Small rant: The Beauty Review Bandwagon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
Good for you. Don't change a thing. I don't need an apology nor did I expect one. But if you cared to know where we were coming from and what the other opinions are that you claim to welcome/expect on message boards....there it is/was. You assumed it was debate/different POVs that were striking a nerve...but IMO that wasn't true at all. It wasn't debate anyone had an issue with in this was the feeling that we were being spoken to as if we were idiots. Clearly at least two people in this thread felt you weren't being respectful toward *our* opinion. If that wasn't your intention, I think you could explain that without getting defensive. And if it was your intention to be insulting, that's your prerogative and it's *our* perogative to say we don't appreciate it.

I just don't understand how you could feel that I was treating you like an idiot if I wasn't even directing my comments towards you. Also nowhere did I shoot down your opinion/point of view. please show me where i did this...

Also, are there really people in this thread who have run off to other places to complain? What the French, that's lame.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Guys, since this has just come up, I would like to remind you of the Specktra review area where anyone can post a review.

All you have to do is follow the format listed in the first sticky post of the category. Type up that review and let us all know what you think of a product/tool. Please note that this is a moderated forum, meaning that when you post your review, the assigned mod must "release" it to go live before you will see it. This may take a day or two. I know that's kind of a pain, but we do that to make sure that the reviews are correctly categorized and formatted so you, the end reader, have an easier time searching and reading.

Aside from that, anyone can feel free to submit to Specktra's blog. Those posts have to be approved. Quite frankly, we've has some reeeeally odd posts that aren't makeup related appear, so I'm sure you can appreciate that.

Specktra is a community. It is all about you. Back to what Tish said a ways back. Specktra is a voice of many, not just one blogger/vlogger/personality. Not that there is anything wrong with those singular sites, I just want to point out what Specktra's mission is.

i didn't relaise that anybody can contribute to that. how do we get posts approved if we wanted to do something for the blog?


Well-known member
Although this thread has become entertaining to read...
Everything now is sounding redundant.
The same people always complain about it and the same people are always defending it and it always ends up in some form of understanding until another Youtube thread is made.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
The thing that amazes me the most about this whole topic and discussions in general is...People get so bent out of shape because of others opinions...The thing I love about Specktra is that all opinions are welcomed...debate is welcome and discussion is welcome...This topic was merely a discussion of opinions...So for all the people who are so damn upset and in a rage about it...Why?
Other than possibly the truth hurts. So going outside of Specktra to bitch about the topic on blogs and twitter regarding member's opinions is your disgust with the topic here if you feel it is so wrong and unwarranted. The thread is open for all to post, Specktra does not discriminate.
I have found the truth sometimes cuts to the bone....and only the guilty get their panties all in a bunch over a simple discussion of valid opinions. As they say Opinions are like Buttholes..we all have them...some down right stink and others not so bad...If the topic does not apply to you or your blog...why the hell do you care enough to be so upset and in a rage about it...Move on and keep doing what you do...we are adults here, right?

i love you tish


Well-known member
To be quite honest, I like it when a product has a ton of reviews on YouTube. Some reviewers/gurus actually say on their profiles that they will NOT record negative reviews, so maybe you'll see 2 people raving about a product while 8 or 9 people didn't like it and just didn't want to record a negative review. Not to mention, some people are just raving about products because they're paid to or because they got them for free, so they feel obligated to give a positive review. (I honestly don't think that's THAT common, though.)

Really, I'm just the complete opposite of my sister: she's so impulsive it hurts, and I brood over things for days. I will literally fill carts with makeup, then get halfway through the purchasing process and just STOP because I'm not sure if the products are worth it. (Poor college student and what-not.
Having a bunch of reviews of the same product really does make me feel more confident in my purchase, versus only one or two reviews.

Also, I think having a slew of reviews on a certain product provides you with information one reviewer may have left out. Like, how well a certain pigment blends or whether or not a certain lip gloss bleeds like woah. It IS a little annoying when 10 reviews of the same product come out from 10 different people all at once, but I think it's because one person reviews it, others hear about it, and then they all rush out to try it at once.

