MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
First off let me say that I LOVE specktra. We are sitting here discussing which blush is different from which, and this one is more pink, that one has the gold shimmer, but its too sparkly, and this one makes you "glow" I LOVE IT! I cant talk to anyyyyybody like this.

Okay so back to business. i was going to get Merrily, Love Thing and Gentle. Now looking at the swatches, Im not sure if I should get Merrily AND Love Thing. I thought they were differrent enough, but ARE they? I dont know if its wise to get both. I want Gentle for sure, and I think Love Thing for sure....but should I even bother with Merrily if i get LT??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
First off let me say that I LOVE specktra. We are sitting here discussing which blush is different from which, and this one is more pink, that one has the gold shimmer, but its too sparkly, and this one makes you "glow" I LOVE IT! I cant talk to anyyyyybody like this.

Okay so back to business. i was going to get Merrily, Love Thing and Gentle. Now looking at the swatches, Im not sure if I should get Merrily AND Love Thing. I thought they were differrent enough, but ARE they? I dont know if its wise to get both. I want Gentle for sure, and I think Love Thing for sure....but should I even bother with Merrily if i get LT??

We always get the same thing.
I swear when I move out to NJ, we will be MAC shopping buddies.

I say get the 3. I did and I do love them. I think I used my brush that had some orange/peachish color on it and it made Love Thing and Merrily look 10x darker and brighter

I did swatches, don't know if you had seen them but they are different, just similar when buffed out. hth!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
We always get the same thing.
I swear when I move out to NJ, we will be MAC shopping buddies.

I say get the 3. I did and I do love them. I think I used my brush that had some orange/peachish color on it and it made Love Thing and Merrily look 10x darker and brighter

I did swatches, don't know if you had seen them but they are different, just similar when buffed out. hth!

As soon as I saw ur swatches I laughed because we picked the same 3. So you think I should get both LT and Merrily?? I hope they are different enough

BTW...ARE you moving to nj???????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Just my opinion, but I really think Gentle is the prettiest color of them all

Okay elegant-one, you said this all the way back on the 4th of July (I remembered but had to do some diggin' to retrieve it, lol) and you know what? You were exactly right IMO!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
As soon as I saw ur swatches I laughed because we picked the same 3. So you think I should get both LT and Merrily?? I hope they are different enough

BTW...ARE you moving to nj???????

I think you should and don't worry, I am NOT an enabler.
I just think that they are workable. They are different in terms of color but with the right amount applied, they will look different. I think they both kinda have that pinkish undertone that is why they look so similar.

Yeah I might be moving out there in a year or so. My bf's family lives in Voorhees (S. Jersey) and hes in NYC. But when we get married, I will be moving out there. Just don't know when yet.


Well-known member
WELL! I was late to work just to get my blushes and b2m for lippies! Only you girls would understand me! LOL!

I walked away with....

Pleasantry is perfect for the days I used cooler shadows and purples. I'm wearing it now with parfair amour and play on plums on my eyes.
I LOVE this color, seriously. It went with my royal blue/purple colored dress as well. My MA insisted I leave this color on my other cheek when we were trying out the other colors because she wanted to finish off my face with this on the other side after I was done trying on colors. FANTASTIC! I LOVE Phetra.
Such a sweet MA and patient.
It looks gorgeous with my make-up, I don't know how I ever survived without a single blush before. My face is finally complete!

I like Dainty and Nuance for a more subtle blush effect. Very nice for everyday! I know I will reach for these a lot. I don't have a problem with Nuance turning orange on me, probably because my skin is a medium tone, rather than fair.

I ADORE GLEEFUL. WOW. My MA told me that if I want Merrily, to skip Gleeful and if I wanted Gleeful to skip Merrily. So I got Gleeful, it is BEAUTIFUL on me. I just KNEW I would love this color. It's a beautiful berry colored pink on my cheeks, it's pretty dark on me, so I need to use a light hand with this. Glad I skipped Merrily, it would have been WAY too dark. And if I used a light hand with Merrily, it would probably look just like Gleeful, so there was no point in getting Merrily.
This would have been the case with Love Thing as well.

LOVE JOY surprised me. My MA insisted I try it on. So I did. It's GORGEOUS! A plummy brown color. It's more muted, but a bit more dramatic than if I used Nuance or Dainty.

Anyways yeah.
Can you tell I'm in love?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Nuance turned peach on me but I have yellow undertones. It was like an exact dupe of Hipness. And my counter had it and the MA nad I swatched it and viola! it looked the same.

That's good to hear! I was beginning to think it was similar to Spaced Out which I just purchased but would much rather a mineralized blush instead.

