Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


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It would be really really funny (in a sick twisted warped way) if we decided to go crazy and fill up this thread with how we get annoyed at how the other gets annoyed


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The fact that you suggested filling up this thread with you getting annoyed because i get annoyed that you got annoyed at me for getting annoyed makes me annoyed.


Well-known member
I Hate the words *Awesome* highly overused I hate the word *Uber* Ikkk and I can't stand it when someone uses the lords name in vain as a curse word GD. GRRR Those 3.... Can't Stand!!!!!!!

Can't think of any phrases right now just words..Sorry gals thread asks I just thought I would share mine


Well-known member
Metrosexual. I don't know why but that word annoys me
so does moist. I cringe everytime i hear it.


Well-known member
I heard this being said the other day: "ValenTIMES Day"....Can't you see? Is it not clearly written out in every supermarket, drugstore, department store during this time? It's ValenTINES Day!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Peaches
I still don't get it! I must be stupid. I think that one would be bordering on pedantic. But yeah. I'll leave it.

It's improper grammar so it's not "pedantic".

Borrowed this information from a grammar info site:

Good is an adjective. It tells what something or someone is like. Generally it is used before a noun or after a linking verb.

Examples: That was a good game.
Harry is good at math.

Well is generally used as an adverb. It tells how something is done. It is generally used after an action verb.

Example: Harry does Math well.

Note that well may also be used as an adjective meaning "in good health."

Example: I don't feel well today.


Well-known member
Not really words or phrases as such, but I really hate DOUBLE NEGATIVES. Oh they do my head in...Whenever I hear the song "No Scrubs" by TLC I generally want to smash my head against the wall.

I also had a lecturer at university who said "y'know" all the time. My personal favourite was when he said "...and its just something that you know, y'know?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i hate when people say Gawd or hawt.... WTF

I'm guilty of that! *hides in shame*


Well-known member
I dont get to worked up about many of these, but the one that makes me bonkers, (even when i do it) is...


there's um a woman um at work um who um says it um after um every um word.


little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
I dont get to worked up about many of these, but the one that makes me bonkers, (even when i do it) is...


there's um a woman um at work um who um says it um after um every um word.


this is a lil off topic, but i like your avater and i love tool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IcesUltraGlam7
I Hate the words *Awesome* highly overused I hate the word *Uber* Ikkk and I can't stand it when someone uses the lords name in vain as a curse word GD. GRRR Those 3.... Can't Stand!!!!!!!

Can't think of any phrases right now just words..Sorry gals thread asks I just thought I would share mine

The Lords name in vein PISSES me off as well.......I might almost say it sometimes, but i spit out, "oh my f*ing..shit" .......or "jesus ...ugh f*"

I correct myself, I hear it so much i started almost saying it


Well-known member
- Hecka. Hahaha. It's a San Francisco/San Jose word, everyone from around there says it and I giggle.
- I's, we's, they's, instead of I'm, we're, etc.
- preggers, prego. preggers reminds me of chiggers (ew) and prego is spaghetti sauce.
- aks, expresso. I used to be a relay operator and would have to type verbatim what a person was saying. eventually I got annoyed with having to correct voice phone users and would write "hey i wanna axe u something." the deaf person would be like "axe me? what did i do wrong?"


Well-known member
I forgot "grip" and "gank"

grip = a lot (similar to hella, lol faifai! hehe)
gank = steal, or mess up ex: Dang, he totally ganked my car keys! or He ganked his performance.

savage or sav. as in "That chick rocks, she's a total sav!" GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY I HATE IT.


Well-known member
Someone said it before, but I also can't stand when people say "I seen it".

A similar one, when people say "I done it" or "I done this" instead of, I did it or I did this. It drives me mental. My ex used to say "I done it" all the time, I wanted to inflict pain on him every time he said it :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
When people do not understand the difference between two, to, too, there, their, they're, write, right, bored, board...etc.

These have to be the biggest ones for me. They absolutely drive me nuts and I notice them all of the time. I had a MAC traning yesterday and in some of my paperwork "you're" is used when it shoul dbe "your" I was appalled.

I have to say that whenever I am going to weld I announce "I'm fixin to weld!" I went to an automotive school in Alabama for a little while and the guys would announce that on a regular basis and it reminded me where I was


Well-known member
This is a wonderful topic. I hope that everyone who is reading it can learn a little something at the same time as they are venting.

My pet peeves in regard to word misuse...

-"Me and Bill", etc. It's always going to be "Bill and I" or "Bill and me"!

-The misuse of the word "irony" or "ironic"
"Isn't it ironic that it's raining on my wedding day?"- No that's not, actually
A good example of something ironic would be a fire station catching on fire and burning to the ground. I think a lot of people use "ironic" or "irony" when really the said statement was merely a coincidence.

- Last pet peeve: writing "alot" instead of "a lot". They are two words, write them as such!


Well-known member
I'm pretty much the queen of pet peeves, so as I think of more I'll keep adding them to this post.

Ok, I have had a best friend for six years, and all that time I have been trying to teach her this simple lesson. You lend someone something, and they borrow it from you. YOU DO NOT BORROW SOMEONE SOMETHING!!!!! It just kills me when she says, "Oh and Anna borrowed me her car." )(&()*$#&Q)(#*&$)(&)(Q@#&$)*&#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

^Oh and I know this is going to bother some of you, but I deemed it more appropriate than actually typing out what I was thinking.

Ex instead of es... like in especially, espresso, etc.

When people call someone who is a wimp, a pussy. Why is my genitalia used as an insult??

When gay is used as an insult. It just encourages descrimination.

And this isn't really a phrase, but it drives me insane when people text in public, while you're talking to them, at work, where ever. The person right in front of you is more important that the person on the other side of the phone!

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