Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
i hate it when british people think there really cool for saying things in an american style... like mom or sidewalk etc...

do you get that the other way round?american people trying so say things the british way?

Ever heard of ......... Madonna? Wtf is up with her fake random adoption of a british accent. Lame.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrsgray
5) I'm coming down there (usually from my friends on the east or west coast telling me they are coming to visit us in Texas..why do we have to be down here..like we're in hell or something ROFLOL)

That reminds me, once I was riding in the car with someone I know and she was on the phone with one of her grandparents in Texas and asking if they were "going to come down here for Christmas" (we live in Colorado! wtf!) I was talking in her other ear and saying "UP! Colorado is ABOVE Texas!" every time she said down.

She deserved it.


Well-known member
I can not stand when people say "you want to know something? " before every sentence.. and they don't even give you time to say "no, I don't want to know anything. SHUT UP!"


Active member
"ain't" ...enough said
"JUSS GIVVER"...stfu
"xxx is love"... just because it is not love, I am sick of it
"xxx is the sex"...ugh
"RUFF!".. it's called a ROOF dr phil, not a RUFF. OOooo, not Uhhh.
"hoe bag"

OH and when people ask if they can ask you a question, as if I am going to say no before I hear teh question....


Well-known member
This is hilarious!

My boyfriend says cwushin as in cushion and pellow instead of pillow. It drives me up the wall. And people who misspell weird. There are exceptions to the I before E rule and that is one of them. Also, I agree with making things plural that should not be and EX-presso (this makes me very, very angry). I could go on..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BRYNN013
"ain't" ...enough said
"JUSS GIVVER"...stfu
"xxx is love"... just because it is not love, I am sick of it
"xxx is the sex"...ugh
"RUFF!".. it's called a ROOF dr phil, not a RUFF. OOooo, not Uhhh.
"hoe bag"

OH and when people ask if they can ask you a question, as if I am going to say no before I hear teh question....

Yes! It bothers me when I hear "axe" instead of ask.
Also, I hate seeing sexy being spelt as seckse.


Well-known member
Ugh I hate it when people say "In any case" a thousand times!!! Its fine to use it sometimes but not every 2 minutes! I also hate it when people say "Heck yes!!" all the time its sooo annoying! Also, when people say "And what not"...ugh i dunno why but it pisses me off lol.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Basically any new age MTV ghetto slang......I'm ready to kill someone. People that excessively use "ain't". People that say "bless you" after a sneeze? Who are you to be blessing someone? What if the sneezer doesn't want to be blessed much less be blessed by you? These fucking idiots that watch moron Larry the Cable Guy and say "get er done" like it's going out of style. Fuck!

I also get sick of people doing the double negative thing...for example.

"I ain't got nothing"
"you don't do nothing"
"don't know nobody"

Examples of shit that drives me crazy...


Well-known member
ghetto type ebonics drives me nuts.
Feel good phrases also drive me nuts. Phrases like "We must be tolerant" towards scumbags who cause harm, or "We need to boost our children's self-esteem" when what they REALLY need to boost their self esteem is a true sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Reality show contestants who cry "But I deserve to win"! after they get eliminated. Why do they think they deserve to win? Oh, because you want it? Well then how much EFFORT have you put into it?

And yeah, another one that gets me is the double negatives and DONE or DON'T instead of DOES

Sound Of Vision

Well-known member
Oh and another thing!!!

"There" instead of "They're" or "Your" instead of "You're" by native English speakers!

I'm not native English speaker, so maybe I should complain, because i make stupid grammar and spelling mistakes often, but come on, isn't that one of the basic things in English grammar?!


Active member
mixing up affect and effect, i.e. I had a large affect on this project, what are the side affects of this drug, is this change going to effect me?

arggghhhhhhhhh that bothers me SO MUCH, especially in textbooks and lab manuals...


Well-known member
"You don't need makeup"

I know I don't NEED makeup. I do it because I like it damn it.

"You look better without makeup"

Well fuck, that's not going to change a damn thing. I don't wear makeup to look pretty. I wear it because it's fun. So you know what, I'm still going to wear it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
People that say "bless you" after a sneeze? Who are you to be blessing someone? What if the sneezer doesn't want to be blessed much less be blessed by you?

I always thought saying "bless you" after someone sneezes was just an act of courtesy/being polite?

It annoys me SO much when (I live in london and go to a state school...basically a poor school lol) and nearly EVERYONE says "I writ" (wtf?)instead of "I wrote" seriously, who invented this word??
My friend says that a lot as well as "brung" instead of "brought" ????????? I wasn't even born in England and i know it's brought...

Oh and one of my friends ALWAYS says aks instead of ask....it annoys me soo much. I keep telling her aswell but it's like she can't actually say it right lol


Well-known member
I hate when women say

"Oh I love your hair, but my boyfriend/husband would kill me if I cut it into a bob or went that short"

Too bad for anyone who let's their man take control of their apperance


Well-known member
Alot of people here say, "Ross's", instead of Ross (Ross, Dress for Less Stores).
So irritating!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
I always thought saying "bless you" after someone sneezes was just an act of courtesy/being polite?

It annoys me SO much when (I live in london and go to a state school...basically a poor school lol) and nearly EVERYONE says "I writ" (wtf?)instead of "I wrote" seriously, who invented this word??
My friend says that a lot as well as "brung" instead of "brought" ????????? I wasn't even born in England and i know it's brought...

Oh and one of my friends ALWAYS says aks instead of ask....it annoys me soo much. I keep telling her aswell but it's like she can't actually say it right lol

Regarding the bless you, I hate it when people can see you are about to sneeze and then squeal, "bless you!", as you are about to sneeze and then your sneeze goes away!!!!!! And then they say sorry afterwards! WTF!!! Just wait until I finish sneezing first!


Well-known member
It annoys me when people mix up homonyms or pronouns, especially in professional publications or broadcasts:

her/she (I have heard these mixed up on E! news)

e.g. "Her and me went to see a movie" should be "She and I went to see a movie".

The confusion with "I could/couldn't care less" is easily cleared up by simply saying, "I don't care".

Adding apostrophes where they don't belong makes me mad.

I have seen this on a menu: "Hamburger's - $5"


Those dog's are annoying!

The phrase 'whatnot' is annoying with overuse.
"So, I went to get my hair done and whatnot. Then I bought some skincare stuff and whatnot."

Another peeve is when grammar is misspelled as grammer.

Also: 'hisself' is not a word. The correct word is 'himself'.

One more thing...

would of
could of
should of
might of

^ These are all wrong.

The correct term is "would have" which can be contracted to "would've," which sounds like "would of," but should never be written that way.

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