MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
I am more excited for this collection than any other and that is only because of the MSFs.
I am not really a huge fan of the mineralize eye shadows.


Well-known member
^ me too Katie.
I guess its a good thing that its in July, I still got some time to save up for it. I'm super excited for it. can't wait to see some pics.


Well-known member
I'm only in it for the MSFs and maybe a MB too. My MSF collection is about to swell from 4 to 7 already, and then this collection, yikes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I can't see kensie's attachment????


a gift for you.
Originally Posted by NeonKitty

I think I spent about three minutes watching this....sooo hypnotic

Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
but the 3 way and now 4 way ones? @___@

I dunno about you but I love a good three-way/four-way every now and then.

But seriously, I know what you mean. I feel the same way about LE quads and pallettes.

Originally Posted by darkishstar
Kensie, go do comedy NOW. Not only would you be extremely funny, you'd be hot with your make-up too.

Now that's a combo you don't see with every Comedian. Plus I gotta see you live too!

That's true. You rarely see the hot+funny comedian combo.
I mean, I guess Chelsea Handler is an example but she's not that funny or that hot, either.
The chick who won Last Comic Standing is pretty cute, but I felt like she was trying TOO hard to be funny at times.
Okay, I'll shut up about comedy now.


Well-known member
I don't really care much for the MES and the l/g. I'm more about the striped MSFs and the blushes

Erine: please don't keep the swatches to yourself. We all need some MSF love...


Well-known member
I think I for sure need to get the MSFs and blushes I want. Then we can talk about the lipsticks and MES.

I REALLY want the MES with the burgundy in it though!


Well-known member
Thanks Erin!

I am really surpised at how toned down the mineralize eye shadows are. For some reason I thought that they would be brighter primary colors. Thankfully that saves me a bit of money so I can spent it towards the MSFs. Trimming talk lipstick looks like the perfect summer lipstick!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I am really surpised at how toned down the mineralize eye shadows are.

Smae here. I was like "They're all so....neutral."
Still gorgeous though.

The lightest gradient of Smooth Merge really catches my eye.



Well-known member
Oh ew. I don't want any of the MES now. D:

I love the MSFs and Blushes though! And I managed to cut out two lipsticks, so that means... I can get the other two blushes?!


Well-known member
Thank you so much for the swatches Erine! Just what I needed to see! I can safely cut out all the shadows and lippies, as well as the blushes (because I am set on sticking to my "I will not buy products just for the names"). I will get to swatch the MSFs myself because I'll be down south when they release (that sounds dirty, doesn't it?). I'm still not feeling the striped MSFs, so 3 MSFs max, and the 226 brush. I think Sunny By Nature might be too dark for me though...


Well-known member
ok i think that the msfs just don't show up well on paper. i remember thinking that the grand duos didn't look very good on paper cuz they didn't seem very pigmented - and i ended up picking up four of them in real life... i think we just gotta wait until we see them in person...


Well-known member
also, when i heard the concept of the pinwheel eyeshadow i just naturally assumed that they would be blended together because i don't think i have a packing brush small enough to get into an area a quarter of the size of a normal MES. and i doubt these are oversized cuz mac has become stingy lately...

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks, Erine!
Do you have swatches of the lipglasses?

Made with Love is gorgeous. I also want Daft Pink, Smooth Merge and Porcelain Pink. I'm not feeling the MES though.


Well-known member
Thanks again for the swatches Erine! You're the best!

After seeing them, i'm skipping the lippies for sure. The MESes look meh, so i'll have to see them in person first before deciding if i would buy them.

The MSFs and the blushes are GORGEOUS!!


Well-known member
Thank you Erine! I love me some swatches!

My wish list, for now, has only changed slightly:
- Porcelain Pink MSF
- Triple Fusion MSF
- Smooth Merge MSF
- Hand-Finish MB
- Daft Pink MB
- Improvise MB
- Cheek & Cheerful MB



Well-known member
I made my list and I think I can stick with it
I don`t have any mb and since I don`t know how they are I`m not caught... I `ll let this year be the year of MSF, maybe next will be mb. Maybe I can make it to 3 msf I want one pink, one peachy, one bronzy . Now if only July would come sooner

Sunny by Nature- msf
Cheeky Bronze - msf
Triple Fusion -msf
Smooth Merge - msf
Made with love -ls
130 brush