"Skinny Model Ban" in Madrid

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I dont have issues with my size. I do have issues with people telling me it's not healthy looking because most people can't fit a size 0.

I don't think people tell you that you don't look healthy because THEY can't fit into a size 0...the truth is, not everyone WANTS to be or CAN be a size 0..believe it or not!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You've stated previously that you do have issues with body image, including weight gain.

My body issues dont stem from my current size. Am I 100% happy with my appearance? No, if I had the $$$ I would change things. But those are things that can't be changed by losing or gaining weight.

And yeh, I would have issues with weight gain if I started posting stuff like: "Your sixteen week pregnant belly looks like my everyday belly. *grumble*"

Not happy with your weight eigther I see hmmm?

I'm fairly open about ALL of my issues on forums, because I think it's important to be open if you want to have real responses. In order to do that, you have to be a real person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I don't think people tell you that you don't look healthy because THEY can't fit into a size 0...the truth is, not everyone WANTS to be or CAN be a size 0..believe it or not!

I didn't say everyone want to be (or can).

But by using a number "18 bmi" to decide what is acceptable or not for modeling, you are saying anyone under that number is not healthy enough looking. Without even looking at the person. And I find that offensive, being in the catagory of people under 18 BMI.

All this is doing is moving around the, "who gets to have more self image issues" from one group of people to the other.

Currently I dont have issues with my weight. In fact it's the one thing I'm actually happy with. I'm not looking forward to inheriting all the weight issues larger people have if this new trend becomes more mainstream, and suddenly being skinny isn't attractive anymore. I'm sure it's great if you look 16 weeks preggo everyday though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think skinnymodel ban is a misnomer. Perhaps they should have called it "freakishlyunhealthymodelban"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i unconcur

I don't think its fair to single out RaeRae as being the only one letting her personal involvement with the topic influence her response. Obviously everyone takes this issue to heart a bit given the degree of passion in mostly all the posts. Its impossible for any woman in this day and age to not have some issue with her body, whatever it may be. RaeRae is just being a little more upfront about what her experiences have been.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
My body issues dont stem from my current size. Am I 100% happy with my appearance? No, if I had the $$$ I would change things. But those are things that can't be changed by losing or gaining weight.

And yeh, I would have issues with weight gain if I started posting stuff like: "Your sixteen week pregnant belly looks like my everyday belly. *grumble*"

Not happy with your weight eigther I see hmmm?

I'm fairly open about ALL of my issues on forums, because I think it's important to be open if you want to have real responses. In order to do that, you have to be a real person.

LOL I suppose that you're trying to call me out eh?
Not happy with weight gain?


IDGAF. My husband loves me, my husband loves my body, I love me, and I love my body.

Would I like to have ten lbs off? *shrug* It's not going to make me or break me RaeRae. I certainly am not going to react to the situation one way or the other by taking it personally. I don't feel the need to insult people around me to make myself feel better, as you apparently do. That's fine, that's how you make yourself feel better. I don't need that. I dont get my esteem from hurting other people. I outgrew that when I turned 14.

Do I look sixteen weeks pregnant everyday? No, RaeRae, I don’t. In fact, as a mother of three and mom of four, I take better care of myself than most girls years younger than myself. So while again you've attempted in now three posts to call me a fatass, (why don't you go ahead and do it, instead of tippy toeing around it?) you've again not succeeded in your ultimate goal.
YOU don't have the power to make me feel bad about myself, or anything about myself. Nothing you say has that ability. I don't need affirmation from anyone else to be happy.

Can you really say the same thing about yourself? I have to wonder.

GalleyGirl, I'm certainly not singling RaeRae out for her insecurities. I'm singling her out because of the blatant hypocrisy in herself. She wants changes made. Guess where changes start...within ourselves. The very behaviors she's proclaiming distaste for are behaviors she's exhibiting herself.
Certainly, almost all women these days have issues with their bodies, but most aren't hypocrites about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie

I remember seeing that, and didn't agree with it. :/

What about women with athletic muscular healthy bodies? The ones who take care of themselves and work out etc.?

