti-muslims in this forum.. im sorry that u feel like some ppl come off that way.

And personally Im only speaking for myself...... do not think it is okay to be Anti-Muslim, and that in America at this time in this day that it is ok. And there is no "there was a time when...." there still is anywhere you go in life you will encounter predijuce of some sorts. I went through it... i still go through it... i just dont let it bother me.

She can't censor but she can start the thread into drifting off topic and turning it into a Muslim issue? You may not think it's ok to be anti-Muslim in America ... just as many people didn't feel it was ok to be anti-Black during the civil rights movement. But it doesn't change the fact that it is widely accepted to be anti-Muslim and anti-Arab in this country. You may not agree with that but it isn't really shunned upon in general society. I would just expect it to be stopped on a forum that is infamous for censoring me for my own personal beliefs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Your not attacking my religion, you're just bringing it up when it has nothing to do with anything. You just feel that it's important that anytime I make a personal statement you bring up my religion. Then you allow other members to openly trash my religion and use rather strong stereotypes in their statements. That's a major double standard because I've been censored many times by you for making statements you felt were insulting.

You're viewing my statement as an attack.
There's nothing I can do to change that.

I can and will only reiterate it was not an attack on you or your religion.
Regarding the other posts, they've been dealt with privately, which is within the realm of responsibility for a moderator.


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I don't understand why anyone stays in a place that they actively dislike and feel "persecuted" in. Be it a country or an online forum.


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And obviously dealing with it privately hasn't changed anything publicly because those statements are still there and were still made.


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Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I don't understand why anyone stays in a place that they actively dislike and feel "persecuted" in. Be it a country or an online forum.

I guess you didn't read what I wrote about why I'm in this country by force and not by choice. As for this forum like I said before, when people stop trying to attack me on this thread I will no longer post anything on here unless it's make-up related.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
And obviously dealing with it privately hasn't changed anything publicly because those statements are still there and were still made.

Again, what exactly do you want me to do?
It's outside my realm of capability, as this thread is not in one of the forums under my responsibility.

Obviously dealing with it privately DID work, as an apology was issued and the statements subsequently were tempered.

I'm also going to point out that the administration of the site has rules regarding thread deletion and removal, as well as post moderation. It's not just done willy nilly for the fun of it, though I can assure you that other sites will, can, and do.
No moderator, not me, Christine, or any other, can just delete a post or a thread for no reason. Any action taken has to be documented...based on this, your accusations of me "deleting posts/threads" in a heartbeat for "no reason" are off base.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I guess you didn't read what I wrote about why I'm in this country by force and not by choice. As for this forum like I said before, when people stop trying to attack me on this thread I will no longer post anything on here unless it's make-up related.

Actually I did and I think its BS. There are tons of other countries you could live in and get an education without having to live in America. Many of those countries are more in line with your particular world view and less "anti-Muslim" (as you so frequently point out) than the US.


Well-known member
No dealin with it privately didn't because no apology for what was said was issued. An apology to you was made nothing was done about anything that was said. And comments were made after this so-called apology.

My "accusations" of you deleting my past comments in a heartbeat are not off base. You did so very "willy nilly" when you didn't agree with what I had to say.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Actually I did and I think its BS. There are tons of other countries you could live in and get an education without having to live in America. Many of those countries are more in line with your particular world view and less "anti-Muslim" (as you so frequently point out) than the US.

Well you thinking it's BS is fine, if that's what you believe. Obiously you know nothing about what it's like to be a refugee and not being able to go back and live in your own country.


Well-known member
You don't have the first clue what I do and do not know about leaving other countries or abandoning religions. I know that this country that you so frequently bitch about offers you opportunities you couldn't possibly dream about in many, many other places. And personally, I find you to be ungrateful in your constant whining about how much America is anti-Muslim and evil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
No dealin with it privately didn't because no apology for what was said was issued. An apology to you was made nothing was done about anything that was said. And comments were made after this so-called apology.

My "accusations" of you deleting my past comments in a heartbeat are not off base. You did so very "willy nilly" when you didn't agree with what I had to say.

What exactly is supposed to be done?
And of course comments were made, the person was taking part in the conversation.
One post was made after the apology for crossing the line was issued.
There's nothing inflammatory about that post, unless you're offended that you're being called out for hypocrisy. If that's the case, there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. [shrug]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Well you thinking it's BS is fine, if that's what you believe. Obiously you know nothing about what it's like to be a refugee and not being able to go back and live in your own country.

By no stretch am I saying you should leave however, there are, as it was pointed out, many other options. It's a matter of utilizing them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
You don't have the first clue what I do and do not know about leaving other countries or abandoning religions. I know that this country that you so frequently bitch about offers you opportunities you couldn't possibly dream about in many, many other places. And personally, I find you to be ungrateful in your constant whining about how much America is anti-Muslim and evil.

If you knew so much about being a Palestinian refugee then you wouldn't have made the comment you did. Obviously you don't so you think that me saying I'm forced to live here is BS. That's fine I can't expect you to know what it's like unless you're a Palestinian refugee.

I have no idea what opportunities that is offered to me in this country that I couldn't get in other places?! The only place I couldn't live in the way I live now is in my own country, and that's thanks to Israeli occupation. I plan on moving to UAE once I'm done with school and I have more opportunities there then I do here. I also never said the US was evil I said that in this country at this point in time it's ok to be openly anti-Muslim.


