Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
Oh, I have quite a lot of these but I will try to keep it short:

mines - Unless you're talking about multiple places from which to dig up diamonds or salt, the word is MINE.

'nah mean? - If you can't even get out the whole phrase, no, I absolutely do NOT know what you mean.

utilize (and utilization) - Just say "use." All those extra syllables don't make you sound any smarter.

literally - This one bugs me above all others as it's the single most overused and misunderstood word in modern American English. No, you did not laugh so hard you "literally peed your pants." You may have figuratively done so. But if you literally did, you should probably see a doctor for that problem.

In the words of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


Well-known member
Off the top of my head, the only word I can think of is "yinz". Ugh, I'm pretty sure it's just a Pittsburgh thing though, not sure? Anyone else hear that word being used in their area?

I remember being at my friend's house and her mom had used the word and all I could think is what does yinz mean?!!

I also hate the whole, "your pretty without make, why do you need so much?" or the "your wasting your money, you already have enough makeup" It's my life, my free will I'll do as I please lol.


Well-known member
I hate it when people say...

"I haven't talked to you in a hot minute".

Like Myspace lingo. I hate it!


Well-known member
I really hate it when people mix up it's and its. It's my biggest internet pet peeve.

it's = contraction; short for it is
its = possessive pronoun; "that which belongs to it", where "it" is some previously defined object.

1. It's a beautiful day today!
2. You see the mug over there? Its handle is broken.

PLEASE GET IT RIGHT! It kills me a little inside when I see it being used incorrectly.


Well-known member
^ It also drives me nuts when people put apostrophes in the wrong places. Especially to make acronyms plural (e.g. DVD's). The other day, I even noticed "it's" instead of "its" on the back of the Lindt chocolate packaging!


Well-known member
When people speak in psycho babble e.g.
"I'm on a journey" or "I built up all these walls, and I had to knock them down".

You don't need to speak in metaphors to help me understand how you feel lol.
Christina Aguilera does that shit in her songs ALL the time..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
When people speak in psycho babble e.g.
"I'm on a journey" or "I built up all these walls, and I had to knock them down".

You don't need to speak in metaphors to help me understand how you feel lol.
Christina Aguilera does that shit in her songs ALL the time..

God, yes.


Well-known member
I generally dislike expressions. Things like, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." However, I can overlook these things the majority of the time, but one makes me absolutely crazy! "You can't have your cake and eat it too." For some reason when people say that I can't help but roll my eyes and sigh. It makes me crazy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrheine
I cringe when I hear or read the phrase, "I seen". As in, "I seen that yesterday!" Good lord.

ugh, i'm going to kill the next person who says it..


Well-known member
When people say "that's so gay" and do not mean joyous or homosexual.
I think it makes you sound like a moron and freakin ignorant as hell. We have SO many words in the english language, why not use them properly. It's incredibly offensive. I'm on a mission to "educate" people that use it. So far, it's really working (with my classmates anyways). Same goes with the word "Fag". It's offensive in all contexts (except for ciggarette), so why ever use it?


Well-known member
- "Did it hurt?" Referring to my piercings. It's a stupid question I get every day.
- "He's scary" meaning he's scared..wtf? it's the total opposite!
- the adding an "s" to words that don't need it
- adding an "ed" or 2 to the end of words like "i askededed you a question"
- "cool beans"
- "i ain't.."
- phrases like " i r teh amused"
- "you straight trippin' dawg" so many things wrong with that sentence
- when people use the "N" word like it means homie or something
- "But the Bible/Oprah/Tyra/Dr. Phil says...:"

There's more, I know it! My brain just needs time to recover from all this..


Well-known member
when people say yous guys
Cha-rono instead of Toronto (usually Torontonians say that)
over-using the world basically
sore-ree instead of sorry
GUY - don't call me guy please.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know what I mean/ You know what I'm sayin' / You feel me?

No...I don't

I'm just sayin'!

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