Talk to me.


Well-known member
ok i joined specktra about a year and a half ago and i love it. each eveing i spend time on here (while hubby is getting home from work!) and i really enjoy myself.

i too am guilty of off topic disuccions in colour threds... but i like that about specktra. i think if the colour threds were purely 'i like this product', 'i don't like this product, 'when is this out' and so on we'd only have a couple of pages to read and then the topic would be dead! i like hearing about people's days and lives - esp those from different countries to me because i get to learn different things. i also think that one of the reasons why people talk more in the colour threds now, is because our opinions have been squashed in the chatter area of the forum by some people. i know that on a couple of occasions i have felt like my opinion was not wanted and have seen others been shouted down about what they have shared before. so perhaps in the colour threds we feel like we can say what we want a bit more.... or maybe i'm clutching at straws on this?!

honestly i think the clearence bin section should have a bit more higher posting count and maybe something else to be apporved to use it because more and more people are being scammed - luckily every transaction i have done has been ok but i think i am very lucky.

i don't think specktra is 'clicky'. certain posters will lead conversations butu why is that a bad thing? if you want to be included then join in. i have never once felt that a 'click' has stopped me from joining in anything on here. in fact i think i have made a few good friends here on specktra which i think is fantastic.

it is a shame that some older posters don't come on here so much... why i'm not sure... real life getting in the way, bored of it, or maybe they don't like the tone anymore. i really miss certain people's posts and wish they would come back more frequently but equally i love the people who do post daily. somedays after having a crappy day at work i'll come on here and somebody will post something that will literally make me cry with laughter. what's not good about that?!

so overall i love specktra, will continue to post daily and hope that some old faces come back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
i think that is the point, as long as no one says, you must buy this or you'll be a failure in life, its a bit irrelevant. just cos some one says how good something is, and then about 10 other people also agree doesnt mean YOU HAVE TO. you can make ur own decision. its not the posters fault if the reader has no ability to make up their own mind and decide if they want it for themselves. i like hearing what people think is a must have, because sometimes its things i wouldnt have looked at, but have turned out to be great products for me, like the GPS

I do find that the enabling is funny most of the time also because it is often overstated with a smirk but especially for new members it can appear influencing in a pushy way.

Sure no one says directly "you must buy this NOW or you will regret it for the rest of your life".. well.. at least not very often
.. but the passive aggressive enabling with a smirk can be misunderstood.
Not everyone is able to read between the lines and see .. especially if they are new to specktra.. that some enabling is just fun.

Opinions that are shared on specktra are very important and I am grateful for everyone who shares them but my point is just that as funny as the enabling can be it would be sad if it would go that far that new members have to be warned before they enter the color collections threads.

After one year and so many lovely and funny color collections threads I am still not strong enough to resist every enabling. How difficult could this be for new members that maybe think they have to buy some things just to fit in? Sure we could easily say.. well.. then why haven't they just made up their own mind? But not everyone is strong enough to resist and with enough enabling even the steadiest character can crack.

It is hard.. or even impossible to draw a line between fun enabling and aggressive enabling but maybe we should just be more sensitive and be aware of the influence it can have on people.


Well-known member
I don't care about cliques, tones and bad attitudes on here or in any community online because I know that I wouldn't get that type of negativity done/said to me in real life so no worries. I just ask (to the Admin) not to implement the warning system because it will keep people away from the forums and that would be a disaster. Mods can help to curve some of the negative behavior around here or if members feel they have been attacked or talked down to can report the post (via the report a post icon in the thread) and it will go the Admin and the Admin can handle it whenever she can.

OK so what I do care about is how slow the boards are right now. I come over here to search and to find info because it's easier to do it here than anywhere else and I don't typically read independent blogs to get info. I'm not sure if the current response time is due to the hack exploits you had to deal with recently or the time of the day the forums become flooded with members posting, but I just wanted to throw that out there.

Also, I just read through personal conversations even in topic specific threads because it's great and it is nice to see. It shows community spirit, interaction and sometimes I wish I could be a part of it, but hey, I'm new and I have to earn my place.

