What is your name? Small Survey


Well-known member
Name: Niki
Age: 32
Location: Maryland, USA
Profession: IT department at a community college and freelance make up artist.
Ethinicity: If I have to check a box, I would check African American although I'm mixed with various races. :p

How I got into MAC: I went to the counter with another MAC addict back in 1998 (who now works for them) and loved all the colors they had to offer. So I brought Chestnut liner, with Delish and that was the beginning. The only time I didn't wear MAC was when I worked for Clinique for a year. But ok, I did use to wear Chestnut liner with some of Clinique's lipglosses.
Now, I'm back to loving MAC and hopefully get my nerve to apply and become apart of their family.



Active member
hi! Im Lexi (given name Lexiss)

I am 21 years old.. I am a real estate broker for invesments.. which means I only sell/buy to/for investors..

Im white.. Italian/German

Im from New York but living in SB Miami.. FLorida
with the palm trees

I first bought MAC back in 1999.. and I still go to the same MA..
I'm crazy in love with MAC... "Once You Pop you cant stop"!

okay.. that quote was cheesy but I had to say it!!


Well-known member

my name is Stephanie
I'm currently 19yrs old.. going on to 20 in a few months =)
I'm a full time student working on my GE & also a full time worker for my parents.. (chinese fast food joint)
& I'm currently located in Southern California


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Profession: Undergrad student. I'm studying mechanical engineering. Hmm.. I just wish there's MAChanical studies. Ah.. that's too lame..

It's not lame..I thought it was cute!


Well-known member
Name: Aziza Walker (pronounce Ah-zee-zah
Location: Tampa, FL
Profession: College Junior
Ethnicity: Black, Trinidadian
How I got into M.A.C: I found this AWESOME site!!

Future plans: Joining the Peace Corps when I graduate
My real dream: To be a makeup artist one day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
my real name is Courtney

me too!

Location: Kentucky. born and raised.
Profession: currently a student.

Favorite Vacation Area: Chicago or the beach in Florida. . .I love them both!
How did you get into MAC: you know, I can't remember to be honest with you. I remember falling in love with the MAC store when I spent a summer in Philly a few years ago. . .but I think I was already into it before then.
Future Plans: It might be an odd way to answer this question, but right now I'm just taking life as it comes because that's all I can do at the moment. I'm living and working on being free and happy and content.
so I'm on the journey of trying to reach those goals. of course I'm also striving to graduate, get a good job, FINALLY be in a good relationship (which is damn near impossible), all those normal things.
Does it go without saying I'd also love to be a MAC artist? hopefully someday it'll happen!
. . .and that's me!


Well-known member
Name: Ashley. I wish i had an original name.

Age: 14 :]

Location: Pembroke pines florida. which suckssss.

Profession: Still in middle school but its my last year in it. thank god.

Ethnicity: german. basically it.

How did you get into MAC:
I dont know I was just going through macy's to get into the mall and just stopped and was like omg i found love.

Future Plans:
To go iceskating next weekend and meet up with someone :p haha more far in the future, i guess to go to college for fashion merchandising.

Lucy In The Sky...

Well-known member
Name: Christina (original eh?) but my friends call me Chatina! (funny nickname story)

Age: 19 wo0 h0o!

Location: I'm from San Diego, National City area. But as of right now I'm in Turlock...suckage.

Profession: Being a full time student. No place wants to hire me cause of all the units I'm carrying...makes me sad cause then I'm poor and can't buy as much MAC

Ethnicity: Mexican, Spanish, French, Native American, and I just recently found out that I have Nahuatl in me too!! eek...I'm excited about that.

How did you get into MAC:
My cousin. I went with her when she had to get a new compact and then I saw Jewel Blue e/s and Trax...so I bought em! (never paired em together though...I doubt that would be cute.)

Future Plans:
Well when I graduate (not too far!) I want to be a psychological analyst for the CIA. It's either that or I want to be a somewhat of a criminal psychologist which would mean working in a prison of some sort with the mentally unstable criminals. And it all else fails, I want to be a designer.
Name: Christine.
Age: A mere 18.
Location: Dededo, Guam.
Profession: Student.
Ethnicity: Filipino.

