WHO is Jesus?

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Christianity has the unfortunate luck of having Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell leading the news brigade and speaking for it.
I don't follow either, nor do I appreciate either.

We're all big pieces in this HUGE puzzle that is called life...and perhaps if we each thought about how we truly wanted our beliefs to be perceived by others, and we acted accordingly, this discussion would not even be necessary.


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Originally Posted by quandolak
Well then thats your loss if it is seriously that difficult for you to see that its petty of you. I know many people who have gone on marches throught london and sydney where thousands of muslims atyended to denouce all this.. But christians arent made to denounce their fruitloops. We have to constanlty explain and say sorry for things we have not done...and if the meida decided to have a field day with the undesirable members of the chrisitan faith and you were made to explain that these people are only a minority..Maybe then you could just for one moment stop living in your fantasy land and maybe you would get that its extemely sad and petty of you to have this need to say these things.

WHAT? Christians ARE made to denounce their fruit loops. Pat Robertson? Jerry Falwell? Ring any bells? And yes, ANY faith that constantly (and I will unapologetically use the word constantly here) has people proclaiming that XXXXXXX act of violence was in XXXXXXX's name for XXXXXXX reason SHOULD have to apologise, and explain itself, Christianity INCLUDED.
The media did NOT decide to have a field day with those riots, the acts themselves were proof enough of the intentions of the people behind it. The death threats received by the editors of the mags and papers who published them were proof enough.
When the acts are en masse, yes, explanation is owed to the rest of the world, if for no other reason than to say, "I don't condone what they are doing."
Originally Posted by quandolak
So you can say WORLD in capital letters but that doesnt change the fact that the media only shows those protests that fit with the views of the rather uneducated masses. It never showed the thousand who had to go out and defend themslevs from these childish views that they are violent..thousands in london went to show that muslims are not advocating violence..all this so that people like you can stop whittering on about us being violent. the majority arent violent but you can only bring yourself to belive that that is so...do you seriousloy think the media would dare show the real views of the majority of muslims...im sure they wouldnt...it might upset those nitpickers as who would them then falsley accuse.

Those thousands WERE reported on! And I don't believe the entire Islam religion is based on violence, however, perhaps the leaders of the peaceful sects of Islam could do a bit better job seperating themselves from the violent sects, and could be more vocal in uniting the Islamic faith into peace instead of violence? Would that not be a good solution to the world perception?
And, you're verging here on the cusp of personal attack. I have not personally attacked you yet, I'll ask you to refrain from doing so to me.
Originally Posted by quandolak

I serioulsy feel physically sick at the way so many people rationalise this behaviour..so much so that they can actually convonce themslevs that they are not neglecting actual reality.

And also if the 99% of peacful muslims in the world did their peacful protests and lived good honesty lives. You would still find that one percent and blow it out of proportion. And still insist that we are violent or that we advocate it.

I have to ask you why you feel the need to victimize yourself and your religion. All you've said thus far is how mean the world is to Muslims and how NO ONE understands them and nobody gives them a chance etc.
Why the need for victimization? Reality is not being neglected, and quite frequently I have stated that a) not all Muslims are violent terrorists, b) Christianity is NOT perfect, c) Catholicism is NOT perfect, d) ALL religions have had atrocities committed in their names, e) I don't condone violence on ANYONE'S behalf and f) there is NO perfect religion. I have stated and restated these points numerous times, and you've continually ignored them, instead choosing to construe my postings as ignoring your points, and attacking my person (that's in the next section of your post, btw) and my beliefs. Repeatedly, you have denied answering questions I have asked, while maintaining that I refuse to see anything you are saying, which, if you were to reread my postings it would be evident that I am taking into account what you are saying and at times agreeing with it.
Originally Posted by quandolak
Yet if i dared say that all chrisitans were baby rapists i would get long lectures. But i suppose people always find *reason* for their *allegations*.

