2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
Not at all that's hardly comparable to having an OUT and OUT RACIST for a PREACHER...John McCain was held captive and tortured and didn't bother to make a comparison between his prisoners...You could compare that to Obama just caling his grandma a 'typical white person' and his ONE quote is still more racist....Can you even imagine how racist someone would have to be to go to a person of 'god' and listen to them preach or know that they preach hate towards a race? That's a little bit different, and I believe I'm through here.

Again, you initially based calling him a Closet racist on the notes you listed that you gathered from the internet regarding his quotes in his book....The fact that you had a problem with his past preacher was not mentioned in that post that I responded to....
I had a preacher that taught me for many years and I thought he was the next thing to God in my eyes at that time...he has since been convicted of Child Molestation....Did I have any idea...hell No, would I have ever supported him knowing this, Hell No...Am I a child molestor because I attended the church...Absolutely Not!
But I am done with this to because again...I personally don't get into the name calling and I vote for who I want based on what I want...and I won't belittle Mccain in that process because it's not my style.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

This was in my local paper:

Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts examines the character and intentions of the first African-American ever nominated for presidency from a major political party. The author, William Owens, Jr., argues that voting Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) for president can prove disastrous, if not a curse to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to the progress of Black Americans.
'The excitement of having a man on the presidential ballot whose skin is browner than any in recent American history is something to consider, said Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many Black Americans are convinced that justice for those of us once known as Negroes in America will be done by electing a brown-skinned, African-European as President. Obviously, America is hungry for change, but America is looking in the wrong place, she said. Barack cannot deliver America. The Senators politics are neither a blessing nor praiseworthy.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Well Not knocking your local newspaper's article...But I personally do not vote based on the color of anyone's skin...and that is certainly not the reason I am voting for Obama...and I am pretty sure all of the American Black people are not voting for him just because he happens to be Black.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

So if black people are voting for him because he's black, what's the excuse for all the other races that are voting for him, including white people? Just wondering, things that make you go hhmmmm.........


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

McCain is a d**k, no offense. He didn't have to refer to them in a racist way.
And he's running for president? hm... (rolls eyes)


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by kimmy
i think most of those were misquoted. buuut, that preacher he listened to promote anti-white sentiments for how many years, like twenty? and he never said anything against it? he never stood up and said "hey, that isn't right?" i have a problem with that.

Yes, as you say, you do have a problem with that, kimmy.
How do you know he never said anything against porported racist sentiments?

Did you visit that Church on a regular basis?

that makes me wonder if he is in fact, a racist.

The Republicans are pulling out all the stops, in an effort to drudge up and *Re* drudge up any possible filth they can use in whatever way is most sinister, in order to defame the man's character.
Two Days left before The Election. 2.
Less than 48 hours before we can all go to the polls.

You cannot get into that church
when Senator Obama was a member,
unless you have a Tardis, or some other cool Time-travel device. ?

he apparently doesn't have the balls to speak up against it, so what does that say?

He left that Church.
Of course, it will appear to many that he left that Church because being a member would hurt his campaign. Of course.

I attended an Orthodox place of worship when I was younger...for my grandmother. I attended because I love my grandmother sooo much.
(The person at that pulpit didn't preach hate of any kind, but if he/she *had,* being the person I am, I would have spoken up...even quietly.)
I stopped attending, as I was never actually religious.
My personal anecdote is but one tiny example...
You do not know, kimmy.
Please open your mind.
If you have made your decision, why spread more hate?



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
The last and most disturbing thing, that very ironically no one seems to want to talk about is the fact that Obama strikes me as a closet racist, and I will NEVER vote for someone that could hold so much power and has the possiblity to be racially biased.


Originally Posted by aleksis210
I just said I hope they are misworded...no need to get snappy, besides it doesn't matter he isn't for drilling offshore and I could never vote for a guy who's going to ruin my boyfriend's career, I would hope that you could understand that

So now it's not because (suppresses a laugh) he is a closet racist, but because he might hurt you boyfriends career?
I guess anyone who's boyfriend works for the company that makes body bags better vote McCain as well!

After 8 years of republican mis-administration only die hard republicans are going to believe any of the GOP's promises.
So is it any wonder that these lords of misrule have only one weapon left, fear!

Eight years have passed and for the Dissembling,
malfeasant GOP Judgement is at hand!



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

After 8 years of republican mis-administration only die hard republicans are going to believe any of the GOP's promises.
So is it any wonder that these lords of misrule have only one weapon left, fear!

Eight years have passed and for the Dissembling,
malfeasant GOP Judgement is at hand!


welcome back, missworld!!

I can only *Dream* of being Gifted with your
awesome powers of self - expression
for the greater good of

!!! Peace and Love! HOPE and CHANGE !!!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by missworld

So now it's not because (suppresses a laugh) he is a closet racist, but because he might hurt you boyfriends career?
I guess anyone who's boyfriend works for the company that makes body bags better vote McCain as well!