A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: Baguio, Phil. The scenery is beautiful there.

How did you get into MAC: In all honesty, I can't remember! But I suppose it started with my daily trips to makeuptutorials at Livejournal.
Future Plans: Finish college within the next three years. Beyond that, I have no idea.


Well-known member
Name: Audrey (middle name is Nicole, hense the username)
Age: 25, will be 26 in July
Location: Tampa, Florida (born and raised in a Philadelphia, PA suburb)
Profession: Stay at home mom and wife
Ethnicity: Scotish, American Indian, French - a little of everything!

A little more about me...

I am a wife to the love of my life, Drew (5 years in July), and we have two beautiful boys, Logan (4) and Joshua (2.5). We moved to Tampa, FL in 2004, after living outside of Philadelphia all of our lives. I love makeup, and got into MAC after my sister-in-law came to visit and brought some of her eyeshadows. I have been hooked ever since, and even got my sister hooked!
Other than that, I love to garden, decorate my home, and scrapbook


Well-known member
I thought I could get this thread started again.

Name: Hillary
Age: 24
Location: Houston, Texass
Profession: Branch Manager for Non profit organization
Ethnicity: Spanish/polish/italiana


Well-known member
Name - Becca, not Becky!

Age - 23

Location- Phoenix, Az

Profession - Soon-to-be-book-editor, WOOT!

Ethnicity - I am so French!


Well-known member
Name: Selma (Swedish version for those who know this famous Swedish writer...)

Age: 22

Location: Somewhere lost in Brittany, France, but currently I'm staying in Beijing til December for an academic program

Profession: Cadet Officer (2nd Lieutenant in the French Army, actually)

A bit more about me: I got married in July with a wonderful man (who found a way to stand me in everyday life, wow), we're planning to have children maybe in 4 years if everything goes well, I'd like to travel the world without being separated from my husband (but with our jobs, it's going to be hard), to learn how to play the piano but I'm way too lazy...


Well-known member
Name: Ijeoma Afi (E-ja-ma A-Fee). My dad was from Nigeria so that is where my name comes from. People either call be EJ or IJ. Either is fine. I never, ever use my name not because I don't want ppl to know it but I know that they will not be able to pronounce it!
Age: 26
Location: Originally from Los Angeles. Lived in Bakersfield, CA for 5 1/2 years. Now I live in Las Vegas.
Profession: I'm a prenursing student. I also work full time at Zappos.com.
Ethnicity: Black. Dad was from Nigeria and my mom is Black from Arizona.

A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: I haven't been to many places but Jamaica is in the number one spot right now.
How did you get into MAC: I really don't know. I had a friend who was into it when we were in college. I always thought that everything was so expensive and I would never spend that kind of money. I think that I really made my first purchase at one of my best friend's college graduation (when were around 22 or so). She wanted us (the three best friends) to get our make up done at the MAC counter. That was my first purchase...Dark Blot powder, Amber Lights e/s, Cranberry e/s, Oh Baby l/g, and #7 lashes. It was history from there!
Future Plans: I plan to be a licensed registered nurse in the next 2-3 years. I would like to own a home by the time I'm 30. I don't want any children....maybe a dog.



Well-known member
Name: Roshni (Indian name, means "light")
Age: 23 years
Location: Jersey and NY!
Profession: Majored in Finance, Psychology and Management Information Systems. Currently working for Mayor Bloomberg, but looking into doing freelance makeup on the side (it's my passion). My dream job is to work for Estee Lauder/MTV, but the corporate side of it. Wish me luck, I am applying!
Ethnicity: 100% Indian, but born and raised here

- Going to Vegas for the second time in Dec with a whole bunch of friends!

-I am the only child, but can get boring

-I loveee makeup and dressing up. I am always in nyc on the weekends, clubbin' and partyin' it up! My friends can't keep up

-I <3 Bollywood!

-Life is too short and unpredictable, so do what you want without any regrets!

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