I'll be glad when they're walking the runways instead of the bag o'bones skeletors rattling down it now.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
I don't think its fair to single out RaeRae as being the only one letting her personal involvement with the topic influence her response. Obviously everyone takes this issue to heart a bit given the degree of passion in mostly all the posts. Its impossible for any woman in this day and age to not have some issue with her body, whatever it may be. RaeRae is just being a little more upfront about what her experiences have been.

i agree


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL I suppose that you're trying to call me out eh?

I never tried to call you out in any post. That was just you reading WAY to much into what was never written. I did however choose not to correct you. Those are two very different things.

The fact that your obsessing over thinking that I'm somehow your fat trying to call your fatyou a fatass through subliminal messages your fat is really rather comical (That was a joke btw. Just incase that one wasn't totally obvious). If anything the fact that you immediateley think that I'm picking on your weight looks like a insecurity to me if anything.

The fact that you mentioned you look 16 weeks preggo normally with a *grumble* after it in a thread totally unrelated to this one just shows your not 100% happy. You know what? Thats ok. Ranting about how I'm good enough smart enough and people like me really doesn't change the fact that your not 100% comfortable with yourself. Grats. Your human. And you know what, as much as you deny it, you ARE taking it personally.

I never once have tried to make you feel bad about yourself. Again thats you thinking I actually care about your body, or your issues with it. Really, i dont care enough. I promise. I dont lose any sleep over the discussions we have had on these boards, whether in agreement or disagreement. It's a discussion board. It woulnd't be any fun if we all agreed all the time.

GalleyGirl is the only person in the last few pages to even get it. You tippy toe around your personal issues. I dont. Neigther way is any better, I do however think my way is more real.


Well-known member
Of course you do, that's your perception.

As far as anything else regarding the subject, the point still stands that it's a standard set for a group of people whose job is to "model" the "ideal" and obviously, the current "ideal" can no longer be skeleton sized models on the runway.

Our personal differences aside, that's what this thread is about. It's not about your weight, nor is it about your issues, or my weight, or my issues. There are enough issues between the two of us to entertain a dentist's office for months. This thread is about a standard that was set that while not necessarily being the BEST step forward, is a step forward regardless.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I never tried to call you out in any post. That was just you reading WAY to much into what was never written. I did however choose not to correct you. Those are two very different things.

The fact that your obsessing over thinking that I'm somehowyour fat trying to call your fatyou a fatass through subliminal messages your fat is really rather comical (That was a joke btw. Just incase that one wasn't totally obvious). If anything the fact that you immediateley think that I'm picking on your weight looks like a insecurity to me if anything.

The fact that you mentioned you look 16 weeks preggo normally with a *grumble* after it in a thread totally unrelated to this one just shows your not 100% happy. You know what? Thats ok. Ranting about how I'm good enough smart enough and people like me really doesn't change the fact that your not 100% comfortable with yourself. Grats. Your human. And you know what, as much as you deny it, you ARE taking it personally.

Sorry, completely unrelated, but it's just one of those things that drives me to suicide...we learned the differences between these words in 4th grade....

Your-"a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective): Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea."
You're-"a contraction of you and are"...this is the word you are searching for in this case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
As far as anything else regarding the subject, the point still stands that it's a standard set for a group of people whose job is to "model" the "ideal" and obviously, the current "ideal" can no longer be skeleton sized models on the runway.

Actually, the runway is about the designers vision of how they want their clothing to be displayed. Not about some beauty standard. We choose to look at the women on the runway and decide for ourselves if we like their appearance or not.

What if a designer is designing clothing for women with severe Anorexia? Using anarexic models would be appropriate, yet now at least at that fashion show, they would not be allowed. On the flip side their are designers hat design for larger women. I highly doubt they model their clothing line on skinny skeletal models.

Women see skinny models and want to be skinny because they are pretty. Thats not going to change. Thin women are attractive because being thin is attractive. Look at the greek statues. They were carved to ideals which are nearly the same as they are today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Sorry, completely unrelated, but it's just one of those things that drives me to suicide...we learned the differences between these words in 4th grade....

