Miss California's answer............


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Should same sex marriage be legal across the borad?

my answer would have been "HELLS FUCKIN YES!" With lots of fist pumping. Then they would find out i'm Canadian and kicked me out.

Also, i would not have made it past the swim suit round.

LOL! Same here!

Taken from perezhilton himself, which I hate to do but it's a good read:

Perez Hilton: Words of Wisdom
Nicole Lamarche, Miss California 2003 and now an ordained minister at Cotuit Federated Church in Cotuit, Mass, is speaking out.

She says:

"As a pastor and a former Miss California, I am often asked to interpret what the Word of God has to say on a particular subject. I am quite confident that God prefers that we human beings stick to speaking for ourselves. And yet there are occasions when God’s Word is used as a weapon, and I feel compelled to speak.

In the past few days, much has been made of the words of Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean. She stated that marriage is between a man and a woman. I write not in response to her opinion, but rather about her comments that followed: that the Bible condones her words. She said, 'It's not about being politically correct, it's about being biblically correct.' While this sentiment is shared by many who seek to condemn gay people and gay marriage, citing pieces of the Bible to further one’s own prejudice fails to meet the Bible on its own terms.

Most people seeking to condemn gay people point to the Book of Leviticus, where we read that men lying with men is an abomination. However, we rarely hear of other verses found in the book of Leviticus that are equally challenging. For example, Leviticus also tells us that eating shrimp and lobster is an abomination. And that a person should not wear material woven of two kinds of material—an impossible mandate for a pageant contestant!

In Paul’s letter to the community in Corinth we read, ‘For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church….’ And yet these words have not prevented Christian denominations from ordaining women, such as myself. Sadly, the Bible has been used to further prejudice throughout history. We have used it to permit ourselves to enslave people; to conquer and kill; and to denigrate the earth.

The truth is that it is difficult to know for sure the intentions of the biblical authors, but we do know something about God. Those of us who know God through Jesus of Nazareth know that he went to great lengths to express God’s love to people who were labeled as outcasts. He spent time with children, prostitutes, and lepers, all of whom were labeled as outside of the grasp of the Holy. As we continue to seek God’s vision for us as a nation grounded in a love for justice, I pray that we might move closer to the cause of grace.”

Can I just express how much I love this woman?! The way she carried herself in that statement was leaps and bounds more eloquent and appropriate than Carrie Prejean.

All in all I just think Prejean was nervous and didn't think things through. Like many have pointed out, she could have tried to give a more unbiased answer, but instead, she went for the heated route. I understand her opinion and respect it, but as a Miss USA candidate, creating even more dissent and division amongst the population was a horrible idea. She should have aimed to bring people together, uniting them, even if it meant getting over her personal beliefs. I'm not wishing that she LIED, but that she handled it better.


Well-known member
a) Its perez hilton and miss california. If these are two people who are repping our country, im more concerned about that.

b) Can someone tell me what the actual original question was? .... I cant decide if i think she was right or wrong without knowing what it was (and i cant watch it right now as im in a public place)....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
me personally?
i would have answered like this:

"Well Perez, that is a very good question. Same sex marriage is a very controversial issue in America today and I personally believe that the people of each individual state should be allowed to make the decision on whether or not it should be legalized. Thank you and please vote for me"

**gives the wink and the gun**

LOL!!! Cute !

But what if she DOESNT believe that each individual state should be allowed to make the decision on whether or not it should be legalized?

I stil lwant to see a typed out answer/responce... I wish I could watch this. I keep seeing it on the news and stuff but have no idea what was said.

was perez hilton a judge? Real cute/mature of him to call her a bitch and a cunt.... wtf?

Where's sandra bullock when you need her?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
LOL!!! Cute !

But what if she DOESNT believe that each individual state should be allowed to make the decision on whether or not it should be legalized?

but given the position she is in she needs to know how to give an UNBIASED answer. if that's what she truly feels that's fine, but she was actually given the choice TWICE to make a decision on whether or not is should be legalized..... it prob would have been in her best interest to say, since she was given the opportunity to choose then if it arises, then ppl in other states should be given the same choice she was given. she says in her answer that we live in a country where we can choose same sex marriage or "opposite" marriage, well then that applies with being able to choose whether or not to legalize same sex marriage.

and that was the original question by perez. should all other states follow suit, why or why not


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22

I stil lwant to see a typed out answer/responce... I wish I could watch this. I keep seeing it on the news and stuff but have no idea what was said.

i started the thread. it's on the very first post...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
b) Can someone tell me what the actual original question was? .... I cant decide if i think she was right or wrong without knowing what it was (and i cant watch it right now as im in a public place)....

Asked judge Perez Hilton to Prejean,

“Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?”

Miss California :

“Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other,” she said. “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”


Well-known member
i do not agree with her answer but i do not think that there was anything wrong with her saying it.
what really bothers me is that someone is automatically stupid when they say something that is not popular - i am sure that i will get a million replies and examples of how and where she messed up but i just do not think she did anything wrong..


