MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CoralBlast
Susanne or anyone who knows, could you tell me what was the price of the mineralize blushes in germany?

Originally Posted by bis
I paid 22 Euros. hth.

Yes, they are 22 Euros here!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CoralBlast
thank you bis. i just don't get why it's not on the site yet since it's released.

Sonic Chic still hasn't been released everywhere in Germany
There are still many counters that haven't got the blushes yet, neither the website and
I am glad I got mine!


Well-known member
I finally got my Love Thing and Dainty in the mail today, thanks to a lovely spectrette who helped me out with a CP!!! Yup I'm late to the party, but I'm in Australia! We ALWAYS get stuff later than everyone else lol.

Anyways! OMG Love Thing... I thought it would be WAY too dark when I first saw it in the pot... but I just swiped the plastic insert which had a few SPECKS of powder on it with my finger and swiped it on the back of my hand... and OMG PIGMENTATION!! I was left with a streak more pigmented than what I could possibly wear on my face! Holy crap... I don't even have to be this careful with Metal Rock!!! Just tried it on, and it is gorgeouuss... though even just touching the tips of the bristles of my 188 to the blush, then swirling it on the back of my hand a few times can leave me clownlike =\

Figured out a way to tone it down though- put on Emphasize after Love Thing.. then buff a little Emphasize over the top and the edges, and PERFECTIONNN

Needless to say, i am IN LOVE. I'll probably be back later on to rant about Dainty lol. But
these are the best!!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chaya
hello... i'm newbie here... nice to know you all..
uhm... i'm interest in sonic chic love thing... does anybody have fotd using love thing??? i can't found it... thanks...

I have Love Thing and wore it yesterday. I will post my FOTD shortly in the FOTD section. Go check it out


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~Crystal~

Anyways! OMG Love Thing... I thought it would be WAY too dark when I first saw it in the pot... but I just swiped the plastic insert which had a few SPECKS of powder on it with my finger and swiped it on the back of my hand... and OMG PIGMENTATION!! I was left with a streak more pigmented than what I could possibly wear on my face! Holy crap... I don't even have to be this careful with Metal Rock!!! Just tried it on, and it is gorgeouuss... though even just touching the tips of the bristles of my 188 to the blush, then swirling it on the back of my hand a few times can leave me clownlike =\

Really?? I tried using my 187 with my blushes (love thing and gentle) and there was like nooooooo powder on it, i had to use another brush altogether. Love Thing is way more pigmented than Gentle though....with Gentle I feel like I can reapply and reapply and I dont look like a clown. Weird.


Well-known member
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily

Grrrrr. If you want Merrily, GET Merrily. Don't let someone tell you it wont work for you. At least try it on, and see for yourself. You shouldnt miss out on something that you want badly just because someone else thinks it wont work for you. That doesnt make sense to me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Grrrrr. If you want Merrily, GET Merrily. Don't let someone tell you it wont work for you. At least try it on, and see for yourself. You shouldnt miss out on something that you want badly just because someone else thinks it wont work for you. That doesnt make sense to me!

Yea, you're right.
But you know, sometimes you have this idea in your head and want it soo bad. Anyways I should decide for myself.
On the other hand I thought Love Thing was good on me in the shop as well

I guess I am just not happy with what I got. At least I looooove Warm Soul


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily

I was told it wouldn't work for me either. I got it anyway, and love it!
I say if you want it, get it. It's a beautiful color


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I was told it wouldn't work for me either. I got it anyway, and love it!
I say if you want it, get it. It's a beautiful color

You are all so right. But I will wait when they come back in autumn.
Two weeks ago I did not really have blushes... It is always easier to listen to the MA when unsure. At least that's what I thought.
So instead I try to make Love Thing work

Keeping my fingers crossed Merrily will come back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily

Thats why I dont trust most of the MA's. I came to check these blushes out and MA asked if I need help, I said "No, thanks, I want just to play". And I played with them on my own, I tried almost all of them and figured out witch ones I liked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily

