2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

People talk about radical change - I am just voicing another way to radically change things. My point is that it's not about what God/no God people believe in - you don't ask the person at the soup kitchen what their belief system is. However, if you are a Christian, you should be out there serving your community and loving people. I'm talking about something different than religion. It's not how we traditionally view Christians in our society and that's a great sadness. I don't think people would be shocked at what I am saying if Christians loved the way the Bible talks. It's not about cramming our religious views down others throat. It's about people who should be of service to others because it's part of the doctrine they believe in.

OK. I respect what you say.

There isn't another group of people that I can specifically call to accountability on that end.

Ooooh....I *think* most other faiths have a similar value system.



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by coachkitten
Aleksis why did you have to go there? We all have the right to our opinion and yours is just as valid as everyone elses even though people might not agree with it. I know that you are better than name calling. I know that you might have felt attacked but name calling is a bit much. Why can't we just have a proper discussion about this topic with out getting personal and launching verbal attacks on someones character?

I totally agree...and God knows I love Aleksis to death and this is really out of character completely for her...I think she is just having a bad day...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001

I'm not a big kool aid drinker for religion or politicians. I think people shouldn't be blind followers. That's what I teach my kids.. to question everything and to never drink anybodies kool aid

I think I need to start teaching my son this - I already do the "question everything" part - just haven't gotten to the drinking of kool-aid part.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by lizardprincesa

Ooooh....I *think* most other faiths have a similar value system.


Honestly, I hope so. But unfortunately - even within Christian circles this is a radical concept (and there is no ambiguity on this point in the Bible


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by BohemianSheila
I think I need to start teaching my son this - I already do the "question everything" part - just haven't gotten to the drinking of kool-aid part.

although I'm a true blue democrat, I had serious issues with both hillary and barack in the primaries. I voted for kucinich in the primaries.

Kucinich didn't vote for the war in Iraq
He didn't vote for Real Id
He didn't vote for FISA
He's for a woman's right to choose
He was 180 degree opposite of what we've known as the W years

Obama is a CENTRIST democrat. This whole thing about being the 'most liberal democrat' is a bunch of MALARKEY

AND I question why all of the republicans and some neo cons have thrown their support behind him. I'm not delusional about what he will and will not be able to do. But it irks me to no end pondering WHY the establishment seems to support him being president.

Conventional wisdom still dictates that he won't win. Based on several factors including the bradley effect and voter rigging (remember 2000) but I don't drink his cool aid

were to have been the republican nominee, I would have gave some SERIOUS consideration for voting for him. NO LIE.

But bomb bomb bomb iran grand dad mccain.. girl noooo

I've had my fill of war and pilliage



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I'm glad someone finally brought this up!

"That hate hadn't gone away"...."white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Obama from Dreams Of My Father

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

I've found these on the internet and I sure hope that they are misworded because if not that's very scary...oh and didn't he call his grandmother or something a 'typical white person'...ouch

I guess one could extrapolate ANYTHING from someone's comments, when they're taken out of context, no?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by elegant-one
This was in my local paper:

'The excitement of having a man on the presidential ballot whose skin is browner than any in recent American history is something to consider, said Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many Black Americans are convinced that justice for those of us once known as Negroes in America will be done by electing a brown-skinned, African-European as President. Obviously, America is hungry for change, but America is looking in the wrong place, she said. Barack cannot deliver America. The Senators politics are neither a blessing nor praiseworthy.

Uh, since Black people have been able to vote in this country, we've been voting white men into the presidency, so were we voting based on race then, too?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
although I'm a true blue democrat, I had serious issues with both hillary and barack in the primaries. I voted for kucinich in the primaries.

Kucinich didn't vote for the war in Iraq
He didn't vote for Real Id
He didn't vote for FISA
He's for a woman's right to choose
He was 180 degree opposite of what we've known as the W years

Obama is a CENTRIST democrat. This whole thing about being the 'most liberal democrat' is a bunch of MALARKEY

AND I question why all of the republicans and some neo cons have thrown their support behind him. I'm not delusional about what he will and will not be able to do. But it irks me to no end pondering WHY the establishment seems to support him being president.

Conventional wisdom still dictates that he won't win. Based on several factors including the bradley effect and voter rigging (remember 2000) but I don't drink his cool aid

were to have been the republican nominee, I would have gave some SERIOUS consideration for voting for him. NO LIE.

But bomb bomb bomb iran grand dad mccain.. girl noooo

I've had my fill of war and pilliage

You had me until Ron Paul.
My husband loves the guy, but I can't get past his stance on Choice.

