Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Oh, TISH, Blue Bell ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have one major weakness:
Dr. Pepper

Other weaknesses not as major but still are factors in the enlargement of my ass:

Nestle Drumsticks
Chuy's (restaurant) especially the creamy jalapeno sauce with chips
Queso with chips
Pasta (any kind)
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Candy Corns (crap its Halloween)
Jack in the Box egg rolls and tacos
Whataburger taquitos (potato, egg and cheese)
Beck's Prime Chocolate Shakes (make me cry)
Cherry Sours

I like junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
OMG I love PB&J too...I could eat 3 sanwiches in a row...I would have been so great on Big Brother Show...

And Root Beer is my major too...everything else I can do without...It's hard to break a soda addiction...I bet it's like stopping smoking


Well-known member
Chicken Korman

Mmmm Indian food

Still haven't eat
We're supposed to be gone for an hour now but he makes me wait and wait. Hate that


Well-known member
I've never had Indian food, seeing as we have the same taste in things I should probably stay away,lol. I just wanted to add that I used to be A LOT bigger until I cut out pb&j's and too much cereal believe it or not. Oh and did I mention I love pizza rolls...those things are little demons. Rbella my stepdad is addicted to drpepper, he used to get the big gulps from the corner store and suck them dry @ work because my mom limited is intake to 2 a day @ home.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
and too much cereal believe it or not.

I believe this, I have a problem with cereal too! I realize I cannot keep it in the house now. Except for oatmeal, which I still allow myself to have.

Grrrr, I have so many trigger foods. I just have to learn to live without them since I cannot have just a little of them. It just leads to overeating and I just have to cut them out entirely.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
you know how alcoholics have their cup they are always carrying around, that's him but with drpepper!

Thats me with my Root Beer or Cherry Coke


Well-known member
I love Indian food as well... my DH makes the best curries that i have ever tasted. I have been craving all day... McDonalds. I was even thinking about going to get some for dinner. Oh yeah... CHEESE... forgot that on my list.

I have been doing alright today. I just had my lunch. Not very hungry today. I need to make sure that i still have dinner even though i had lunch so late.

I did some cleaning today... I hate cleaning the house. It is the most boring job in the world. I would rather do anything else than clean. LOL. I finished it now... thank god. DH will be happy that i did my share this time.

Otherwise, I have been having a lazy day... been watching Hills all day... I love that show. I am season 3 so far... watched most of 2 today and just started S3.

I did make sure that i did my exercise... 20 min exercise video and 50 arm lifts on each arm.


Well-known member
I am going to snap out of this funk today...I have not eaten again today...I know this is the WORST way to loose weight..But I frankly cannot make myself eat anything..Maybe I am coming down with Rbella's bug thingy


Well-known member
Yeah, I really hope your not sick Tish! Hopefully it's just your nerves or something, nevertheless I really don't want you to be sick!...:/.....Melliquor I had McDonald's today....I know, I know,....BUT I only had 1 burger and 1/2 of my med. fry..I thought that was pretty good considering the only other thing I've had today is a coffee and half a tangerine. Mzzrach, cereal doesn't fill me up and it's so easy to make! Besides, they make it in so many different flavors...I'm not kidding when I say I used to eat like 4-5 bowls in one day.yikes.Not anymore though, thank god..


Well-known member
Well I forced myself to eat a little something after my son came in and said Mommy, why don't you eat anymore...If he is 6 and notices..there is a problem...So I ate and now I feel a bit less sluggish.. I think it's just *life* not a flu bug or anything to be honest.

I love cereal too

Frosted Flakes w/bananas
Mutli-Grain Cheerios
Raisin Nut Bran


Well-known member
My version of frosted flakes....add 1 cups of sugar
my version of cheerios......add 1 cup of honey

no jokes. lol.


Well-known member
I love the Barbara's oat squares cereal - so much so that I have had to stop buying it. It becomes way too much of a good thing!



Well-known member
Ok Ladies I changed my Hair Color today, I had my crown highlighted.....
So tell me what you think...I don't like drastic..so I asked for something very subtle...I kept telling her please don't make it too too noticable...My dh has not seen it yet






Well-known member
I love it

You look so good with it!

I love your style, I wish I could wear short hair, but right now with my puffy face I would look like an angry masculine lesbian...