MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I am SOOO glad that I got Love Thang after seeing misstwiggwinkle swatches! just may have to have this...& winthrop44

Oh wow, love it! I did order it and am even happier now that I did!

GlamYOURUs I have missed your posts too. So sorry to hear about your illness.
Is your ear better now at least, I hope?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Missed you too!!

I was in Vegas and came back with some virus that made me lose 8 lbs in one week, lost my hearing (ear infection) and lost my voice (Strep that turned into Laryngitis). Been upset and depressed, that is why I haven't been posting here much. :tears:

How are you doing now? Are you getting better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Missed you too!!

I was in Vegas and came back with some virus that made me lose 8 lbs in one week, lost my hearing (ear infection) and lost my voice (Strep that turned into Laryngitis). Been upset and depressed, that is why I haven't been posting here much. :tears:'re freakin me out...NO
You have to get better hun! Sending warm get well fast wishes your way


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I am SOOO glad that I got Love Thang after seeing misstwiggwinkle swatches!

Yes, it looks gorgeous. I might have to look at this one again.


Well-known member
Thanks lovelies, you all brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all the well wishes.
I am still sick but I am getting a lil better each day. I still have a secondary ear infection that is killer and my voice is back but very raspy and its hard to talk b/c it takes so much effort. I missed so much school that I had to drop out and I guess that is why I feel down. I don't feel like doing much now b/c I am in pain. Hopefully I am capable of visiting the counter on Thurs but even that is a stretch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Missed you too!!

I was in Vegas and came back with some virus that made me lose 8 lbs in one week, lost my hearing (ear infection) and lost my voice (Strep that turned into Laryngitis). Been upset and depressed, that is why I haven't been posting here much. :tears:

Get well soon!


Well-known member
First, GlamYOURUs I'm sorry to hear you've been so ill! Glad to hear that your health is mending and I hope you're good enough to go to the counter on Thursday, if not to buy anything then just to perk you up by seeing new MAC.
May you improve in health and spirits soon!

Originally Posted by blindpassion
Im curious if its like that for all Canadians... I never bothered to ask.

Sorry for the OT but just a quick reply to this - I used to think it was Canada Post being slow but I actually think it's on MAC's end. I heard people in Hamilton and St. Catherine's even getting them 1-2 days after ordering yet it took almost a week to get to me and I live 1/2 hr away from the warehouse! I don't know if you get those bizrate surveys at the end of your order but if you do, mark that you expect your order in 1-2 days (or sooner!) and I found that my order actually came more quickly than before when I marked off 5 business days or so. Don't know if that's surefire or if it works for anyone else, but it did for me.

Now, to freak out over swatches! misstwiggwinkle's swatches of Love Thing are exactly what I'm hoping to find, either with Gentle or LT!!! That solidified LT on my list.
Thanks so much misstwiggwinkle for the lovely vibrant swatches!!!
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
I received dainty, nuance and plesantry and my free 181 brush. I have on Dainty today and it is gorgeous. I will be posting swatches later when I get home. I have had Dainty on for 4 hours now and it still looks freshly applied.

Did I miss something? How did you get it for free? =O


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Thanks lovelies, you all brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all the well wishes.
I am still sick but I am getting a lil better each day. I still have a secondary ear infection that is killer and my voice is back but very raspy and its hard to talk b/c it takes so much effort. I missed so much school that I had to drop out and I guess that is why I feel down. I don't feel like doing much now b/c I am in pain. Hopefully I am capable of visiting the counter on Thurs but even that is a stretch.

awwwh, i'm so sorry this has happened to you
. hopefully you will get well soon. fall semester is just around the corner so you will be able to make up whatever you missed. cheer up


Well-known member

You're right Elegant-one... If I get nothing else, I am getting Love Thing!
Now I am wondering if I need Love Thing AND Gentle. Since they are both Raspberry? Maybe I will get Love Thing and Merrily first? I KNOW Love Thing is definately coming home with meeeee! I can't wait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole

You're right Elegant-one... If I get nothing else, I am getting Love Thing!
Now I am wondering if I need Love Thing AND Gentle. Since they are both Raspberry? Maybe I will get Love Thing and Merrily first? I KNOW Love Thing is definately coming home with meeeee! I can't wait!

