MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Today I wore Dainty all over cheeks, then patted the brush twice into Pleasantry & dabbed it over just the apples of my cheeks very girly pretty
Tender Baby on the lips. Just the silver part if Polar Opposites on the eyes with black liner only on the top lash line & Plushlash mascara at outer corner lashes. LOVE! My new favorite look


Well-known member
i really want to get a couple more of these...i love them and they are so different then what i've seen. I love the slight gold shimmer in them. it adds a bit of a glow which normal blushes dont do.


Well-known member
I cant believe Im still waiting for these.

Ummmm my final 3: Love Thing, Merrily, Gentle.

If I happen to have any extra money in August, I might get Pleasantry and Nuance. Might.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I cant believe Im still waiting for these.

Ummmm my final 3: Love Thing, Merrily, Gentle.

If I happen to have any extra money in August, I might get Pleasantry and Nuance. Might.

I hope you get yours soon! I'm thinking of getting Nuance in the future too. Spaced Out is absolutely gorgeous on my cheeks but the pink reflects detracts from the orange-y coral colour I want, which I see in the pan. But we'll see, other customers might make that decision for me and I'll just have to cross my fingers for the re-promote.

Originally Posted by VDUB*BELLA
Same here. I picked up Gentle over Pleasantry. I think Pleasantry can be easily duped and Gentle was unique enough to get. I thought it would've been more on the plummy side but compared to Plum Foolery wow its definately in the pink family

I also ended up getting Nuance which really surprised me. Definately the underdog. I am around NC35 right now with a tan and this colour looks gorgeous over some bronzer. Just a perfect peach

Warm Soul didnt even show up on me
Merrily and Love thing were both beautiful but I usually shy away from the darker blushes.

Dainty is gorgeous. I think I will have to go back for that.
My MA said these are becoming perm in October

Dangit, now you've got Nuance on my mind, lol. How does it compare to Peaches blush tho? Is it more orange? I actually (crazily) hope so!

And what's this news about these becoming perm? Is this with the Mineralize collection? I thought they were coming back but as LE, not perm... !!! But there's so much info I can't keep it all straight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
I hope you get yours soon! I'm thinking of getting Nuance in the future too. Spaced Out is absolutely gorgeous on my cheeks but the pink reflects detracts from the orange-y coral colour I want, which I see in the pan. But we'll see, other customers might make that decision for me and I'll just have to cross my fingers for the re-promote.

Dangit, now you've got Nuance on my mind, lol. How does it compare to Peaches blush tho? Is it more orange? I actually (crazily) hope so!

And what's this news about these becoming perm? Is this with the Mineralize collection? I thought they were coming back but as LE, not perm... !!! But there's so much info I can't keep it all straight.

I wanted spaced out but chose x-rocks instead (omgggg, am i glad I did.) I know that once I get the mineral blushes, all my other blushes will be forgotten (hell, I only have 3 anyways LOL) But X Rocks will never be forgotten. This is THE blush of my will never fall beneath these mineral blushes

Ahem, sorry for that. I had to proclaim my love for it. Everyone needs to have an x rocks blush.

VDUB*BELLA's review is what made me want Nuance as well. Im an I guess it should show up as a peach on me as well.

And I wish we knew WHAT was going on with these! If I knew they were gonna be permanent, I'd buy one and save the rest of my money. Damn you, MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Divinity
What didn't you like about this color? I was on the fence but found the veiny color opposite the black make a RAD purple!

BTW I am wearing Pleasantry with a little Love Thing and oooh...just can't get enough of these blushes!!

I'm trying to us the new 159 brush (new view collection) with these...I'm a brush whore in addition to being a purple whore. The application is a bit spotty with this brush. Any tips?

I loved it! But I am the type of person that will find a dupe for EVERYTHING!
I returned it b/c I needed the money for my meds AND I did happen to find a dupe for it. I previously posted it somewhere in this thread:

Mi Lady MES with Knight Divine gives you the metallic look in Hot Contrast. Of course, each individual one will vary slightly b/c they don't all look the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
just added swatches/comparisons of sonic chic and nars blushes in the swatch forum if anyone's interested :nod:

DAYUM!! I was way off on Mounia. It looked so similar to Merrily. Thanks for the swatches, I didn't buy Merrily but was considering it and now I guess I have to get it!! I think your swatches are a great example of how these can look so similar in the pan and so dang different on the skin. Thanks for doing that!


