Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I don't understand why anyone stays in a place that they actively dislike and feel "persecuted" in. Be it a country or an online forum. |
Originally Posted by amoona
And obviously dealing with it privately hasn't changed anything publicly because those statements are still there and were still made. |
Originally Posted by FAQ Use common sense. Don’t break the rules. Don’t post messages that even hint at advertising. (unless in the Shameless Promotions forum and follow the Shameless Promotion forum guidelines) We don’t censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce TOS & Forum Guidelines outlined both here and in their respective forums. We reserve all rights to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. If you have any questions about guidelines, rules, etc listed in this post please contact one of the staff members or an Administrator. In addition to the rules posted here, members are required to read any individual forum rules which may be posted at the top of specific forums. By using this forum, you further agree to abide by Specktra’s TOS (Terms of Service). Specktra management assumes all members have read these terms, and will not take ignorance of any rules as an excuse for not following any guidelines outlined here and in the forum specific rules. Banning or Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines. |
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What exactly is supposed to be done? And of course comments were made, the person was taking part in the conversation. One post was made after the apology for crossing the line was issued. There's nothing inflammatory about that post, unless you're offended that you're being called out for hypocrisy. If that's the case, there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. [shrug] |
Originally Posted by Amoona Ok if you so strongly believe I'm a hyprocrite because I don't hold a politicial figure in the same respect and admoration as a religious figure then feel that way. If I don't agree with you then you just wont get over it. I don't care what politicial leader it is, religion is more important to me, and not just my own. Do you respect the President of Iran?! Have you ever insulted him?! Did you respect Saddam Hussein?! Those are politicial leaders that many many people love and respect and admire. If you don't like then I'm not going to jump on your personal opinion. But wouldn't that be hypocriticial?! And from what I remember from previous posts you're not too found of Saddam Hussein. So are you a hypocrite for insulting him and not respecting him yet expecting me to respect Bush?! Or actually it didn't even start that way ... it started with me saying I didn't care that Ricky Martin flipped off Bush, I didn't see it as a big deal. |
amoona said this:She already handled the situation?! Then please explain why it's ok for people to openly and freely make anti-Muslim statements?! Last time I checked this thread was about Ricky Martin and it was in the Entertainment section!!! If I were to make those type of statements and they were anti-Jewish or anti-Christian I would have my comments deleted. |