Essentially, I'm saying I understand the annoyance, but I personally like having a ton of reviews, even if they can get a little repetitive. It makes me feel a bit more confident as a buyer.

Besides, if it weren't for extra reviews, I'd have probably sold my left leg for a few small pots of Lime Crime shadow when I can just get the same stuff at a fraction of the cost and double the amount from TKB Trading. :p

Now, obviously, nobody likes reviews that are just advertisements in disguise. Those tend to be annoying, fakey, and blatantly obvious, and I lot don't even show the product in action, so I try to avoid them.


Well-known member
I personally take reviews with a grain of salt. I've seen things people rave about that I hate, and also the opposite (I like Beauty Marked dammit!!). I prefer to swatch in person and make my own judgments on products. Nothing against reviewers, because hell, I even review on my own blog. I just try not to get caught up in it all.

Now that I will be living 150 miles from the nearest MAC anything I *might* check out reviews more carefully because I might be having to order online, boo. And this makes me understand how some people might really need to read them, because not everybody has places to by the products in their town/state/country.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
The thing that amazes me the most about this whole topic and discussions in general is...People get so bent out of shape because of others opinions...The thing I love about Specktra is that all opinions are welcomed...debate is welcome and discussion is welcome...This topic was merely a discussion of opinions...So for all the people who are so damn upset and in a rage about it...Why?
Other than possibly the truth hurts. So going outside of Specktra to bitch about the topic on blogs and twitter regarding member's opinions is your disgust with the topic here if you feel it is so wrong and unwarranted. The thread is open for all to post, Specktra does not discriminate.
I have found the truth sometimes cuts to the bone....and only the guilty get their panties all in a bunch over a simple discussion of valid opinions. As they say Opinions are like Buttholes..we all have them...some down right stink and others not so bad...If the topic does not apply to you or your blog...why the hell do you care enough to be so upset and in a rage about it...Move on and keep doing what you do...we are adults here, right?

I give you a huge ^5 on this, there are people who use their blogs and twitter and YT status to rant, but will block anyone who dissents on their tutorials (i.e. haters) seriously, I have given up on YouTube as I'm tired of the phuckery and narcissism by women. I'll watch the Pixiwoo's but the rest, I'd rather learn from forums. I'm not in their demographics anyway and don't need to follow anyone, but it's nice to learn and see new techniques, etc. But these gurus have gone to great lengths to be competitive (Facebook fan, Twitter, Blog, YouTube, BlogTV, TinyChats) and say, "This is to help others's not my job...." B!tch you live and breathe the internet and still have time to post on other peoples channels. Hypocrites. Sorry for the rant!


Well-known member
^ Those "fan" pages on Facebook kill me LMAO

I'm so over Youtube, the only person I even watch on there is Julia now.
People take it too seriously.
However I must say, something that I'm uneasy with in this YT beauty world , is when the "gurus" ( for lack of a better term) make all these raves reviews on products that suck, and the younger people who know no better get suckered into buying them.
I was reading some comments on yt on a few videos, and I see things like " I'm 12 years old and I look up to you so much, but the products you mentioned aren't good at all" , then that person gets attacked for saying that, like um seriously?

Kinda off topic, but does what's with all these videos on Youtube bashing those two sisters, Allthatglitters and Juicy something?
Allegedly they're sending emails and such to their subscribers, threatening to sue them because they found out they're "phonies" LOL it's just sad people are going so far with it man.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Kinda off topic, but does what's with all these videos on Youtube bashing those two sisters, Allthatglitters and Juicy something?
Allegedly they're sending emails and such to their subscribers, threatening to sue them because they found out they're "phonies" LOL it's just sad people are going so far with it man.

