Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jaim
This one's ridiculous, but some patterns kind of weird me out. Also in school when I had to take boilogy, the cell reproduction thing made my skin crawl.

OMG - I'm the same way. Anything that looks remotely like that makes me grind my teeth.

I do the same thing with scabs. Not like little ones you might get on your face, but huge honkin' knee scabs make me wanna go hide under the bed.

And considering I'm in a beauty related forum, i shouldn't even fess up to this, but I will. I am an other-person pimple popper. I love it. It grosses me out that theres bacteria in your face, back, arms, etc, and I have a mission to remove it and I have the ability and tools to remove it! I have 3 of these crazy $16 tools from Sephora just for the purpose of removing gunk and latex gloves! I will hunt down my friends, family, boyfriend, etc, to pop pimples, GLADLY. I once was sitting behind a girl in class, a very well manicured, super pretty girl and she had the grossest whitehead on her back and I literally had to move seats because I wanted to punch her in the back because of it.

I think I should be an aesthetician at this point.

OK - I'm now the freak of the group. Weird thing is, there's like 4 other girls I've become friends with within the past three years who are obsessed with the pimple popping thing too. Strange...but true.


Well-known member
holy goodness.
No lie, if someone comes at me wanting to squeeze a bump, we're gonna fight. I hate that, and have always been skeeved out by it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joraye
And considering I'm in a beauty related forum, i shouldn't even fess up to this, but I will. I am an other-person pimple popper.

Hahahahaha, I like popping them too! Mostly on myself but if my boyfriend has a zit, I have to pop it!

Maybe someone should start a "Strange Things That You Enjoy" thread!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LineausBH58
*when my DH touchs my butt when I'm having my "friend"

/\ I am constantly yelling at my b/f for this!! I thought I was the only one!

Okay here's my list:
*I HATE when people say ain't.
*When someone is using the bathroom while on the phone with you...just freaking call me back! I dont want to hear that!
*People who dont seperate their whites and colors while doing laundry.
*All of my clothes in my closet have to be seperated by long sleeve, short sleeve, etc. and then by color also. Im anal about that.
*All of my cd's and movies have to be in alphabetical order.
*I must sleep with a blanket.
*Dont touch my nose ever-I dont know why, but I hate it.
*Baby powder-the smell of it makes me gag.
*Feet-they are just nasty.
*When people forget to turn their blinker off-how do they not hear that? It drives me crazy!!


Well-known member
when i go up and down stairs, i HAVE to count them in fours or i get anxious. like "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4..."


Well-known member
people who only ring you when THEY have something to say and then you never hear from them for weeks lol, people who say they'll ring you and never do, or people who you ring and are like ok i have to go and do ermm bye
its so rude
i DESPISE my hair being touched its just errr
oh this isnt really strange but when you think you have this great story to tell someone and they just look at you blankly and go yehh then turn away :|


Well-known member
i hate it when people constantly spell things incorrectly.
i hate it when people call me to talk about nothing.
i have to wake up on 7 (ie. 6:07, 8:07) absolutely have to.
the stereo volume has to be on a multiple of 5 (ie. 5, 10, 15) or on 7.
if i crack my knuckles on one hand, i have to do the other or i'll feel all weird.
i look for patterns in EVERYTHING that involves number (which is weird because for the past 4 years in school, i DESPISED maths...)


Well-known member
Ugh, I have sooooo many. most have been mentioned in some form or another, but here's my list. I'm already sure that it's not going to be complete, but still going to be extra long. Hehehe

*Chewing sounds
*Heavy breathing
*People who have conversations in public on speaker phone
*Nextel/Two-way cell phones
*Improper grammar (spelling mistakes/typos are ok to some extent, but still bother me a bit)
*If everything is in a line & one thing is out of place..I've gotta fix that one thing
*I arrange EVERYTHING in size/color or alphabetical/numerical order
*When things are arranged too perfectly
*Sudden loud noises scare me
*I make lists for everything
*People who stand too close to me in line at the store
*AIM/MySpace (although I use both)
*I have to carry at least one bag with me (or I feel empty handed & lost)
*People who sway/can't stand still
*People standing over my shoulder
*Guys who think that it is completely acceptable to shout things to me/hit on me from across the street or say something like "Damn Ma" or "Lookin good," etc as I'm walking past them...I had a guy the other day follow me through the entire mall just to give me his phone number...GAH!
*People who say "Ma" I'M NOT YOUR DAMN MOTHER!
*Crowded subway trains
*Empty subway trains (I will wait for the next train for either)
*Body Odor
*Bad Breath people that get in your face
*Anyone I don't know touching me-in any compacity
*Male doctors (I have to have a female doctor...for everything)
*I count everything by 8s
*I have to crack my knuckles before I can fall asleep
*I have a texture thing with my foods
*I eat all of one food before I move onto another thing on my plate
*Shuffling feet drives me crazy too
*People who don't know how to shut up
*And most importantly...If I get an urge to do something, I can't do/think of anything else until I do whatever I had that urge to do.

