MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trista
I'm so excited to finally check these out after work!

rbella- thanks for the descriptions. If Gentle is better than NARS Oasis then i'm definitely getting it cause I love that blush.

You are very welcome! Oasis was one of my all time faves as well. They are not exact dupes, but pretty close. I love Gentle. If you like Oasis, then you will definitely like Gentle!!


Well-known member
I just got back! WOW, thats all I have to say!!!

I got Merrily, Love Thing, Warm Soul & Gentle. I debating if I need a backup of Warm Soul & Merrily! I am in LOVE!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
I just got back! WOW, thats all I have to say!!!

I got Merrily, Love Thing, Warm Soul & Gentle. I debating if I need a backup of Warm Soul & Merrily! I am in LOVE!

NO! You have to say more

Does Merrily come out with an orange tone? Which is your fave color?
Spill the beans


Well-known member
I am eagerly for DH to get home so I can go! I already picked up 3 on Monday, but have worn two and I have to say I am really really impressed! Today I put on Gleeful (with my 188) and it gives a very pretty sunkissed looked (NC25 here). I was a little unsure on this one when I bought it because the MA didn't use a light hand when she put it on me at the store, but it's sooooo pretty. Reminds me a little of Ambering Rose but softer.

I wasn't planning on getting any more, but they are really pretty. I just find that they look nicer on than the regular blushes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
Today I put on Gleeful (with my 188) and it gives a very pretty sunkissed looked (NC25 here). I was a little unsure on this one when I bought it because the MA didn't use a light hand when she put it on me at the store, but it's sooooo pretty. Reminds me a little of Ambering Rose but softer.

I didn't get Gleeful...yet...but I thought perhaps it may be a little too dusty/dull for my liking, but not sure yet


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
I am eagerly for DH to get home so I can go! I already picked up 3 on Monday, but have worn two and I have to say I am really really impressed! Today I put on Gleeful (with my 188) and it gives a very pretty sunkissed looked (NC25 here). I was a little unsure on this one when I bought it because the MA didn't use a light hand when she put it on me at the store, but it's sooooo pretty. Reminds me a little of Ambering Rose but softer.

I wasn't planning on getting any more, but they are really pretty. I just find that they look nicer on than the regular blushes.

Great!! I was wondering about Gleeful. That was the one I was most interested in... I'm NC25.


Well-known member
OMG, I made a detour after running a work errand and these babies are soooo beautiful!
I hope they change their minds and repromote ALL of these in the fall.

Toronto girls, I've been hearing that the blushes won't be out at The Bay till tomorrow, I think to coincide with Color Forms. I can say for sure that it's at the freestanding store at Eaton's! I was so happy to see them I squealed as I dashed over.

I swatched Merrily, Love Thing and Gentle. Merrily is like the warm version of Love Thing imo. Both were quite reddish against my Asian NC30 (NC32? lol) skin with LT being cooler with kinda berry tones and Merrily being warmer with kinda coral tones. The raspberry blush I'm looking for is something between Love Thing and Gentle. The MA suggested Pink Swoon or Dollymix but we both agreed those can't beat the texture of the mineral blushes.

PBI but Elegant-One, I would say that Merrily has more coral tones than orange, if that makes any sense. I did find both Merrily and LT to be redder than I expected which may lend to the coral instead of orange tones.

I'm gambling on Merrily returning for the fall - it'd be a beautiful fall blush. I'm going back tomorrow with my Bay GC and picking up Gentle. Today I got Love Thing and Spaced Out - they still had it at Eaton's! and yay for work bonuses! - and can't wait to play things out later today!

**edit** I can't believe I forgot to comment on the brush! I have the 181se and it CANNOT compare to the one being released now. I almost wish I didn't have the SE so I can justify the new one. It's already sold out at the Eaton's store. The MA suggested the 189 as well but I can't get my mind off the 181!

Originally Posted by allThingsGirl
Someone asked about NC40 girls -- I'm NC40 and I'm planning to look at Merrily, Gentle, Gleeful, Love Thing, and Love Joy. I will probably only get 2-3 of them. I can't tell how different Merrily, Love Thing, and Gleeful are...I can see the subtle differences but not sure if they are worth having all three...