The word out there is that is that a newspaper article mentioned their names, and they weren't the ones they use on the channels as their first name. When some members question them about it (even if nicely), they were blocked, and yes, the sisters threatened to sue them for slander. However, it goes deeper than that, it's rumored they are payed big bucks for the reviews (which, TBH, doesn't bother me, but has bothered plenty of people), and that one of them rigged a contest/giveaway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nadeshda
The word out there is that is that a newspaper article mentioned their names, and they weren't the ones they use on the channels as their first name. When some members question them about it (even if nicely), they were blocked, and yes, the sisters threatened to sue them for slander. However, it goes deeper than that, it's rumored they are payed big bucks for the reviews (which, TBH, doesn't bother me, but has bothered plenty of people), and that one of them rigged a contest/giveaway.

That's so crazy, I actually say the article, smh, I can't beleive people are getting so worked up over it, like um okay, they lied about their names, so what? And yea I hear the juicy girl was the one who rigged the contest. LOL I think this is sad and funny. Sad because I guess the suscribers feel cheated, and funny because these girls are lying, but didn't do it well.


Well-known member
wow i had no idea that they were using different names - but like you said - who cares?! i used to use a fake name on the net because i was paranoid about people finding out my identity! i used to call myself Lucy (my real name is Lou!)

i don't watch the sisters channels though because i feel they are aimed at younger viewers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
wow i had no idea that they were using different names - but like you said - who cares?! i used to use a fake name on the net because i was paranoid about people finding out my identity! i used to call myself Lucy (my real name is Lou!)

i don't watch the sisters channels though because i feel they are aimed at younger viewers.

I usually go by my last name cuz I never liked my first name ( Jezel)
That's true, but you know what? Not that I really care, but I don't understand why lie about the name when you're showing your face on YT, saying where you work/intern all that jazz.
There are some people on Youtube doing the beauty vids, who don't show their faces, which to me makes more sense.
My thing is, if you're gonna be discreet, don't do it half assed.
And yea I don't watch their vids either I think I saw a couple at most, and I think those were their makeup collection vids ( I love watching those kinda of videos!!!!!) And some other random ones I came across months ago.
I also think they're aimed at a younger crowd, and I personally don't like the way they do makeup anyway.
But to their subscribers, smh I feel pity for them, and I wanna slap all of them at the same time because
A. These subscribers I feel are too into these beauty gurus borderline obsessed

B. You can't believe everything one person says. You should already know they are paid to review things. I saw one vid , where one of them mentioned this one website like 22837293 times, I'm like smh....

when will this Youtube craze be over??
I'm so glad for Specktra!


Well-known member
I'm so sick of the Youtube vids I could hurl. There are a handful that I like that I have stated before, but a lot of it is just weeding through a bunch of crap. Honestly, the best ones I have found via twitter. I have followed certain people for awhile to get a "feel" for their character, etc. You can tell so much by a person by how they conduct themselves on twitter. If all they do is post contests, post about how "awesome" the same shitty line is, or obviously ask for handouts, then those are likely not people whose videos I would want to watch.

I'm all for people who want to put their vids and tuts out there for the world, I think that is great. But, if you are doing it for the free shizz, you are soooo in it for the wrong reasons. Especially with the new law that has gone into effect for bloggers and vbloggers.

I guess the same can be said with the bloggers. I think that blogging about beauty is awesome if that is your passion. I think that you should do it for the love of your hobby. I really enjoy reading a blog from someone who actually cares about makeup and the love of the art vs just stealing from other people's sites and re-posting. I'm also surprised at the amount of people that have dissed others for starting beauty blogs/forums and then turn around and have their own. Ummmmmm, hypocritical much?


Well-known member
^ You know, I use to like the bloggers, because I would prefer reading rather than listen to someone ramble on, but I didn't know that they also got free stuff actually, until I read it in the newspaper some time ago

I agree, I'm so over the contest.
But speaking of Youtubers, I came across this one called icraiz, her tutorials are good, and she doesn't shill, or anything like that.... but meh, who knows down the line

I'm actually shocked that this thread got so long as well


Well-known member
I'd really like to do my own reviews -- Only negative things. I won't post positives. LOL!

