What is your name? Small Survey


Well-known member
Name: Cortney
Age: 21
Location: Long Beach, CA
Profession: MAC artist

Ethnicity: Irish, German


Well-known member
Name: Candice
Age: 18
Location: sacramento (boring)
Profession: student at a community college
Ethnicity: Hmong


Active member
Name: Kristen
Age: 21
Location: North Carolina
Profession: Student
Ethnicity: Im not really sure. I think German


Well-known member
My name is Gemma, online I prefer Gem only because it's easier to type and it doesn't appear on predictive text when sending text messages on mobile phones.

My bio is somewhere in the 'meet the mods' thread...sorry I'm going to be lazy too. But if it's any consolation, there's buttloads of crap on me, and more so on my blog (if you click on the page 'bio' on the right column/sidebar).

Hey Lara, if you read this, I love your avatar!


Well-known member
Name: Emily
Age: 24
Location: Sydney, Australia
Profession: Admin, Bachelor of Graphic Design
Ethnicity: Aussie
Favorite Vacation Area: Thailand or Noosa QLD Aust.
How did you get into MAC: Online
Future Plans: Married now, hope to move up the job I currently have. Kids in 2 or three years.


Well-known member
Name: Kirsty
Age: 20, 21 on 8th March
Location: Bournemouth (or near enough) in Dorset on the South Coast of England
Ethnicity: I always says English but I'm actually half Scottish, quarter English and quarter German. There's a splash of Irish in the Scottish half but not very much.

Butterfly Princess

Well-known member
Name: Andrea

Age: 21 but will be 22 on 1st April.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Profession: I am a student studying Psychology

Ethnicity: I was born in Australia but my ethinicity is Chilean.

A little more about me...
I work at a shoe store part time, I have been going out with my boyfriend for 4 years. I am a student and will finish my degree in June.

Favorite Vacation Area: It would have to be Chile. I would love to go there again and also travel around South America and maybe some countries in Central America.

How did you get into MAC:
I was pursuaded to go to the counter from so much talk about Mac on the Vogue forums. Back in around November last year they opened up a counter near were I live and decided to go. Once I stepped in to the shop I was addicted. Especially with the Makeup artists they are so nice. Thats my story and I will never look back....

Future Plans:
My future plans are to get a full time job after I finish University. Not sure if I want to go back for my fourth year in Honours or postgraduate (which I need to work as a psychologist). I will probably see how I go but I am so over studying at the moment. I may even want a whole career change. I am very unsure. Other future plans are to move in with my Boyfriend.


Well-known member
Name: Erica

Age: 21 yrs old

Location: Austin, TX

Profession: I am a student studying Psychology (yay copy and paste from above post worked for me)

Ethnicity: part Mexican... part Spanish (a little French thrown in there somewhere)

A little more about me...
I work for Internet Technical support... it's a drag ... I've seriously had people ask me how to get to *my* computer whenever I ask them to click on "my computer".

Favorite Vacation Area: Right now it's Puerto Vallarta or Scotland (of places I've been)... I imagine when I go to Greece... everything will change.

How did you get into MAC: Actually slowly... my friend was very knowledgeable about their line in high school... and all I use to wear was purple eyeshadow... it was my baby. I had not found a department store line that carried so many different eyeshadow colors... slowly from there whenever I was looking for something a little different I ended up at the MAC counter... and now it's the other way around... it's all MAC and I occassionaly stray to another line like Lancome or Guerlain. My first product was Trax.

Future Plans:
My biggest plan soon is switching schools to Southwestern University, because they have a better rated liberal arts degree program. I recently moved in with my boyfriend of 4 years... we just recently started talking about marriage seriously... we use to joke all the time with good intentions... but now we're making plans in the next 1-2 yrs after we graduate. I intend to get any job that will take me with a degree... eventually get certificates in Psych and practice for a bit to make enough money to start my own restaurant. Make babies (<2), travel, decorate, buy lots of clothes, shoes, jewelry and makeup....dare I say,live happily ever after?


Well-known member
Name: Adam.

Age: 18

Location: Kokomo, Indiana (US)

Profession: still in high school. haha

Ethnicity: White, but Scottish and German in blood.

Favorite Vacation Area: California. Southern California to be specific.

How did you get into MAC:
Myspace.com almost all of my friends on there wore it and my personal makeup god, Jeffree Star uses it. hahaha. Curiosity I suppose.

Future Plans:
Go to college for a degree in computer science and do makeup as a second job.
Name: Anna - shuhoniuo is my middle name, it means "dear one" in a language called Angami, which is spoken in Kohima (where my dad's from)
Age: 22 - 23 in 2 weeks, eeek!
Location: England - Sheffield during the week and London at weekends
Profession: medical student - only 8 weeks left
Ethnicity: my dad is from a remote hilltop community in India called Kohima. My mum is English. (he's a Dr and she was a nurse...their eyes met over the operating table!)