Indeed you would not, from me at least. I would have to raise an eyebrow, and then point out that EVERY faith has people who are flawed...up to and including Christianity, and that due to the people with flaws making more noise (we'll call them squeaky wheels) perceptions can sometimes be skewed.
Originally Posted by quandolak

I feel sorry for your desperate attempts to keep your head in the sand..but i am going to end this conversation now for good..and ill let you ramble on to your hearts content with innacurate and childish accusations...all of wich are of course proven as *fact* based on you minds editing skills.

Good luck...allah hafiz...

I have not made an attempt to keep my head in the sand. In fact, I have tried instead to draw you into rational discussion, and you have failed to do so while ignoring my attempts at rational discussion. Instead you have repeated sought to victimize yourself and your religion, while villifying religions elsewhere in the world.
Inaccurate and childish accusations? Ok, so it's innaccurate to say that in the riots following (because this is the common theme we've been discussing so far) the publication of muhammed cartoons (tasteful or non, irrelevant) more than 130 people were killed and there was widespread and massive property damage? It's inaccurate to say that boycotts and other economic measures led to job losses and missed business opportunities on the scale of millions of Euros? What about "An elected MP from Uttar Pradesh , India's most populous state , Mr Haji Yaqoob Quereshi, Minister for Minority Welfare, announced a bounty of Rs 51 crore ( Nearly $ 22 Million ) + gold as much as the assassin weighed for anyone killing the Danish cartoonists. Cases have been registered in a court in Ghaziabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh, against him because of that bounty."...is that inaccurate also?
Whose head is in the sand here?

On February 7, the parliament of the State of Kano in the Muslim north of the country cancelled a €23 million order for Danish busses and banned the sale of all Danish and Norwegian products. Legislators then burned the flags of both nations before a crowd decrying the blasphemy of the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

From February 14-15 protests have occurred, the largest of which took place in Peshawar where protestors number over 70,000 [8]. Other cities have also experienced great unrest such as Lahore where foreign owned businesses such as Pizza Hut, KFC, and McDonalds have been burned; Islamabad where the embassies of Britain, France, and India were targeted; and Tank, a town 142 miles from Peshawar, where protestors burned down shops selling CDs and DVDs.

On February 17, 2006, Ynetnews.com ran an AP article that claims that an Islamic cleric is offering a monetary reward and a new car for killing cartoonists (implied).

"Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi, prayer leader at the historic Mohabat Khan mosque in the northwestern city of Peshawar, announced the mosque and the Jamia Ashrafia religious school he leads would give a 1.5 million rupee reward and a car for killing the cartoonist of the prophet pictures that appeared first in a Danish newspaper in September.

"Whoever has done this despicable and shameful act, he has challenged the honor of Muslims. Whoever will kill this cursed man, he will get one million dollars from the association of the jewelers' bazaar, one million rupees from Masjid Mohabat Khan and 500,000 rupees and a car from Jamia Ashrafia as a reward," Qureshi said.

"This is a unanimous decision by all imams (prayer leaders) of Islam that whoever insults the prophet deserves to be killed and whoever will take this insulting man to his end, will get this prize," Qureshi said.

At least four protestors were killed in Afghanistan, in Mihtarlam and an US air base in Bagram. One boy was trampled to death in Bossaso, Somalia when the crowd stampeded as police fired in the air to disperse them. On February 5, 2006 one protestor died at the blazing Danish Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.
Andrea Santoro, a Catholic priest, was killed on Sunday, February 5, 2006 in Trabzon, Turkey. A 16 year-old high school student was arrested two days later carrying a 9mm pistol. The student told police he had been influenced by the cartoons.
On February 17, 2006 11 people died during protests in Libya
On February 18, 2006, sixteen people were killed in northern Nigeria as demonstrators protested the cartoons by storming and burning Christian churches and businesses