But really, you guys are on to something. I don't like the fact that everyone seems very fake in what they're saying. OH THIS IS THE GREATEST AND IT'S MY FAVORITE and they say that about *everything* they've reviewed. I've *never* bought something because of a review for this exact reason.

Really, girls, maybe we should invade the YouTube scene with truthful realisitc reviews.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nebbish
I'd really like to do my own reviews -- Only negative things. I won't post positives. LOL!

But really, you guys are on to something. I don't like the fact that everyone seems very fake in what they're saying. OH THIS IS THE GREATEST AND IT'S MY FAVORITE and they say that about *everything* they've reviewed. I've *never* bought something because of a review for this exact reason.

Really, girls, maybe we should invade the YouTube scene with truthful realisitc reviews.

It's especially funny when a bunch of them get something before it's even available to the public and act as though they paid their own $ for it. I do think it makes a difference as to whether you think something is "worth getting" for the quality...when you have to pay for it with hard earned $$. I am far less critical about a product I receive as a gift than I am about something that cost me a lot and ended up being mediocre, at best. And sure I am going to be enthused by someone sending me a gift for free..I might get so excited I would write a great review before really using that gift for very long.

There are some gurus/bloggers who deal with/promote an online retailer that sends them stuff quick and for free, but take months to send a product to the cash-paying customer (if they ever send it at all)...I see several gurus touting an online retailer that has terrible CS history according to posts I have come across on Specktra.

And then some of them get bent out of shape and "shocked" that anyone would dare suggest that they aren't speaking gospel. ...Some of them just aren't dealing with the same "reality" that the cash paying public has to deal with...jmo

I love how some are bent out of shape about having to reveal what they get for free...
The reaction by and large seems to be "It's so stupid because you all know by now that I am honest with you always"...welllll

#1 Nope, don't know them personally, and a review IS different when you have to pay your hard earned cash
#2 If you're honest, you shouldn't have a problem telling us when it's free

Originally Posted by rbella
I'm so sick of the Youtube vids I could hurl. There are a handful that I like that I have stated before, but a lot of it is just weeding through a bunch of crap. Honestly, the best ones I have found via twitter. I have followed certain people for awhile to get a "feel" for their character, etc. You can tell so much by a person by how they conduct themselves on twitter. If all they do is post contests, post about how "awesome" the same shitty line is, or obviously ask for handouts, then those are likely not people whose videos I would want to watch.

I'm all for people who want to put their vids and tuts out there for the world, I think that is great. But, if you are doing it for the free shizz, you are soooo in it for the wrong reasons. Especially with the new law that has gone into effect for bloggers and vbloggers.

I guess the same can be said with the bloggers. I think that blogging about beauty is awesome if that is your passion. I think that you should do it for the love of your hobby. I really enjoy reading a blog from someone who actually cares about makeup and the love of the art vs just stealing from other people's sites and re-posting. I'm also surprised at the amount of people that have dissed others for starting beauty blogs/forums and then turn around and have their own. Ummmmmm, hypocritical much?

Ah. I see you've changed your opinion from before in this thread. What made you change your mind...anything in particular?


Well-known member
^^^Yea, I guess I've noticed it more since this thread. I still maintain that you have to be responsible for your decisions and your purchases. But, I never realized just how many Youtube vids existed. It is a crazy amount!

I also think that there are very honest bloggers and vbloggers out there, I just have become more aware of just how big this "industry" has become since being on twitter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nebbish
I'd really like to do my own reviews -- Only negative things. I won't post positives. LOL!

But really, you guys are on to something. I don't like the fact that everyone seems very fake in what they're saying. OH THIS IS THE GREATEST AND IT'S MY FAVORITE and they say that about *everything* they've reviewed. I've *never* bought something because of a review for this exact reason.

Really, girls, maybe we should invade the YouTube scene with truthful realisitc reviews.

lol I can just imagine all us Specktra ladies making Youtube accounts, and posting video responses to those bullshit reviews
and us telling the truth about these ' amazing' products