Well-known member
And, as the people you're accusing of being anti muslim, we're saying it's still not, despite your perceptions.

Of course, your perception is your reality, but no, it's not okay to be anti-muslim.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What exactly is supposed to be done?
And of course comments were made, the person was taking part in the conversation.
One post was made after the apology for crossing the line was issued.
There's nothing inflammatory about that post, unless you're offended that you're being called out for hypocrisy. If that's the case, there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. [shrug]

Ok if you so strongly believe I'm a hyprocrite because I don't hold a politicial figure in the same respect and admoration as a religious figure then feel that way. If I don't agree with you then you just wont get over it.

I don't care what politicial leader it is, religion is more important to me, and not just my own. Do you respect the President of Iran?! Have you ever insulted him?! Did you respect Saddam Hussein?! Those are politicial leaders that many many people love and respect and admire. If you don't like then I'm not going to jump on your personal opinion. But wouldn't that be hypocriticial?! And from what I remember from previous posts you're not too found of Saddam Hussein. So are you a hypocrite for insulting him and not respecting him yet expecting me to respect Bush?! Or actually it didn't even start that way ... it started with me saying I didn't care that Ricky Martin flipped off Bush, I didn't see it as a big deal.


Well-known member
Wow... Off topic

Amoona - No one is attacking your religion - though there have been statements made pointing out some aspects of it which may not be representative of Islam. No one is personally attacking you - and everyone has/should have the right to express their own opinion, even if it hurts someone elses feelings. Of course you have the right to feel defensive, angry, etc., but try to see that none of these people are "muslim-haters".. And I think Ladybug was trying to say that maybe living in Canada or a European country would be a more positive experience than living in the USA. I'm sure that your parents had personal reasons for moving to the states, as did mine.

Trunkmonkey - You were kind of asking for it =p

Shimmer, Hyper - props for professionally handling the situation, no need to fly off the handle right?

And... back to topic!

I think he flipped off the pres. so that people would do what we are doing precisely at this minute - thinking about him!

One word - publicity


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Amoona
Ok if you so strongly believe I'm a hyprocrite because I don't hold a politicial figure in the same respect and admoration as a religious figure then feel that way. If I don't agree with you then you just wont get over it.

I don't care what politicial leader it is, religion is more important to me, and not just my own. Do you respect the President of Iran?! Have you ever insulted him?! Did you respect Saddam Hussein?! Those are politicial leaders that many many people love and respect and admire. If you don't like then I'm not going to jump on your personal opinion. But wouldn't that be hypocriticial?! And from what I remember from previous posts you're not too found of Saddam Hussein. So are you a hypocrite for insulting him and not respecting him yet expecting me to respect Bush?! Or actually it didn't even start that way ... it started with me saying I didn't care that Ricky Martin flipped off Bush, I didn't see it as a big deal.

Again, I say, respect the rank not the man.
I don't have to respect Hussein, nor Bush, nor Fox, Hamas, nor anyone else. It's their position I have to respect.
Disagree with me? Fine. Do so.
But please, do it eloquently.

Additionally, when it was pointed out that the cartoons weren't that big a deal, you were offended, and felt justified. Why is it okay for you to be offended and feel justified in that offense but not okay for someone else to be equally offended at the President of the United States of America being flipped off by a half baked over sexed closeted fading popstar?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I have no idea what opportunities that is offered to me in this country that I couldn't get in other places?! The only place I couldn't live in the way I live now is in my own country, and that's thanks to Israeli occupation.

You have got to be kidding, right? You honestly think that you could live your life, the way that you do now, as a Muslim woman and be safe from harm in a majority of Muslim countries around the globe?? You must be seriously deluded if you think you would enjoy the rights of being treated equally instead of as a second class citizen in most Muslim countries. And trust me, I know this first hand. Every single day of my life I give thanks that my father had the foresight to leave Pakistan so that his children wouldn't have to grow up oppressed simply because they weren't born with a Y chromosome. Sure, there are people in this country that are anti-Muslim, but I don't see any reports of Muslim women in this country being shot dead for not covering their heads, raped for revenge, attacked with acid, or killed for "honor" by fellow Americans.


Well-known member
amoona said this:She already handled the situation?! Then please explain why it's ok for people to openly and freely make anti-Muslim statements?! Last time I checked this thread was about Ricky Martin and it was in the Entertainment section!!! If I were to make those type of statements and they were anti-Jewish or anti-Christian I would have my comments deleted.

Sweetie- why is it OK for YOU to make ANTI AMERICAN statements? You get worked up when anyone makes an anti muslim statement why should we accept it when you make an anti american statement?

And About being censored honey even I get censored by the mods. It's not like they are after you and only you. You have it in your head that everyone is out to get you because your Muslim when no that's not the case. But we are trying to get you to see OUR point of view that many of us have bent over BACKWARDS to see YOUR point of view.

That's what baffles me. You are obviously a very nice, intelligent person but you seem to be very narrow minded and almost refuse to allow others to express their views.

We're not anti muslim, but we do wonder sometimes.

At some point you are going to have to realize that it's not all about you. We're not personally attacking you or your religion we are questioning it. But that's the exact same thing you do to us with OUR country.