This is not the media blowing ANYTHING out of proportion. These things happened.
Now, I ask you again, WHO is giving Muslims/Islam a bad name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
This is an interesting part of your post, (everything else, to me is semantical in nature...) because in accordance to the Christian faith (specifically Baptist, Southern Baptist in my case, and I'm not speaking for ANY other religion, so please keep that in mind) entrance into Heaven is NOT guaranteed through deeds. In fact, the Bible specifically states that deeds and goodwill will earn man no favor in the eyes of the Lord if man has not accepted and made acknowledgement of the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ on the cross.
In fact, in accordance with my faith, this is a perversion, because it goes completely against anything taught within Christ's word.
There is a specific verse that addresses this, and I can't recall off the top of my head, but it basically says NO man may get to the Lord but through Christ, and that means that without accepting and acknowledging His sacrifice, a life lived doing nothing but good is a life wasted...

Because of the difference of beliefs there this nothing I can do to make it not a perversion in your eyes. Over time, I've realized one groups perversion is another's doctrine (sort of like one man's trash is another's treasure I guess
), and so the best thing to do in that light is agree to disagree b/c we are set in what we believe & while open to learning/understanding, that knowledge will seldom change our core beliefs

IIRC, these might be the verses you refer to (obviously evidence for your belief system):
They said therefore to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jesus(saw) answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent." (John 6:28-29)

Jesus(saw) speaking again "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (John 14:6)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Parishoon
Because of the difference of beliefs there this nothing I can do to make it not a perversion in your eyes. Over time, I've realized one groups perversion is another's doctrine (sort of like one man's trash is another's treasure I guess
), and so the best thing to do in that light is agree to disagree b/c we are set in what we believe & while open to learning/understanding, that knowledge will seldom change our core beliefs

IIRC, these might be the verses you refer to (obviously evidence for your belief system):
They said therefore to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jesus(saw) answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent." (John 6:28-29)

Jesus(saw) speaking again "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (John 14:6)

The last verse sounds right.

Agreeing to disagree is likely best, in that neither of us could change the other's mind, and that our belief systems are just that, 'ours'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I am going to respectfully disagree that Muslims are free for all attack.
Because too many different comics, printed, filmed, and spoken, have skewered the Catholic Church for the molestation scandals.
With no reprimand. In fact, much of the world laughs when they do it (don't believe me? Check out Southpark's ratings for episodes where they do just that.)
Because too many editorials cartoons, movies (Hi. DOGMA anyone?), jokes, columns, etc. are written and performed and displayed poking fun at Christ, his sacrifice, and his life.
And it's okay, by the rest of the world. When Christians speak out POLITELY or PEACABLY they are called "RIGHT WINGERS" or "BIBLE THUMPERS".
But...when a cartoon is drawn of Muhammed, fires erupt. People are shot. Stores are looted. Violence is sanctioned and acted out on and threatened and everyone should just be OKAY with that.

THAT is what gives Muslims a bad name.
I don't follow the Muslim faith.
I have no intention of EVER following the Muslim faith.
I don't hold ANY sanctity what so ever of or to the Muhammed, and I don't ever intend to.
I say that not as disrespect, but because I want to prove a point.
If I choose to screen print a picture of the turban bomb muhammed drawing and wear it on a tshirt, I have that right. AND I have the right to do so without fear of being killed, shot, injured, or targeted.
But I can't. And, honestly I wouldn't, out of respect for the number of Muslims in my area.

Yet, when I see people wearing the shirts mocking Christ, the entire world is all cool with that.
So I ask you...who gives Muslims a bad name? And...why is it okay to mock Christianity, but not Islam?

Muslims are open to the same criticisms and mocking that other religions are, because people have decided that it's okay to make fun of X tenet of belief because they disagree with it or find it flawed.
Honestly imo much of the fuel for these things come from within the group itself (ie, Muslim propensity toward suicide bombing yields a Mohammed head w/ bomb taped on it. a.r).

Chrisitans are able to object peacefully to distasteful mis-representation of their relgious beliefs, and are only called "Fundamentalists." Moderate Muslim voices are very rarely heard. Instead the focus is on those people who overreact and take mob mentality to a new level. No one, especially Muslims should think it's okay.

