Starbucks Anyone??


Well-known member
grande mocha frappaccino. most definately. with lots and lots of whipped cream. starbuck's has the best whipped cream. period.


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i dont have it here, but last year i went to London and tried chocolate with cinnamon and it was perfection! i couldnt believe it! taste soooooooo good!


Well-known member
I was drinking so much coffee husband just decided to buy an espresso machine and make it for me every morning ^.^
MUCH more cost effective!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I was drinking so much coffee husband just decided to buy an espresso machine and make it for me every morning ^.^
MUCH more cost effective!

that is awesome! (i've not yet to invest in an espresso machine, just get by w/ a french press & one of those double boiler espresso deals, like this

my fav starbuck drinks are:
triple grande 1pump nonfat white mocha

triple grande soy caramel machiato (sp)

grande caramel frap w/ an extra shot

but really i love espresso black, no sugar or cream, it has the best taste


Well-known member
My faves are-
Hot: Caramel Apple Cider, Vanilla Cream (Hot milk w/ Vanilla syrup)
Cold: Double Chocolate Chip Frappucino (made with white mocha, instead of regular), Vanilla Bean Frappucino,& Strawberries& Cream Frappucino.
Hot: Vanilla Chai Latte, and sometimes White Chocolate Mocha
Cold: One of their lemonades, I forget which

This is a great thread, I want to try some of what y'all have listed now!

I love Brian Kinney

Well-known member
I just tried the new Banana Coconut Frappuccino,,,, It was the GROSSEST thing I've ever had!. But I loooove the Green Tea Frappuccino and the Java Chip.


Well-known member
Iced soy chai latte. I always end up buying two, because I'll finish one and go back for another one eventually.


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I have a list I choose from:
Green Tea Frapp or Nonfat latte
Chai Frapp or Nonfat latte
Nonfat Vanilla latte
Sweetened Passion Iced Tea Lemonade

I am so mad that they got rid of the Pomegranate Frap that was so delish and refreshing...uggh!! My mom and I would BOTH get that! Random note: I always order my hot drinks extra hot because sometimes they aren't that hot and in my opinion in order for chai to be good it has to be HOT!!! That was all really random I'm sorry!


Well-known member
Re: Favorite Starbucks Drink

I like the Vanilla Cream in the winter, it is so soothing.

I also was a huge fan of this Coconut Creme Frappucino but I think they got rid of it.

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