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Color wise they are DIFFERENT. But once you swipe it on your cheeks and buff it out, they do look the same. I did swatches in the swatch forum and they looked similar, except that Merrily was more orangish while Love Thing was more pink. I do agree that they will probably look no different on darker skintones tbh.

Yeah, I know, I just got caught by surprise with how similar they looked when I swatched them. Both still really pretty tho! It was just hard to choose which one if I could only have ONE!

And dangit, that page-teaser thing is happening again! A phantom pg. 62, argh.


Well-known member
Damn it, all this love for Love Joy and now I think I want it. Damn you enablers. Now I won't have any money left for my antibiotics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Damn it, all this love for Love Joy and now I think I want it. Damn you enablers. Now I won't have any money left for my antibiotics.

Well, it's described as brown, but it seriously has some kind of plum undertone in it. It's a muted effect, it's beautiful. From what I see of you and your skintone, this color would look absolutely gorgeous on you!


Well-known member
the ma at my counter compared one of them to NARS orgasam blush. i think it was either gentle or danity. does anyone else think so?


Well-known member
I ended up getting dainty, gentle, and pleasantry today. I told myself that I was only getting three of these and I am happy with the ones I picked. I do think that gentle will be the one I reach for the most. These are such pretty blushes and I hope that I get to see at least one of these colors come back with the mineralize line. I will be bummed when these run out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan

Maybe I did swatch a little heavy since I try to make sure the shade is right for me and it's sometimes hard to pick up orange undertones, etc., under those fluorescent lights...grrr you girls are giving me second thoughts lol...

I honestly felt the same way when I saw these last week. I ended up getting 3 regardless. I've tried Gleeful and Dainty on my cheeks, and it really isn't that shimmery once on the cheeks, in fact, I'd go so far as saying it didn't look shimmery at all (indoors anyway). I think MAC's frost blushes have far more shimmer. I haven't tried Pleasantry on yet, but I do expect this one to have more noticeable shimmer, which is partly why it's so pretty.

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
First off let me say that I LOVE specktra. We are sitting here discussing which blush is different from which, and this one is more pink, that one has the gold shimmer, but its too sparkly, and this one makes you "glow" I LOVE IT! I cant talk to anyyyyybody like this.

Okay so back to business. i was going to get Merrily, Love Thing and Gentle. Now looking at the swatches, Im not sure if I should get Merrily AND Love Thing. I thought they were differrent enough, but ARE they? I dont know if its wise to get both. I want Gentle for sure, and I think Love Thing for sure....but should I even bother with Merrily if i get LT??

I went back today and swatched Merrily and Love Thing and on my arm, there was a very noticeable difference. Love Thing was far more plummy and Merrily looked very reddish.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
do, however, NEED the 181 brush. I have a regular kabuki, but while I was buffing out my Love Thing, I realized the mini one will be a necessity for me. Hopefully I will get a giftcard or 2 for my birthday, so I can pick it up soon!

Why do you think you need it? My MA used her skunk brush to apply Dainty on me... she said not to use the 181.

Also, for those of us with the 129 138, 182, 187 and 188 brushes... do we really need the 181?

I'll probably go back to the store to get Dainty... although nothing can compare to my Alpha Girl.


Well-known member
Well... I did go back today and can now declare myself an official blush whore!!! The whole "i'm sticking to two" went out the window! So to add to Dainty, Pleasantry and Gleeful (which is so far my favourite), I picked up Love Thing, Merrily and Gentle. It was just so hard to resist after wearing these for a couple of days and seeing how great they really are.

At first actually, Merrily wasn't on the display, so I asked the MA about it. She said one of them didn't come in. I asked her to check another counter to see if they had it, but before she did, she decided to check her drawer and sure enough, there it was! She was amused at the fact that I knew the name and the colour and all, lol!

So I'm jumping on the Merrily bandwagon! On me it didn't look orange-y, and I hope it doesn't apply that way. It was a beautiful shimmery brick reddish colour, but I think someone else mentioned that it seems to have a touch of coral to it, and that is what I saw as well. Can't wait to try this out, but I forgot my whole purchase at my mom's! Also picked up the 181, and I do think this would be a good brush to have along with the 187 or 188, 129 and 168 (?). It will be good to apply lighter shades and as mentioned, great for buffing out darker shades. And to finish off, I won't be purchasing a single blush now for a very long time!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meryl
Why do you think you need it? My MA used her skunk brush to apply Dainty on me... she said not to use the 181.

Also, for those of us with the 129 138, 182, 187 and 188 brushes... do we really need the 181?

I'll probably go back to the store to get Dainty... although nothing can compare to my Alpha Girl.