*doing a happy cartwheel in your honor*

I knew as soon as I saw that swatch...that had to be it

oh, & yes @ 48 - I can still do one


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
*doing a happy cartwheel in your honor*

I knew as soon as I saw that swatch...that had to be it

oh, & yes @ 48 - I can still do one

Audrey + Cartwheels=disaster

Ok, now I feel like a complete doof cause I said it wasn't similar to Pink Raspberry. Those stupid Nordie's lights, I tell ya! I am SOOO excited now! Honestly though, I had swatched 8 of them and Love Thing was the last of the bunch to swatch. When I did, I gasped. It is just SO pretty. I can't wait to have it in my hands!

Oh, and I got my hair highlighted, and it is ALOT lighter, so I need more color on my cheeks so I don't look washed out. PERFECT timing!
Is it Thursday yet?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Audrey + Cartwheels=disaster

Ok, now I feel like a complete doof cause I said it wasn't similar to Pink Raspberry. Those stupid Nordie's lights, I tell ya! I am SOOO excited now! Honestly though, I had swatched 8 of them and Love Thing was the last of the bunch to swatch. When I did, I gasped. It is just SO pretty. I can't wait to have it in my hands!

Oh, and I got my hair highlighted, and it is ALOT lighter, so I need more color on my cheeks so I don't look washed out. PERFECT timing!
Is it Thursday yet?

hahaha I just couldn't get a grip on LT color from the pot or the swatches...until that new swatch *we all hug misstwiggwinkle* It IS pretty. I hope you totally love it when you get it - you'll make that thang work

ooh, lighter hair


Well-known member
Ok girls, which do you think will be more popular?
Which do you think it more likely to return in the fall?

Merrily or Gentle?

Do you think it is necessary to have Gentle AND Love Thing seeing as how they seem to be in the same color family, with one more intense than the other?

Am I crazy for considering skipping the MES I want for now (the blue and green ones) in order to get all of the blushes I want first? Then I chance them selling out and missig them. Or should I get the MES I want now, and just 2 blushes for now? I can't decide!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Ok girls, which do you think will be more popular?
Which do you think it more likely to return in the fall?

Merrily or Gentle?

Do you think it is necessary to have Gentle AND Love Thing seeing as how they seem to be in the same color family, with one more intense than the other?

Am I crazy for considering skipping the MES I want for now (the blue and green ones) in order to get all of the blushes I want first? Then I chance them selling out and missig them. Or should I get the MES I want now, and just 2 blushes for now? I can't decide!!

I personally think Gentle will be more likely to return. I too was just thinking about Gentle and Love Thing and think getting both is not necessary, especially for those with lighter complexions. I will be going on Thursday to add Gentle to my haul from yesterday, therefore going one over my original list!

About your dilemma with the blushes and MES, my thoughts are to get 3 of the blushes and pick the two MES that you are drawn to the most. That way, you're getting the best of both worlds and will have another opportunity to get the Sonic Chic blushes during round 2! HTH!

P.S. The bimbos miss you!


Well-known member
My choices are Dainty, Gentle, Merrily, and Pleasantry (so far). DEFINITELY getting Dainty and Gentle or Pleasantry when I go in on Friday, might save the other two for another day. Dainty is a MUST!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Am I crazy for considering skipping the MES I want for now (the blue and green ones) in order to get all of the blushes I want first? Then I chance them selling out and missig them. Or should I get the MES I want now, and just 2 blushes for now? I can't decide!!

Nope! That is exactly what I am doing. I have a feeling these blushes are gonna sell out MUCH faster than the MES will. But I am also a blush fiend, and I could be just as happy without the MES so maybe I am bias. My stores also have stuff in for months after release so I feel no pressure.