Originally Posted by Raerae
My body issues dont stem from my current size. Am I 100% happy with my appearance? No, if I had the $$$ I would change things. But those are things that can't be changed by losing or gaining weight.
And yeh, I would have issues with weight gain if I started posting stuff like: "Your sixteen week pregnant belly looks like my everyday belly. *grumble*"
Not happy with your weight eigther I see hmmm?
I'm fairly open about ALL of my issues on forums, because I think it's important to be open if you want to have real responses. In order to do that, you have to be a real person.
LOL I suppose that you're trying to call me out eh?
Not happy with weight gain?
IDGAF. My husband loves me, my husband loves my body, I love me, and I love my body.
Would I like to have ten lbs off? *shrug* It's not going to make me or break me RaeRae. I certainly am not going to react to the situation one way or the other by taking it personally. I don't feel the need to insult people around me to make myself feel better, as you apparently do. That's fine, that's how you make yourself feel better. I don't need that. I dont get my esteem from hurting other people. I outgrew that when I turned 14.
Do I look sixteen weeks pregnant everyday? No, RaeRae, I don’t. In fact, as a mother of three and mom of four, I take better care of myself than most girls years younger than myself. So while again you've attempted in now three posts to call me a fatass, (why don't you go ahead and do it, instead of tippy toeing around it?) you've again not succeeded in your ultimate goal.
YOU don't have the power to make me feel bad about myself, or anything about myself. Nothing
you say has that ability.
I don't need affirmation from anyone else to be happy.
Can you really say the same thing about yourself? I have to wonder.
GalleyGirl, I'm certainly not singling RaeRae out for her insecurities. I'm singling her out because of the blatant hypocrisy in herself. She wants changes made. Guess where changes start...within ourselves. The very behaviors she's proclaiming distaste for are behaviors she's exhibiting herself.
Certainly, almost all women these days have issues with their bodies, but most aren't hypocrites about it.