A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: San Francisco, Yosemite
How did you get into MAC: My mum bought me crystal eyeshadow when I was 14. I'm on my 3rd now!
Future Plans: To be an ace Dr and have fun


Well-known member
Name: Cynthia
Age: 31, but I don't look it
Location: Pullman, WA, although I've lived all over the PNW

Profession: computer engineering student and MIS admin for a professor in the econ department

Ethnicity: 100% Mexican, and I don't look like it at all. Most people think I'm Asian.

A little more about me...

Favorite Vacation Area: So far, San Diego, but I loved the few days I got in Mexico

How did you get into MAC: One of my friends raved about it and when we got a counter in my hometown, I was hooked.

Future Plans: After I finish my degree, I want to do some big time traveling, and I'd like to take a course in skin care or hair coloring, and continue my education by learning new languages.


Well-known member
Name: Lien!
Age: Twenty-freakin' five years OLD...I'm OVER a quarter of a century OLD...
Location: I have X-Ray vision...Imma Radiologic Technologist...
Ethnicity: Viet-man-ese foo!

Favorite Vacation Area: I'd like to go back to Las Vegas now that I am over 21!
How did you get into MAC: A good while back my bf agreed to pay for some foundation for me (I was a broke ass student back in those days) and I really like it but I was poor so I never got anymore...Plus I've always been intimidated by MAC ma's for some reason so I never once again got the guts to approach them.
Just recently when I was out of a job and had nothing to do at home, my dear friend Serenaxoxo introduces me to pigments through the macsaleswap forum on LJ. And I read the forum and became obsessed at collecting MSF's too...I still haven't gotten my makeup done by a MAC ma, but if I have time tomorrow I wanna go do it--I want to get colormatched for the Studio Fluid Fix and get the 190 brush too...

Future Plans: I'm planning my wedding right now--hopefully this one won't be cancelled because of another hurricana'...after that I want a house and a new car...preferably a pretty lil Lexus...my poor Suzie the Silver Bullet got flooded (1997 Honda Civic)


Well-known member
Name: Karina (read: Ka-ree-na); prone to other people mistaking it as Katrina, Corinna, Karen, etc. I won't even start on my last name

Age: 24
Location: Melbourne, Australia; the "four-seasons-in-a-day" city.
Ethnicity: Chinese


Well-known member
Name: Janet
Age: 21
Location: Chandler, AZ, but more like Tempe, AZ since I live on the border of the cities.
Profession: I am a Front Desk Supervisor at Life Time Fitness in Tempe (if you have one in your location you should join, it's pricey but worth it!!) and I just applied for a new position in management.
Ethnicity: Half Italian, the rest is Scottish, English, Dutch--->(isn't that the language though...)

A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: Anywhere on the beach in California! I'm originally from San Jose, CA, lived there for my first 10 years and I miss it sooo much
I'm also in love with NYC, been there a few times and would live there in a heart beat!
How did you get into MAC: My friend used their Studio Fix powder, so I tried it and haven't stopped using MAC since. I now probably have well over $5,000 worth in products.
Future Plans: Well my friend who's a MAC MA just got promoted to the 3rd keyholder management position and she keeps urging me to apply, I already know all the managers and majority of the staff, and I obviously know MAC's products pretty damn well, so we'll see...


Well-known member
Name: April
Age: 18
Location: Roanoke, VA, USA
Profession: I'm currently a college student.
Ethnicity: Technically I'm an American, but my ancestry is 1/4 Cherokee and 3/4 a ton of European things.


Well-known member
Name: Shanti (it's Indian, unlike me)
Age: 16
Location: city, Canada
Profession: student
Ethnicity: 1/2 Laotian (oriental Asian), 1/4 German, 1/4 French Canadian


Well-known member
name: kara danielle
age: 18
location: san francisco, CA (originally from the east bay, a 30-min drive away)
profession: aspiring make up artist/designer, full-time student majoring in spanish (i want to switch to fashion design), part-time hostess (haha, love this combo)
ethnicity: sicilian, native american, german, irish, english (dad's a mutt, mom's half irish/half sicilian)


Well-known member
Name: Jennie. (given name Jennifer)
Age: 36 years
Location: Swansea, UK. Born and bred in the West Midlands which is Central England
Status: married (7 years) with a Dog called Gem

Profession: Directory Enquiries operator. (best job available that I can do due to ill health) I used to be a Vet Nurse....but no longer able to to do it.
Ethnicity: Mostly English I think, although my Mum was adopted and her father was an American GI. So who knows, lol.
A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: Vegas baby. The Dominican Republic comes a very close second.
How did you get into MAC: I have always been a make up whore
Future Plans: Currently in the process of selling my house...so am looking for a new one.

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