I think that's all...for now; 31..could be worse. But if I think of something else, you can be sure that I will be back to update (it will be one of those urges I was just mentioning)

Gah I keep thinking of more!

*People who like to offer me their opinons/tell me how to do things that they have no clue bf likes to help me parallel park in a difficult spot, but he doesn't know how to drive!
*I have bad luck clothes too...I had 3 episodes with this one dress in particular. I got home after the 3rd event I had a ceremony to destroy it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight

*People who have conversations in public on speaker phone
*Nextel/Two-way cell phones

*I have bad luck clothes too...I had 3 episodes with this one dress in particular. I got home after the 3rd event I had a ceremony to destroy it.

OH man I HATE the whole Speaker phone nextell thing..

"beep beep ."yeah" beep

beep beep.. "really" Beep

Seriously .. we ALL don't need to hear your conversation yet you are bringing our attention to you with all your beeping..

I have a bad luck jacket Ive tried to give away 3 times!! it always ends up back in my closet!! the first time I wore it I broke my leg and the second time I wore it we got in a Terrible car accident that shut down a whole freeway overpass and involved a Semi Truck (yeah it was bad but no one as killed)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK

I have a bad luck jacket Ive tried to give away 3 times!! it always ends up back in my closet!! the first time I wore it I broke my leg and the second time I wore it we got in a Terrible car accident that shut down a whole freeway overpass and involved a Semi Truck (yeah it was bad but no one as killed)

Oh no! At least no one's hurt. I cut my dress with scissors & then ripped it up, double bagged it in the garbage & made sure to take it out myself....maybe you should do the same-or else burn it at the stake.


Well-known member
I hate-hate-hate misspelled words and no punctuation on the 'net. It makes fun things like reading wayyy less enjoyable. Shit looks like a spelling test where you have to circle the mistake and correct it.

I really don't like people who think they know it all. They have to add their .02 for every. single. thing.

I cannot be in the same room with a living roach. I've stayed up for hours waiting to kill a roach. I can't stand them.

All of the songs in my iPod have to be set up the way it looks on the box (Song, Artist, Album, with artwork--ALWAYS) and I go crazy if the artists' names appear more than once on the means there's a discrepancy somewhere.

I had a jinx car. Everything I found wrong with this car was later replaced by random car accidents. I absolutely adored this car, but feared I would die in it one day. Well, I left it behind when I evacuated for Hurrican Katrina. It died alone.

People who press or repeatedly press the already lit elevator button. Sometimes, I just want to elevator to come down and say, "Bitch, I was coming!"

People who pass me---on the escalator.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
- I wear a hearing aid & cochlear implant, and when i have them switched off solely for the purpose of wanting to be left alone, people try to talk to me but when i have them on they dont talk to me *rolls eyes* same goes for ipods, i would like to be left alone listening to Total Eclipse Of The Heart lol.

- Cats in the house. I have 2 cats and i love them dearly but i cannot stand to come home from college and smell the cats aroma in the air, i know when theyre in soon as i walk through the door even if they didnt go to toilet in their tray. I ask mom countless times to keep them out, there's 2 cat beds and loads of stuff for them to sleep on in the garage.