**edit**Oops, forgot to answer this... between Merrily and LT it may be hard to tell a great difference. I think you can get away with just owning one of them, just have to decide whether you'd like a cooler or warmer blush.


Well-known member
elegant-one, Merrily doesn't come out orange on me at all, its a nice brick red color w/ a hint of gold shimmer. I really can't pick a fave out of those 4! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should get those 4!


Well-known member
Clslvr6spd, Blahwah... you have both sold me on Merrily! I am so getting it! I actually don't have anything in that colour family.

I did just check with my MAC counter at the Bay Hillcrest, and Sonic Chic and Electroflash are out. Colour forms I believe will be tomorrow (still finding that one rather strange!).

Can't DH just leave work early?!


Well-known member
I'm baaaaack!

Whew! I am back, and still as excited as before I left! I was a good girl for the most part. I only swatched the 4 I was contemplating, plus Gleeful since I didn't pay much attention to it the first time I saw them. I stood there for at least 20 minutes, inside the store, and then out in the mall trying to decide between Gentle, Pleansantry, Merrily, Gleeful and Love Thing. Well, Merrily, sadly, was a little too orangy on my hand. I didn't try it on my face, but it turned pretty orangey on me. Almost a bright terracotta color. I want to see a few more FOTD of NW15s wearing Merrily for I purchase it. Gleeful was rather pretty, and similar, but more wearable that Merrily for me. But I passed. I had finally narrowed it down to 3, and I couldn't decide which 2 I wanted most, so I bought the three of them - Pleasantry, Gentle and Love Thing. I am SO happy with my purchases. I compared Pleasantry to Dollymix and Pink Swoon and it was different enough, so I had to have it. The gold sparkle in it just did me in. I was completely settled on Love Thing before I even left this morning. I knew I had to have that one. And Gentle is so different from anything I have.

SOOOOO... I came in, and the first thing I did was put on Love Thing. A couple of taps with my Flirt! Skunk Brush and blend, blend, blend with a kabuki, and there you have it... pure raspberry perfection on the cheeks!
I keep checking myself out in the mirror.

I am quite content with my 3 beauties, and honestly don't think I will be getting any more until they come back out in the fall. I do, however, NEED the 181 brush. I have a regular kabuki, but while I was buffing out my Love Thing, I realized the mini one will be a necessity for me. Hopefully I will get a giftcard or 2 for my birthday, so I can pick it up soon!


Well-known member
So, I need to get Merrily & the new 181...

so maybe I don't need to get Merrily...hahaha

And, the 181 brush SHOULD be PERMANENT - its a brush for goodness sake


Well-known member
Immm back from the store
I purchased the three I knew I was going to purchase...
Gentle, Dainty and Pleasantry.

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
and I bought the mini kabukhi 181!!!!!!!! ITS SO AMAZING and cute, I'm in l o v e.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
So, I need to get Merrily & the new 181...

so maybe I don't need to get Merrily...hahaha

And, the 181 brush SHOULD be PERMANENT - its a brush for goodness sake

I agree! Especially with a PERMANENT mineral line! Duh!
I can't believe they are not making it permanent then. It is SO much better than the 181se. The quality difference is very obvious. It is as soft as the 182 IMO. I am usually not so obsessed over brushes, but I know I have to have this one!


Well-known member
I know someone mentioned it earlier, but I have been looking through a gazillion posts and can't find it - what was the price of these again?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
I know someone mentioned it earlier, but I have been looking through a gazillion posts and can't find it - what was the price of these again?

$21 USD.

The 181 is $30 USD.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
I know someone mentioned it earlier, but I have been looking through a gazillion posts and can't find it - what was the price of these again?

Just check out for your country and it will have the price listed.


Well-known member
I'm so jealous of you all. I'm working late tonight, (the one time all summer) so I can't go until tomorrow. Arrrgh!

I'm way to excited about this, and I'm not even a blush girl. I own 1.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xoleaxo
what brushes are yall using to apply? the 129 is so big
i want the 181 for my MSFN!

get the 181!!!!! its soooo amazing and so cute, I lovelovelove it!