The 44th President Obama!!!!


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Originally Posted by TISH1127
Girl don't let them ruin it for you! Ignornace should not prevail!!



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Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
FINALLY justice has been served to every american. I think people FINALLY woke the F up and realized that they NEED to be active in controlling their own lives. We sat on our asses for too long and let idiots like Bush do whatever he wanted and now look? unemployment is at an all time low, people are foreclosing on their houses, older people are having to find jobs. I mean for being a hegemonic super power, we sure were doing a shitty job.

all I am saying is that John McCain put up a good fight, his speech was respectful and I am elated that Obama won, I really feel like he understands the 'everyday' person, the struggles of being middle class and what it feels like to be a minority. I am also glad that African American's came out in droves, I ONLY HOPE that they continue to take active roles in our government in the future. I am middle eastern and I know far too well what Racism feels like, Its humbling and refreshing to see some REAL CHANGE in the white house.

PS.I dont think this election was only about race.

PPS. I hope elizabeth is in a corner crying somewhere

PPPS. Obama for 2012 [S.Palin move the eff on]

GOOD GOD. I cant believe the HORRIBLE things Im reading about Elizabeth in this thread... GET OVER IT. What, she has a different view than you?? Ive got news for aLL of you- there are a LOT of people out there that share the same views as Elizabeth... Does she always handle herself in the right manner? No. But she's on a show called THE VIEW. Where she voices her opinion. She gets PAID to voice her a opinion. And there are a lot of people who agree with her.

It annoys the SHIT out of me that in one line people are talking about being more accepting of other people, and how they are so happy we've over come racial barriers, and excited for all this change.. and then turn around and BASH someone just because they dont agree with her views. I dont see her going out of her way to physically or emotionall hurt someone sho who CARES what she thinks? So she annoys you? so what..!!!???

Why dont we try a little damn acceptance of other people's views? If you dont agree with her, FINE.. but dont wish SADNESS and bad things on her just because she doesnt agree with what you agree with...GOOD GOD... The whole thing pisses me off so bad I cant even friggin finish reading the thread right now.. there's almost as much stuff wishing horrible things on elizabeth hasslebeck as there is excitment over Obama....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
there's almost as much stuff wishing horrible things on elizabeth hasslebeck as there is excitment over Obama....

I think that statement is highly exaggerated... I have read every post...So actually I know it's highly exaggerated.


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I am so glad to be able to tell my future children that they can be anything they want to be AND MEAN IT!!!!


Well-known member
I'm trying to not let it bother me so much. I'm sure it'll be better after work when I'm home and can fully look at everything... alone and without comment.

Plus, even though I'm constantly on the pill so I never have a period, I'm PMSing terribly. I think that's why it's bothering me more than it should. Heh.


Well-known member
There's a LOT OF people wishing horrile things about her... I dont even know how or WHY she was brought up.. you have to admit it's completely uncalled for... completely. This should be a thread that is happy and all about the excitment of Obama becoming president... wishing ill will on someone just out of the blue like people have been is just unnecessary.


Well-known member
^^^ lol that may be it ^^^ Chikky
Those people you work with is the main reason I will not and have never discussed politics or religion on the job...When asked who I wss voting for...My response was always...Thats not up for discussion.
I hope it gets better for you!


Well-known member
And just for reference.. I do not agree with Elizabeth... A few things I do.. but not everything. I just think its upsetting that while reading how everyone is so happy that all these barriers are overcome, and we can all become wahtever we want to me, and finally there's CHANGE... and in the next sentance is random bashing of someone who... really honestly has nothing to do with what we should be celebrating right now. That's dissapointing. I didnt see a quote from her, or anything pertaining to anything she's even said about obama becoming president.. The View hasn't even aired yet... Really really no reason to bash her for no reason. There's just not. We should all be above that and celebrating Obama's victory instead....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
There's a LOT OF people wishing horrile things about her... I dont even know how or WHY she was brought up.. you have to admit it's completely uncalled for... completely. This should be a thread that is happy and all about the excitment of Obama becoming president... wishing ill will on someone just out of the blue like people have been is just unnecessary.

Well I only saw... "I hope she is somewhere crying in a corner"...Maybe there were posts I missed...Can't imagine how since I am nosey and try to read them all...But I didn't personally read anyone wishing harm or ill will on her ... Hell I've been crying all night in a corner myself for that matter... And after all the negative things that have been said regarding, Obama, McCain, Palin & Biden....To say something like wishing she was crying is quite MILD in comparison...wouldn't you agree?

Are you kidding...You obviously haven't watched the View in the past months...Nor watched her on the campaign trail with me she got her words in very clearly!


Active member
Originally Posted by Chikky
Apparently, I'll be in the minority here...

I'm very unhappy, though I will support him as our president. It's the right thing to do. I guess.

I agree with you..I am kinda scared actually...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gullygabby
I agree with you..I am kinda scared actually...

I totally understand you being scared...I have been scared for the past 8 years.... But hang in gets easier after time...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well I only saw... "I hope she is somewhere crying in a corner"...Maybe there were posts I missed...Can't imagine how since I am nosey and try to read them all...But I didn't personally read anyone wishing harm or ill will on her ... Hell I've been crying all night in a corner myself for that matter... And after all the negative things that have been said regarding, Obama, McCain, Palin & Biden....To say something like wishing she was crying is quite MILD in comparison...wouldn't you agree?

Are you kidding...You obviously haven't watched the View in the past months...Nor watched her on the campaign trail with me she got her words in very clearly!

Actually since I had my son I watch The View and Regis and Kelly almost every single day. I agree she does get her words in... but all I'm saying is shouldn't we rise above all of that and celebrate what's REALLY important here??

and I do believe I also said that I dont agree with Elizabeth's views. Im talking about this from a politically objective standpt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
My friends and I in the UK admit to shedding a few tears of joy.

I am relieved. I might even think about moving back home to Texas, someday soon, even though Texas is a red state. McCain didn't win Texas as thoroughly as Bush did in 2000 and 2004. Obama made some gains there too.

Come on home girl!! Texas is a good place to live! Although I miss Ohio...Texas people are very welcoming and friendly....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmyshimmyya
Elizabeth Hassleback is probably in the middle of a nervous breakdown right now...

Here's one that I found right away...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Actually since I had my son I watch The View and Regis and Kelly almost every single day. I agree she does get her words in... but all I'm saying is shouldn't we rise above all of that and celebrate what's REALLY important here??

and I do believe I also said that I dont agree with Elizabeth's views. Im talking about this from a politically objective standpt.

Ok I totally agree with you...

I just didn't see all the posts you were speaking of that made you so outraged is all I was saying....


Well-known member
AdlersMommy - I understand where you are coming from. I agree that the focus of this thread should be about celebrating the changes in our nation to come, and not about bringing others down, whatever their beliefs may be.

I am looking forward to "real change", and having those that promise it, walk their talk. Onward and upward.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Here's one that I found right away...

That was an observation or assumption ...Not a persoanl attack or a wishing her ill ....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ok I totally agree with you...

I just didn't see all the posts you were speaking of that made you so outraged is all I was saying....

K, cool. I think it just made me so upset that it was being turned into something negative AGAIN when it should be something CELEBATORY... even though I didnt vote for obama this is a TRULEY celebatory day in our history and let's not demean it with bashing people with extreamly concervative republican views- even if they dont express themselves in a way we all agree with

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