This is the best thread! It's wonderful to know that I'm not the only one out there with weird little things that cause freak outs!
Some strange things that bother me:
* Styrofoam (sp?) I hate the sound of it squeaking and I absolutely can't stand the way it feels.
* Leaving sticker labels (like price stickers or those stickers at the tops of cds) on things. I NEED to peel them all off.
* My clothes have to be organized by type (all tank tops together, t shirts together etc) *and* by length and colour.
* My books have to be organized by size. Or else.
* People smacking their lips when they eat or chew gum. It makes me want to strangle them!
* People eating things with a spoon and turning the spoon upside-down in their mouth and scraping the spoon against their teeth as they pull it out. My boyfriend does this everytime he eats ice cream and I just want to punch him!
* People getting too close to me. Even if it's someone I know & love, I can't stand anyone in my face.
* ANYONE touching my hair! I used to wear my hair in big pompadours and shellacked bettie bangs and people would insist on touching my hair! I don't put all that work into it for someone to put their dirty mitts all over it! Blah!
* When people rub my back. Not like a massage but when they come up and rub my back up and down. It makes me feel like I'm going to get all staticky.
* Vomit. I have an EXTREME phobia/aversion to vomit. If I'm around someone and they throw up or say they feel like throwing up, I'll have panic-attacks and freak out until I can get a safe distance away. On the same note, the phrase "blow chunks" upsets me greatly.
*Floor tiles with no pattern to them. When I worked at Tower Records, the floor would drive me insane because it had different coloured tiles placed randomly and with no definite pattern.
* Zits/blackheads. I don't have a zit fetish or anything, but if someone has a whitehead/blackhead on their face ALL I can think about is popping it so it will go away and stop bothering me!