2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by BohemianSheila
So am I hearing that the best way to pay for college is to be a single mom?
I'm totally kidding - I don't want people to think that was a serious statement.

Then why did you write it??????

Second, I don't believe it's the government's job to handle all the social programs. Honestly if people want really radical change, they need to wake up the Christian churches. If the churches took on their responsibilites, then we wouldn't have to worry about things like Social Security, Welfare, etc. I'm not saying you have to be a Christian to benefit from these things - Christians aren't/shouldn't be about catering to only Christians, not real Christians anyways.

!!!!!! You *MUST* be kidding. !!!!!!You *are* kidding, right???
You've written so many skewed ideas here,
I do not know where to begin.
I am not sure you're even aware of how your words sound....
not just to Christians, but to people on here who are of other faiths...




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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
Obama strikes me as a closet racist, and I will NEVER vote for someone that could hold so much power and has the possiblity to be racially biased.

And just what exactly gives you the impression that he is a closet racist...Very curious?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by BohemianSheila

You're talking about making a radical change in government - I'm talking about making a radical change in being. I'm talking about radically changing the way we think about caring for people. I'm also saying that if a person claims to be a Christian, the Bible supports what I just stated. The New Testament isn't about sitting around and talking about God, it's filled with people in action taking care of others in the name of God - ie, those with physical afflications (disability), the elderly (social security), the orphans (social services), & the widows (I would also add single mothers in this).

Voting and the Presidential Election is about making changes in Government...Not about Christianity....Also I do believe that is what this thread was about unless I am mistaken...This thread was not about Bible Studies and what we feel the responsibilities of the Churches are.
But please feel free to correct me if I am wrong by all means.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
And just what exactly gives you the impression that he is a closet racist...Very curious?

I'm glad someone finally brought this up!

"That hate hadn't gone away"...."white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Obama from Dreams Of My Father

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

I've found these on the internet and I sure hope that they are misworded because if not that's very scary...oh and didn't he call his grandmother or something a 'typical white person'...ouch


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Damn people, I'm from Russia, which means from another country, another hemisphere and another continent, but I just gotta be all nosy and come here with my
, right?
I wanted to say, we watch news here and there are lots so...

For fuck sake, GO BARACK OBAMA!!!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I'm glad someone finally brought this up!

"That hate hadn't gone away"...."white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Obama from Dreams Of My Father

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

I've found these on the internet and I sure hope that they are misworded because if not that's very scary...oh and didn't he call his grandmother or something a 'typical white person'

I would suggest you read the actual book instead of getting your totally wrong information from the internet and making judgement based on that information...I do have the book and I have read it cover to cover ..If you would like to read it I will be more than happy to let you borrow my copy so you can have the factual information to make your judgements by.

The internet also states McCain calls his wife a C**t but not sure that is factual info either since I didn't read or hear it first hand..So I will refrain from judging based on my lack of knowledge on the subject.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
She is not a hypocrite...Because you are not born a Republican or a Democrat...It's a choice you choose as an adult registered voter...and she is making a choice to choose who she votes for just like you made the choice to change or be undecided on who you wanted to vote for...
This name calling is so uncalled for..really! Be smarter and better than this, really!

P.S. News Flash: Just because you are not a Republican that does not make you a Democrat...

No you aren't born that way, but when you decide to vote democrat don't call yourself a 'republican' they are two VERY different views...and I didn't say the last sent. in bold


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I would suggest you read the actual book instead of getting your totally wrong information from the internet and making judgement based on that information...I do have the book and I have read it cover to cover ..If you would like to read it I will be more than happy to let you borrow my copy so you can have the factual information to make your judgements by.

I just said I hope they are misworded...no need to get snappy, besides it doesn't matter he isn't for drilling offshore and I could never vote for a guy who's going to ruin my boyfriend's career, I would hope that you could understand that


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I just said I hope they are misworded...no need to get snappy

Why do you feel I am getting snappy...because I disagree with people that rely on the internet for factual information and judge someone's character based on lack of knowledge...Calling someone a Closet Racist is pretty damn low unless you have facts to back it up....No matter who the person is.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I'm glad someone finally brought this up!

