Of Beauty Discussion


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I don't know for sure for your liking. But, I can say that it does not come out pink on the skin. It is a soft focus highlighting/skin brightener. I'm pretty sure that it would be a lovely highlighter on ANY skin tone. It's very pretty. I patted it onto my skin & under my eyes, down my nose, nasal labia folds, brow bone and above brows & between brows, then lightly brushed on the natural flare over it. It was lovely. My face just look brightened up & very youthful looking.
Hope that helps.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thewickedstyle
Great info. Do you know what any of the other colors are supposed to do?
Are any of them suitable for dark circles?

I'm NW 20 and I was worried Frangipan would be too warmy (description said "golden").

Any similar info on the BPs? I can't see them in person but I'm dying to order a few.

Originally Posted by FemmeNoir
What colors do you think would cover up dark circles on NC25 skin?


They aren't supposed to be concealers but I've been using Sand as my under-eye concealer for the last year and it looks much better than using Moisturecover or anything else. The salmon-y colour, I think, cancels out the bluish tinge. Dust a bit of Lightscapade and I'm all set!

FYI I'm NC30, Chinese, so very yellow tones, but it works quite well for me, esp. if I blend my foundation a bit over it. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Just received the Natural Flare Beauty Powder & Ideal Pink Studio Lights. The Natural Flare powder is a gorgeous very pale peachy pink champagne color, much paler than how it appears in the container. MAJOR shimmer! Not glitter, NOT sparkles...just shimmer. Very little color payoff.

Ideal Pink is so very pretty...a very light smooth creamy slight glowy very pale ivory pink. I'm NW15 & it blended into the skin & gave a beautiful highlighted soft finish. It's my new fave.

I went ahead and ordered these two, plus Frangipan, after reading through this thread. I'm obsessed with that flawless, glowy skin look (I have Stila All over shimmer, every Revlon Skinlight, BB Shimmerbricks, Tarte Sugar Daddy, Wet n Wild Illuminators, Fix+... anything that promises a glow!). I'll post when they arrive, I can't wait to get them after reading about them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thewickedstyle
I went ahead and ordered these two, plus Frangipan, after reading through this thread. I'm obsessed with that flawless, glowy skin look (I have Stila All over shimmer, every Revlon Skinlight, BB Shimmerbricks, Tarte Sugar Daddy, Wet n Wild Illuminators, Fix+... anything that promises a glow!). I'll post when they arrive, I can't wait to get them after reading about them.

They're so pretty, I hope you like them! I do a lot. Like you I'm obsessed with achieving that same flawless glowing skin too!

I used the Ideal Pink the same way I saw a pretty famous MAC artist use Select Moisture Cover concealer...he patted it under eyes & high on cheekbones and close to nose (& probably other places) then used the cream color bases over it...sooo gorgeous. I liked the Ideal Pink for this method!


Well-known member
Does anyone think these might work kind of like Laura Mercier's Secret Brightening Powder that is suppose to be good under the eyes to help hide lines and says it will not settle into lines? I have never used the LM Secret Powder but it sounds great if it works. But these sound very similar.


Well-known member
To Those people who said that their MAC counters did not have the "Of Beauty" collection out yet, have they already arrived for you??

My MAC counter in Macy's still hasn't gotten the Of Beauty Collection in their shipment yet. When I asked if they'd get it this week (by Friday), no one had an answer. They told me it could be the end of the week, next month even.

Just curious to know if others are still waiting for their MAC counter to have "Of Beauty" collection. I want to see these in person! This is one collection I can't order online b/c I need to swatch the colors myself. But it is getting SO HARD to wait for my MAC counter to get the "Of Beauty" Collection in. I'm so jealous of all of you guys who have already bought some of the stuff. I hope my counter will have it soon!


Well-known member
i cant wait till it comes to the uk!!!
i want: drizzlegold beauty powder & Ideal Pink studio lights [im naturally an NW20 but when i wear my fake tan im about NW30] so i hope they will look hot!


Active member
I am so lemming Ideal Pink...I love liquid non shimery highlighters!
I used to love Revlon skinlights (so sad they were dc'ed).
And I can't wait to get my hands on some loose bp samples. I know I'll never use a full jar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
They're so pretty, I hope you like them! I do a lot. Like you I'm obsessed with achieving that same flawless glowing skin too!