Well-known member
If you add 'sex' between the words 'opposite' and 'marriage', her answer makes a lot more sense.
And we do live in a country where that choice can be made, within four states, there's also the choice to move to the fours that allow it.
She answered the question, forgot a word, but remained true to herself.

I just hate that Mario Fuckface has managed to smear the girl all over hell and back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i do not agree with her answer but i do not think that there was anything wrong with her saying it.
what really bothers me is that someone is automatically stupid when they say something that is not popular - i am sure that i will get a million replies and examples of how and where she messed up but i just do not think she did anything wrong..

i can agree with you there. i don't think she should have been called a dumb bitch or a c*nt behind all that. i personally think the girl just needs more tact......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
If you add 'sex' between the words 'opposite' and 'marriage', her answer makes a lot more sense.
And we do live in a country where that choice can be made, within four states, there's also the choice to move to the fours that allow it.
She answered the question, forgot a word, but remained true to herself.

I just hate that Mario Fuckface has managed to smear the girl all over hell and back.

I completely agree.... I read and re-read what tish posted and I just can't see where she did anything wrong. Aside from the fact that she could have answered it with a little better English....... I think she answered the question and then gave her honest opinion. The original question ASKED for her opinion by saying "do you think more states should fallow suit. Why or Why not?".... no. She didnt think they should, because she was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. She even apologizes if she offendes anyone..... I think she stayed true to herself and answered with tact.

and Im glad that you said if you put "sex" after that that it would make more sense. I was thinking the same exact thing. But being in front of a camera and getting such a heated question especially from someone like perez hilton can mess with a girl's nerves. I can only imagine sitting up there going "shit... if I dont answer this the way perez wants me to I know he's going to backlash." and of course, he did. But she chose to stay true to waht she believes in which, whether or not you agree with her, is admirable.

There was no reason to give an unbiased answer or sugar coat an answer when she was directly asked "do you think" and "why or why not." It wasn't a "yes/no" question. They clearly asked her "why or why not."


Well-known member
I thought everyone should have judged her for how she answered it not her belief on the topic, and unfortunatley that is not at all what happened.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
I thought everyone should have judged her for how she answered it not her belief on the topic, and unfortunatley that is not at all what happened.

but thats the problem...she didnt answer the question. the question actually asked whether or not she thought that each state should be able to decide to legalize same-sex marriage or not. and instead of giving an answer about states' rights, she gave a answer about her personal beliefs against same-sex marriage. now, im sure this is exactly what perez intended to happen with this question. it IS kind of a trick question, but as a finalist in the miss usa pageant, part of your "poise" should be to be able to discern that and answer the question with grace.


Well-known member
“Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other,” she said. “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage."

well no, actually we dont. four states have legal same-sex marriage. 4/51 (including DC). thats not a choice. and there are many people who are actively trying to eliminate that choice every single day.

"And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

so hey, no offense to anyone, but i dont think everyone should have equal rights! its just my opinion...

replace "same sex" in her answer with "interracial." is it still okay? when the freaking president of our country was born, it was illegal in 48 states for his parents to get married. is that okay? is it okay if i say well, no offense but i dont think interracial couples should be able to get married. dont hate, its just my beliefs! no...its not okay to be a bigot. i mean, sure some people do think its okay and there is clearly much bigotry in the world. but saying 'well you cant judge someone for their beliefs' - yes you can, when their beliefs infringe on human rights and dignity. change only happens when ideals are challenged. slavery, women's suffrage, the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, and millions of other things. they never would have happened if people just continued to write off the ideology of oppression as "personal beliefs."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spacegirl2007
but thats the problem...she didnt answer the question. the question actually asked whether or not she thought that each state should be able to decide to legalize same-sex marriage or not. and instead of giving an answer about states' rights, she gave a answer about her personal beliefs against same-sex marriage. now, im sure this is exactly what perez intended to happen with this question. it IS kind of a trick question, but as a finalist in the miss usa pageant, part of your "poise" should be to be able to discern that and answer the question with grace.

Yeah that is true, but no one is bringing up the fact that she didn't answer the question correctly, instead they are attacking her for what she believes. And if you think about it she really did answer it, because by saying based off her family values/religious background she doesn't agree with it, she is saying that the other states shouldn't follow...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spacegirl2007
“Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other,” she said. “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage."

well no, actually we dont. four states have legal same-sex marriage. 4/51 (including DC). thats not a choice. and there are many people who are actively trying to eliminate that choice every single day.

