Ricky Martin flips off president..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Im offended by this comment..........

1: from what i can gather members on this forum is NOT Anti-Muslim...

2:That's (America) I beg to differ......... you shouldnt generalize the american ppl. B.c all american Ppl are not like that.. Funny how u make that comment.. and at the same time you live in Cali" USA/America... No?

Not all the members are anti-Muslim but being anti-Muslim is widely accepted on this forum. Nobody is ever censored for it when I am censored for making my personal views ... as I have been in the past MANY MANY times by Shimmer.

I also only live in California by force, not by choice. I'm a third generation Palestinian refugee and because my parents came here for school and had me here I am not able to get Palestinian citizenship thanks to Israel. Therefore I can not return to my country and live there, I'm only allowed temporary visits. Now I'm only waiting to finish school and I'll be on the first plane back to the Middle East ... and if you want to ask why I go to school here instead of in the Middle East ... I can't afford to pay a $30k a year tuition and being an American citizen I don't get the financial aid that I would if I was a citizen of an Arab country.


Well-known member
I dont think its appropriate to compare a president to a religious leader. Bush's term is over in 08 thnk goodness, while a religious leader is admired by his ppl and is wanted there.. unlike the president who was placed there and didnt honestly win the office..

I got my comment on "New York" from flavor of love censored because it was "rude and unneseary" according to one of the Mods

I think a comment on someones religious leader is also rude n unnesesary. I commented on a person who truly is a nobody.
and here a persons beliefs are being attacked.

Not everyone stands behind the president, and not everyone cares that he got flipped off by Ricky. Just like clinton when his term is over no one will care..

Id be offended if someone compared bush to the pope!
its not necesary and its not the samething at all..
a religious leader is someone the people support, love and follow.
A political leader is in office is suppose to try to run the country in "good way" while his term is valiid then he is out..
afterwards no one gives about what happens to him..
and its not the case in a religious leader


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey

"jackasses like Bush just need the finger lol."

George Bush is the President of the United States. When you make comments like that I consider it somewhat inflammatory.

I have some work to do now so I'm going to give you a couple of free hours to explain why I should be concerned with not upsetting you by making harsh statements about something you hold dear when you have no such concern when it comes to anyone else.

Um you don't need to be concerned with not upsetting me. I'm upset with the fact that it's ok to be anti-Muslim on this forum and nobody censors your remarks when in the past Shimmer has run wild with deleting my comments. You're an ignorant lil girl, I get it, not your fault you have a lot to learn.

But if Shimmer wants to take the role of a mod she should treat everyone the same. Which is something that many other people think as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
There a billions of Muslims in the world if you want to know why they do the things they do then you need to ask them directly. I can only imagine why people in Palestine and Iraq blow themselves up. It has nothing to do with Islam, it has to do with politics.

I'm sure that it does, but their reason is always their religion. OBL's reasoning: America is the land of infidels. My brother gets called an infidel every day, apparently it's supposedly worse than being called "asshole" but whatever...

If you ask why then I can only refer you to the Qur'an and let you know that in the Qur'an suicide of any kind is a sin and killing innocent people is a sin. That's like me asking you why do Christians blow up abortion clinics?! That's not very Christian of them. Or why do Jews live and support in Israel when infact the Torah forbids a Jewish state until the coming of the Messiah?! That's not very Jewish of them. They feel that it is, even if it really isn't. I can't expect you to answer for indiviuals who take religion and make it into what they want it to be.

I can refer you to the same texts regarding suicide and murder in the Bible. Christians and abortion clinics, I don't know. I view them the same way, I believe, as you view extremists of your own religion.

It also shouldn't be ok for an entire religion to be attacked for what a handful of people do. And if you think I haven't been attacked on this forum before for being Muslim, or on this thread for being Muslim ... then just know I'm not the only person who thinks that. I've been sent numerous PMs from people now, and in past threads, who have said that you're always attacking me for my religion and my heritage. I can't even make a comment about a celebrity without my religion being brought into the mix.

