MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
well I tried merrily one more time sadly it just didnt work for me
I trie it about 2x with 2 differnt brushes and it just didnt work for me, It is so pretty me so sad Thanks girls for all the advice on how to apply it


Well-known member
I think I will get Gleeful in October! I passed it in July for Pleasantry and Gentle, but I want it as a fall blush now


Well-known member
I love gentle, dainty & Nuance most in this collection.

Just couldn't get warm soul to work for me as well as the darker shades.

not forgeting the 181se! pure love!


Well-known member
I think I will get Love Thing and Gentle when they become pro just because I'm seriously lacking on the blush department. Before I got my three Sonic Chic blushes I only owned one that I used maybe a few times a year! These blushes have really converted me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I think I will get Gleeful in October!

Me too!
Gleeful and Gentle are on my list, but I might get more after I swatch others too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
Before I got my three Sonic Chic blushes I only owned one that I used maybe a few times a year! These blushes have really converted me

Hehehe same here! Before these mineralized blushes, I owned only 2 that I used sparingly. Now I wear blush 7 days a week. Another converter here!


Well-known member
I absolutely adore the 3 I have: Pleasantry, Dainty, and Gentle.

I know I definitely want to get Love Thing too, and possibly Merrily, Nuance, and Warm Soul.


Well-known member
Another convert here!! I could take it or leave it before (blush as a whole, that is), but I wear Dainty every single day now. I want something a bit darker for Autumn and Winter though. Gentle is definitely on my list.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I finally got Merrily! and I loves it.

Hows everyone enjoying these blushes?

Yes! You're soooo pale, I just think Merrily is like, the perfect blush for you and Samantha. Very Snow White-ish. Im glad you like it

Originally Posted by dreamiez

not forgeting the 181se! pure love!

When that brush comes back out, I have to get it.
yes.gif be honest I dont really wear my sonic chic blushes. I wear x-rocks almost everyday, if its not xrocks its gentle. I hardly wear pleasantry, and I never have enough time to apply love thing and merrily *sparingly* and buff it out. Im probably gonna ask my MA how to apply these better....or maybe today Ill try just a little bit.Its hard for me to use just a little bit of blush....I like A LOT.

I cant even see myself buying more blushes when they come out again.


Well-known member
Yes. Have to get the brush. I use my 116 to dab the colour on and 181se to buff it in. the results: a natural blushed look that lasts the whole day.


Well-known member
These blushesh converted me too!!!
I had only two of the MAC ones before, and almost never used them. Now I dont go outside without my blush on. Hehe.. And I use my old ones now too. Fafi and Sonic Chic is my favorite collections of this year. I think Manish will be the third one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I have Merrily, Dainty, Gentle, Pleasantry, and Love Thing. By far, the most I have ever bought from a single collection. And I really like all of them

hey passion...

does pleasantry work for you? on me it doesnt look like a true pink

i am maybe there is the problem?

i am loving all of my blushes...pleasantry, gentle, dainty, nuance, love thing and the only one i didnt try out is merrily..maybe tomorrow?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andreacvbb
hey passion...

does pleasantry work for you? on me it doesnt look like a true pink

i am maybe there is the problem?

i am loving all of my blushes...pleasantry, gentle, dainty, nuance, love thing and the only one i didnt try out is merrily..maybe tomorrow?

Out of all the ones I bought, I like Pleasantry the least. Which I am so sad about because I wanted to LOVE it, and I dont. It was the first one I bought but it just doesnt show up on me like I hoped it would. I wanted it to be a true light pink that shines off my cheeks and it doesnt apply well, I find its hard to see on me. It doesn't show up
I have to apply pink swoon before it for it to work out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
Me too!
Gleeful and Gentle are on my list, but I might get more after I swatch others too.

Originally Posted by Moxy
Hehehe same here! Before these mineralized blushes, I owned only 2 that I used sparingly. Now I wear blush 7 days a week. Another converter here!

meee tooooo!!! i only owned sassed up from fafi and sunspill beauty powder...and now i own 6 from sonic chic and i want some from the future collections


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andreacvbb
meee tooooo!!! i only owned sassed up from fafi and sunspill beauty powder...and now i own 6 from sonic chic and i want some from the future collections

I bought Sassed up from Fafi a couple of days ago and I can't wait to get it!! Do you like it? Do you use it above the blush or on its own?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Out of all the ones I bought, I like Pleasantry the least. Which I am so sad about because I wanted to LOVE it, and I dont. It was the first one I bought but it just doesnt show up on me like I hoped it would. I wanted it to be a true light pink that shines off my cheeks and it doesnt apply well, I find its hard to see on me. It doesn't show up
I have to apply pink swoon before it for it to work out.

yes...i have the same shows up..but not as a true look to similar to gentle on me....i like pleasantry and nuance the least...

thank u for ur answer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
I bought Sassed up from Fafi a couple of days ago and I can't wait to get it!! Do you like it? Do you use it above the blush or on its own?

i LOVE IT!!!!! i just use it a few times,,,only because i dont want to run out of it (did i say it right?
)....but i can see the pot
and i just use it only on special thats sad....

its a coral on me...with glitter... LOVE IT....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I finally got Merrily! and I loves it.

Hows everyone enjoying these blushes?

I love Merrily too! I'm NC50 and it's a perfect 'flushed look' blush for me. I managed to buy it online before they took it off the UK MAC website (thank you Specktra ladies for warning us that it wouldn't come back in October with the others
). Now I'm layering Merrily with So Ceyon MSF for an autumn look. I still need a bit more practice with these 2, but I like how it looks.


Well-known member
I checked one of the FS stores near me and they still had a lot of them. I was surprised, but I think this store is not so busy, cause they even had some stuff from fafi collection.