Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Woke up today with a crazy headache and fever......so I am staying home from work today. Hopefully I am not coming down with something. I quite honestly cannot afford to be away from work, my project load is off the chain.

It's annoying really. Hoping this is a 24-hour bug and it passes quickly.....

Sorry, just had to vent. I HATE being sick.

I hope you feel better! I think there is a bug going around...Whatever I was feeling lasted about 24 hrs. Get plenty of rest...and get better!!


Well-known member
Mzz Rach... hope you feel better.

Tish... thanks for the advise.

I have great news... i lost 6.5lbs this week
. Don't know how i did it but i am so happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor

I have great new... i lost 6.5lbs this week .

P.S. I probably Found them just in case you want them back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
P.S. I probably Found them just in case you want them back

Finders keepers... i don't want them back


Well-known member
Girls I am back my body is heavier but my wallet is lighter. We went out to eat a lot. I didn't binge drink like I was worried I would do (by my standards anyhow, I know technically binge drinking might be 5 drinks in one night... and I did have a glass of wine on the plane, half a beer at the house, Half a cooler at the first bar and then 1 cooler at the place where we danced and afew sips of a friends drink...). But I have been known to pack em back a lot harder than that, and I had one drink the other two nights, I was on vaccay thats just how it was. Thanksgiving dinner got me, I ended up having seconds... AND eating later turkey/stuffing/cranberry mini sandwiches, and stuff like that. So I need to get back with it.

The good parts, I bought myself a planner, so I can try and organize. I bought a plastic thing with 3 drawers for my makeup so its not just in a bin.

I spoiled myself and got a makeover at merl norman and finally got my hands on some liquid foundation (i didn't want to order without being matched) and learned that i am cool toned (I know but I really needed someone to figure it out for me its not that easy, I don't really have that good of a subtle sense about colors...) and I'm their lightest cool-toned shade, not sure what that would be in MAC shades though will get matched next time i'm in a city that has a counter or store, but who knows when I'll manage that lol

At least I have a foundation that works, it seems SO pale though lol... hard to get use to. The things you learn lol.
Good trip though other than the diet. short weekend away but glad I did it!


Well-known member
So I know I'm super late on this, but for the Christmas challenge I'd like to lose just 5 lbs. Start of small, so I know I can make it! Haha. I think I won't allow myself to buy any more makeup until I have made this goal, that sounds like pretty good motivation, right? :p

Today I didn't eat too well at all, I'm too embarassed to post what I ate. I do promise to exercise tonight though!


Well-known member
I didn't eat very well today either, but I plan on working out tonight! Anyway It was my BFF's(lol) 21st bday party on Sun. I only had 3 drinks 1 flute of champagne and 2 glasses of wine which is GREAT for me, I had a half potatoe, some carrots and 1 piece of filet mignon at her house...that was all I ate that day because I don't eat a lot when I drink. Today I had a quesadilla, cup of coffee, and a soft pretzel stuffed with cheddar, gee whiz I sure do have TONS of will power!!!


Well-known member
Ok..I had no breakfast...No Lunch
Dinner was AppleeBees - Bowl of Shrimp & Spinach Salad / couple bites of my dh's sirloin. Cherry Limeade

Then we rode our bikes after dinner 3 miles..I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. My endurance really sucks when it comes to non-stop activity. But my dh is calling himself "My Ignitor" and he is pushing me hard...We are getting up early in the morning and going for 4 miles...I think he is trying to kill me for the insurance money
I crawled upstairs and I asked him to please bring me a cold drink....He brought me a bottle of water
!!! UGGGHHH I want a soda!!! Why did I ask for his help!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Woke up today with a crazy headache and fever......so I am staying home from work today. Hopefully I am not coming down with something. I quite honestly cannot afford to be away from work, my project load is off the chain.

It's annoying really. Hoping this is a 24-hour bug and it passes quickly.....

Sorry, just had to vent. I HATE being sick.

I hope that you feel better!

Originally Posted by melliquor
Mzz Rach... hope you feel better.

Tish... thanks for the advise.

I have great news... i lost 6.5lbs this week
. Don't know how i did it but i am so happy.

Good for you! That is awesome!

Today is the first day of my eating well and so far so good. Although I ususally do good during the day. It is those night hours that are dangerous!


Well-known member
Rach!!! I hope you are feeling better!!

This weeks photo posts!! Couldn't wear last weeks outfit again as I wanted to ...Haven't done laundry... I have lost 5lbs since last week 15 more to go by Christmas!!! It's coming off..I am just impatient!

You guys know these will only be up for just a few embarrassing hours!!



Well-known member
well i havent written in here for a while. I have lost 20lbs since july 2nd. that was with very little excercise. I finally got my butt to the gym and have been walking. I went tonight and met with a personal trainer. I bought 8 sessions and tonight was a "preview" of what the workouts would be like. holy hell, she kicked my ass!!! I still cant breathe and that was 2 hrs ago, gotta find that inhaler somewhere.....anyways everyone looks like there doing great. keep it up ladies, we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleDevil
well i havent written in here for a while. I have lost 20lbs since july 2nd. that was with very little excercise. I finally got my butt to the gym and have been walking. I went tonight and met with a personal trainer. I bought 8 sessions and tonight was a "preview" of what the workouts would be like. holy hell, she kicked my ass!!! I still cant breathe and that was 2 hrs ago, gotta find that inhaler somewhere.....anyways everyone looks like there doing great. keep it up ladies, we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!

Great!! Welcome Back ....Well tell us the secret to the 20 lbs!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleDevil
well i havent written in here for a while. I have lost 20lbs since july 2nd. that was with very little excercise. I finally got my butt to the gym and have been walking. I went tonight and met with a personal trainer. I bought 8 sessions and tonight was a "preview" of what the workouts would be like. holy hell, she kicked my ass!!! I still cant breathe and that was 2 hrs ago, gotta find that inhaler somewhere.....anyways everyone looks like there doing great. keep it up ladies, we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!

20 lbs?! Oh wow!!! Congrats!!


Well-known member
Tish - Congratulations on the 5lbs... that is fantastic. You are well on your way to reaching your goal for xmas.

Littledevil... congratulations. Great weight loss.

Good morning ladies. I have lots of stuff planned today and trying to exercise more. I will probably hitting a plateau soon in my weight loss. I have just dropped down a point in my eating which is always good.

Today, I am having...
Brekkie... bacon roll
Lunch... Beef Stew w/ dumplings
Dinner... pasta w/ garlic and olive oil and loads of veggies. Maybe some chicken as well.
Snacks... 2 apples and grapes

Have a good day ladies... will try to check in later on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Macdisiac
I am in shape, moon's shape.

full moon or half?

I just read that you lost five pounds Tish, that is awesome! So only 10 more pounds to go?

I have been eating good today, just not a lot which I do not like doing.