I didn't bring your religion into the mix other than to make an analogy.
I've never attacked you for your heritage, nor for your religion. I do and will call out hypocrisy as I see it, and if that's perceived as an attack, the onus is NOT on me. Were a "Christian" member to make statements in support of abortion clinic bombings etc. you can bet your sweet ass I'd be on his/her case quick as a duck on a junebug.
I don't attack another person, I will question, decry, query, interject, and bring forth all manner of querolous behaviour when it comes to hypocritical ideals.
I'm not attacking you for being Muslim, and I view your statement that I am the same as I view an underqualified job applicant stating that s/he didn't get the job because s/he was ______ race.
It doesn't have anything to do with your race, or in this case, your religion. It has to do with a double standard of ideals that doesn't make sense but only seems applicable in certain point.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Um you don't need to be concerned with not upsetting me. I'm upset with the fact that it's ok to be anti-Muslim on this forum and nobody censors your remarks when in the past Shimmer has run wild with deleting my comments. You're an ignorant lil girl, I get it, not your fault you have a lot to learn.

But if Shimmer wants to take the role of a mod she should treat everyone the same. Which is something that many other people think as well.

You're making blind assumptions here. You have no idea what I've said to this person behind the scenes. You have no idea what PMs have or have not been sent. It would help to remember that.

Regarding your, and the opinions of others you're citing, by all means contact the site administration with your concerns.


Well-known member
WTF are you talking about lol?! This is getting hilarious because you're starting to buy into your own crap. I made a personal statement that I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought it was kind funny because Ricky Martin flipped off the President. Just like I laugh at anyone when they flip someone off. To me it's like "wtf r you doing?! whats a finger gonna do". I'm not being a hypocrite for not thinking that purposly insulting an entire religious community is the same as some nobody celebrity flipping off Bush. If you think it is that's your personal opinion, I don't. Get over it and stop trying to convince me that it is the same. Sorry I respect my religion a lot more then I respect Bush or any other politicial figure in the world.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You're making blind assumptions here. You have no idea what I've said to this person behind the scenes. You have no idea what PMs have or have not been sent. It would help to remember that.

Regarding your, and the opinions of others you're citing, by all means contact the site administration with your concerns.

What goes on in PMs obviously hasn't changed anything in public.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I dont think its appropriate to compare a president to a religious leader. Bush's term is over in 08 thnk goodness, while a religious leader is admired by his ppl and is wanted there.. unlike the president who was placed there and didnt honestly win the office..

I got my comment on "New York" from flavor of love censored because it was "rude and unneseary" according to one of the Mods

I think a comment on someones religious leader is also rude n unnesesary. I commented on a person who truly is a nobody.
and here a persons beliefs are being attacked.

Not everyone stands behind the president, and not everyone cares that he got flipped off by Ricky. Just like clinton when his term is over no one will care..

Id be offended if someone compared bush to the pope!
its not necesary and its not the samething at all..
a religious leader is someone the people support, love and follow.
A political leader is in office is suppose to try to run the country in "good way" while his term is valiid then he is out..
afterwards no one gives about what happens to him..
and its not the case in a religious leader

A) It's not censorship.
B) I appreciate your point, to an extent. I'm not comparing the President to anyone other than to say that "What? He's just an asshole who got flipped off he deserved it the idiot haha." is a hypocritical statement when I can immediately turn that around and say "God. What? So they drew Muhammed with a bomb in his turban. Ever wonder WHY they might have done that? Geez."
C) The reason why I say (B) is because it's an unfair and hypocritical action to say "OH dismiss that because he's not important but don't dismiss this because it's important to me!!" Correct in that the President and his role may not be important to her, or someone else, but there ARE people who respect him and his position. As such, it's rude, demeaning, and disrespectful to THOSE people to say "OH big deal, stop whining."

I don't care about her religion.
I don't care about her ethnicity.
I don't care about her personal habits.

I do care, however, when a blatant double standard is being applied. Just because it's not important to her, just because it's not disrespectful to her, doesn't make it wrong for others to view it as disrespectful.

And, I'm going to add here: For anyone who doesn't like what Bush is doing, and who thinks he's doing a terrible job, and anyone could do so so so much better, there's an election coming up in a little over a year. By all means, get a platform, start a grassroots campaign and run.
That man, as did all the Presidents before him, carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, whether we're actively at war or not. The sheer weight of the responsibility he has on his mind everyday is boggling. If you think you can do better, by all means, run.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
What goes on in PMs obviously hasn't changed anything in public.

What exactly do you expect? The member apologised, several posts back, when I asked her to be nice and be within the TOS.
What more do you want? Do you want me to ask the admins to ban her? Do you want me to ask them to delete her? Ban her IP? Make her agree with you? What? She's not doing anything untoward other than not sugarcoating what she says.
I asked her to be nice, she said she would. I linked her the FAQ and the TOS of the site, and she said thanks and said she would adhere to them, which she is. What more, exactly do you want me to do?


