MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
I applaud you guys who are practicing restraint
, because I have no concept of that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I applaud you guys who are practicing restraint
, because I have no concept of that

Haha sometimes its so hard !

My MA showed me all of these in person too and they are just gorgeous!
which ones did you order?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
Didn't know that. That's really bad. *shakes head*

Im curious if its like that for all Canadians... I never bothered to ask.
And for overnight shipping you pay something around 30 dollars with tax, I could just take that money and buy another blush with it, since they are 25 here...

But I shouldn't complain, the UK folks have it worse, the prices are so inflated


Well-known member
I ordered all of them except Love Joy after doing a quick MAC CHAT and the gal letting me know that it would be a bit too dark for me. Can't WAIT!!!!!

I left the two new brushes and a few other things in my "Save for later" basket to get next week to take the stink out of buying 8 blushes.


Well-known member
I am SOOO glad that I got Love Thang after seeing misstwiggwinkle swatches! just may have to have this...& winthrop44


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zuiahiah99
i think i will wait untill thursday and go to the counter. I want to see what colors i am getting before i buy

Me too. =)
Im not planning on buying much as I have decided to cut down on my compulsive MAC spending. I also don't have the time anymore to play.

I am also thinking of sellling most of my MAC. *bites nails*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
I think it's about 30% or more above the US price.

Anyway, I think I'm happy with my Dainty and Gentle for now - if I want more, I can wait until the re-promotion in the Autumn. By then, I'll have a good idea about whether or not I like MBs.

I have a feeling you'll like them

I use Northern Lights MSF as a blush ALL the time, but I blow off the glitter from the brush before I apply it, and the look it gives is just gorgeous!

Mineralize stuff was really made for the cheeks I think.

Im getting Dainty and Gentle as well! and also Pleasantry
What skin tone do you have if you dont mind me asking?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
You can now buy online at MAC. Go get em, girls. I will meet you there.

Love Thing or Gleeful, ahhhh, which one to get. I can't take this. I need psychiatric help.

when do you normally get your stuff when you order 2 days before the collection is in stores [day & approximate time]?


Well-known member
Yay!! I ordered my haul!!!!!!!!
Here it is in all its glory...I already posted it in the Electroflash thread:

Odd Couple
Polar Opposites
Sea and Sky
Fresh Green Mix
Major Minor
Fast Thrill
Sonic Vibe
Culture Clash
Mellow Mood


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
@ blindpassion

Asian NC15 - so a bit more yellow-toned than you.

I decided against Pleasantry because I don't think bright blush would go with the looks I'm trying to achieve and also because I didn't want to risk going for something that might be too cool-toned on me - Dainty was my safe bet and Gentle was my branching out blush.

I'm considering Petticoat MSF (the repromote). I don't think I want to buy too many blush products as they tend to last me years and I'd never end up using them all up. I'm hoping just to get a nice little collection going that will see me through most looks.

Yeah I definitely agree with those choices, they will look stunning on you.
My favorite blush of all time from the perm line is Dame, and it has the same blue tones as Pleasantry does, and I actually broke my Dame in a tragic depotting accident about two months ago, and decided not to get a new one and wait until Sonic Chic

Im such a blush girl though, I totally overdue it sometimes but thats the look I'm going for.

Gentle and Dainty will be so useful, they will go with a ton of looks.

I cant wait to see Petticoat in person, I missed it the first time around!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Me too. =)
Im not planning on buying much as I have decided to cut down on my compulsive MAC spending. I also don't have the time anymore to play.

I am also thinking of sellling most of my MAC. *bites nails*

Missed You!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Missed You!

Missed you too!!

I was in Vegas and came back with some virus that made me lose 8 lbs in one week, lost my hearing (ear infection) and lost my voice (Strep that turned into Laryngitis). Been upset and depressed, that is why I haven't been posting here much. :tears:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Missed you too!!

I was in Vegas and came back with some virus that made me lose 8 lbs in one week, lost my hearing (ear infection) and lost my voice (Strep that turned into Laryngitis). Been upset and depressed, that is why I haven't been posting here much. :tears:

Ohhh no!!! Are you better?!

We've all missed you.


Well-known member
GlamYOURUs-I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you feel better. I had been wondering where you had gone....I hope your ears are ok.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Haha sometimes its so hard !

My MA showed me all of these in person too and they are just gorgeous!
which ones did you order?

I ordered Gentle and Love Thing. I have enough peaches and corals, so I am going with the pink. I am a NC45-N9, so I think these will show up and blend on my skin and I paid extra for 2 day shipping, so I must want them bad, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I ordered Gentle and Love Thing. I have enough peaches and corals, so I am going with the pink. I am a NC45-N9, so I think these will show up and blend on my skin and I paid extra for 2 day shipping, so I must want them bad, lol.

I agree! especially Love Thing, they will both look gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by damsel
when do you normally get your stuff when you order 2 days before the collection is in stores [day & approximate time]?

Except for Neo Sci-fi, I would get them in 5 days without extra shipping. But this time I paid $5 for 2 day shipping and I pray it gets here Thursday. I would go to Fairlane but I know that it will be packed and I won't get there until after 5pm and didn't want to risk not getting what I wanted. Plus $5 is the gas it would take to me to get up there.