2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Name Calling is uncalled for to people who are expressing their OWN opinions... this isn't middle/high school.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
btw no one likes your posts,

Go to you 6th Grade homework then, I fully expect your posts to be removed by the time you return.

Thank you again so much! With your post above you show what the right is really like and why decent, honest, hardworking Americans should vote Obama.
A Vote that says no to Hate like yours!



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

i'm voting for McCain because i don't agree with Obama's taxing and the fact he says he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act, i am 100% against that


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
.. personal attacks are not tolerated ...

You show yourself for who you are.

If you are going to post amongst adults, perhaps you should wait until you're older?

Please *do* go and finish your homework.



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
.. personal attacks are not tolerated ...

Aleksis why did you have to go there? We all have the right to our opinion and yours is just as valid as everyone elses even though people might not agree with it. I know that you are better than name calling. I know that you might have felt attacked but name calling is a bit much. Why can't we just have a proper discussion about this topic with out getting personal and launching verbal attacks on someones character?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TamiChoi
My excuse is:

a better life and CHANGE for both minorities and caucasians.

I'll be damned if Sarah Palin was the next pres.

edited... it's not an excuse, more of a FACT.

just a tidbit to consider.. white women are classified as minorities as well. They are protected by the very same anti-discrimination laws that protect the rights of other 'minority groups'. I thought it quite ironic that the whole 'equal pay for equal work' legislation and the candidates positions on that legislation wasn't more of an issue in this campaign.
But I agree wholeheartedly Mccain would have had a better chance if he

1. Didn't choose Sarah Palin as a running mate
2. Opposed the 'Wallstreet bailout'
3. Showed more of a steady hand in his attempts to deal with the bailout

But hey it isn't over right... we could wake up on Wed. morning and have a Mccain presidency.. it's possible

But Just an FYI.

"We have not done enough. And I'm committed to making sure that there's equal pay for equal work. That there is equal opportunity in every aspect of our society. And that is my record and you can count on it."
--John McCain, Town Hall meeting, Hudson, WI, July 11, 2008.​
John McCain claimed today that he is determined to ensure "equal pay for equal work." But women's groups were quick to point out that the presumptive Republican nominee has announced his opposition to the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
which seeks to do exactly that. The Arizona senator believes that the measure would "only serve to fatten the pockets of trial lawyers."
The Facts

Lilly Ledbetter was a Goodyear Tire employee who sued the company in 1998 after finding out that she was earning 40 percent less than male co-workers employed to do similar jobs. A federal judge in Birmingham, Ala, awarded her $360,000 in back pay, but the verdict was overturned on appeal. In May 2007, the Supreme Court ruled against Ledbetter in a 5-4 verdict. The justices ruled that employees who believe they have been discriminated against must file a complaint within 180 days with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Ledbetter bill, which passed the House last year and is now languishing before the Senate, removes the 180-day deadline. Supporters of the bill claim that it is usually impractical to file a complaint within 180 days as most companies are very secretive about salary data, and it can take years to establish a pattern of discrimination.
Back in April, McCain told reporters that he was "all in favor of equal pay" for women, but that there were better ways to help women find higher paying jobs. "They need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households," he explained.
Asked to provide support for the senator's claim that he is committed to ensuring "equal pay for equal work," the McCain campaign cited several pieces of legislation that he has supported including the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1989, which prohibits discrimination against older workers, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. However, none of these measures directly addresses the Ledbetter situation.
McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said that the Ledbetter would "flood our already over-burdened court system and burden employers, who will have no choice but to charge consumers more for goods and services in order to pay for the swarm of new lawsuits that will only serve to fatten the pockets of trial lawyers."
The Pinocchio Test

The presumptive Republican nominee for president says that he is in favor of equal pay for equal work, but has yet to propose legislation that would achieve that goal. To oppose the Ledbetter act on the grounds that it will lead to a "swarm of new lawsuits," is fair enough, but John McCain has not proposed a realistic alternative.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

We are unable to thank on some posts, but not on others.

I hope adolescent- level attacks do not cause
another important election thread to close.

Thank you.



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I think it's healthy to discuss these things.. I can learn from anyone for sure. We've seen though how elections can bring out peoples 'emotions' and we should BE CAREFUL when dealing with others on these matters. Remember there was a time where discussing politics and religion was a big NO NO

I respect peoples rights to vote for who they want. We all have a choice.. on both sides lets try to be careful with each other and RESPECTFUL to those who may not see things your particular way.

We don't all share the same experiences.. we don't all share the same anything.. so it's FAIR that there are many supporters for either side. people should vote whatever they think THEIR interest are.

My concern is always just making sure people know enough about all the issues to make that determination.

Please know.. i am a big geek .. but i'm friendly. anything i say is not to insult or demean .. merely to offer INFORMATION and different points of view to consider.

Lets pray for each other in this time.. that we realize our common humanity in spite of politics.



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
They are just following the hype...does that answer your question?

I try to be an understanding and respectful person, regardless of someone's views and opinions. I'm going to say this to u one time and one time only, I could careless about who you and ur BF vote for,I didn't disrespect u so don't disrespect me. I guess u and ur BF aren't hype followers if ur voting for someone whose promising him a paycheck. Just remember ur catching feelings over this issue from people on the internet, I would really hate to see how you live in the real world. Your attitude is not securing your BF's job anymore than someone deciding not to start offshore drilling. Yes, please go and do your homework.

To the mods, I would appreciate it if you inforced/educated the name calling rule to all members of SPEKTRA.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by missworld
Go to you 6th Grade homework then, I fully expect your posts to be removed by the time you return.

