Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xceelynn
-- i hate when poeple drag their feet

Yeah, I can't stand this neither

Its just, those who drag their feet, are they sick? Lazy? Tired?
If so, what are they doing in movie theatres, shopping centers and such?

Can't you just walk without making so much noise?



Well-known member
I don't like it when people talk to me when I'm using a public bathroom. My mom does it if we're out, haha.


Well-known member
LOL! This is too much!

i loathe with all of my being the sweet potato. the smell, texture, taste and look of it. baked, mashed, marshmellowed, french fried and chipped. ugh, i feel like i'm gonna pass out just thinking about it.

i just gave myself the hee-bee-jee-bees.

i too, hate being touched on the inside of my elbow, really anywhere on the upper arms and my stomach too.

i dislike sloppy handwriting

and i hate the 'crumblies' left behind after one uses an eraser


Well-known member
I have a HUGE issue with people touching my food. You know how people just share say an order of fries?! i seriously cant do that. i dont know what it is, it just makes me lose my appetite for whatever it was that i was eating. EEEWWW!


1.i can't stand to have my dirty laundry touch anyone else's dirty laundry

2.If someone is wiping off a white board or chalk board and they miss a spot..i can't just bothers me.

3. i can't stand when drawers aren't organized--esp ones you need paper,pens and stuiff like that from

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i cant stand people who overly exaggerates, ok i know i do small lies and little exaggerations but my mate go OTT

The fact that my mate only talks/texts me if she wants something from me, like today she demanded i give her my phone charger and went off in a huff cos i said no (because i AM USING IT)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
Certain fabrics is unbearable to touch ew

Hahaha, I have this problem too!


Well-known member
Oh yeah, one other thing

I hate sitting on a chair where someone was just before me.
It's still ''hot''
And sometimes, humid

Brrrrr :crap:

I'm seriously starting to think that Im a freak!


Active member
This whole topic is so great...

-People who walk slow and right in the middle so you can't pass them
-People who waste... like take 7 paper towels when they really one need one or two
-People who don't recycle
-Pee on the toilet in the public restroom, it's not that hard to wipe it off! Also, when women don't wash their hands... so gross!
-I hate when you tell someone about something that just happened and they feel the need to top your story
-I hate going to someones house and there's a dirty bathroom or there's no soap or no towel... toothpaste/hair left in the sink is gross too
-People who are not polite - please, thank you, excuse me, etc.
-I especially hate when people make loud noises with objects, like banging a plate down on the table or slamming the car door, etc.
-People who litter
-Almost worse... when people throw garbage out their car window, I get so angry!!!
-People who drive slow in the fast lane
-Lazy parents who give their kids medication instead of taking away their soda and candy
-People who don't use punctuation

I have to stop now, or i'll get carried away!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Oh yeah, one other thing

I hate sitting on a chair where someone was just before me.
It's still ''hot''
And sometimes, humid

Brrrrr :crap:

I'm seriously starting to think that Im a freak!

That bugs me a lot too, don't worry. :p


Well-known member
Oooh, this was fun!


- The sound of people eating/chewing. It seriously makes me want to cry.
- When people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, or don't wash their hands before touching food.
- People who cough/sneeze right out without turning away.
- People who don't close the toilet lid. It's just gross.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mymla
Oooh, this was fun!


- The sound of people eating/chewing. It seriously makes me want to cry.- When people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, or don't wash their hands before touching food.
- People who cough/sneeze right out without turning away.
- People who don't close the toilet lid. It's just gross.

I hate this too
And people get mad at me when I ask them to close their mouth when they eat. I always get stupid answer such as : I can't close my mouth! I cannot breath! It doesnt taste the same!

It drives me nuts, really.


Well-known member

-people who smell when there should be NO REASON to. Granted, if you just ran a mile, then maybe you'd be a little smelly, but if you're just walking from the car to the restaurant in 70 degree weather and you're RANK?!?! Stay away from me.

-people who invade my personal space without permission. My family can. Some friends and my boyfriend can. I've got this other girlfriend who thinks that just because I slap someone else's butt (jokingly, and I know the other person's cool with it) that she can do the same to me. I tell her to cut it out and she keeps doing it.

-slow drivers. period. If you're on the freeway and the speed limit says 50, don't go 40 and below unless there's traffic.

-people who don't dress for their weight. I mean, I'm small and I do not walk around in hoochie shorts and tops that are an inch around. I know what my body's capable of and I dress accordingly. I'm sorry and it sounds mean, but if your pants are too tight and your tummy hangs out- DON'T WEAR IT.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
when people say "ax" or "expresso" instead of "ask" or "espresso".

YES! Or "excape" instead of "escape", ahhhh!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by colleen389
This whole topic is so great...

-People who walk slow and right in the middle so you can't pass them
-People who waste... like take 7 paper towels when they really one need one or two
-People who don't recycle
-Pee on the toilet in the public restroom, it's not that hard to wipe it off! Also, when women don't wash their hands... so gross!
-I hate when you tell someone about something that just happened and they feel the need to top your story
-I hate going to someones house and there's a dirty bathroom or there's no soap or no towel... toothpaste/hair left in the sink is gross too
-People who are not polite - please, thank you, excuse me, etc.
-I especially hate when people make loud noises with objects, like banging a plate down on the table or slamming the car door, etc.
-People who litter
-Almost worse... when people throw garbage out their car window, I get so angry!!!
-People who drive slow in the fast lane
-Lazy parents who give their kids medication instead of taking away their soda and candy
-People who don't use punctuation

ALL OF THESE THINGS! Especially lazy parents who give there kids meds instead of a proper diet.

