MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
this is the 181. not 181SE. any and all SE brushes are machine made, making the quality inferior to the regular brushes, which is why the brush, pearlizer and bag from novel twist was so cheap compared to this brush alone. i don't know how the 181SE measures, but this is only 2 inches tall. its super cute! its a midget version of the 182.

Damn! Haha. But thanks for clearing that up for us. I think I'll have to get another one. But should I? I dunno.


Well-known member
Is Gentle really like Coygirl? I rem i read in the previous pages someone said so.Can someone compare them please?


Well-known member
Merrily doesn't look so 'burnt' in erines swatch sheet above. It looks very pretty. And, Gleeful doesn't look so dusty. hmmm


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamiez
would gleeful be too harsh or dark on nc20 skintone?

I am wondering the same thing.
Elegant_one and AudreyNicole, what do you think? Would this work?

I have some of those blushes and I really like them. I never would have thought I will.
Maybe I will get Gleeful or Merrily if they work on me.

Thanks for making me buy them


Well-known member
Ok, so I played with my makeup a little more last night and have come to some different conclusions. I'll post my electroflash comments in the electroflash thread.

I LOVE Gentle. It is my new favorite blush. It by far surpasses my love of any NARS blush I own (which is very difficult to do). I think the closest this resembles to any NARS that I own is probably Oasis. It has better payoff, less fallout and stays on FOREVER. It is so beautiful. I think this would suit any skin tone. One of the best all 'round colors I've ever seen...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
I am wondering the same thing.
Elegant_one and AudreyNicole, what do you think? Would this work?

I have some of those blushes and I really like them. I never would have thought I will.
Maybe I will get Gleeful or Merrily if they work on me.

Thanks for making me buy them

They would probably both be lovely on you, Gleeful will be more of a subtle dusty pink than the brighter but lovely Merrily.

Also, it will depend on your personal tastes & how lightly or heavy you apply the powders.


Well-known member
Ladies!!! I am in love... I just came back from the counter and my coworkers could instantly tell my mood had changed as soon as I walked back in the office. I purchased all the shadows, love joy, pleasantry, merrily, and love thing. I can't wait to get off of work so I can go play. My boss seen me with my MAC bag and told me to behave myself. He must have known that I was going to sneak off and start creating different looks in the company bathroom.


Well-known member
I'm so excited to finally check these out after work!

rbella- thanks for the descriptions. If Gentle is better than NARS Oasis then i'm definitely getting it cause I love that blush.

I'm still lemming Gentle, Merrily and Love Thing. I can't afford to buy more than three right now since I plan on buying Electroflash goodies so I gotta narrow it down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
They would probably both be lovely on you, Gleeful will be more of a subtle dusty pink than the brighter but lovely Merrily.

Also, it will depend on your personal tastes & how lightly or heavy you apply the powders.

I will try them next week and see how I like them


Well-known member
Well, I just received Dainty, Pleasantly, Nuance, Love Thing, Love Joy and Gleeful via UPS but MERRILY WAS MISSING!
However, because MAC rocks so awesome, they are overnighting it to me so I will have it tomorrow. Which is perfect since tomorrow I'm going to Macy's and getting the last two: Gentle and Warm Soul. These babies are so amazing, I ended up having to have The glimmery sheen in these are so breathtaking!


Well-known member
I ordered both Nuance and Dainty. I was only going to order just Dainty, but I caved in and ordered Nuance. I can't wait to get them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Who's ready to shop?!?! I have been up since 6am! That NEVER happens!
Think I'm just a little excited?!?!

Yesss I am ready too!!I'm going to the mall in 2 hours and I can't wait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Who's ready to shop?!?! I have been up since 6am! That NEVER happens!
Think I'm just a little excited?!?!

MEEEEE! I'm sitting here in a class waiting for the stupid clock to run down on a 30 minute practice question that I finished 18 minutes early. 2/3 of the people just left without even doing the question. I was gonna, but I paid $$$$$$$$$$$ for this damn class and I want my value. I want my MAC!! Soooo going after this!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
i'm going to the store right after work. Gentle is mine, I'm only getting one. I need to be good

I will bet that you buy 2 or maybe 3, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.


Well-known member
i got to see all the new stuff in person today, everything was beautiful.
i had in my mind planned to get dainty, but it just didnt look right when i tried it...i ended up with merrily, which i never would have chosen from just looking online, i really love it, it looks like my own blush color just a little deeper (for reference, im NC35, sometimes C30)...i like that i can barely touch my brush to it and have enough color for both cheeks so it should last me some time

i imagine i'll see some of the other stuff in a cco one day, so im happy with my one blush purchase!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I will bet that you buy 2 or maybe 3, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

You are probably right, I always say I want only one item and then buy at least 4
...I said I wanted two e/s from Cool Heat, I ended up buying 5 and 2 slimshines!

Besides Gentle, I'm eyeing Love Thing and Pleasantry.