I read Specktra everyday and post where I can with the little experience I have so hopefully, you (Admin) won't change too much of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
I don't care about cliques, tones and bad attitudes on here or in any community online because I know that I wouldn't get that type of negativity done/said to me in real life so no worries. I just ask (to the Admin) not to implement the warning system because it will keep people away from the forums and that would be a disaster. Mods can help to curve some of the negative behavior around here or if members feel they have been attacked or talked down to can report the post (via the report a post icon in the thread) and it will go the Admin and the Admin can handle it whenever she can.

OK so what I do care about is how slow the boards are right now. I come over here to search and to find info because it's easier to do it here than anywhere else and I don't typically read independent blogs to get info. I'm not sure if the current response time is due to the hack exploits you had to deal with recently or the time of the day the forums become flooded with members posting, but I just wanted to throw that out there.

Also, I just read through personal conversations even in topic specific threads because it's great and it is nice to see. It shows community spirit, interaction and sometimes I wish I could be a part of it, but hey, I'm new and I have to earn my place.

I read Specktra everyday and post where I can with the little experience I have so hopefully, you (Admin) won't change too much of it.

Please don't think that you have to be on specktra for x months or have to have x posts to join the conversations.

Everyone is welcome and has her or his place on specktra the second she or he joined.


Well-known member
as far as enabling goes i have never once felt pressured into buying a product form people on here. i'm a manager of a shop where it is a sales based enviroment - so i know what is pushy and what's not. and these ladies and gents are not sales people either! at the end of the day smiley faces are always good for knowing when people are being jokey about enabling. and i know it must be tough for new comers and they may think they need every product - and i really do hope they don't feel that us guys make them feel like this.

i know that me personally tries to look at both sides of the coin - if a product is great i'll chat about it, but equally if there is something i feel does the same job or is even better - i'll say that too. certain things are nice to have but not a nessissty. so agian i do hope people don't feel seriously pressured to buy because i don't think that's our intent...

want a sony tv however and i'll ram it down your throat!


Well-known member
Specktra is the only forum I have ever written on more than once or twice. In many forums some people are so rude towards a new member that it scares a lot of people right off. No wonder why - why would anyone want to share their thoughts with people that attack them just for being new there? Atleast I feel if I get bitchiness (is that a word?
) for saying hello or trying to participate to a discussion, it's not worth trying to get in. I haven't yet had this problem here on Specktra (though I have to worry sometimes what I ask, yes, I have too noticed if someone asks something "stupid" he/she gets a slap on the face). People have been really nice here, and that's the reason I went from lurking to writing. I just wish asking questions wouldn't be getting some people to snap. I mean, that's one point discussing new/old collections - asking opinions, asking about products etc. And like so many of you have already said, if one doesn't feel like answering, then one should leave it, not get rude. I really appreciate you that always are nice and polite and care to answer, that is what makes this a warm and fun community (and the naughty-talk
). I want to feel it's okay to ask, and damnit, I will ask! And will answer if I can.

There are so many wonderful people here I would like to get to know better. The chatter in threads is good way to do that. Usually the chatter goes quickly back to topic, which is also good when the thread is really long.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I have to agree on the rudeness issue, especially in the colour collection threads, when repeat questions are asked. If repeat questions annoy someone, I think it would be better to just ignore that post instead of posting a reply chastising them or being sarcastic.

I am seeing this more and more and I find it really unpleasant. As we all know, there is a LOT if information on MAC colour collections and questions are bound to be repeated. Not everyone has time to read every post in every thread. I truly appreciate all the advance collection information that is brought to this forum, but I do not believe it warrants some of the rudeness I have noticed.

I joined only a short time ago and have found most people here are quite
friendly and helpful, however I do feel hesitant most of the time to ask
questions based on the reactions other people who ask repeat questions

Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Now what I am most scared of is a forum-police that will suppress even the slightest amount of chatter or off-topic. IMO it would take away what makes specktra so different from all the other communities.

