Lou~Let us know when you are home safe, please! I will feel better knowing you are safely surrounded by cats, family and MU! It must be so scary over there right now and so creepy not knowing what to expect next. I know we were all appalled at the actions of people during and right after hurricane Katrina in our country. A time when people should have been helping each other out and standing by one another, turned on each other, looted, raped, murdered, you name it. I know a lot of people who used to live in that area or visited it annually and they have now all left or won't ever go back. It is a ruin and a black mark on our history. We can learn a lot from the way people acted from that terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 where some of the poorest of people helped out tourists, risking their own lives to save them, while they themselves had lost everything; family, homes, businesses, land. No looting, no harming, just open and loving arms trying to deal their best with such devastation. Sigh...