In that same vein it is not okay to mock some one's central belief system.

To be fair, South Park is a bad example, because they do not believe any subject to be "off limits" and tend to feed off angering one group and claim that "we're just reflecting society."

Those nutjobs are what give any religion a bad name, the Muslim ones just have better (or worse depending on how you see it) agents than other nuts at the moment.

As a Chrisitian, you don't have to believe Mohammed (saw) was anything, or give him the respect Muslims are required to give Jesus (saw), but you refrain from mocking him out of respect for those Muslims in your community. The world would be a better place if people would take that attitude.

and as much flack as i might get for it, I have been tempted to punch people who wear that ridiculous "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt. I've wanted to ask them if Jesus is their homeboy, when the last time they went to Church or did anything religious was.

I remember when the t-shirt first came out there where numerous religious leaders who complained (for lack of a better word) about it, but the world didn't want to listen b/c the people who they've allowed to replace God (swt) in their lives had "sanctioned" it, and it's okay b/c they're a Christian too. um, not calling anyone out, but Jessica Simpson anyone? People literally used the excuse, she's a good Christian, her father was a minister, so it must be okay. That logic smacked of hypocrasy to me, the same thing w/ the cruxafix and rosary beads as a "fashion" accesory. IMO the religous meaning was being removed from them.

The main issue which incited stupid basal passion was the portayal of Mohammed's (saw) face & the "disrepect" for one of God's (swt) prophets. The fact he was dressed as a suicide bomber and his face was shown. In Islam you're not supposed to show representations of the prophets faces (& some take this to mean regular pictures as well), this was done to avoid worship of the Mohammed (saw). I also think that before Muslims go "borrowing trouble" as it were, we have things to fix in our own house.

I don't know how to explain it, & I hope this doesn't offend anyone or they take it the wrong way, but that cartoon is the equivalent of some jerk making one depicting Jesus (saw) condoning child molestation by the Catholic Priests. Wrong on so many levels, and not at all helpful in rectifying the problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Parishoon
Muslims are open to the same criticisms and mocking that other religions are, because people have decided that it's okay to make fun of X tenet of belief because they disagree with it or find it flawed.
Honestly imo much of the fuel for these things come from within the group itself (ie, Muslim propensity toward suicide bombing yields a Mohammed head w/ bomb taped on it. a.r).

I certainly agree here.
Originally Posted by [parishoon
Chrisitans are able to object peacefully to distasteful mis-representation of their relgious beliefs, and are only called "Fundamentalists." Moderate Muslim voices are very rarely heard. Instead the focus is on those people who overreact and take mob mentality to a new level. No one, especially Muslims should think it's okay.

I agree here also.
And the lack of volume for moderates of ANY faith is a sad thing.
Originally Posted by parishoon
In that same vein it is not okay to mock some one's central belief system.

To be fair, South Park is a bad example, because they do not believe any subject to be "off limits" and tend to feed off angering one group and claim that "we're just reflecting society."

Actually there were plans to do something reflective of the muhammed bomb turban thing, and to treat it the same way as they have the Catholic church, Christ, and Christianity, but they were nixed by Comedy Central for fear of retribution.
Originally Posted by parishoon
Those nutjobs are what give any religion a bad name, the Muslim ones just have better (or worse depending on how you see it) agents than other nuts at the moment.

As a Chrisitian, you don't have to believe Mohammed (saw) was anything, or give him the respect Muslims are required to give Jesus (saw), but you refrain from mocking him out of respect for those Muslims in your community. The world would be a better place if people would take that attitude.

and as much flack as i might get for it, I have been tempted to punch people who wear that ridiculous "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt. I've wanted to ask them if Jesus is their homeboy, when the last time they went to Church or did anything religious was.

