URGENT... I Need everyone to pass this message on!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
Have to agree they are beautiful women! Glory to the curves
haha that's priceless.. yeah I feel sorry for my "friend" too.. we really were not friends I just had one class with her in HS and she reconnected with me over facebook after 2 years. It just breaks me heart... but hopefully she will surround herself with people who make her feel beautiful and not have it be a self fulfilling prophacey. B/c if you interact with people who constantly tell you that you are not beautiful then you start to carry yourself in that way.

Lol too true
thing is hun that there are some women who are naturally thin,who maybe would like to put some more weight on and vice versa.. We must embrace all different sizes etc what i don't approve of is when you open a newspaper ( I live in UK) such as Daily Mail ,Sun etc and you see photo of say Posh and in my OH,opinion she looks like she could do with good "english GUTBUSTER brekkie" which incl:2 sausages,2 rashers of bacon,baked beanz,2 fried tomatoes, 2 eggs,mushrooms, 2 hash browns,fried slice of bread, round of toast!!The dress she wore to BRITS,was hanging off her
I have an 18 year old who says she would love a body like POSH!! (my daughter is size 8 dunno whats that in US sizes),i always have to repeat to her that she is fine as she is and there's no need for her not too eat or to aspire to look like Posh!I do blame the media as we are being bombarded with these images of "yummy ,skinny mummy" type who looks so effortlessly slim,elegant etc!
real life is not like this especially when you are woken up at 2 am in the morning to comfort your crying child who has not been feelin well and decided to vomit all over you


Well-known member
I think your daughter is an American size four... I wear a 8-10 and I ordered a dress off Asos.com in a UK size 12 and fit me perfectly. Anyway... Its so important to tell girls size doesnt matter...

OH that could be taken in a dirty way.. haha Size does matter in some respects! haha


Well-known member
I just passed your friends theory by my husband and he laughed. He said that men don't think that deep at least he doesn't. He said that skinny, fat, white, black are not the important issues. What he wants to know about a woman is can she cook(yes), is she crazy(hell yes), will she kill him in sleep if he pisses her off (yes)and does her daddy own a lot of guns(yes)?

He said he doesn't know any man that thinks like that and that's the dumbest thing he ever heard. He also said if and when you friend gets a little wisdom she will realize that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I feel sorry for her. I can't imagine living my life always trying to fit someone else definition of pretty. Sad


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
I just passed your friends theory by my husband and he laughed. He said that men don't think that deep at least he doesn't. He said that skinny, fat, white, black are not the important issues. What he wants to know about a woman is can she cook(yes), is she crazy(hell yes), will she kill him in sleep if he pisses her off (yes)and does her daddy own a lot of guns(yes)?

He said he doesn't know any man that thinks like that and that's the dumbest thing he ever heard. He also said if and when you friend gets a little wisdom she will realize that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I feel sorry for her. I can't imagine living my life always trying to fit someone else definition of pretty. Sad

You know he said....and is she a beast underneath the sheets...And I cleaned that up!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know he said....and is she a beast underneath the sheets...And I cleaned that up!!!


Yes he did but I couldn't clean it up as well as you did. And.... yes. I don't think he's been here for 20 years because he likes my cookin'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovely333
Your friend has some serious issues. Is she married does she even have a man?

She is 18.... (2 years younger than I am)... She has a boyfriend but I don't know him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
I just passed your friends theory by my husband and he laughed. He said that men don't think that deep at least he doesn't. He said that skinny, fat, white, black are not the important issues. What he wants to know about a woman is can she cook(yes), is she crazy(hell yes), will she kill him in sleep if he pisses her off (yes)and does her daddy own a lot of guns(yes)?

He said he doesn't know any man that thinks like that and that's the dumbest thing he ever heard. He also said if and when you friend gets a little wisdom she will realize that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I feel sorry for her. I can't imagine living my life always trying to fit someone else definition of pretty. Sad

I love your hubby!! haha He sounds so down to earth and funny! You got a keeper!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know he said....and is she a beast underneath the sheets...And I cleaned that up!!!

hahaha You have truly entertained me this whole day! hahah


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan

Yes he did but I couldn't clean it up as well as you did. And.... yes. I don't think he's been here for 20 years because he likes my cookin'.

WHHHattttt...you better stop cooking then hell!! Go throw all them damn pots and pans away TONIGHT!!! Hefty bag them immediatley!! Or throw a skillet under the covers with you!!


Well-known member

sounds like your husband hit the jackpot. "Or throw a skillet under the covers with you!!" that sounds like a good idea. lol

Beauty Mark

Well-known member

so my question is... How do I get this girl to see that she is beautiful as a woman of color? That she is beautiful as a woman? That she is beautiful as a human being?

You cannot. She has to figure that one out on her own. I feel sorry that she can't see that she can be just as beautiful as anyone else.

There are tons of non-white, not thin women who men love. Men as a whole have many preferences. Most men I know like a healthy body, be it thin or much curvier. And men as whole don't seem to prefer one race over another.

If men are the ones who mostly own the major fashion labels, magazines, and media outlets, she may somewhat have a point that men do set the standard of beauty. But that's only a fraction of a percent of the men, and God knows that they don't account for everyone, much like the male equivalent doesn't account for my taste most of the time.

I think your friend needs to look deep inside herself why she thinks this way and maybe seek help if she seriously feels this way all the time.


Well-known member
this is long. but when are my posts ever short?

Originally Posted by MissResha
speakin of which, i saw a pic of Lindsay Lohan recently...she looks like Skeletor from He-Man. fucking gross. she needs a CC's of bacon grease STAT


But I'm going to kill the humor on this thread for a second and just be a party pooper
all of those comments really made me laugh though lol...you guys are so funny!