- Dog slobber. End Of. eww, every 8 weeks i have a blacksmith out to reshoe my pony and he brings his dog Lomo along and Lomo drinks from Sindy's water bucket and slobbers like mad in it *shudders* i have even resorted to putting a wheelbarrow on top to stop him slobbering in Sindy's water, Sindy refuses to drink her water if Lomo slobbers in it, doesnt bother Bj, River and max though *shrugs*

- Attention Seekers. i admit i did it in my time but i dont do it so bad now. My mate Kat is a huge AS, at my party, she pretended to fall down the stairs cos she was "drunk" but she gave it away when she did a dance routine for a song that wouldve been impossible for a drunk to do. She did it because none of us was focusing all attention on her.

- Camera phones, ive got one yes and take pics of people on it but i ask permission first. sometimes this boy in my school taxi take pics of me and this other girl on his phone without permission and it pisses us off to no end because we wanna be left alone, argh.

- Pins and Needles. I cannot stand these when my foot gets its feelings back after being numb for a while, its unbearable


Well-known member
Mean people bug me most. People who just sit around and judge, hating on people, and saying hateful things. Live your own life, and don't worry about anyone else's, I say! Why do women hate each other sooooo much. I don't see that kind of hate directed at men who do similar things.

I also don't like hypocrites (I hope I spelt that correctly). A woman in the store yesterday had a rant on the salesgirl about how staff waste her time in stores. Well that woman was wasting my time! I had to wait for her to finish her rant, so the girl could get on with her damn job.

Haha, I'm in a bad mood today, look out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaetoile

i like having closed captioning on, when i watch tv and movies.

Me too!!! I've grown super-accustomed to it, b/c my sister is hearing impaired and we grew up with CC on all our TVs

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I need captions on TV as well b/c im deaf, although i can hear, i cant enjoy a tv show when i dont have a clue what the people are saying
theres some good films on Sky that i'd love to watch but i cant because it doesnt come with subtitles


Well-known member
I cant' sleep with any sound or light. It's really annoying and often inconvienient.

I hate when people crack their knuckles. My Mom hates the sound and I think her hate rubbed off on me.

I get annoyed when my boyfriend leaves his electric toothbrush next to the sink instead of putting it back on the stand.

I don't like it when someone uses the microwave and leaves the door open to it when they're done.

People and their damn cell phones! Especially in say, the bank where they have a big ass sign asking people to get off of their damn phones!

People that stop at the end of escalators, causing a traffic jam. Not to mention it's super dangerous (my boyfriend is a union elevator and escalator mechanic, you can't imagine the horror stories!)

Women that wear necklaces with halternecks. I just think that looks terrible and I cringe every time I see it.

People letting their kids roll around on the floor in stores and god only knows where else. It's so dirty!

People that are just oblivious to their surroundings in general. Get a damn clue folks.

Okay I'll stop.... hah


Well-known member
1. people with cars that are maybe 800$ worth but pimped and customized beyond believe. If you have that much money, why didn't you get a decent car to begin with?!
2. Fake Designer-whatever. So cheap. So sad. So pathetic. Like... no, I dont believe you're rich/got style because of your fake bag.
3. when people are in a restaurant and act like they own the whole place by just ordering a drink and some french fries.
4.I cant stand anything boho. I go nuts when I see somebody with oversized cardiagns and huuuuuge glasses. Naaaaaa... worst thing ever. even worse than ->5
5. Dont get me wrong... I love bands and I love going to shows. but the thing here in germany is (not sure if its like that in the US too) that ever damn kid between 11 and 15 who is running around with some studded belt and skinny black jeans just keeps on complaining about how the "scene" (WTF?) has changed and how annoyed they are with all those "emo-posers" and everyone is trying to be cooler than everybody else. ...damn you,I've been going to shows back when you still peed your pants and I dont complain about the "scene" (WTF?!) or tell people I am so much more of a non-conformist than they shut the f*** up and enjoy the music instead of telling everyone how HxC you are and that you were in the "scene" (again, WTF?!) before anyone else was(now that wouldn't really work, would it?) Gaaaah! I'm Rockzilla when it comes to this.
6.People trying to talk to me when I'm a)reading b) on the phone.
8. "WOOT" instead of "what". Or even worse: "w0oT"
9. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111" - uuugh.

wow that helped. I feel better now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
1. people with cars that are maybe 800$ worth but pimped and customized beyond believe. If you have that much money, why didn't you get a decent car to begin with?!

I refer to this as polishing a turd. You can shine it up as much as you want but it's still a turd. I lived in Alabama for a while, the whole polishing a turd thing is HUGE there.

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