I remember when the t-shirt first came out there where numerous religious leaders who complained (for lack of a better word) about it, but the world didn't want to listen b/c the people who they've allowed to replace God (swt) in their lives had "sanctioned" it, and it's okay b/c they're a Christian too. um, not calling anyone out, but Jessica Simpson anyone? People literally used the excuse, she's a good Christian, her father was a minister, so it must be okay. That logic smacked of hypocrasy to me, the same thing w/ the cruxafix and rosary beads as a "fashion" accesory. IMO the religous meaning was being removed from them.

Hypocrisy of any religion is maddening, and yes, with the shirts being so popular, religious overtones were removed.
Originally Posted by parishoon
The main issue which incited stupid basal passion was the portayal of Mohammed's (saw) face & the "disrepect" for one of God's (swt) prophets. The fact he was dressed as a suicide bomber and his face was shown. In Islam you're not supposed to show representations of the prophets faces (& some take this to mean regular pictures as well), this was done to avoid worship of the Mohammed (saw). I also think that before Muslims go "borrowing trouble" as it were, we have things to fix in our own house.

As you said about the Jesus shirts, there weren't many religious overtones in the cartoons, but they were more tongue in cheek in that so many of the suicide bombings and plane hijackings and subway bombings and on and on are done in the name of muhammed, which is where the inspiration came from.
I certainly don't agree that the cartoon was right, nor was it really all that funny to me, but I didn't (and don't) think the response given was truly warranted.
Originally Posted by parishoon

I don't know how to explain it, & I hope this doesn't offend anyone or they take it the wrong way, but that cartoon is the equivalent of some jerk making one depicting Jesus (saw) condoning child molestation by the Catholic Priests. Wrong on so many levels, and not at all helpful in rectifying the problem.

If more of that wit and intellect went to solving the multitude of the problems and less of it went to stirring the pot, the world would be a LOT better place.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Actually there were plans to do something reflective of the muhammed bomb turban thing, and to treat it the same way as they have the Catholic church, Christ, and Christianity, but they were nixed by Comedy Central for fear of retribution.

Good to know. Now I see where their "Season Finale" came from. Interesting & sad at the same time


Well-known member
Interesting, because it shows how powerful the Muslim voice IS in the world.
Sad that they would want to do it, yet also, sad that they can't. If that makes sense.

Not that I advocate their opinions but just when it seemed everyone was fair game...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
Thanks for that, however... You didn't answer any of my questions though. And the Quran is actually a direct translation. I used to study it and then I found the flaws.... That was in 99 / 2000.

So if Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then what about your Quran saying the Bible is true, which states that... Jesus Christ is the Son of God ?

The Quran acknowledges that the Bible exists as Jesus was a Prophet of Allah however the Quran has never been changed or added to it has remained unchanged, whereas the Bible has had things added/removed, just because the Quran says the bible is "true"[i'd like to see your sources for this statement:confused: ] doesnt mean it says muslims should believe what is written in there God cannot have children, literally or symbolically, He is the divine figure he doesnt need a "child" to spread his word, jesus, Muhammed, Adam, Lut, etc etc are all simply Messengers of Allah


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Apparently Islam.
The Bible, Quran, Torah, etc. were written by men.

The Quran was not written by "men" it was direct revelations revealed to God and were written down on paper, its not the word of men


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
the question was what religion does she embrace.
According to the information disseminated, one could probably rightly assume Islam is her religion of choice.

As far as Anti-Christianity propoganda, I have no opinion.

i think its unfair to assume shes following Islam. that could have been taken off any website, or shes quite simply questioning her own faith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Or perhaps Jesus never died:

Jesus is not dead, he was taken up by the Almighty and will be come back on earth on the Day of Judgement as a Muslim and fight a Jihad{DO NOT ASSUME TERRORISM], this is my belief, im a muslim and i wouldnt agree with you that Jesus is the Son of God, i went to a catholic school also but never did i feel out of place and i was allowed to express my thoughts, i have loads of non-muslim friends so dont think im attacking your post, im just giving my belief


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
The Quran was not written by "men" it was direct revelations revealed to God and were written down on paper, its not the word of men

All of the books were "revelations revealed by God and written on paper".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rina_cz
Funny how out of all of this, no one wants to bring up hell.