Your-"a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective): Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea."
You're-"a contraction of you and are"...this is the word you are searching for in this case.

I know, but i dont spell check my replies eigther, so i'm sure not going to go back and grammar check them to make sure while speed typing I used the proper form of a word.

This isn't a publication, nor am I getting graded. You KNOW what I'm saying, so thats (OMG I FORGOT AN APOSTROPHE!!!!!!) all that matters. It's not that I was frantically searching for the correct form of "your" and just didn't learn it in 4th grade. Chalk it up to being lazy.

I view forums as a casual conversation medium. Thus slang, l33t sp3ak, acronyms, bad spelling/grammar whatever all apply.

As much as you hate people who dont care about re-reading their posts for spelling and grammar, we hate grammar-nazi's.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Actually, the runway is about the designers vision of how they want their clothing to be displayed. Not about some beauty standard. We choose to look at the women on the runway and decide for ourselves if we like their appearance or not.

What if a designer is designing clothing for women with severe Anorexia? Using anarexic models would be appropriate, yet now at least at that fashion show, they would not be allowed. On the flip side their are designers hat design for larger women. I highly doubt they model their clothing line on skinny skeletal models.

Women see skinny models and want to be skinny because they are pretty. Thats not going to change. Thin women are attractive because being thin is attractive. Look at the greek statues. They were carved to ideals which are nearly the same as they are today.

Actually, the Greek statues are a more 'curvy' woman than what is the ideal today.
Those statues, and the women modeling for them, have breasts, and waists, and hips, and curves. The women walking the runway today do not.

Like it or not RaeRae, it's a legitimate standard being applied on countless scientific studies stating the unhealthy effects of having a BMI lower than 18.
It's not necessarily the BEST standard, but it's a standard that essentially demands that the models be of some level of health prior to walking the runways.
Given the image conscious state of their chosen professions, the decision to be over or under a certain point lies with the model. If she wants to work, she'll maintain her figure at what the scientific and medical world has deemed the approximation for healthy BMI.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
IChalk it up to being lazy.

I view forums as a casual conversation medium. Thus slang, l33t sp3ak, acronyms, bad spelling/grammar whatever all apply.

It's pretty standard that posts in the nature you're describing are looked down upon in the grown up portion of the internet world.

That said, it only undermines the content of the post when the writer (whether that's me, you, or the girl next door) is not motivated enough to make sure the opinions are presented in a cohesive and coherent manner.

But that's also my perception.


Well-known member
I'll be sure to check my p's and q's next time I'm posting on a message board for something more educated than MAC Cosmetics. I promise.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Women see skinny models and want to be skinny because they are pretty. Thats not going to change. Thin women are attractive because being thin is attractive. Look at the greek statues. They were carved to ideals which are nearly the same as they are today.

Ummmmmmmmmmm totally NOT TRUE.... Id rather look at someone that has some meat on their bones or some type of muscle definition than to look at some whos body is "skinny" in which case the topic we are on is about models that look emaciated... I dont understand why u would think that 'genreally speaking" women see skinny models as being pretty... and being thin is attractive... Thats not fair to say, in your eyes you might think that "Skinny Models" are atractive and you might think.. (in your eyes thats what being attractive is) but you cant sit there and say " all women feels the same as you".. and im not sure what type of (Greek) Statues you are looking at.. but the vast majority of (Greek) Statues of men and women have some type of curvature to their bodies expecially the women statues. You see the statues with hips, thights, mid sections, (meat on bones) not Super duper Skinny (Greek/Roman) Statues. Nor do you see emaciated looking statues, where the pelvic bones are pratruding out.. lanky legs with no meat on the thighs. Its one thing being thin and healthy IMO i dont see problem with that.. But i do see a problem with young girls seeing some of these famous ppl.. and models walking around looking like "they are about to roll over and die any day because of their emaciated bodies.
( Eat a Hamburger)

This is not Attractive Nor Pretty.. Im sorry but its not..

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