Talk to me.


Well-known member
Rbella....Good Points....However I could ONLY wish it was just isolated to the Color Threads....Opinions that differ from the Majority as of late do Not seem to be welcomed anywhere....To have an opinion that differs is to be drug thru the mud, considered ignorant or condescending ...and I guess that is good if you like Mud...But some people don't care for the nasty stuff. Good debates used to be fun...Now they are down right attacking at times


Well-known member
True, TISH. I haven't been on in awhile. Just went through and read some other areas of the forum. I feel like every thread ends up in a bitch fight. Why can't someone just state their damn opinion without someone else getting a bug up their ass?

People with differing opinions who can have an open, honest and productive debate are called "adults". Those who resort to throwing insults and name calling are "children". There are a lot of "children" here.


Well-known member
I am still here every day since two years now and enjoy it. I can ignore posts that are "childish" if I go on in rbella's words.

But I wish: Please, "adults", stay here!! Children may come and go, adults will stay.

It depends on every single one of us to change the atmosphere or to work against it I guess.


Well-known member
I have to agree on the rudeness issue, especially in the colour collection threads, when repeat questions are asked. If repeat questions annoy someone, I think it would be better to just ignore that post instead of posting a reply chastising them or being sarcastic.

I am seeing this more and more and I find it really unpleasant. As we all know, there is a LOT if information on MAC colour collections and questions are bound to be repeated. Not everyone has time to read every post in every thread. I truly appreciate all the advance collection information that is brought to this forum, but I do not believe it warrants some of the rudeness I have noticed.


Well-known member
Rbella i agree with everything that you've said.

Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
I wouldn't have said this myself, but I agree.

I also agree that there is some rudeness about repeat questions and although I can see how it would get irritating at times when the answer is a couple of pages back, there's so much unrelated chatter to skim through so it's hard to tell how far back the answer is to your question if it was even asked already.

This is why i dislike clicking on the colour threads these days. You just want to read things related to the products, especially if you are tight for time.


Well-known member
I've been a member little over a year and while I'm not on here everyday, I am on here pretty frequently. I was a member of a few other forums such as this and won't name names but had an awful experience with one and am totally bored by the other. None of them have given me the pleasure Specktra has and I know that whatever question I have will be answered and suggestions made if I ask b/c that's the kind of people that I have found on here-- willing to offer advice, counsel and friendship.

Maybe b/c I'm not on here all of the time, I haven't noticed any "cliques" though I do notice that certain posters have some of the same people who reply time and time again and I've found that even when I post I get some of the same people replying but I don't see this as a "clique", just more that certain people have more of a repoire with some people than others. I've found cliques to be troublesome on another forum but not on here.

The only thing that I've noticed that has changed (at least for me) is the Clearance Bin which other people have made comments about. My problem has been that I rarely get responses back about items people have inquired about on my sale thread and I find that to be pretty rude. If I ask a seller about an item and it turns out I don't want it or can't afford it, etc I make sure to reply back to let them know I am no longer interested. I've noticed the last couple of months that that courtesy isn't extended as much anymore, at least from my point of view. I've been PM'd about items to the point of being badgered about it and then when I am able to contact back or I've come down on the price or whatever the case may be, I get no reply back which irks me and then I'm back to square one on the selling. The other thing which isn't necessarily a big deal but it also sort of annoying is PM'ing back and forth with someone, have them finally agree on a price or decide they want something and then tell me they are out of the country when it clearly states on my thread that I don't ship outside the U.S but at that point, I feel like I have to still sell it to them b/c we have agreed on a price and are to the point of sending the invoice. I've also had a couple of people tell me, "Oh, well all I want is this and it's not that heavy so it won't cost much to ship it to me here". Most of this I've mostly noticed from newer members.

All in all, Specktra is a great place and one of my favorite sites to visit. I am happy being on here and the only thing I would change would be guidelines for being able to access the Clearance bin. As of now, if nothing changed, I'd still be a member and still spend time on the site. The advice and comaraderie are valuable to me and I appreciate any and all comments I receive, as well as the information provided here. I look forward to seeing any changes that may came up on the Color Collection and other forums!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I don't notice any cliques. I used to notice the whole "people snapping when a repeat question/simple question is asked". I think they could be a little nicer, I mean granted it's not that hard, trust me I work in retail (and I know the people they might be talking about do or have before) and you get asked a ton of repetitive questions a day, it's not hard to say, "yes/no/one sentence" to answer the question and move on with your merry day.

I've been joined since 2005, I haven't really been active since last year, but I did used to skim the pages when I was in high school. I admit the tone has changed. But granted specktra isn't as bad as other forums I've been on before, and it's does look like it will be either.