After 8 years of republican mis-administration only die hard republicans are going to believe any of the GOP's promises.
So is it any wonder that these lords of misrule have only one weapon left, fear!

Eight years have passed and for the Dissembling, malfeasant GOP Judgement is at hand!


You are so (suppresses a laugh) delusional...and condescending it makes me sick...I hope that one day you know how it feels to have a job taken away from you...I thought democrats were supposed to be so compassionate...just another hyprocrite I suppose...and for your info...I listed ALL of the reasons I'm not voting for Obama in one post I never changed my mind. get off your condescending pedestal you sound like a FOOL. thanks.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Umm, I don't think name calling is allowed. The last time that happen someone's post was deleted from this thread, let's be careful, tisk tisk!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Again, you initially based calling him a Closet racist on the notes you listed that you gathered from the internet regarding his quotes in his book....The fact that you had a problem with his past preacher was not mentioned in that post that I responded to....
I had a preacher that taught me for many years and I thought he was the next thing to God in my eyes at that time...he has since been convicted of Child Molestation....Did I have any idea...hell No, would I have ever supported him knowing this, Hell No...Am I a child molestor because I attended the church...Absolutely Not!
But I am done with this to because again...I personally don't get into the name calling and I vote for who I want based on what I want...and I won't belittle Mccain in that process because it's not my style.

ya because he doesn't have a racist preacher that he most certainly knew about.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by couturesista
So if black people are voting for him because he's black, what's the excuse for all the other races that are voting for him, including white people? Just wondering, things that make you go hhmmmm.........

They are just following the hype...does that answer your question?


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

My excuse is:

a better life and CHANGE for both minorities and caucasians.

I'll be damned if Sarah Palin was the next pres.

edited... it's not an excuse, more of a FACT.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by couturesista
Umm, I don't think name calling is allowed. The last time that happen someone's post was deleted from this thread, let's be careful, tisk tisk!


CherylFaith !!!!

!!!! HOPE and CHANGE !!!!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

see ya later I have homework to do, ever heard of HOMEWORK? peace.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
You are so (suppresses a laugh) delusional...and condescending it makes me sick...

Emm. a personal attack will this post say up????

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I hope that one day you know how it feels to have a job taken away from you...

Yes actually I have known and with McCain at the helm I might know what that feels like again!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I thought democrats were supposed to be so compassionate...just another hyprocrite I suppose...

Emm. a personal attack strike 2...

Your BFs job must be retained even if the industry he works for is f***ing up the planet, yes? Get your priorities right, why don't you!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I listed ALL of the reasons I'm not voting for Obama in one post I never changed my mind. get off your condescending pedestal you sound like a FOOL. thanks.

More reason argument from the oh so sweet right..

You posted here to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation.
You have been called on it deal!



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by couturesista
So if black people are voting for him because he's black, what's the excuse for all the other races that are voting for him, including white people? Just wondering, things that make you go hhmmmm.........

I am voting for Barack Obama because he cares.

I am voting for Barack Obama because his Soul shows through his Eyes
in a way I have never witnessed in any politician of my Lifetime.

I am voting for Barack Obama because I want *him* and people who are like-minded to be in my son's future.

I am voting for Barack Obama because he represents Humanity.



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by kimmy
i think most of those were misquoted. buuut, that preacher he listened to promote anti-white sentiments for how many years, like twenty? and he never said anything against it? he never stood up and said "hey, that isn't right?" i have a problem with that. that makes me wonder if he is in fact, a racist. he apparently doesn't have the balls to speak up against it, so what does that say?

the fact that the same preacher called upon god to damn the country obama is now wanting to run bothers me alot, too. i don't see how on one hand, obama can say that he's our knight in shining armor while on the other, he'll listen to someone damn our entire country and not say a word against it.

you know.. Rev. Wright is no different than any other fire and brimstone preacher. The times that Swaggart Graham pick your mega preacher has called on the "judgement" of america for her "wicked ways" are ENUMERABLE!
You guys were fed 30 seconds of a sound bites of highly rhetorical sermons and you base your entire opinion about this man.

You know nothing of the facts of his history.. like him being a US marine who received a commendation for his participation in the HEART surgery of linden johnson.
If hes such a racist.. why has he married inter racial couples and is part of a majority white denomination.. do the FACTS even matter or has your opinion been totally solidified by 30 second clips of sermons?

He may be an asshole.. but there are plenty of preachers that are assholes.. you can't call him a racist because he's obviously not and neither is OBAMA who's HALF WHITE

Doing such a fine job during the surgery of President Lyndon B. Johnson .. **can you see him standing there behind the pole

Just to clarify though, Wright wasn't President Johnson's nurse nor was he just 'the guy who wheeled the president in'.
Wright was a cardio pulmonary technician at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.
His full bio is here Jeremiah Wright: Biography from Answers.com

Friday September 11, 1998 in honor of Religious Leaders.....


YouTube - The Religious Reaction to the 9/11 Attacks