So many people don't want to believe in the God of the bible (and if you don't, more power to you) yet are scared to talk about hell.

Talk about what you like. Believe what you will. But if anyone wants to know the truth, just holla. I know there are people on here who are seriously curious about what happens when we die, and is there more to life than makeup and obsessions. I'm talking to them.

according to my beliefs, there is a heaven and there is a hell, the day u die and are lowered into your grave the "punishment" process begins, if you lead a good life and did whatever your religion says then you can have a peaceful journey to heaven, if u believe in God, you will know that theres a purpose for us being on this earth. everyone will be judged on the day of judgement and those whom follwed their religion truly will go to heaven those who did not will be punished.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
All of the books were "revelations revealed by God and written on paper".

but ur statement makes it look as though ur stating that the Books were actually written by men.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
Jesus is not dead, he was taken up by the Almighty and will be come back on earth on the Day of Judgement as a Muslim and fight a Jihad{DO NOT ASSUME TERRORISM], this is my belief, im a muslim and i wouldnt agree with you that Jesus is the Son of God, i went to a catholic school also but never did i feel out of place and i was allowed to express my thoughts, i have loads of non-muslim friends so dont think im attacking your post, im just giving my belief

I don't think you're attacking my post, but I have to ask how you reconcile Jesus being taken up by God, and not being the son of God, when He fulfilled over 300 prophesies as Messiah, as well as died on the cross and record shows that he was resurrected.

Of course, this is within my religion, so that is from whence I speak.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
but ur statement makes it look as though ur stating that the Books were actually written by men.

My statement was actually reflective that translations have changed, books omitted, denied, ignored, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I am going to respectfully disagree that Muslims are free for all attack.
Because too many different comics, printed, filmed, and spoken, have skewered the Catholic Church for the molestation scandals.
With no reprimand. In fact, much of the world laughs when they do it (don't believe me? Check out Southpark's ratings for episodes where they do just that.)
Because too many editorials cartoons, movies (Hi. DOGMA anyone?), jokes, columns, etc. are written and performed and displayed poking fun at Christ, his sacrifice, and his life.
And it's okay, by the rest of the world. When Christians speak out POLITELY or PEACABLY they are called "RIGHT WINGERS" or "BIBLE THUMPERS".
But...when a cartoon is drawn of Muhammed, fires erupt. People are shot. Stores are looted. Violence is sanctioned and acted out on and threatened and everyone should just be OKAY with that.

THAT is what gives Muslims a bad name.
I don't follow the Muslim faith.
I have no intention of EVER following the Muslim faith.
I don't hold ANY sanctity what so ever of or to the Muhammed, and I don't ever intend to.
I say that not as disrespect, but because I want to prove a point.
If I choose to screen print a picture of the turban bomb muhammed drawing and wear it on a tshirt, I have that right. AND I have the right to do so without fear of being killed, shot, injured, or targeted.
But I can't. And, honestly I wouldn't, out of respect for the number of Muslims in my area.

Yet, when I see people wearing the shirts mocking Christ, the entire world is all cool with that.
So I ask you...who gives Muslims a bad name? And...why is it okay to mock Christianity, but not Islam?

Maybe Christians are not as bothered about the "t-shirts and catoons" as muslims. your comments about riots and people getting shot, is in reference to a small group of muslims whom you would class as orthodox or whatever, just because some muslims want to be stupd and go out and shoot and cause riots its stupid to say all muslims have a bad rep for doing so, dont forget Islam is the second largest religion in the world, does that mean all of them are rioters and shooters? i shouldnt think so


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
My statement was actually reflective that translations have changed, books omitted, denied, ignored, etc.

Except the Quran. its widely known that the testaments in the bible have been changed, Jewish scriptures also have been chnged, hinduism sikhism also have had things added, whereas the Quran once completed has remained the same.

i dnt even knw why this is on a make up forum, lets all go and do our make up for fun
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