Thank you again so much! With your post above you show what the right is really like and why decent, honest, hardworking Americans should vote Obama.
A Vote that says no to Hate like yours!


Since I find myself unable to thank missworld ( & a few other people) from my keyboard, ???

I will say "Thanks" here.

I am not thanking missworld only for defending *me* ;

I am thanking her for defending HUMANITY.



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by makeup_queen81
i'm voting for McCain because i don't agree with Obama's taxing and the fact he says he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act, i am 100% against that

Thank you, for this. I respect and appreciate your answer.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by coachkitten
getting personal and launching verbal attacks on someones character?

If she had made those disgusting prejudicial hate filled comments in FOTD or say cheese she would have been moderated or even booted off.

I posted something which was taken as a personal attack and in context with argument that was subjective, That was moderated, maybe rightly, but this post is way way worse, I hope to see moderation. The report button has been clicked!

Edit MODERATION: Thank you - MissChievous



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
So you assume that all the world are Christians and everyone believes in GOD?

As I stated in my first comment - Christians serve ALL people, those who share their beliefs and those who don't. The point is to serve mankind, whether or not they believe in God.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
like him being a US marine who received a commendation for his participation in the HEART surgery of linden johnson.

Not a Marine.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Yes, as you say, you do have a problem with that, kimmy.
How do you know he never said anything against porported racist sentiments?

Did you visit that Church on a regular basis?

The Republicans are pulling out all the stops, in an effort to drudge up and *Re* drudge up any possible filth they can use in whatever way is most sinister, in order to defame the man's character.
Two Days left before The Election. 2.
Less than 48 hours before we can all go to the polls.

You cannot get into that church
when Senator Obama was a member,
unless you have a Tardis, or some other cool Time-travel device. ?

He left that Church.
Of course, it will appear to many that he left that Church because being a member would hurt his campaign. Of course.

I attended an Orthodox place of worship when I was younger...for my grandmother. I attended because I love my grandmother sooo much.
(The person at that pulpit didn't preach hate of any kind, but if he/she *had,* being the person I am, I would have spoken up...even quietly.)
I stopped attending, as I was never actually religious.
My personal anecdote is but one tiny example...
You do not know, kimmy.
Please open your mind.
If you have made your decision, why spread more hate?


i'm not "spreading hate," i'm simply voicing my opinion which i am fully entitled to do. and yes i have seen that man's sermons. i'm allowed to disagree with what he has said, and i am more than allowed to disagree with the fact that barack obama attended this church, and has referred to this preacher as a mentor.

no, i was not fed thirty seconds of what the media wanted me to see. i have watched entire sermons, filmed by private persons whom i personally know and trust. please do not assume that i'm uneducated and basing my judgement on what the media machine has "fed" me.

i will agree however, that he is just another fire and brimstone preacher. i have never, and will never, agree with that kind of preaching. plenty of preachers have indeed called for the judgement, and sometimes persecution, of america as a whole and i do not appreciate that. i'm not saying he's the worst of them, either. i personally feel though, that someone who claims such great allegiance to the country that are the best candidate to run it, should not have tolerated such calls for judgement.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Not a Marine.

My bad .. i was typing too fast,,,navy...

but you gotta question some one who just like those other preachers I mentioned is so firmly planted within the establishment. When that whole controversy was going on, even hillary clinton's old church (the church she went to while Bill was in the white house) came out in support of this dude.
Robertson favorite issue to talk about is gays.. and Wrights is racism. It's no different.

As a matter of fact not only is Wright racially tolerant... he's also made his church 'gay friendly' so it's a typical United church of christ church. United Church of Christ is known to be pretty liberal and vocal on social issues. .. just who they are.. AND they are like 90% white...
go figure.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Robertson favorite issue to talk about is gays.. and Wrights is racism. It's no different.

It's not different, you're right. I'd also question the morals of someone who sat and listened to Pat Robertson spew hate and vitriol for 20 years.

I'm just as uncomfortable with Obama's religious background as I am Palin's, tbh.

ETA: for the record by "uncomfortable" I mean "scared poopless"


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
  1. (US, slang, vulgar, pejorative) A person from East or Southeast Asia, in particular a Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean person.

these days, the term does have a very negative connotation. however, it didn't start off like that, and mccain may not have meant it in a deragatory way. many people with similar pasts as mccain use the term often, but never do i hear them use it in a way to describe all people of asian descent; just the asian militants.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Ladies/Gents - I have no patience for babysitting adults. Be kind to others, Keep it clean.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Then why did you write it??????

Because I was trying to keep things light and being ironic with my comment. It's just my humor, which is why I wanted to make it clear that it was said in humor. I would hope that we can have humor when there are so many heated issues.

Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
!!!!!! You *MUST* be kidding. !!!!!!You *are* kidding, right???
You've written so many skewed ideas here,
I do not know where to begin.
I am not sure you're even aware of how your words sound....
not just to Christians, but to people on here who are of other faiths...


People talk about radical change - I am just voicing another way to radically change things. My point is that it's not about what God/no God people believe in - you don't ask the person at the soup kitchen what their belief system is. However, if you are a Christian, you should be out there serving your community and loving people. I'm talking about something different than religion. It's not how we traditionally view Christians in our society and that's a great sadness. I don't think people would be shocked at what I am saying if Christians loved the way the Bible talks. It's not about cramming our religious views down others throat. It's about people who should be of service to others because it's part of the doctrine they believe in. There isn't another group of people that I can specifically call to accountability on that end.