MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one

yep, its plummy...which I think would look lovely on you with a lighter plum lipstick, with Pervette or Utter Pervette just on the full part of your bottom lip to highlight & ever so slightly darker plum liner...just sayin...

Gosh, I have no clue what would sell out first
I doubt if they sell out that fast...but ya never know. Love Thing just looks like it would be so pretty with the Cult of Cherry collection...but I'm just guessing.

Stop it. STOP IT!
I am soooo getting a plum soon as I see an autumn leaf change colors, I will be wearing those exact lips+love thing+boots+scarf+a fall jacket

I will bust out the plums this fall. definetly. Thanks girl


Well-known member
Okay, I seriously want every one now.
But realistically I should only get three.

I thinkg that Dainty is getting crossed off my lit because I have so many peachy-pink blushes that it is borderlining ridiculous. But I am really feeling Love Thing for some reason! I think it will be gorgeous once I use a stippling brush and sheer it out.

Also, does anyone know how Gentle compares with Secret Blush BPB? I'm Because I am looking for more of a 'purpler' plum/rasperberry than on the pinkish side.


Well-known member
I want Dainty for sure now! It looks more like the peach that I was looking for opposed to Nuance. And a lot of the other ones are pretty too.. I can't decide!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
Okay, I seriously want every one now.
But realistically I should only get three.

I will get three. Hopefully tomorrow.


Well-known member
My list of what I'm going to buy changes everyday!! I know I want Pleasantry, Gentle and Dainty but not sure what else. I love them all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
i was just thinking, these kinda look like larger versions of the Bourjois blushes. so does anyone know if they have similar textures/pay off too?

I find the Bourjois line generally not very good. I mean its just okay. I would invest in the MAC blushes instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
i was just thinking, these kinda look like larger versions of the Bourjois blushes. so does anyone know if they have similar textures/pay off too?

I have to agree with thelove4tequila, Bourjois is so hard baked, you almost have to scrape the cake to get some colour off! I think these are more comparable to Nouba, an italian brand. I even suspect that Nouba are making the blushes for MAC, as I read they are made in Italy..
One of my favorite blushes is Nouba´s no49, a lovely coral. It´s soft ,silky and very high pigmented, the texture is fantastic! The bubble also looks gorgeous!



Well-known member
Even though I was orginally all for the lighter colors of Pleasantry, Dainty, Gentle, and Nuance; I decided to be adventurous and go for Merrily, Pleasantry, and Love Thing. Which is really odd because my skin is so light! But I am just so excited for the release!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
O am still not impressed with this collection. I simply can't see use for more than 2-3 blushes in my entire collection

I understand, Adina. At first sight, I wanted 5 of these, but now, I am trying to cut my list. As beautiful as they are, I am fearing that they just won't look *that* different from what I already have. So I have decided that I will pass on the ones that are similar to ones already in my collection, and get the ones that are different. Even though I am sure I will probably regret it somewhere down the line, I am trying to narrow it down to one *crosses fingers* I feel a bit better knowing that some of them will be back in the fall.

Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
Even though I was orginally all for the lighter colors of Pleasantry, Dainty, Gentle, and Nuance; I decided to be adventurous and go for Merrily, Pleasantry, and Love Thing. Which is really odd because my skin is so light! But I am just so excited for the release!!

Same here! I have Pleasantry, DAinty and Gentle on hold, but I called yesterday to have Merrily and Love Thing put on hold because if I am going to add blushes to my collection, I want them to be UNIQUE. I know I keep going back and forth on these, but I am trying to resist the temptation and only walk away with 2 at most. I am most excited for the Merrily and Love Thing now because they are different for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
Even though I was orginally all for the lighter colors of Pleasantry, Dainty, Gentle, and Nuance; I decided to be adventurous and go for Merrily, Pleasantry, and Love Thing. Which is really odd because my skin is so light! But I am just so excited for the release!!

I've been like that lately too. I want to see a lil more color on me but nicely blended (thanks to the 187). And, I think I'm going to scratch Dainty off my list too - like you said above because of having an extreme amount of light peachy/pink blushes.