Kuchinich was my dream candidate. I adored that man and his policies.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I voted by mail. I voted for Obama but REALLY wanted to vote for Hillary. Sigh! I sure HOPE the early start to this election hasn't started a precedent. I am so over all of this. I say this as a former election/Democratic junkie. I used to be all over the elections but am turned off by how early this one started.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Uh, since Black people have been able to vote in this country, we've been voting white men into the presidency, so were we voting based on race then, too?

True.. Condoleza Rice nor Clarence Thomas would EVER get my vote for any office. why because I totally disagree with their policies. I don't feel they represent me

Also people gotta get it that all black people aren't democrats and all black people aren't voting for Obama because he's 'brown'
African Americans are overwhelmingly democrats and vote for the democratic ticket. PERIOD.
But guess what... my dad's a republican.. GO FIGURE

there is a segment of african americans especially the elites, who are republicans.

I'm sure the republican party is going to be doing some real soul searching as to the face of their party after this is all said and done. I bet you'll see more diversity and less far right ideological positions



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by depecher
I voted by mail. I voted for Obama but REALLY wanted to vote for Hillary. Sigh! I sure HOPE the early start to this election hasn't started a precedent. I am so over all of this. I say this as a former election/Democratic junkie. I used to be all over the elections but am turned off by how early this one started.

Hillary was my initial choice too...Yeah Tuesday cannot come and go soon enough for me!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
True.. Condoleza Rice nor Clarence Thomas would EVER get my vote for any office. why because I totally disagree with their policies. I don't feel they represent me

Also people gotta get it that all black people aren't democrats and all black people aren't voting for Obama because he's 'brown'
African Americans are overwhelmingly democrats and vote for the democratic ticket. PERIOD.
But guess what... my dad's a republican.. GO FIGURE

there is a segment of african americans especially the elites, who are republicans.

I'm sure the republican party is going to be doing some real soul searching as to the face of their party after this is all said and done. I bet you'll see more diversity and less far right ideological positions

I got you girl..My african american husband is Republican...and he still allows me to sleep in bed with him...We agree to diagree and love unconditionally.. Life goes on after this election...But we look real cute in our political party gear!!
Of course I bought his shirt too little so he wouldn't wear it

His butt is uppity too...Sorry an elite


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by concertina
You had me until Ron Paul.
My husband loves the guy, but I can't get past his stance on Choice.

Kuchinich was my dream candidate. I adored that man and his policies.

Ron Paul is cool. He strikes me as genuinely disgusted with how corporatist both parties have become. I feel that. I totally disagree with his stances on choice.. BUT i think he has more respect for the system of checks and balances in the legislative branch. I think he would have ended the war and rolled back FISA and renewed our commitment to the geneva conventions .. I also think that he would have not used the signing statements that Bush used to circumvent checks by congress. There weren't any lobbyist around him.. he was grass roots conservative and a populist. Not saying that he had my vote for sure.. but i was definately open to his message.
On the democratic side. I was critical of obama AND clinton from before their presidential bids. I was shocked that Hillary voted for the war. I thought she was positioning herself as a hawk in order to prove some sort of point and i knew she was going to run but she was wayy to cosy with bush for me. Obama, i was totally turned off by his big talk against IRAN this was like the first year he was in office. I was like damn are you a warmonger too.. that to me was no liberal. he also voted for legislation that seemed to favor corporations and i detested that. I had mostly foreign policy issues with them. But Kucinich is the bomb.. I even liked john edwards because he seemed to really be passionate about the POOR. I mean i'm middle class but, i'm for improving the quality of life of all americans who're struggling and ALOT of all of us regardless of race are in a f*cking hole dude.

After the last 8 years of bush... this was going to be a democratic year regardless. I don't see how so many people are acting shocked or appalled. The republican house senate AND executive branch have done us all a disservice both domestically and as far as our foreign relations.
It's really a no brainer



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I still Love John Edwards!! He made the same mistakes most men in office and a lot out of office men have made..Life...But I love him still...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
To lighten the mood a bit, I think this (non small children or work safe) video is apropos.YouTube - It's So Cold in the D And yes, the poor quality is part of the hilarity

:n ono:
:non o:

what daaaaaa

see i was going to go along with the sillyness until they started showing babies in caskets and what not... LORD Jesus .. a mind is a terrible thing to waste



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
:n ono:
:non o:

what daaaaaa

see i was going to go along with the sillyness until they started showing babies in caskets and what not... LORD Jesus .. a mind is a terrible thing to waste

See the thing is... they're serious
And based on an interview
I've heard of this girl... she surely aint the sharpest knife in the drawer, but we knew that already, LOL


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by rbella
I love Ron Paul.

me too! maybe someday. i still have hope for the guy.

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