"That hate hadn't gone away"...."white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Obama from Dreams Of My Father

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Obama from Dreams of My Father

I've found these on the internet and I sure hope that they are misworded because if not that's very scary...oh and didn't he call his grandmother or something a 'typical white person'...ouch

i think most of those were misquoted. buuut, that preacher he listened to promote anti-white sentiments for how many years, like twenty? and he never said anything against it? he never stood up and said "hey, that isn't right?" i have a problem with that. that makes me wonder if he is in fact, a racist. he apparently doesn't have the balls to speak up against it, so what does that say?

the fact that the same preacher called upon god to damn the country obama is now wanting to run bothers me alot, too. i don't see how on one hand, obama can say that he's our knight in shining armor while on the other, he'll listen to someone damn our entire country and not say a word against it.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I just said I hope they are misworded...no need to get snappy, besides it doesn't matter he isn't for drilling offshore and I could never vote for a guy who's going to ruin my boyfriend's career, I would hope that you could understand that

he will never drill offshore...where is that data...I have never heard that either...I really don't have a problem who you or anyone votes for I never have...I think it is a personal choice no matter what the reason and I have stated that repeatedly...If you vote because you like his hairstyle..your vote, your choice!
If your only worries for the presidential election is pretaining to your boyfriends career..I say you have no worries and that is a good thing...because I worry about far more than oil drilling when it comes to government and the future of our kids and the world in general.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^I was going to mention that too but I forgot! What I meant about you getting snappy was that you aren't even reading my posts! I only said he seems like a closet racist AND I said I hope those quotes were misworded...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^ I am reading all of your post Alex...Trust me...But to say you think a person is a racist in any manner is cruel and uncalled for unless you know 100% they are. I felt the same way when others were calling members racist on here...It's just an unnecessary attack on one's character!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
he will never drill offshore...where is that data...I have never heard that either...I really don't have a problem who you or anyone votes for I never have...I think it is a personal choice no matter what the reason and I have stated that repeatedly...If you vote because you like his hairstyle..your vote, your choice!
If your only worries for the presidential election is pretaining to your boyfriends career..I say you have no worries and that is a good thing...because I worry about far more than oil drilling when it comes to government and the future of our kids and the world in general.

I Do too, the oil drilling just tops it off because my bf won't have a future if we vote for Obama. And of course there are far more reasons than that.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Obama has stated a few times he will never drill offshore, McCain will start right way.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

trust me if McCain had a preacher like Obama's everyone would be screaming racist from the rooftops.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Sen. John McCain told reporters, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Although McCain said he was referring only to his prison guards, there are many reasons why his use of the word "gook" is offensive and alarming.
It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group.

Should we all shout off the roof tops he is a racists?


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Sen. John McCain told reporters, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Although McCain said he was referring only to his prison guards, there are many reasons why his use of the word "gook" is offensive and alarming.
It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group.

Should we all shout off the roof tops he is a racists?

Not at all that's hardly comparable to having an OUT and OUT RACIST for a PREACHER...John McCain was held captive and tortured and didn't bother to make a comparison between his prisoners...You could compare that to Obama just caling his grandma a 'typical white person' and his ONE quote is still more racist....Can you even imagine how racist someone would have to be to go to a person of 'god' and listen to them preach or know that they preach hate towards a race? That's a little bit different, and I believe I'm through here.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Sen. John McCain told reporters, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Although McCain said he was referring only to his prison guards, there are many reasons why his use of the word "gook" is offensive and alarming.
It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group.

Should we all shout off the roof tops he is a racists?

i just have to say that the majority of people who fought in the pacific theatre came home saying similar things, whether they fought in one of the world wars or the ones who fought in korea and vietnam. asian militants were notorious for torturing prisoners in unimaginable ways. my grandfather (rest his soul) fought in the korean war, and he said things similar to what mccain has said because of what he saw when he was over there. however, i was always told that "gook" referrenced the militants rather than the asian people as a whole.

most soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who served in asian countries during wars/conflicts didn't use the term "gook" to describe the general population, it was a term that was solely used to refer to militants. just like the term "kraut" was coined by american and british servicemen in the second world war to refer to nazi soldiers.

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