I also don't see the harm the personal chatter could cause or could have caused. If we now say that we should keep anything off topic away from the color collections threads it actually could cause more harm than good. It would harm the spirit of specktra.

I also like the off topic chatter and agree with capmorlovesmac


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i think if the colour threds were purely 'i like this product', 'i don't like this product, 'when is this out' and so on we'd only have a couple of pages to read and then the topic would be dead! i like hearing about people's days and lives - esp those from different countries to me because i get to learn different things.

I've been a proud member of Specktra for a couple of years. Mostly I lurk, occasionally I toss in my two cents.

Sometimes the off-topic chatting can get a little distracting, but I completely agree with this post. If the colour threads were simply people's opinions on the product, it would get SO boring SO fast that no one would bother reading past the first few pages. And it does really encourage people to get to know each other - and the laid back attitude is something that keeps me coming back to Specktra.

With that being said, as someone who doesn't usually post, it can sometimes be daunting to join in on these off-topic chats. It may sound childish, but I'm a fairly shy person so it seems weird to barge into someone's conversation.
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Please don't think that you have to be on specktra for x months or have to have x posts to join the conversations.

Everyone is welcome and has her or his place on specktra the second she or he joined.

Then I read this post

This is the attitude that makes Specktra so unique. Everyone here is really nice and willing to welcome others. I'll try to get over my shyness and participate more


Well-known member
I have joined other forums in the past and have always regretted it with one day. I never posted and I ended up thinking the people were too negative and mean so I would just lurk. It took me about six weeks to reach my 20 post milestone because I kept dipping my toes in the water to see if I would like what happened.
Specktra is by far the best forum I have ever encountered. The people are nice and welcoming. The personal chatter adds character and a family atmosphere to the threads. Tish's heffer cow story had me rolling for days. I love how kind Elegant One is. Erine's posts are amazing. Susanne seems to be the nicest person I have ever encountered either on the web or IRL. I could go on for awhile with things I have learned about people. These are the reasons I come back to Specktra. This place feels like a community.
I love the FOTD! They offer great inspiration and ideas. I have been unwilling to give cc because I don't want to hurt people's feelings. It takes a lot to put yourself out there and post your FOTD, even if their look is off. Could we maybe have a second FOTD thread that is cc specific? I don't know if that would be redundant, but it could help.
I think sometimes people have to accept you can only be responsible for yourself. So you can only control how you respond to people being rude or clicky
(I can't spell).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Please don't think that you have to be on specktra for x months or have to have x posts to join the conversations.

Everyone is welcome and has her or his place on specktra the second she or he joined.


So true!!


Well-known member
Yeah I think I'll put my 2 cents in, I've been a member since January of this year, after spending a month or 2 just reading posts before I considered to join. I was a little hesistant at first but I finally got the courage to write my first post introducing myself and then posting in the threads here and there. It was amazing how welcoming everyone is! I unfortunately can't comment on how Specktra used to be because I only know what it is now which is an awesome place! I like the off topic chatter because it makes me feel like I really know ya'll. And I also like how I'm not alone in a makeup addiction! That and things like FOTD really helped me realize that makeup has no boundaries. I used to stick to certain colors because I never thought I could pull anything else off but now I have a rainbow in my arsenal! I wear whatever I want and I wear it proud! *And Janice I can tell your a NIN fan
, I am as well! I wish I could have seen them this year since it was their last tour...but of course I put off seeing them and now I pretty much messed myself there..But yeah just saying this place rocks!!!!

*Sorry had an ADD moment lol


Well-known member
I just wanted to say I have thought about the enabling alot since this topic was brought up and honestly My thoughts on that are

People should be mature enough to know what they can or cannot afford to buy...Can we truly blame a Makeup forum for talking about that really enabling....or does the enabling apply only when we as adults lack self control and need someone to blame because we just want what everyone else has. Knowing limits is the key...if I know I can't afford to buy, then I don't....If I want to stay away from makeup forums because I feel it makes me have the impulse to buy then I stay away from them...I don't blame them because the members who do buy happen to like what they got and think others will as well. If I had a drinking problem, I would not go to a bar....But I can't blame others for sharing with me and others about the great time they had while they were at the bar and how good the long island iced teas were.