I think you will like Gentle - it does appear to have a more plum/purple undertone than pink. I'll bet its going to be a gorgeous color - Love Thing too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I've been like that lately too. I want to see a lil more color on me but nicely blended (thanks to the 187). And, I think I'm going to scratch Dainty off my list too - like you said above because of having an extreme amount of light peachy/pink blushes.

I think you will like Gentle - it does appear to have a more plum/purple undertone than pink. I'll bet its going to be a gorgeous color - Love Thing too!

Elegant-one! No Dainty for me either. I have realized that Shy Beauty and Alpha Girl b/p are enough for me. I am trying to decide between Gentle and Love Thing. They seem to be of the same color family, just Love Thing is MUCH darker. I am wondering if applying Love Thing with a 187 would give close to the same color as applying Gentle with a blush brush? Hmmm...


Well-known member
If you look at the Promo shots of the girl - around her eye, it really looks like they've used a combo of Merrily & Love Joy (possibly a third) and I'm not that fond of how it looks. But IRL it could be better. I love the similar tone Serenely in the BPB, but I have a feeling this (Merrily) may be a lil more burnt than that shade.

Also, look at the actual chunks of the blush - they look so gorgeous!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Elegant-one! No Dainty for me either. I have realized that Shy Beauty and Alpha Girl b/p are enough for me. I am trying to decide between Gentle and Love Thing. They seem to be of the same color family, just Love Thing is MUCH darker. I am wondering if applying Love Thing with a 187 would give close to the same color as applying Gentle with a blush brush? Hmmm...

Yea totally - Alpha Girl is the best!

I will have to get both Gentle & Love Thing
cause, I love them both equally. Also, I was thinking Gentle high on the cheekbone & Love Thing in the hollows of the cheekbone to contour. And, both would be so lovely on their own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
If you look at the Promo shots of the girl - around her eye, it really looks like they've used a combo of Merrily & Love Joy (possibly a third) and I'm not that fond of how it looks. But IRL it could be better. I love the similar tone Serenely in the BPB, but I having a feeling this may be a lil more burnt than that shade.

Also, look at the actual chunks of the blush - they look so gorgeous!

I know, the promo images kind of scare me a bit, but I think the model is much fairer than me. I am still going to try them on before I buy them. And I agree, the image of the chunks of blush is gorgeous! The colors look so rich!


Well-known member
The more I think about this (overnight, whoopty doo) the more I am unsure of what to do. I own a plethora of blushes and only really use the ones from my NARS collection. I have quite a large collection of both NARS and MAC blushes, but if I'm always gravitating toward the other, perhaps I could skip this altogether and save some money?

I have always felt that the payoff of NARS blushes is so much better, and that the colors are more workable for my skin tone. I wonder if I am just getting tempted by all the excitement of this launch? Perhaps this is not a necessity for me. Somebody please talk me out of buying these.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Dainty (which may be more peach on you), Gleeful & Pleasantry - with Pleasantry being closer, but probably not exact to what you already have.

Just from the pot photos, Pleasantry kinda looks like a cross between Dress Camp pink & Sweetness BPB...but just guessing

Thanks for your help, Dainty is what I was leaning towards. I really want to narrow this down to one blush considering the price is $21 according to the collections thread. I am buying A LOT of stuff from the Electroflash collection because I have been really looking forward to it. Not to mention Colour Forms this month. This is a really bad month for me with all these collections coming out. GRRR!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xoxprincessx0x
Thanks for your help, Dainty is what I was leaning towards. I really want to narrow this down to one blush considering the price is $21 according to the collections thread. I am buying A LOT of stuff from the Electroflash collection because I have been really looking forward to it. Not to mention Colour Forms this month. This is a really bad month for me with all these collections coming out. GRRR!!

Oh, you're more than welcome...of course I'm just kinda guessing by what you said & the pics in general. I hope Dainty is exactly what you're looking for

You know, it's really ok just to pick up one or two items from a collection
No one should buy just because of excitement, but because its something that you love & know that the colors will work for you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Good heavens, page 28 wants to be page 27 all over again
Does that just happen for me?

nope, for some reason the page number and thread number don't match. i posted about this too. it's confusing and i keep clicking on the non-existent last page everytime