The clearance bin scares me. Especially as a previous poster mentioned I've noticed people in the past who have scammed people still posting and even though it has nothing to do with me it kinda angers me. I have no tolerance for this type of stuff. I know life gets hard, but it is not that hard to drop by the post office or schedule a pick up. I live in the boonies and it is not that hard. You get their money, you give them their stuff. It's just said that people are getting ripped off in these times, you want to come to a community that you trust. I haven't really saw any problems lately but I hope something is done so it doesn't start happening again.

Oh and the CC, I myself have been guilty of it in the past getting offended, and I apologize. When people are new to it they kinda don't understand that it's ok to get help. I was like that for a while until I met a friend IRL who was honest with me and helped me understand what I was doing wrong. You just got to respect that some people just aren't open yet to "strangers" over the web telling them what they're doing wrong. And besides its kinda hard to explain to them over pictures so I understand how it may come off wrong. It was easier for me to have my friend actually touch my hand and show me and talk daily about make up. People just need to warm up probably and not just get hit with the CC upfront ya know? Cause I think half of the people might not know what to do with the CC and get embarrased and upset. I know I didn't know what to do with my first CC.

I noticed on a hair forum that the newbies have their own little section and people are free to come in and help them and I think that's wonderful. It's kinda hard to get throw out in two the sea with the sharks sometimes.


Well-known member
I don't participate in some areas of the forum as much as I used to although I still visit the site every day. I have noticed the cliqueyness in the Colour Collection threads and while it is annoying it is not as annoying as the off topic conversations there. Sorry if I offend anyone.

I used to love going to there to talk about the upcoming collections but now its just page after page of conversations about pets, or whats going on in everyone's personal life which honestly I'm really not interested in reading - in a Colour Collection thread. Those topics are more suitable for the Chatter forum or in Private Messages and I don't understand why the mods don't steer people back on topic. Some of the threads turn into these monsters that are a hundred pages long and I dont want to have to sift through the chatter to get to the collection related comments. So I just stopped reading those threads. If I want to discuss the collections I do it in the Beauty of Colour forum because the collection related threads there are pretty much on topic which is great.

I still really enjoy other areas of the site though. I love the Clearance Bin!! I've not had any issues so far and every one of my experiences has been really positive. I also love Mac Chat because there are sometimes some good ideas in there and there are some threads that are really fun and helpful. The Swatch forum is also amazing and helpful and I like contributing to that when I can. Overall I still enjoy visiting Specktra and will continue to do so.



Well-known member
I will 100% admit that I am one of the members that is guilty of personal chatter inside the Collection Discussion Forums....I will make an effort to make sure I stick to the topic, I was unaware it was bothersome to other members...But now that it has been brought to my attention I will try to refrain from doing so.


Well-known member
Hmmmm... really interesting thread.

I myself, have found that I use the site less. I have also felt the need to change the way I write and have removed some of my 'personal' information... therefore using it less.

I'm a MAC MA and at the beginning was happy to express this in threads and as part of my avatar. I then found that what I was saying was either being taken as gospel or it was being used against me as an attack. I began to feel uncomfortable with both so decided to stop metioning it.

I think its important that there are a number of different MAs on here (just as it is on counter) to ensure the very wide demographic is being served. Each MA has different views, opinions and skill level - but also - just cos we work for MAC doesnt make us the experts in makeup. Yes, we may have the latest on MAC products, know how to do things the MAC way but there are some super talented/creative non-MUAs on here who just as knowledgeable. I guess we can all help in some way, to ensure particular individuals are not glorified in any way to represent a particular brand. Surely theres too much pressure on them to take on that role, but will also help with preventing the 'what-i-say-goes' feel that I sometimes get (esp in colour collection threads).

Another contributory factor - is the cliquey tone that others have already expressed, and I dont frequent Specktra so much these days so can comment on whether it still occurs. But there is a sense of cliques who frequent the site and nearly every thread going and and ONLY their opinions are the ones that seem to go... lo and behold anyone else mention something that opposes the clique. Ugh, I find that really boring and off putting.

Noone wants to walk into a crowded room, on their own. I guess, like Susanne said above - we all make this place what it is and are the only ones who can make it better. Its brilliant that a thread like this has been recognised and I look forward to seeing some recommendations/conclusions from it.

More importantly I'd like to see everyone making a conscious effort to ignore the trolls, keep on topic as much as poss, open our minds to others views and more importantly ...empathic to other posters??