Well-known member
I am wearing Gentle for the first time today, and I ADORE it. It is a VERY close second to Love Thing for me. It is the perfect pink, and I am wearing Hue l/s with Viva Glam VI (the regular one, NOT the SE) over it. That lip combo with Gentle is PERFECT for NW15. I so want more of these, but I can't decide which ones to get next, now that I have some birthday money to spend!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I am wearing Gentle for the first time today, and I ADORE it. It is a VERY close second to Love Thing for me. It is the perfect pink, and I am wearing Hue l/s with Viva Glam VI (the regular one, NOT the SE) over it. That lip combo with Gentle is PERFECT for NW15. I so want more of these, but I can't decide which ones to get next, now that I have some birthday money to spend!

Please do an FOTD!!!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Please do an FOTD!!!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Awww, thank you!!
I did take pics, but I am too tired to post them tonight. Be on the lookout sometime tomorrow!


Well-known member
Happy Birthday Audrey! Glad to hear you had a beautiful "Gentle" day! =P

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I wanted spaced out but chose x-rocks instead (omgggg, am i glad I did.) I know that once I get the mineral blushes, all my other blushes will be forgotten (hell, I only have 3 anyways LOL) But X Rocks will never be forgotten. This is THE blush of my will never fall beneath these mineral blushes

Ahem, sorry for that. I had to proclaim my love for it. Everyone needs to have an x rocks blush.

VDUB*BELLA's review is what made me want Nuance as well. Im an I guess it should show up as a peach on me as well.

And I wish we knew WHAT was going on with these! If I knew they were gonna be permanent, I'd buy one and save the rest of my money. Damn you, MAC

*groan* I KNOW!!! Like it's not enough to be tortured by the upcoming collections! But, we must remember we're lucky to have this info ahead of time, otherwise I'd be buying up more of these now!

I'm still on the fence with X-Rocks but I definitely want to try one if I see it show up in the Clearance Bin. I've heard everyone's raves about it but only see it muddy on me!
But I'll head back to the NSF thread for more on this. =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah

I'm still on the fence with X-Rocks but I definitely want to try one if I see it show up in the Clearance Bin. I've heard everyone's raves about it but only see it muddy on me!
But I'll head back to the NSF thread for more on this. =P

Nooooooooo! U wont see it in the clearance bin! Wanna know why? Because EVERYONE LOVES IT! LoL
....if I saw one in the clearance bin i'd grab it myself and keep it as a backup! Nobody understands....I cant even describe the color. i can't. Let me try.......Its a...plummy bronzey shimmery pinkish pan of love. I dont see how it could ever be muddy. You dont understaaaaaand. LoL its just...lovely.

I could shed a tear right now LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Nooooooooo! U wont see it in the clearance bin! Wanna know why? Because EVERYONE LOVES IT! LoL
....if I saw one in the clearance bin i'd grab it myself and keep it as a backup! Nobody understands....I cant even describe the color. i can't. Let me try.......Its a...plummy bronzey shimmery pinkish pan of love. I dont see how it could ever be muddy. You dont understaaaaaand. LoL its just...lovely.

I could shed a tear right now LOL

Well now I want X-rocks! You have hyped it up so much that now I don't think I can live without it! Do you think it would look good on NW15 skin?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Well now I want X-rocks! You have hyped it up so much that now I don't think I can live without it! Do you think it would look good on NW15 skin?

LoL I dont want someone to buy it because of me. But there IS a separate thread just for the love of this blush...

This just isnt like a normal mac blush. I have to use a light hand with this, and Im NW35...i tap it maybe 4 or 5 times into the blush and make sure theres not a lot on the brush, and then sweep it on.....your cheeks look AWESOME in ur avatar, and I dont know what that is....but i think everyone should be able to pull this off...just think of it as a highly pigmented blush (which it is...its almost like a pressed pigment blush in, when u put ur brush onto it, u can see the powder lift off...does that make any sense?) So think of it as an extremely concentrated blush and use it accordingly, you should be fine!!

Thank me later.


Well-known member
So I've decided that Dainty is probably going to be in my top 5 products of the year. I'm loving it. All of the blushes in this collection are gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Nooooooooo! U wont see it in the clearance bin! Wanna know why? Because EVERYONE LOVES IT! LoL
....if I saw one in the clearance bin i'd grab it myself and keep it as a backup! Nobody understands....I cant even describe the color. i can't. Let me try.......Its a...plummy bronzey shimmery pinkish pan of love. I dont see how it could ever be muddy. You dont understaaaaaand. LoL its just...lovely.

I could shed a tear right now LOL

Ack, don't say that! Scare off any potential sellers, lol! And have me madly searching through the bins to snatch it up before you do!

lol, I love your enthusiasm for it tho, like y'all had for the Dazzleglass (which I've passed on entirely despite being mesmerized by them *ducks*). I think it's the plum-bronze mix that may make it muddy on me but the "shimmery pinkish"
might save it. Well, if by some chance I do see it when I have the cash, I'll pick it up on your triple-thumbs-up rec, lol!!