Well-known member
So you care when I make a double standard ... which I don't believe I did ... but when you make a double standard and allow other people to make hateful and "inflammatory" remarks it's ok?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What exactly do you expect? The member apologised, several posts back, when I asked her to be nice and be within the TOS.
What more do you want? Do you want me to ask the admins to ban her? Do you want me to ask them to delete her? Ban her IP? Make her agree with you? What? She's not doing anything untoward other than not sugarcoating what she says.
I asked her to be nice, she said she would. I linked her the FAQ and the TOS of the site, and she said thanks and said she would adhere to them, which she is. What more, exactly do you want me to do?

So you asked her and she decided she'd do it when you wanted and she continues to make the same remarks she's been making in the same manner she's been making it. what do I expect you to do?! CENSOR HER! Delete her comments. It's so easy for you to do that to me but you can't do it to her? Just because she thinks the same way you think?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
So you asked her and she decided she'd do it when you wanted and she continues to make the same remarks she's been making in the same manner she's been making it. what do I expect you to do?! CENSOR HER! Delete her comments. It's so easy for you to do that to me but you can't do it to her? Just because she thinks the same way you think?

a) This isn't a forum I'm a moderator of.
b) I'm not sure what you want deleted.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I dont think its appropriate to compare a president to a religious leader. Bush's term is over in 08 thnk goodness, while a religious leader is admired by his ppl and is wanted there.. unlike the president who was placed there and didnt honestly win the office..

I got my comment on "New York" from flavor of love censored because it was "rude and unneseary" according to one of the Mods

I think a comment on someones religious leader is also rude n unnesesary. I commented on a person who truly is a nobody.
and here a persons beliefs are being attacked.

Not everyone stands behind the president, and not everyone cares that he got flipped off by Ricky. Just like clinton when his term is over no one will care..

Id be offended if someone compared bush to the pope!
its not necesary and its not the samething at all..
a religious leader is someone the people support, love and follow.
A political leader is in office is suppose to try to run the country in "good way" while his term is valiid then he is out..
afterwards no one gives about what happens to him..
and its not the case in a religious leader

Yup that would be me.. that made that comment to you... with good reason.. but thats a different subject. Although i agree with you to an extent........religious leaders are loved and followed, but at the sametime so are some political leaders. Hrmmmm do i support Bush and what he does.... "no comment"

Once again there is always a way of having a stimulating conversation without backlashing at one another. Everyone is not going to agree with what u are saying or what you believe in and this goes for everyone.....but there is a way to go about it.

The thing is people will make comments on anything and everything.. even religious leaders.... Political leaders. you can dissagree, its all about how u word it weather ppl will get offended or not. There is a repsectable way of disagreeing with someone.

but saying this forum is full of Anti-Muslim... or thats just America.. is a little far fetched..no?

In all honesty i dont care what Ricky Martin did.... that is just me and how i feel.. will someone else feel different? (sure) am i going to try to attact them? (no) am i going to say ( you guys are Ricky Martin haters..) no....... am i going to say ....... This Forum is Bush Haters.... (No)

its all about repsect......... nothing more... nothing less

"you repsect how i feel and ill respect how you feel"
My comments might be blunt but i dont go out my way to insult ppl in anyway. and that is how everyone should be. your intitled to your own personal Op's.. i said it once and ill say it again... "it all has to do with ur wording"


Well-known member
I'm sure you wouldn't see what's offensive about her comments seeing that you agree with what she's saying. That's fine. I just know better then to try to voice a simple no big deal personal opinion on this forum or else my religion will be attacked.


Well-known member
your religion isn't being attacked...I'm not attacking your religion...only the double standard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Once again there is always a way of having a stimulating conversation without backlashing at one another. Everyone is not going to agree with what u are saying or what you believe in and this goes for everyone.....but there is a way to go about it.

The thing is people will make comments on anything and everything.. even religious leaders.... Political leaders. you can dissagree, its all about how u word it weather ppl will get offended or not. There is a repsectable way of disagreeing with someone.

but saying this forum is full of Anti-Muslim... or thats just America.. is a little far fetched..no?

