Girls I am back my body is heavier but my wallet is lighter. We went out to eat a lot. I didn't binge drink like I was worried I would do (by my standards anyhow, I know technically binge drinking might be 5 drinks in one night... and I did have a glass of wine on the plane, half a beer at the house, Half a cooler at the first bar and then 1 cooler at the place where we danced and afew sips of a friends drink...). But I have been known to pack em back a lot harder than that, and I had one drink the other two nights, I was on vaccay thats just how it was. Thanksgiving dinner got me, I ended up having seconds... AND eating later turkey/stuffing/cranberry mini sandwiches, and stuff like that. So I need to get back with it.
The good parts, I bought myself a planner, so I can try and organize. I bought a plastic thing with 3 drawers for my makeup so its not just in a bin.
I spoiled myself and got a makeover at merl norman and finally got my hands on some liquid foundation (i didn't want to order without being matched) and learned that i am cool toned (I know but I really needed someone to figure it out for me its not that easy, I don't really have that good of a subtle sense about colors...) and I'm their lightest cool-toned shade, not sure what that would be in MAC shades though will get matched next time i'm in a city that has a counter or store, but who knows when I'll manage that lol
At least I have a foundation that works, it seems SO pale though lol... hard to get use to. The things you learn lol.
Good trip though other than the diet. short weekend away but glad I did it!