"And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

so hey, no offense to anyone, but i dont think everyone should have equal rights! its just my opinion...

replace "same sex" in her answer with "interracial." is it still okay? when the freaking president of our country was born, it was illegal in 48 states for his parents to get married. is that okay? is it okay if i say well, no offense but i dont think interracial couples should be able to get married. dont hate, its just my beliefs! no...its not okay to be a bigot. i mean, sure some people do think its okay and there is clearly much bigotry in the world. but saying 'well you cant judge someone for their beliefs' - yes you can, when their beliefs infringe on human rights and dignity. change only happens when ideals are challenged. slavery, women's suffrage, the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, and millions of other things. they never would have happened if people just continued to write off the ideology of oppression as "personal beliefs."

Marry me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Marry me

come to iowa, we can get a marriage license TODAY! woohoo.
well id have to get divorced first, because im already opposite married.


Well-known member
I agree that the question Perez gave her as a hard one to answer. But people are coming out now and saying what a terrible person Perez is for starting such a public tirade against her... so lets look at the situation from a different angle here.

Say the question had been: "Recently all states voted to allow inter-racial marriage. Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not" or "Recently all states voted to allow women to legally work in the US, Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not"

And she had said:
"I personally believe that a marriage is between two Caucasian people." Or "I personally belive that women are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to work".

Think about how many people would have throw her under the bus, just as Perez did. You have to put yourself in that persons shoes and imagine how humiliating and degrading it must be for someone to openly voice an opinion that says you are inadequate as a human being and shouldn't be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else.

Its easy to say "Wow, Perez is an ass for treating the girl this way". But you know what, if she had said either of those statements above - I would have thrown her under the bus myself. It may be her opinion, and even if you agree with her, put yourself in the shoes of all GLBT people out there who heard that answer, and felt as they do on a daily basis - that they are not viewed as equal to the rest of society. Think about the young lesbian teenager watching that pageant, who either dreamt of being a pageant queen, or dreamt of getting married, or dreamt of doing many of the things she may not have an option to do - think about how terribly that kind of statement hurts those people.

So Perez flipped out - but you know what, we need to stop looking at it like its not the right of every GLBT person to be SEVERELY outraged. We've already taken away their right to marry (for the most part) - lets not take away their right to be outraged that the world is telling them that they aren't equal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I agree that the question Perez gave her as a hard one to answer. But people are coming out now and saying what a terrible person Perez is for starting such a public tirade against her... so lets look at the situation from a different angle here.

Say the question had been: "Recently all states voted to allow inter-racial marriage. Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not" or "Recently all states voted to allow women to legally work in the US, Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not"

And she had said:
"I personally believe that a marriage is between two Caucasian people." Or "I personally belive that women are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to work".

Think about how many people would have throw her under the bus, just as Perez did. You have to put yourself in that persons shoes and imagine how humiliating and degrading it must be for someone to openly voice an opinion that says you are inadequate as a human being and shouldn't be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else.

Its easy to say "Wow, Perez is an ass for treating the girl this way". But you know what, if she had said either of those statements above - I would have thrown her under the bus myself. It may be her opinion, and even if you agree with her, put yourself in the shoes of all GLBT people out there who heard that answer, and felt as they do on a daily basis - that they are not viewed as equal to the rest of society. Think about the young lesbian teenager watching that pageant, who either dreamt of being a pageant queen, or dreamt of getting married, or dreamt of doing many of the things she may not have an option to do - think about how terribly that kind of statement hurts those people.

So Perez flipped out - but you know what, we need to stop looking at it like its not the right of every GLBT person to be SEVERELY outraged. We've already taken away their right to marry (for the most part) - lets not take away their right to be outraged that the world is telling them that they aren't equal.

i wouldn't have used all of these exact words but this is how i feel which is why i stand by my argument that the girl should have given and unbiased answer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I agree that the question Perez gave her as a hard one to answer. But people are coming out now and saying what a terrible person Perez is for starting such a public tirade against her... so lets look at the situation from a different angle here.

Say the question had been: "Recently all states voted to allow inter-racial marriage. Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not" or "Recently all states voted to allow women to legally work in the US, Do you agree with their decision to do so, why, or why not"

And she had said:
"I personally believe that a marriage is between two Caucasian people." Or "I personally belive that women are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to work".

Think about how many people would have throw her under the bus, just as Perez did. You have to put yourself in that persons shoes and imagine how humiliating and degrading it must be for someone to openly voice an opinion that says you are inadequate as a human being and shouldn't be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else.

Its easy to say "Wow, Perez is an ass for treating the girl this way". But you know what, if she had said either of those statements above - I would have thrown her under the bus myself. It may be her opinion, and even if you agree with her, put yourself in the shoes of all GLBT people out there who heard that answer, and felt as they do on a daily basis - that they are not viewed as equal to the rest of society. Think about the young lesbian teenager watching that pageant, who either dreamt of being a pageant queen, or dreamt of getting married, or dreamt of doing many of the things she may not have an option to do - think about how terribly that kind of statement hurts those people.

So Perez flipped out - but you know what, we need to stop looking at it like its not the right of every GLBT person to be SEVERELY outraged. We've already taken away their right to marry (for the most part) - lets not take away their right to be outraged that the world is telling them that they aren't equal.


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