MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
I love my nuance blush! It's such a beautiful peach! I'm a blush girl so I'm already searching for a permanent dupe. I tried a Laura Gellar baked blush called golden apricot. It looked very similar in the pot, but turned really orange on my face, so for anybody who's interested, this NOT a good substitute! Hopefully my two nuances will last me a while. I cannot bear the thought of buying two back ups of anything!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
I see you are a profession, through and through and prepared for the worst case.
If no basement is available a cupboard or a sock drawer will do. Mind, not the underwear drawer, some visas like them very much.

Have you decided if you want to get Merrily? It is great for a Snow-white look

Wore it today to work and I really love it, I look so healthy with it on

Hmmm... I'll have to threaten it with my sock drawer. Sometimes my cupboards pop open on their own, so that wouldn't work at all!
I'd have to use Merrily super lightly or I'd have clown cheeks going on, ha!

I'm going to have to see how the paycheque two weeks from Friday is, and see if it's still available to me then. 'Cause right now? Need funds. Bought black lipmix and wine the other day.


Well-known member
I cant believe I'm about to say this.
I'm NC15 skin and I'm craving Merrily...

I have Dainty, Pleasantry, Gentle, and Love Thing already... what do you think?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I cant believe I'm about to say this.
I'm NC15 skin and I'm craving Merrily...


Well see how it looks on me when I get it next week.. I'm hoping for a Snow Whiteish look, or at least as much as I can get that wiht my white blonde hair


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I cant believe I'm about to say this.
I'm NC15 skin and I'm craving Merrily...

I have Dainty, Pleasantry, Gentle, and Love Thing already... what do you think?

Blind I have the same four that you do and I am also NW15. I finally ended up caving and getting merrily and I don't regret it for one minute! It is gorgeous and with a soft hand it is a great natural looking blush.


Well-known member
I think all of u pale ladies shouldnt be afraid of Merrily...everytime I think of it, I think of a Snow White look...I think itd be perfect for all of you...


Well-known member
WTF Merrily is being dc'ed?! That's my favorite one that I own! I did pick up a nuance today though on a whim, and maybe I should go back and get Pleasantry, however It seems like it's way too cool-pink for my warm skintone.

Can anyone who's NW20 take a quick picture with them with pleasantry on?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Care
WTF Merrily is being dc'ed?! That's my favorite one that I own! I did pick up a nuance today though on a whim, and maybe I should go back and get Pleasantry, however It seems like it's way too cool-pink for my warm skintone.

Can anyone who's NW20 take a quick picture with them with pleasantry on?

umm, its not being DC'd. you can't DC a LE item. its just not being made perm like some of the others.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
umm, its not being DC'd. you can't DC a LE item. its just not being made perm like some of the others.

that's what i meant, it's not coming back with the others as they remain permanent, thus it's only temporary and once it's gone it's gone for good (for now at least)

plus i figure the line really wasn't a LE line since most will become perms and thus not limited, so couldn't the 3 not being perms technically be DC'ed?

I have a feeling i'm running myself in circles


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I cant believe I'm about to say this.
I'm NC15 skin and I'm craving Merrily...

I have Dainty, Pleasantry, Gentle, and Love Thing already... what do you think?

I'm NW15 and I got Merrily!! You'll look great in it

Otherwise... I have Love Thing, Dainty and Gentle! (I know... the blasphemy... I decided I didn't want to pick up Pleasantry *gasp*)


Well-known member
I just picked up Merrily from the post and had to swatch in on my cheeks on top of nuance and glissade that I had previously on and I must admit that I really like how it looks on me
I just have to be carefull wiht not applying it wiht a too heavy hand or I'll end up looking clovnish

All in all I think us paler ladies can deffo rock Merrily too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
I just picked up Merrily from the post and had to swatch in on my cheeks on top of nuance and glissade that I had previously on and I must admit that I really like how it looks on me
I just have to be carefull wiht not applying it wiht a too heavy hand or I'll end up looking clovnish

All in all I think us paler ladies can deffo rock Merrily too!

Great to hear! More love for Merrily


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanayhs
Merrily sounds great for winter, then, as that's when one really thinks of the reddened cheeks. will look like a cute little flushed snowbunny! And I know you love bunnies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC will look like a cute little flushed snowbunny! And I know you love bunnies

Why did you have to mention BUNNIES

I would pass on this shade gladly, but now that bunnies are involved....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
Why did you have to mention BUNNIES

I would pass on this shade gladly, but now that bunnies are involved....




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
Ohhhh preciousssss!!

That's my baby, Danger. You should see when he cleans his ears! It gets me EVERY TIME.


Well-known member
Cleaning her ears?!
Got any pictures? What a sweetheart. Pet owners have hearts covered with furr indeed!

Merrily sounds really nice now
I can think of your bunny everytime I'd use it hehe!