For me, I need it because with the darker blushes, since I am so fair, they require quite a bit of buffing to soften the color and make it more wearable. I just feel it will be much easier with a small kabuki as opposed to a big one. (Plus my big one is a really crappy one). I did apply the blush with a skunk brush, but then I buffed it out after with the kabuki.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
For me, I need it because with the darker blushes, since I am so fair, they require quite a bit of buffing to soften the color and make it more wearable. I just feel it will be much easier with a small kabuki as opposed to a big one. (Plus my big one is a really crappy one). I did apply the blush with a skunk brush, but then I buffed it out after with the kabuki.

Thank you! I do have some good quality brushes, so I'm trying not to buy anymore... my brush collection is getting huge and I pretty much use the same few ones all the time anyway.

I always check to see what you like because, although your eyes are lighter, we have the same colouring. I appreciate your opinions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trojanchick99
The one being promoted now is Limited Edition. The difference is that the LE is higher quality than the Special Edition that came out with Novel Twist.

Ok, im sry for this and might look like a dork but...i still dont get it. Im behind news here. This is what i understood, there's two 181 kabukis, one that has the LE and another one that has the SE, right? Now, which one came out with the Sonic Chic collection, the LE or the SE; and is Novel Twist an old collection or is coming out? The kabukis are/arent the same aside for the le and se letters?
I apologize for this, but i havent been able to read all of the post...too busy lately and i read whatever is on the last 1-2 lates pages whenever i log in. I need a kabuki but i dont know what to get, and if is worth to pay $30-$45 for one, or if there's something better or as good at a lower price.

Now, couldnt wait for the responses on my question _thread_ and i end up ordering : Dainty, Pleasentry, Merrily, and Gentle.
GLAMOURUS, is same color foundation as me and she mention earlier that Dainty is too light and that it doesnt showed up on her, now im afraid to have that same problem too...but can cancel my order now, i only need to wait and see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alwaysbella
Ok, im sry for this and might look like a dork but...i still dont get it. Im behind news here. This is what i understood, there's two 181 kabukis, one that has the LE and another one that has the SE, right? Now, which one came out with the Sonic Chic collection, the LE or the SE; and is Novel Twist an old collection or is coming out? The kabukis are/arent the same aside for the le and se letters?
I apologize for this, but i havent been able to read all of the post...too busy lately and i read whatever is on the last 1-2 lates pages whenever i log in. I need a kabuki but i dont know what to get, and if is worth to pay $30-$45 for one, or if there's something better or as good at a lower price.

the one that came out with novel twist (last fall) was a SE. i actually think it was mislabeled as 181SE, when it should've been 182SE, seeing as how the 181 wasn't out yet. all SE brushes are smaller versions of the full size, and are machine-made, making them inferior in quality to the full size brushes, which are all hand-made.

the one coming out with this collection is the 181. it is a regular brush, which is hand-made of finer qualities.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alwaysbella
Ok, im sry for this and might look like a dork but...i still dont get it. Im behind news here. This is what i understood, there's two 181 kabukis, one that has the LE and another one that has the SE, right? Now, which one came out with the Sonic Chic collection, the LE or the SE; and is Novel Twist an old collection or is coming out? The kabukis are/arent the same aside for the le and se letters?
I apologize for this, but i havent been able to read all of the post...too busy lately and i read whatever is on the last 1-2 lates pages whenever i log in. I need a kabuki but i dont know what to get, and if is worth to pay $30-$45 for one, or if there's something better or as good at a lower price.

Now, couldnt wait for the responses on my question _thread_ and i end up ordering : Dainty, Pleasentry, Merrily, and Gentle.
GLAMOURUS, is same color foundation as me and she mention earlier that Dainty is too light and that it doesnt showed up on her, now im afraid to have that same problem too...but can cancel my order now, i only need to wait and see.

Ok, let me try and clarify for you
Last summer, the Nordstrom anniversary collection was called Novel Twist. Available in that collection was a pearlizer and mini kabuki set, which featured the 181se. It was only available at Nordstrom. The SE (special edition) brushes are machine made, as opposed to hand made. While they are still decent quality, they are more affordable because of the ability to produce them quicker. With the Sonic Chic collection, they brought back the 181, but the one with this collection is handmade, and thus the same quality as the MAC fullsize brushes. Escentially, it is the same size and shape as the SE, but the bristles are much softer and of better quality. That is why there was such a drastic price increase (the 181se with the pearlizer set was $24.50 and the 181 with Sonic Chic is $30). The 181 brush with Sonic Chic is limited edition, and that's where the LE comes in
Hope that helps some!!