Well-known member
I also am one that of those members that is guilty of personal chatter in the color collection threads. Although I see how we should keep it on topic I also don't really see the harm in the personal chatter but that is just my opinion. I have actually gotten to know people pretty well by the personal chatter in those forums which I have really enjoyed. I also don't know how that would ever really be enforced. I will though try to make more of an effort to keep my personal chatter to a minimum.

Specktra has always been a place that I have loved coming to and spending my time. I first came to Specktra for my love of MAC but I stayed because of the wonderful people. I would agree that things feel a bit "different" around here but I can't put my finger on why I feel that way. Maybe it is because a lot of the more senior members of the site don't really post anymore or even come on the site. That makes me sad.

Or it could be the negative tone that some members use in regards to new members on the site. I do read mostly all of the color collection pages and I still don't remember the answers to everything. I know that if I do know an answer to a question I will answer it nicely and move on even if it is a topic that has been covered many times. I realize that most people don't have the time to go through the 20 new pages that they have missed while living their lives.

I really enjoy Specktra and I will continue to keep coming here. I am going to keep on being positive to everyone on this site and try to make this a better atmosphere for everyone.
I want to be part of the solution not the problem.


Well-known member
I am too guilty of personal chatter in the color forums & like the others have said I am sorry, but saw no harm in doing so.

I have been on this site just about everyday for the past few years & attitudes change, but I say ignore it! It has been a bit different, but like Katie has said, I can't quite put my finger on it.
I miss all the senior members as well!

I love this place & I love the people that contribute to Sprecktra!
Hopefully a resolution will happen soon & Specktra will be as awesome place to others new & old again.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I also am one that of those members that is guilty of personal chatter in the color collection threads. Although I see how we should keep it on topic I also don't really see the harm in the personal chatter but that is just my opinion. I have actually gotten to know people pretty well by the personal chatter in those forums which I have really enjoyed. I also don't know how that would ever really be enforced. I will though try to make more of an effort to keep my personal chatter to a minimum.

Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
I am too guilty of personal chatter in the color forums & like the others have said I am sorry, but saw no harm in doing so.

I love the personal chatter with all of you. This is what specktra makes so special, not just MAC or beauty talk, but also seeing the people who are behind the MAC customers.
If we want to keep it to a minimum in the color discussion threads, come back to the bimbo thread!

Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
I have been on this site just about everyday for the past few years & attitudes change, but I say ignore it! It has been a bit different, but like Katie has said, I can't quite put my finger on it.
I miss all the senior members as well!

I love this place & I love the people that contribute to Sprecktra!
Hopefully a resolution will happen soon & Specktra will be as awesome place to others new & old again.


Originally Posted by coachkitten
I want to be part of the solution not the problem.



Well-known member
as a pretty new member to this forum, i've only really been posting for maybe 2 months tops, i have felt totally welcome. i have stated opinions about certain things, that were different to more veteran members or the majority.. we have agreed to disagree, maybe debated a little, but.. the very same members have helped me by answering my questions, and made me feel very welcome to the site. for example: one such occurance was simultaneously... we were debating an issue in one thread, and the same person was helping me in another and i fully respect and like this person as a poster on here.

i just wanted to say my two cents and as new commer, that i love this forum, and have been made to feel totally welcome

i also kind of like the off topic chatter, it is never for that long, and it gives me a chance to get to know my fellow members,k and it always ends up back on topic within the page

however...i would agree, that if u dont want to answer a question, dont. but dont be rude. just let the next person help if you dont want to. however i have only seen this a couple times.


Well-known member
i read spectra daily, and post occasionally. i have to say that i really don't mind the 'chatter' within threads. even though i read more than i post, it gives me a sense that i know a bit more about the others that regularly post. with that knowledge, i developed a sense of which people i know usually like the same things i like, and i look forward to knowing their particular opinion on new products. (if it sounds stalkerish,oh it is isn't it..omg..embarrassment)

being a member of several forums i know that cliques do form, it's inevitable just like in real life. if we're all adults, if you feel like you are walking into the middle of a clique you'll start talking and keep it moving and perhaps become one of the clique yourself. (how teenagery that last sentence sounds now that i've typed it!)

at any rate, i enjoy spectra and all of the people that contribute a swatch or an opinion or a fleeting thought.

the one nitpicky thing i guess that i can agree with previous posts within this thread is that i've always wondered why someone would take the time to type out 'i've already answered that...that question has been asked hundreds of times and answered one is going to answer that because it's been answered it before....can't you read the past 3 pages where that question has been answered!!'.....just like everyone saying they refrain from giving real constructive criticism for fear of someone taking it negatively, why wouldn't you keep your (to me) snarky holier than thou and biting chastising version of 'bitch go find the answer your damn self' comment to yourself and refrain from posting a response to anyone who bothers you with such a pesky annoying question.

oh, it felt nice to type that actually.

thank you to all

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
^ lol I guess that could help too for them to not just say anything. Usually people will dig until they find it anyway, or just ask MAC directly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursie
....why wouldn't you keep your (to me) snarky holier than thou and biting chastising version of 'bitch go find the answer your damn self' comment to yourself and refrain from posting a response to anyone who bothers you with such a pesky annoying question.

