MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
You're allowed to waffle - that's what this forum is here for. I was waffling myself between Pleasantry and Dainty...but based on review/opinions, I'm leaning strongly towards Dainty.

Do waffles sound good to anyone else right now?

I'll take mine with whipped cream & fresh strawberries please.

hahaha...I thought the chunks of Sonic blushes in the promo pic looked like scoops of ice cream


Well-known member
I will probably get Pleasantry and Gentle from this collection, because I have nothing that is similar to them. And they look so pretty!


Well-known member
I will be posting up swatches tomorrow... I bought all the blushes except for Love Joy today. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to try all of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
I'd probably be right there with you buying it. lol It just looks so gorgeous over Sea Me s/s.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
You HAVE hijacked this thread for a personal agenda & grand-standing. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Sonic Chic. I've seen this in so many arenas in're the intelligent student & the rest of us are just stupid uneducated lemmings that have fallen prey to a corporations marketing schemes. Baloney!

Your words:
Please note that I am not attacking the community, or anybody personally. It surprises me to see how so many view the word "hype" so negatively

Part of the definition of hype refers to something done by trickery or swindle & deception.

I think we are smarter than that. And, MAC has every right to market their product in a free society.

Oh, and I buy my makeup simply because I LOVE color & beauty - not because something is LE or someone else likes it - NO other reasons. I hope that blows a hole in your theory.

Thanks, elegant-one!!
Sometimes I wish my English would be better to post the right answer, but you did it so well!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I will be posting up swatches tomorrow... I bought all the blushes except for Love Joy today. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to try all of them.

Can't wait to see your swatches. What did you think of Warm Soul? Is it orangey or truly beigey?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I don't see what this has to do with Sonic Chic...
I don't know what your actual agenda is for being in these forums, but we are here to discuss our hobby.

We are all here because we love MAC.
Sure, they are good marketers, they are a huge company... they wouldn't survive unless they were.

I just don't see the point in all of this posting.
I definitely don't believe that people on this forum buy things because someone else thinks its nice or just because its LE...

Why does anyone buy anything?
Because we want too... not because someone tells us we should.

Specktra members buy things because we love makeup as an art form and enjoy MAC as a company for being able to help us fulfill our creative outlook.

It's a hobby we all have, for some it's a career.

Posting things like this just make people feel bad for enjoying their hobby.
Good for MAC for being such effective marketers.
Regardless, I'm still buying the products.

One more thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I will be posting up swatches tomorrow... I bought all the blushes except for Love Joy today. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to try all of them.

Which are you favorites? Which ones do you think are most unique?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
There's a new swatch of Pleasantry in the swatch thread. Its pretty. Reminds me of a mix of Dress Camp blush & Sweetness BPB...possibly

Did you like that one in person Audrey?

I really like this swatch and I am sure I will love Pleasantry!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I will be posting up swatches tomorrow... I bought all the blushes except for Love Joy today. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to try all of them.

Oh, lucky you!!

Sigh, still no goods at my MAC counter today. Has MAC got delivery problems here?
I hope I can haul on Friday now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Wow! I'm glad I saw that swatch. I think I can cross pleasantry off the "maybe" list. It looks waaayy to pink for me in that pic.

Right now I am just debating on Gentle and Dainty....

**sorry the whole "hype" thing got started b/c of my waffling..."

If you're still debating, I say go with Gentle. I think you'll get more use out of it for the fall and winter seasons. Plus, I feel like Dainty is more common and easily duped, whereas Gentle is the more 'unique' color. But if you're still undecided, evaluate your current collection and see what you have more of and go from there. I did that with mine and realized that I had about 8 peachy-pinky blushes. lol So I went with Love Thing and Merrily, because they are so different from what I already own.

And I love how you try to sneak in little comments in small type! lmao! You're so adorable sometimes! And we love you just the way you are and wouldn't have you any other way!


Well-known member
ahhhh these blushes look so delicious

it's gonna be soo hard to limit myself to one shade.. but i MUST because MAC is evil and has a million things coming out on the 10th. damn you, MAC!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I will be posting up swatches tomorrow... I bought all the blushes except for Love Joy today. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to try all of them.

Thank you!! I can't wait for them!! *counts down the minutes until tomorrow*


Well-known member
There are haul pictures of Melliquor's blushes in the haul section!
The more I see Love Thing, the more I want it!

I am trying so hard to figure out which will sell out first. In an ideal world, I would get all that I want in one shot, but I can only get 2 at first. There are some that are higher on my wishlist than others, but still I can't decide...

I want Merrily, Love Thing, Gentle and Pleasantry... Merrily and Love Thing are the most different from what I already have, so maybe I should get those first?

Which ones do you girls think will be the most popular?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
There are haul pictures of Melliquor's blushes in the haul section!

Which ones do you girls think will be the most popular?

I agree!
I love the pics! And the more I look the more I love Merrily

I think Merrily will be the most popular, it seems unique for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
There are haul pictures of Melliquor's blushes in the haul section!
The more I see Love Thing, the more I want it!

I am trying so hard to figure out which will sell out first. In an ideal world, I would get all that I want in one shot, but I can only get 2 at first. There are some that are higher on my wishlist than others, but still I can't decide...

I want Merrily, Love Thing, Gentle and Pleasantry... Merrily and Love Thing are the most different from what I already have, so maybe I should get those first?

Which ones do you girls think will be the most popular?

I think that Dainty, Pleasantry, Nuance, and Gentle--possibly Warm Soul-- will probably the first to go from the counters because they are more of the 'safe' colors than the others in the collection. Also, they look like they would be the most versatile or suitable for the office.

**Side note: for once, I have to say that I love my job in the respect that they don't care how I do my makeup so long as it is not distracting(as in some of the extremer goth looks) or slutty and I am wearing 'business casual.' Back to topic**

Audrey, I feel like you should go with Merrily, Love Thing, and Pleasantry. But if you're only getting two, leave Pleasantry for another day because I could see thing one coming back with the Mineralize collection. Merrily and Love Thing strick me as more unique and force yourself to expand your makeup skills and also add diversity to you makeup collection. Those two are perfect for the fall and winter season and have potential to double as an eyeshadow moreso than the others.

Be bold!! Go with Merrily and Love Thing! I am! *nudnudgewinkwink* lol


Well-known member
I am going to call the girl I know at the counter today,she went to update yesterday.I can't wait to hear what she thinks of everything!lol