I would also like to mention, Lindsay was not naturally that that skinny. Before she had curves, and she looked healthy and beautiful to me. She became that way gradually, after mean girls I noticed. Although I can only speculate, I do feel like she had a lot of media pressure to become extremely thin. So, just in my opinion, Lindsay wanted to lose the weight, and I feel like she went overboard. Same with hillary duff, she was cute and healthy when she was young, and when she saw a tabloid of her saying "DUFF PUFFS UP" she started working hard to melt off the pounds...but now, I think she looks too thin, unhealthily thin.

It's one thing when a girl is naturally that skinny, but it's another when you see someone become that weight by choice.

ok, anyway, onto my thoughts about this whole topic...I would just like to add my two cents as an Asian girl growing up with a white beauty standard she held for herself...I know, throw tomatoes at me if you will. But I know I am wrong and I'm working to very hard change that.

A lot of what your friend said was what I used to think, but she was much more extreme about it. Deep down inside, I wanted to see beauty in every color and race, but FOR ME I always, always, always thought that being white (or at least mixed with white) was the best and prettiest, and I, as an Asian girl, would never be the best cause I don't have a drop of white in me. I grew up having mostly white friends, living in a predominantly white neighborhood, watching TV with mostly white characters, reading magazines that were directed towards (mostly) white girls. Thus, I grew up feeling, I guess, out of place. When I started looking at movie stars from Asia, hoping to see girls who looked at least a little more like me, I was still bombarded by images of women who held their image up to a white beauty standard. Sad, isn't it?





I am sad that I still feel this way at times. I wanted a nose job for so long. It is an internal struggle I deal with almost every day...I wish I could see the beauty in diversity, but I feel like when I look at girls of different colors sometimes, I still find the ones who look more white prettier. What a twisted mentality I have developed, haven't I? I always felt sad that I couldn't look prettier (which to me, meant "more white"..and when I say this, I mostly mean my face.) I thought that was why I could never attract a guy. Little did I know that had little to do with anything, and most of my problems were in the way I thought, not necessarily the way I looked (not saying i'm a knock-out, but I'm just saying now I want to feel like I AM worthy and not think that I can't land a bf cause I'm Asian!)

As for what guys prefer...it all boils down to preference. My dad told me this, actually, and I think his words were very wise. Even if white was "perfection", who's to say that all guys only want "perfect" girls? Every guy has a different perception on what THEY find beautiful, and the same goes with us - we have different preferences in what we are physically attracted to in a mate as well. I won't go any deeper than this because I don't want to open the can of worms known as my thoughts on the subject, but I still firmly believe this simple point: Not all guys only like one type of girl, be it white girls, black girls, asian girls, etc. (unless they have fetishes. But let's not get into that.)

POINT: It is sad your friend, and I, feel this way. There is beauty in every color, and we all should be able to see that, not hold ourselves up to one beauty standard and say the rest are completely inferior. If the world continues to think this way, it'll be messed up for a while.


Well-known member
luvsic... I really want to give you a good reponse to what you said... but i'm way too tried.. but 2morrow I will put my 2 cents in about growing up in an all white neighborhood as a person of color. I'm AA (ahahah I'm still laughing at that from like 2 pages ago) and I grew up in an all white SOUTHERN community. That was something..

But for now I just want to say thank all of you for this open dialog about race, weight, beauty, and culture! It's nice to hear everyone's perspective! Thank you all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
luvsic... I really want to give you a good reponse to what you said... but i'm way too tried.. but 2morrow I will put my 2 cents in about growing up in an all white neighborhood as a person of color. I'm AA (ahahah I'm still laughing at that from like 2 pages ago) and I grew up in an all white SOUTHERN community. That was something..

But for now I just want to say thank all of you for this open dialog about race, weight, beauty, and culture! It's nice to hear everyone's perspective! Thank you all!

OK girl...I'll look out for your response tomorrow! Get some rest!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
luvsic... I really want to give you a good reponse to what you said... but i'm way too tried.. but 2morrow I will put my 2 cents in about growing up in an all white neighborhood as a person of color. I'm AA (ahahah I'm still laughing at that from like 2 pages ago) and I grew up in an all white SOUTHERN community. That was something..

But for now I just want to say thank all of you for this open dialog about race, weight, beauty, and culture! It's nice to hear everyone's perspective! Thank you all!

This should be interesting.

I was raised in polar communities, black/white, poverty level/middle to upper class. It all made for quite a life adventure.

I'll chime in tomorrow as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
I think your daughter is an American size four... I wear a 8-10 and I ordered a dress off Asos.com in a UK size 12 and fit me perfectly. Anyway... Its so important to tell girls size doesnt matter...

OH that could be taken in a dirty way.. haha Size does matter in some respects! haha

Awww hun we love Asos.com!My girls buy clothes from there often
but i love Nine West shoes, ( pricey but gorge) and being half italian shoes are my PASSION <SWOON>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know he said....and is she a beast underneath the sheets...And I cleaned that up!!!

Lolol Trish !!Ermm I agree what healthy concept you have... but my reply to that comment is unprintable
in fact it sounds a bit like one of the lines from little Kim songs

Beauty is such a unique thing it appears in many forms and there's a saying "
Different strokes for different folks"

You must love yourself before you love another and with that i rest my case
Ciao to all


Well-known member
Ugh I hate my people sometimes.

But I kind of don't blame them. Its where they come from, how they were brought up by their families, the media, and their Fair & Lovely bleaching cream commercials are pure hilarity
Its sad that we can have such ignorant ideals but thats the way the world turns. People come in all colors, shapes and sizes, there is no perfect woman or man. It also boils down to personal preferences.

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