People who ask me where so I get my protien (I'm vegetarian) or assume I can't make a tasty meal. (It's healthy, sorry if that isn't cool with you.)

People who make any kind of noise when they eat.

The Espresso/Expresso thing kills me too.

People who ask me questions or for advice and then never actual listen to what I have to say.

Religion freaks and ultra conservatives. We just don't mesh.

Anytime I leave the house and I forget my sunglasses... that really makes me

The number one thing that kills me is when you leave a place where a lot of people have gathered and are now leaving (like from the movies after it lets out, or from a meeting at work) and the first few people who make it out the door, just stand there blocking the exit gabing! WTF! MOVE YOUR ASS OR I'LL PUSH YOU DOWN!


Well-known member
- Numbers... i count everything... odd numbers creep me out.. when i listing to the radio the volume. cant be on 3,13,23, ect.. the number 3 drives me crazy..

-dont touch my graphing calculator. or i will karate chop you...

- touch me and get smacked.

-hands must be clean at all times

-once a week i must have a morning to my self. for..plucking deep conditioning...ect.

-purse....i have to have...keys, cell, bandaids, lipstick(i get called old fasion bc i like lipstick), one lip gloss, 2 kinds of chapstick, and when im in school... My ipod, calculator. all my pens and penicals. and at least on book.

- i must have a sweater with me.

-dont touch my feet. ill kill you. seriously i kicked my Ex in the face bc he touched my feet. but it wasnt on purpose..just by natural habbit.

-people who try to out do me..

-grrrrrr....i play softball. and i have all of my own equiptment...dont touch it....dont ask too use my glove or bat... i feel liek your gunna take away my luckyness.....i cant use anyone eles bat and if i do.

-dont tell me what to do.... unless i dont know what im doing.

-people who talk about make-up they know what there talking about.... i like too make them look stupid and correct them.. bc at my school.. im that girl that does make up.

- i cant be in a dark room.. ill cry..

- when im on the computer the dog must be in her bed behind me or i get parionoid.9i live in the "ghetto"

- my books must be aligned by erks me when my mom moves my school books. and makes them all....UGH!

- i have one bowl one fork one spoon one knife and one big cup and then one small cup.. DONT TOUCH THEM....this is hard considering i live with my mom and my brother. and my brother doesnt care... he just grabs.. ive taken them away before. and hes liek GOD YOUR A ANAL RETENTAIVE BITCH... im just like...mine.

- when i clean.. and some one comes behind me... and moves something... wait an hour and let me soke in my neatness..please

-OHH THE IPOD school people feel the need to talk to me when im listing to it.. but when im not they dont. its like GR SHUT UP.

- get out of my box....enuff said.


-repeating my self more than twice.

-public bathrooms make me sick...

- shotgun. or i get car sick.

- guns... dont bring them around me please.

- dont fish for compliments with me.. bc after the 3rd time im gunna agree with you that you look fat/or ugly.
oh god my list could go on..

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Heh. My first "real" post here and ya'll are really gonna know what kind of freak I am.

First off, I have an OCD called Trichotillomaina. It's where I pluck out my hair one by one. I haven't had an episode in months, but the disorder is always with you.

*I am constantly "outlining" things with my mind/eyes. Stop signs, ceiling fan blades, trees...etc. It's hard to explain. It's like I am making a dotted line in my I was going to cut it out or something.

*Dishes must be washed in an order. The same order everytime. Big Plates...rinse then put in the rack...little plates..rinse then into the rack...then its' silverware, bowls, cups, and bottles. Pots and pans come last. And it's not unusual for me to change the water before I wash the bottles/nipples.

*This one is sort of funny. I hate hair anywhere it's not supposed to be. Meaning on the floor, counter, shower drain etc. Which is screwey b/c with my disorder, there is ALWAYS hair on the floor (carpet). I vacuum twice a day and will even turn the sucka over, pull out the rolling brush and clean the hair thats wrapped around it.
Really gross...a bird built a nest in this yard decoration thing we have. When we went to evict it, the nest was probably 10% my hair. Effin EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

*Having food on me. I am a waitress. And I have 2 little boys (3 years old and 1 year old) It seems I always have food on me in some form. When I am at home, I change like 3 times a day.

*I have to sleep with the bedroom door open and with a light on. Usually the kitchen light b/c DH will have a friggin cow. I must also have a blanket and be close to one of the gun safes. I am a light sleeper, so my plan is to start shooting before the robber even knows I'm awake.

*When I put my diet pepsi cans in the can dispenser, they must all be facing the same way. Same thing goes for my cash. It must all be bank face and laid into descending denominations.

*When people can't think of a word (don't even try) and replace it with some derivative of "fuck". My husband is really good at that. He is a cable installer and apparently that is how they all talk to one another. Problem is he doesn't know how to shut it off when he gets home. I feel like I am his mom or something when I tell him to watch his mouth. I do my fair share of cussing, but I really watch what I say with little ones around. "The stupid mother fucker was fucking up the fucker and trying to blame in on this other fucker". Lovely.

*People who abuse or neglect their children. I really keep up on things like this and there are some people that I would just LOVE to have 10 minutes with. I swear, there are times when I read something about a child being hurt and I just cry and get mad at God.

*People who cry over stupid shit. My boss is a prime example of what I mean. She was in tears a couple weeks ago b/c a lady was upset that her cancelled debit card order was still "pending" on her account. Boss explained to her that it sometimes takes a couple business days for the charge to reverse, but the lady was still mad. So boss started crying. Geeeeeeeez.

That's all for now. Welcome to my twisted world!

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