I think it's all about accountability and at the end of the day everyone has to be accountable for themselves....No makeup forum, or any other forum should be held accountable for lack of sound judgement regarding our own personal finances and lives. What we buy or don't buy is for us to acknowledge sole ownership of. Have I bought because others said it was great, YES 100% ....have I bought it knowing I couldn't afford it, NO.

I am sure I will get a lot of rocks thrown for my opinion...But please know it is simply that...JUST My Opinion.


Well-known member
I totally agree with you Tish, since joining Specktra, sure I have bought more than I should have, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who is to blame for MY own spending habits. No one is holding a gun at your head saying "Buy it or I'LL shoot you!" I think the forum enablers help to see the good and the bad side of the things you think you'll never buy or try just because you haven't had the chance to see it in person. Or giving you an opinion of how this could go with that.

Instead, it has helped me plan my list as I know I cannot get everything I want now, so it has also helped with my budgeting. At the end of the day, I may not be a forumite who speaks a lot, but whatever I can contribute I will. I like the community here and eventhough I haven't been here for long, I feel as though I have!


Well-known member
All I can say is ***YEAH***** Specktra is back up!!! Makes a lot of complaining pointless to say the least!! I missed this place and all you guys!!!


Well-known member
I enjoy SO much about this board but of course there are always things that need fixin...

While I do love the community aspect of the board/some of the chats in the color collection threads: The problem with it for me is, I don't have a lot of time some days and there are 170 pages of "discussion" where maybe 40 of those pages actually have discussion about the collection in does get to be a bit difficult.

That's when you get the repetitive questions like "How does the greasepaint differ from the shadestick" and people get "looked down on" for asking a repetitive question? I once asked something and got the reply "AGAIN!" from a member lol...Gee sorry I couldn't be bothered to look through the 200 pages here that are OT.... Some either don't have time to look through 185 pages, or it's easy to miss a q/a like that when you're trying to skim those pages quickly. IMO you won't need a "FAQ" thread *as much* if the color thread discussions stay on topic. Secondly, the search feature on this board isn't too great, I have found, so even if I try to "search" a thread my answers don't come...Maybe the better suggestion is to please improve the search function?

I have seen some of the "cliquey" aspects of the board, and some rudeness that really bothered me and turned me off (my prime example is a girl who asked twice- a year apart- how old she looks and she was VICIOUSLY attacked by people; there is an option to ignore that some people refused to exercise). When I/others tried to defend her right to post/see her side of it, we too got attacked. But this board is so huge, that I can't say I "define" this board as a place where this stuff happens regularly. When it does though, I expect mods to be there and vigilant to not let this stuff get out of hand...doesn't always happen, even if they are aware of the thread. Again, it may just be the size of this board.

The cliqueness I have seen is when someone posts an opinion (civally) that disagrees with a popular member's opinion...the regulars will automatically side with/thank the long time/popular member and sort of "gang up" on the person with the different opinion (or ignore them altogether). I always think of that as being so high-school. Honestly though, for the most part, I do enjoy this board...but I am avoiding any real debates/discussions here now because of that. I just have fun with makeup and I want to keep it fun in here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
All I can say is ***YEAH***** Specktra is back up!!! Makes a lot of complaining pointless to say the least!! I missed this place and all you guys!!!

Exactly! Which is my only concern. Glad it's back online!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
All I can say is ***YEAH***** Specktra is back up!!! Makes a lot of complaining pointless to say the least!! I missed this place and all you guys!!!


Nuff said.


Well-known member
you all!!

These few days on Displaced Mac Addicts showed me again what an awesome community we are.

We are specktra, we are making it what it is.



Well-known member
I have missed you all so much! I didn't get a chance to join displaced MAC addicts...I was super busy over the weekend, but I did read whenever I had a spare moment. I was so excited to log on and find the site back up today!

This is what I love about the site, we are a community, and we'll find a way to iron out the problems!