In all honesty i dont care what Ricky Martin did.... that is just me and how i feel.. will someone else feel different? (sure) am i going to try to attact them? (no) am i going to say ( you guys are Ricky Martin haters..) no....... am i going to say ....... This Forum is Bush Haters.... (No)

its all about repsect......... nothing more... nothing less

"you repsect how i feel and ill respect how you feel"
My comments might be blunt but i dont go out my way to insult ppl in anyway. and that is how everyone should be. your intitled to your own personal Op's.. i said it once and ill say it again... "it all has to do with ur wording"

That's the thing I did't backlash anyone. I made a comment that I honestly didn't think was that serious. I don't care what Ricky Martin did ... just like you said you didn't care what he did. But the moment I open my mouth and type something I get a backlash. Shimmer has to bring up something totally off topic and bring my religion into the mix. Then I have some newbie coming in and goes out of her way to insult me because I'm Muslim. Nobody says anything, people agree with her and that's fine you can agree with her. But I think it's a lil irresponsible if you're supposed to be a Mod and you're censorship crazy and you what she said go. If I made similiar statements they would have been deleted in a heart beat ... just like most of my past comments on threads were deleted by Shimmer. If she doesn't agree with your opinion she'll delete it.

I didn't say this forum is full of people who are anti-Muslim ... but there are people here who have showed they are anti-Muslim time and time again and it is something that the Mods have been ok with. And yes I did say that's just America because in this country, at this time, it's ok to be anti-Muslim. Just like at one point in time it was ok to be anti-Black, and once it was ok to be anti-Italian, and once it was ok to be anti-Irish and we can go on. I just think people should all be treated the same as far as having their comments deleted. Obviously the Mods don't, so I can't say anything on her that isn't make-up related without being attacked for my religion ... even though my religion had NOTHING to do with why I said what I said.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I'm sure you wouldn't see what's offensive about her comments seeing that you agree with what she's saying. That's fine. I just know better then to try to voice a simple no big deal personal opinion on this forum or else my religion will be attacked.

Please dont say i agree with this members comment.. b.c with all due respect you dont what i agree with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
That's the thing I did't backlash anyone. I made a comment that I honestly didn't think was that serious. I don't care what Ricky Martin did ... just like you said you didn't care what he did. But the moment I open my mouth and type something I get a backlash. Shimmer has to bring up something totally off topic and bring my religion into the mix. Then I have some newbie coming in and goes out of her way to insult me because I'm Muslim. Nobody says anything, people agree with her and that's fine you can agree with her. But I think it's a lil irresponsible if you're supposed to be a Mod and you're censorship crazy and you what she said go. If I made similiar statements they would have been deleted in a heart beat ... just like most of my past comments on threads were deleted by Shimmer. If she doesn't agree with your opinion she'll delete it.

I didn't say this forum is full of people who are anti-Muslim ... but there are people here who have showed they are anti-Muslim time and time again and it is something that the Mods have been ok with. And yes I did say that's just America because in this country, at this time, it's ok to be anti-Muslim. Just like at one point in time it was ok to be anti-Black, and once it was ok to be anti-Italian, and once it was ok to be anti-Irish and we can go on. I just think people should all be treated the same as far as having their comments deleted. Obviously the Mods don't, so I can't say anything on her that isn't make-up related without being attacked for my religion ... even though my religion had NOTHING to do with why I said what I said.

Hun Jamie "can not do anything in tihs Forum" even though we are both Mods.. this is not our section... so with all repsect Jamie nor i can make any mods in here.

And if u feel like there are some anti-muslims in this forum.. im sorry that u feel like some ppl come off that way.

And personally Im only speaking for myself...... do not think it is okay to be Anti-Muslim, and that in America at this time in this day that it is ok. And there is no "there was a time when...." there still is anywhere you go in life you will encounter predijuce of some sorts. I went through it... i still go through it... i just dont let it bother me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
your religion isn't being attacked...I'm not attacking your religion...only the double standard.

Your not attacking my religion, you're just bringing it up when it has nothing to do with anything. You just feel that it's important that anytime I make a personal statement you bring up my religion. Then you allow other members to openly trash my religion and use rather strong stereotypes in their statements. That's a major double standard because I've been censored many times by you for making statements you felt were insulting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Please dont say i agree with this members comment.. b.c with all due respect you dont what i agree with.

That was not directed at you, it was directed at Shimmer. I responded to that right after her comment.

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