If you want Merrily, get it

I use a kabuki brush for applying these blushes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
You are all so right. But I will wait when they come back in autumn.
Two weeks ago I did not really have blushes... It is always easier to listen to the MA when unsure. At least that's what I thought.
So instead I try to make Love Thing work

Keeping my fingers crossed Merrily will come back

No, always listen to yourself!!
You must wear a color and feel good with it, not the MA

Thanks that I have a MA who I can more than trust.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
So I went back to try Merrily and I was told it would not work for me

But that Love Thing would work very well for me. So I tried it on and it looked nice and I got it.
Now when I use it I am not so sure anymore... It adds a lot of colour.
Any recommendations which brush to use? 187? kabuki (181 or 182)?
I should have stayed away from them, but you made it sound soooo great.

And I still want Merrily

Definately 187 or 188! No kabuki for this one... it's way too pigmented!
I've been told Merrily wouldn't work on me either- I don't care. It is THE one that caught my eye when I first saw this collection... and I just bought it off a specktrette then!

I don't have Gentle to compare, but Love Thing is sooo pigmented that there is no way I'd be able to use another brush with it =\ I used it today, and i just BARELY touched the bristles to the blush, then tapped my brush, and swirled it against the back of my hand, and the colour is still waaaay strong! Maybe the difference is in our skin colours though? I'm NW15 afterall lol. I don't think this will be the case for Dainty though.


Well-known member
Aromaleigh has this duo-fiber blush brush that is pinched at the ferrule so it sort of fans out and is PERFECT for blush application with pigmented blushes. I just lightly swipe with it and apply. And if I accidently add too much, I use their baby kabuki with is phenomenal!! I love it for buffing out blush! I think both are around $15/ea. and so worth it!! I think they are a great alternative to MAC's!

And elegant-one, you were absolutely right about Salsarose!! I am in love! And you definately need Azalea; that color would be amazing on you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BaDKiTTy69
Thats why I dont trust most of the MA's. I came to check these blushes out and MA asked if I need help, I said "No, thanks, I want just to play". And I played with them on my own, I tried almost all of them and figured out witch ones I liked.

Did you bring your own brushes? Or did they give you one?
Or did you just swatch them on your hand?

My hand is way more tanned than my face, so I wanted to try them on my face. I still do not get why it looked ok in the shop, but not at home

But I might have an idea though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
If you want Merrily, get it

I use a kabuki brush for applying these blushes.

Which ones did you get? I remember Pleasantry, right?

Originally Posted by Susanne
No, always listen to yourself!!
You must wear a color and feel good with it, not the MA

Thanks that I have a MA who I can more than trust.

She was unfortunately not there that day...

Originally Posted by ~Crystal~
Definately 187 or 188! No kabuki for this one... it's way too pigmented!
I've been told Merrily wouldn't work on me either- I don't care. It is THE one that caught my eye when I first saw this collection... and I just bought it off a specktrette then!

I don't have Gentle to compare, but Love Thing is sooo pigmented that there is no way I'd be able to use another brush with it =\ I used it today, and i just BARELY touched the bristles to the blush, then tapped my brush, and swirled it against the back of my hand, and the colour is still waaaay strong! Maybe the difference is in our skin colours though? I'm NW15 afterall lol. I don't think this will be the case for Dainty though.

I will try it. I am NW20 and I will make it work for me.
Probably I will have to decide who will get Love Thing as will last for the rest of my life and then another generation after that


Well-known member
Just wanted to post a quick rave for my Nuance that I recieved yesterday. I'm wearing it today and its a beautiful peachy/golden/bronze on me. Its gorgeous and I love it!

I can't believe how amazing these blushes are. Way to go MAC!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
Which ones did you get? I remember Pleasantry, right?

I got Pleasantry, Love Thing and Gentle

I wanted to get Dainty as well, but it was already sold out in the pro store. I hope Dainty will be repromoted in October!!

BTW: bis, what's your name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I got Pleasantry, Love Thing and Gentle

I wanted to get Dainty as well, but it was already sold out in the pro store. I hope Dainty will be repromoted in October!!

BTW: bis, what's your name?

I got pleasnatry, love thing, gentle AND dainty!
Great minds think alike