Starbucks Anyone??


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Check out the Starbucks Oracle to see what your drink says about you.

P.S. The Oracle is a cranky 'ol fvcker.

More Starbucks Gossip

A Slate story on the phenomenom of Starbucks

Here is what the Oracle said about White Chocolate Mocha Drinkers:

Behold the Oracle's wisdom:

Personality type: Clueless

You don't go to Starbucks much; when you do you just tag along with other people since you have nothing better to do. You would like to order a Tazo Chai Crème but don't know how to pronounce it. Most people who drink extra hot white chocolate mocha are strippers.

Also drinks: Wine coolers
Can also be found at: The mall


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

my fave in the winter is peppermint mocha for cold, then toffenut for hot

for normal days, i prefer mocha frappuccino with a shot of mint (cold)
then caramel macchiato for hot drinks


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Personality type: Lame

You're a simple person with modest tastes and a reasonable lifestyle. In other words, you're boring. Going to Starbucks makes you feel sophisticated; you'd like to be snooty and order an espresso but aren't sure if you're ready for that level of excitement. People laugh at you because you use fake curse words like "friggin'" and "oh, crumb!" Everyone who thinks America's Funniest Home Videos is a great show drinks iced vanilla grande latte.

Also drinks: V8
Can also be found: On the couch at home



Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Oh crumb! That friggin' Oracle is so darn mean! You should go grab a V8 and cry on the couch!

In the meantime, I am going to chug a wine cooler, go to the mall to buy new fvck me pumps and head off to my stripping job! Woot!


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I just adore Starbucks!! There's something just comforting about being inside one, with a Vanilla latte in hand. I've really tried to cut back on my Sbux though, when I think of just how much I spend of coffee....UGH!


New member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Hot Drink-- White Chocolate Mocha w/added Caramel YUMMY!
Cold Drink-- Mocha Frap or Passion Fruit Ice Tea


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

mine is the Frappuccino you get at the grocery stores. i don't like anything made at the stores. all their drinks suck.


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I like a triple shot espresso frappuccino light or a triple shot soy gingerbread latte with whip.

I'm not too keen on anything too sweet like caramel macchiatos, but I do like at least one eggnog latte when Christmas comes round!


Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

i love starbucks. i love coffee. everyday staple.

i usually get
hot: white chocolate mocha nonfat or soy, vanilla soy latte
cold: coffee frap, toffee nut frap, caramel macchiato iced nonfat or soy


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Hot: Grande Caramel or Vanilla Soy Latte
Cold: Strawberry Frappuccino w/whipped cream


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I get really simple drinks at starbucks.
I usually get a grande cafe latte but with no foam on the top..

or a grande iced coffee. i like putting my own cream and splenda in, because i'm paying 3 dollars and i don't want them to mess my drink up.
i'm not a starbucks freak though...wawa coffee will do


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

Behold the Oracle's wisdom:

Personality type: High Maintenance

You pride yourself on being assertive and direct; everyone else thinks you're bossy and arrogant. You're constantly running your mouth about topics that only you would find interesting. Your capacity for wasting other people's time is limitless. Your friends find you intolerable, that's why they're plotting to kill you.

Also drinks: Water. Bottled, chilled, with four ice cubes, a twist of lemon, in a crystal glass.
Can also be found at: Trendy martini bars


Randy Rose

Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I just recently discovered the joy of Light Fraps! Who would have thought something diet could be soooooo good? My favorite is a Double Grande Mocha Frap Light. I'm also a fan of a Quad Grande Non-Fat Mocha or Latte in the winter!


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

It's so interesting to read this thread as someone who works at Starbucks. Jen, the Starbucks Oracle is hilarious! I can't wait to share that w/ my partners.
It's also amusing to read how Starbucks is evil and how all our drinks suck from people I'm sure who hated it from the get-go anyway. Energy should not be wasted on this!

Anyhoo, I've got tons of drinks I love (many which have already been mentioned here!) but the ones I keep coming back to are:

HOT: Grande 3-pump Cinnamon Dolce Mild Misto
~ you get your milk, you get your coffee (more than a latte!), you get your hotness and you save your money - it's cheaper than a latte!
~ changing to Maple when it comes out in a few weeks...

COLD: Grande blended Strawberries Passion Tea Lemonade
~ I find the blended Strawberries & Lemonade too sweet so I cut it down with some Passion Tea. Delicious and refreshing!


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I don't go there very often, but if I do I usually get a frap in the summertime, and something mocha-ish in the winter time.