What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
^^ LOL...ugg..I hate all those spam texts they have out there now...Everytime I think I'm getting a text from my friends, I open it and its that stupid chain letter shit.. Hated it on emails..hate it even more on cell phones..


Well-known member
Melissa...He is just a boy....If you just sit there waiting on a call it may never happen....You are worth so much more than just sittig hoping this dude would call...hell I probably wouldn't even take his call for a few days if he decided to...Maybe you should make him wait like he has made you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
lol..I think its a Government conspiracy to increase our population...so they are handing out antibiotics without warning stickers so that we take it without using backup protection..haha..and all get pregnant..JK

LOL. You're a joker! This whole convo made me go home and check my antibiotics. Mine has a sticker that say "refer to pharmacists print out"; so I did that and the print out says that the antibiotic might make my birth control and muscle relaxer (I have fibromyaliga) less effective.I was suprised, it waa actually specific to my medical history. Who would have thought!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Melissa...He is just a boy....If you just sit there waiting on a call it may never happen....You are worth so much more than just sittig hoping this dude would call...hell I probably wouldn't even take his call for a few days if he decided to...Maybe you should make him wait like he has made you

ITA... so when I read this, I went into town with my little guy... (to get diapers and more food for him because he NEVER STOPS EATING)... and I didnt even take my phone...

I got hom and had a text from brent that said "Happy thanks giving!! I still want to hang out tonight if you do... "

I didnt even text him back
And I wont until like 3ish.. make him sweat a lil bit

I really think we need to make an "anything and everything" thread like Jenna suggested!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Good Girl....Don't make him think that you are desperately just sitting there waiting for him!

Originally Posted by blindpassion
Good move. Gooood move.

Originally Posted by jdechant
Yay! I am soo happy that he texted you though!! Good boy Brent, Good boy!.. LOL!!

Thanks guys- Im learnin! hahahaha... slowly but surely.

Jenna I want to be like "sure let's hang out- the girls @ specktra told me to tell you good job!" hahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Thanks guys- Im learnin! hahahaha... slowly but surely.

Jenna I want to be like "sure let's hang out- the girls @ specktra told me to tell you good job!" hahaha

He's be like aspecka what?? haha..everytime I try to talk to my friends about specktra or mac they just give me this puzzled look...they just don't understand (nor care) about me and my makeup!! I'm so glad to have you all here ...haha..and for understanding lol..


Well-known member
I just had a friend ask me if UDPP would work with non-Urban Decay eyeshadows. =P At least you guys speak my language, lol.


Well-known member
Well I waited and didnt talk to brent until.......wait for it......... 6:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im going to meet him @ his place @ 9.. I told him I had some stuff to do before I came over
And tonight I plan on talking to him about all this buisness and getthing things straightened out... I dont want him to think im needy!! I can and will and do date other guys...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (even though I really really really like him) haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Well I waited and didnt talk to brent until.......wait for it......... 6:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im going to meet him @ his place @ 9.. I told him I had some stuff to do before I came over
And tonight I plan on talking to him about all this buisness and getthing things straightened out... I dont want him to think im needy!! I can and will and do date other guys...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (even though I really really really like him) haha

When you do talk to him, approach it really casually and use as few words as possible. I know that sounds weird but if you make it into a HUGE conversation then hes going to be uncomfortable about it. Just be cool, say what you need to say without getting to emotional about it, try to say it in a relaxed way and then move onto another topic. That way hes heard you, but it was positive.

Sometimes guys get uncomfortable when you just met them and you already want to dive into emotional talks, so just get in there and say it fast and dirty
haha. And then banish it from your mind and have fun!


Well-known member
^^Yah, what she said..lol..it sounds like a good way to handle it..don't get into great detail about the whole thing, just let him know what's up, and then move on to enjoy the night.. HAVE FUN!! and we will be waiting for an update..lol..


Well-known member
The best thing you can do if you want anything to happen with him is bring absolutely no drama to the table. I mean, the situation is kind of done and over with- so he probably doesn't really want to talk about it. If you really dislike the way it was handled then forget him...You're super pretty, I'm sure he sees that. The best thing you can do is play hard to get, it sucks to play mindgames but this one really works. Just kind of think before you speak, and let him come to you. That's what boys are supposed to do anyways- ya know??


Well-known member
^ ^ also agree with that completely. either option works. it just depends on how much its weighing on your mind. if you can say nothing, then say nothing. men are simple creatures, you can tell them something once and then its done.


Well-known member
^ men are simple...and pretty stupid creatures. haha.

the difference between us+ men is when we do something to be bitchy, we do it on purpose or are at least aware of the consequences. with them they could be doing something that's KILLING us and they have absolutely no idea. Once they get freaked out by a situation, they pull away and it's hard to bring them back without tricking them into thinking it's a chase.

Also, don't forget this saying. It's soooo true::: "boys fall faster, but girls fall harder".


Well-known member
Hey hon, coming late to this thread, but I hope you had fun. And just chilled out. I won't offer advice because I don't have relationship history to back it up! (I'm like almost 30 and never even had a DATE! ) but my thoughts are with you!


Well-known member
Hey girls! I really didnt even have a "talk" with him last night.. When I got there we sat on his couch and watched two episodes of Always Sunny in Philidalphia.... and as soon as I sat down he put his arm around meand so we cuddled for a while, then went to his room and watched The Bourne Identity (bc Ive never seen it)...we ended up watchin that til about 11:30 but then my mom called bevause Adler was really fussy so I had to call the night short but when I was leaving I was like "so did you still want to hang out on saturday?" And he was ike "yeah of course." and I was like "are you sure? Because you dont have to.." and he kissed me and was like "of COURSE I want to hang out with you. and we're going to."


I decided not to have a huge convo w/. him .... just befcuse I really dont want all the drama.. thanks for the advice girls!

and Jenna.. uh oh. LOL


Well-known member
^^ Uh Oh is right...HAHAHAA....Well we always knew this day might happen..hahaha...I wonder how long it will be until....well you know..haha..
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