I used the Ideal Pink the same way I saw a pretty famous MAC artist use Select Moisture Cover concealer...he patted it under eyes & high on cheekbones and close to nose (& probably other places) then used the cream color bases over it...sooo gorgeous. I liked the Ideal Pink for this method!

My order just arrived. Love Frangipan; it is genius paired with concealer. Ideal Pink is gorgeous in the tube; tomorrow I'm going to wear it as a highlighter and pair it with Natural Flare (which looks very subtle on me so far) and see how they look. It's night and it's hard to judge highlighters without natural light! I think I'm going to put more colors on my Christmas list though; I'm just a sucker for highlighters and powders.


Well-known member
I'm soooo glad that you like them! I ordered the Tender Dusk BP. so when it arrives I'll post what I think of that one. I agree that Frangipan is great with concealer! I've been using the Ideal Pink with my foundation...love it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mochabean
To Those people who said that their MAC counters did not have the "Of Beauty" collection out yet, have they already arrived for you??

So I was one of those who posted previously that the counters in my city hadn't received their order yet. Well I went today and the Of Beauty was finally out! I was so surprised how pretty they were. SWEET! I purchased Dancing Light which I thought would be too white but I found it to smooth out so fantastic. It was hard to choose just one so I may just be heading back...


Originally Posted by gigglegirl
So I was one of those who posted previously that the counters in my city hadn't received their order yet. Well I went today and the Of Beauty was finally out! I was so surprised how pretty they were. SWEET! I purchased Dancing Light which I thought would be too white but I found it to smooth out so fantastic. It was hard to choose just one so I may just be heading back...

Which counter do you go to, The Bay in Polo Park had them all last week, along with the holiday sets... maybe you missed them?


Well-known member
I always go to the downtown location and went Thurs morning the day curiositease came out. And when I asked about of Beauty the MA said for some reason the city's shipment was delayed. So I gave it a few days. So I don't know if perhaps they came later that day or on Friday, whatever, but so pumped! Did you check them out?? Hard to only buy one!


Unfortunatly I wasn't feeling them when I first saw them. I'm starting to reconsider, but I'm wondering how much I would really use them.

I think that I'm going to check out Metal-X today, so maybe I'll give them another chance.


Well-known member
Has anyone got the Sunspill??? How peachy is it?? I'm looking for a true pigmented peachy.

Is it true that Soft Flame is like Petticoat MSF? If yes then I won't need it!


Well-known member
What brush are you ladies using to apply the Beauty Powders? I bought the 188 brush but haven't tried it out yet. What other brush might work well?


Well-known member
Has anyone tried the 183 Flat Buffer Brush yet?

I can't makeup my mind whether I should get it. I was lemming it first, then I got over it, now I'm thinking about it again!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lian_qiu
Has anyone tried the 183 Flat Buffer Brush yet?

I can't makeup my mind whether I should get it. I was lemming it first, then I got over it, now I'm thinking about it again!!

Definitely go out and BUY the 183 Brush! It is literally so WORTH IT!!!

Prior to buying the 183, I had been using the 182 and 180 buffer brushes. I went to MAC not anticipating buying the brush. But when I played with it at the MAC counter and touched it, it was literally so soft that I fell in love with it. I tried the 183 brush today buffing in my Silk Naturals mineral foundation and I love it! I think this brush literally put my 182 and 180 into retirement! It is $40 but well worth the price. So if you are lemming about it, definitely you should get it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sophia84
Has anyone got the Sunspill??? How peachy is it?? I'm looking for a true pigmented peachy.

Is it true that Soft Flame is like Petticoat MSF? If yes then I won't need it!

Hi, I have Sunspill and its a nice soft golden peach. I think its gorgeous, but I have Quiver Pearlizer from the Novel Twist Collection and they are too similar for me to keep both so Sunspill is on its way back. Its very sheer. It gives you a nice wash of a glow. I also have Soft Flame and I dont know if its similar to the color you have but its gorgeous!! Hope this helps!