What a day! I also managed to recruit my hubby in the Marilyn expedition. I gave him a list of all the stores and counters in the city, but had him start with my local one first. He was giving me the play by play via texts in the hour running up to opening. My 1st meeting finished early, and by then he had only been able to get an SI and a BP at the local counter, but had reserved another BP and CIS at the counter on the south side of town, about ten minutes from my office. So on my way to my next meeting downtown, I stop at the Downtown Bay counter, and all they have for l/s is PZ. So I get another BP for my sister-in-law, and keep it moving. After the second meeting, I make my way to the south to pick up CIS and BP. I decide to call another counter in the west, and lo and behold, they have LG, but no holds, you can purchase over the phone. I'm reciting my card number, and she stops me to tell me that they have several, so I can just come in later and buy them then. I tell her I'm not buying what she's selling me, and I need to back up LG. I finish the phone purchase, and head back to work for a teleconference meeting. Third meeting ends, and I'm not sure if it's all the meetings or Mission Marilyn, but I'm done in. Called it a day at work, and drove out west to get my LG backups. I come home to a high five from hubby. One thing I noticed, is that every counter I went to had no mobs, probably because they had little to sell (somehow, magically they started taking preorders sometime between yesterday afternoon and opening), and other than the last counter, Pure Zen was the only lipstick left on display, poor thing, lol! Now I'm sitting here thinking about how I could use that determination/drive in other areas of my life! Thanks for letting me share, and also for sharing your stories. I'm amazed to see Spectras paying it forward and helping their "virtual neighbours"! I hope that everyone gets what they are looking for.