This made my night!


Well-known member
When I visited specktra for the first time I instantly felt home.
Not because of the informations about the MAC collections or because of the reviews about them. With the large amount of other forums and blogs and youtubers.. TBH.. I could have found these informations somewhere else too. What made specktra feel so warm and special to me was the combination of information and chatter.
I also think this is the reason why specktra has a special place in the heart of a lot of users here. Without this personal note specktra would be like any other forum or community.. it would be ordinary.

I noticed it too that even in the one year I am reading and writing here that specktra has changed. But I also can't say where and when it happened. What I noticed too is that more than a few members are less active but I don't know if this is one or the reason specktra has changed.

Originally Posted by nunu
This is why i dislike clicking on the colour threads these days. You just want to read things related to the products, especially if you are tight for time.

Personally I have to disagree because I think that the personal chatter is what makes specktra special. The off-topic makes me smile.. it makes me laugh and it gives us all the opportunity to get to know us better.
Maybe it is too much if for example the last three pages of a thread are about tattas or where the best place is to hide the black boxes for DHs or SOs but.. where should we draw the line?

Now what I am most scared of is a forum-police that will suppress even the slightest amount of chatter or off-topic. IMO it would take away what makes specktra so different from all the other communities.

I also don't see the harm the personal chatter could cause or could have caused. If we now say that we should keep anything off topic away from the color collections threads it actually could cause more harm than good. It would harm the spirit of specktra.

I think we are all aware of that a color collection thread shouldn't turn in to a tattas-only-discussion thread but from what I see the discussion always comes back to topic.

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I also am one that of those members that is guilty of personal chatter in the color collection threads. Although I see how we should keep it on topic I also don't really see the harm in the personal chatter but that is just my opinion. I have actually gotten to know people pretty well by the personal chatter in those forums which I have really enjoyed. I also don't know how that would ever really be enforced. I will though try to make more of an effort to keep my personal chatter to a minimum.

Specktra has always been a place that I have loved coming to and spending my time. I first came to Specktra for my love of MAC but I stayed because of the wonderful people. I would agree that things feel a bit "different" around here but I can't put my finger on why I feel that way. Maybe it is because a lot of the more senior members of the site don't really post anymore or even come on the site. That makes me sad.

Or it could be the negative tone that some members use in regards to new members on the site. I do read mostly all of the color collection pages and I still don't remember the answers to everything. I know that if I do know an answer to a question I will answer it nicely and move on even if it is a topic that has been covered many times. I realize that most people don't have the time to go through the 20 new pages that they have missed while living their lives.

I really enjoy Specktra and I will continue to keep coming here. I am going to keep on being positive to everyone on this site and try to make this a better atmosphere for everyone.
I want to be part of the solution not the problem.


For the enabling.. this is a really difficult subject. With tighter budgets or a tight budget in general it can cause harm if ten people in a row tell that item x is a must have or that you only can feel as a complete person if you buy the entire collection.. twice.

The opinions about collections are important but maybe we all should try to be more sensitive with our reviews. If you like item x and think it is the best thing since sliced bread it isn't necessarily a new HG for everyone and no one should be attacked if she or he has a different opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac

For the enabling.. this is a really difficult subject. With tighter budgets or a tight budget in general it can cause harm if ten people in a row tell that item x is a must have or that you only can feel as a complete person if you buy the entire collection.. twice.

The opinions about collections are important but maybe we all should try to be more sensitive with our reviews. If you like item x and think it is the best thing since sliced bread it isn't necessarily a new HG for everyone and no one should be attacked if she or he has a different opinion.

i think that is the point, as long as no one says, you must buy this or you'll be a failure in life, its a bit irrelevant. just cos some one says how good something is, and then about 10 other people also agree doesnt mean YOU HAVE TO. you can make ur own decision. its not the posters fault if the reader has no ability to make up their own mind and decide if they want it for themselves. i like hearing what people think is a must have, because sometimes its things i wouldnt have looked at, but have turned out to be great products for me, like the GPS