Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I love it

You look so good with it!

I love your style, I wish I could wear short hair, but right now with my puffy face I would look like an angry masculine lesbian...

Thats funny Thanks... Yes it is now growing out of a super short cut from a few months ago, the back was practically shaved.


I love short hair...But I normally let it grow out during the fall/winter months..​


Well-known member
How have I never seen this thread before!
I could totally use some weight loss support!

I recently started weight watchers as my employer covers the cost. It is about the millionth time that I have started weight watchers so we will see what happens. It is nice to know that there is a support system on Specktra and I will be checking in here often.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
How have I never seen this thread before!
I could totally use some weight loss support!

I recently started weight watchers as my employer covers the cost. It is about the millionth time that I have started weight watchers so we will see what happens. It is nice to know that there is a support system on Specktra and I will be checking in here often.

Come on down!! Where the hell have you been! We were starting to think we were the only not so skinny folks on the site...Just us 6 or 7
slightly curvy women!


Well-known member
My mom lost 60 lbs in 5 months on weight watchers..There is good support here...We fess up when we cheat..and we try to keep each other motivated...We list our foods for the day so it's hard to eat certain things when you know you have to post it!


Well-known member
I love your hair Tish! If it makes sense it doesn't look as "harsh", it matches your skin tone a lot better and besides it makes your eyes look so HAZEL/AMBER, very pretty! You do have the perf. face for short hair...my face is very square so I tend to look a bit 'manly' with a short hairdo,but I always cut it when I see short hair I like!!...lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
How have I never seen this thread before!
I could totally use some weight loss support!

I recently started weight watchers as my employer covers the cost. It is about the millionth time that I have started weight watchers so we will see what happens. It is nice to know that there is a support system on Specktra and I will be checking in here often.

YAY, more people! I knew we weren't the only ones...


Well-known member
Tish - Love your hair... you look gorgeous. I think the lighter colour is def less harsh and suits you more.

Welcome coachkitten!!! Everybody is welcome and we are really good support for each other during our journey to lose weight.

We are doing a Christmas challenge that you are more than welcome to join. We just pledged how much we want to lose by xmas. I think we started last week.

My evening was good yesterday. I had mcdonalds but was good... had a kids meal but was still within my points. I wasn't even that hungry but i knew i needed to eat some dinner.

Have a good day ladies. I will post what i eat later on... don't have no idea right now what i will be having.


Well-known member
Welcome coachkitten!! We are glad to have you here. We have a good time here and help each other along in this journey. Progress, not perfection.

Tish - your hair looks absolutely gorgeous. I love it.

Yesterday was the first day in quite some time where I feel I succeeded in eating clean and eating proper portions. That is a huge step for me.

Onward and upward.....


Well-known member
^^^ Congrats! It really does make you feel good when you are eating healthy and proper protions. I know i eat alot less than i ever have.

I have been doing good today... had sausges and mash for dinner... was yummy. I didn't overeat thought.

My weigh in is tomorrow... can't wait. I hope i have a really good loss for the week.

Have a good evening ladies.


Well-known member
Go luck tomorrow Mel..I hope you have a good weigh in .But remember inches are just as important as pounds so don't be discouraged by the number if it is not what you want it to be...A loss is a loss..1 lb or 10 or inches


Well-known member
Hello girls, hope you're doing well

Tonight, I'm relaxing
We went to Costco, bought many things, but mostly healthy ones, except this gooood goooood cheese Prestige de Bourgogne. I don't know if you can get it in the states because it's from France, but if you can try it once in your life, do it! Its like you spread cream on your bread... mmm

I'm making a carrot and aspargus soup, and maybe another couscous, since it's so good and easy to make.

I bought myself 2 shirts and a jeans today, damn it, it was a 20. I used to wear 18... But it depends on the way it's made...

Tomorrow it's thanksgiving, I love when I don't work on mondays heheh.

Have a nice evening ladies xxx


Well-known member
Mel, I am so proud of you. You have been keeping me motivated to try and eat at least halfway decently.

TISH-I LOVE new hair!!!!!

Coach-I'm so happy you are here!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone else!!


Well-known member
I am going to try my hardest to stick with the points plan this week. I have also made a goal to walk my parents puppy at least two times this week if not more. Hopefully once I get started it will be ok but it is the getting started part that I have a hard time with!


Well-known member
drunk,. tried to read the threads..b ut it's not working. sorry
checking specktra while drunk is a new level of addiction. haha
sorry everyone I will check on tomrrow
I snacked on dry cerael while everone ate nachos. be proud!!!!!!!!!
love everyon2!


Well-known member
Hey all... I am doing good today.

Tish... thanks. I took my measurements yesterday and will check them again in a month. I know i have been losing inches as well because i have dropped another size now.

Rbella... thanks. I can do it... anybody can. I ate so unhealthy before.

Don't plan on eating much today because i have weigh in tonite at 6 but i will be having a little treat for dinner tonite. Not sure yet what i want but will decide later on.

Just came from the doctor and they said i am doing great. They checked my weight and from the last time they weighed me... i have lost alot of weight. My diabetes is brilliant right now and the doctor was pleased about that. My blood pressure was really good. They only thing was my triglycerides levels were a little high and she put me on a cholesterol pill for everyday. Hopefully with me losing weight and eating a more healthy, it will go down in the next few months.

Have a good day ladies... i will try to check in during the day to see how everybody is doing.


Well-known member
Good Job Mel!!! I find that loosing weight helps a lot of my health issues..
I too have High Blood Pressure..But when my weight is normal it is controlled without meds.


Well-known member
I talked to the doctor about me being tired all the time and she wants to check my iron levels... i have had iron deficiency in the past and she said maybe that is what is causing it.

It would be nice to get to the bottom of it. I should have more energy now than i had before... not becoming more tired.


Well-known member
I Hope they are able to fgure out whats going on..I'm anemic so having low iron and low energy sucks!! I take iron pills...Not like I should...but I do try to eat lots of iron enriched foods. I have never been good at taking meds on a consistent basis..I start out with great intentions..then after a few days..I stop taking them, miss a dose etc. I have no discipline when it comes to this stuff. Main reason why I need my weight under control so that I do not have to rely on taking my Blood Pressure meds daily because I know I won't take them like I should.


Well-known member
Woke up today with a crazy headache and fever......so I am staying home from work today. Hopefully I am not coming down with something. I quite honestly cannot afford to be away from work, my project load is off the chain.

It's annoying really. Hoping this is a 24-hour bug and it passes quickly.....

Sorry, just had to vent. I HATE being sick.