Indeed, all this yummy food talk is getting me hungry!
I just had a long anticipated fight or "disagreement" with a long time sort-of-friend. She is almost 63 years old and owns a local bookstore. We became friendly ages ago when I shopped there or sold off some of my used books. Then we exchanged emails and wrote little notes back and forth almost every day. Suddenly she went on a harp obsession and stopped doing everything else, including reading and talking about books (weird for an owner of a bookstore, yes?) and only wanted to talk about harps and hang around people with harps. She is also very rich, very stuck up and very moody. I often wonder if she actually has something wrong with her because she can't watch the news and refuses to talk about things like the situation in Japan, or any kind of sad or bad or big news. But she wanted me to baby her when she found out another store was closing that she loves. What is with that? She also is insanely involved with Genealogy and by accident we found out our maiden names are the same. Now I know my genealogy from my uncle researching it all the way back to the 1200's. There are no gaps. But she insists we are related even though she can only trace it to the mid 1800's on her side (which was when lots of people immigrated and took on other people's names) and only wants to own me. None of my family, which makes no sense. She introduces me as "cousin" to people and I hate it, so stopped playing her game quickly and she got mad saying I have no faith in her finding out our connection. Seriously, who cares? Why not just like me for me, not my name? It isn't like she was ever with the rest of us at family gathering, holidays, funerals, weddings, etc. So the whole thing is silly. Piece by piece she has been getting really rude lately and it is getting worse. She despises computers, e-readers, technology, and blames her slowing business to it. Well, yes, if you price paperbacks at 10.00 a piece, no wonder! Finally, after another disagreement today via email I cut it. I told her it seemed like everything I said brushed her in the wrong way and she took offense at it, so I was going to take a break from emailing her and wished her a nice summer. She won't be hearing from me again, because this is a pattern with her and I don't feel like getting on that carousel once more. So, a bit tiffed and fed up right now. We are too different in age and interest (she doesn't wear makeup, she insulted my Coach bags!), we never went out and we never went to each others homes. And she says a lot of nasty things about her co-workers who are actually pretty nice people. I wonder what she says about me to others? Sorry for the rant. Fed up with this and rather sad. Ah, life goes on...
On a happier note, I ordered my Chanel stuff from the Byzance collection and the Prelude Quad. Yay!