Oral/Anal sex


Well-known member
Saran Wrap is a good idea. my bf has used this on me before.

With that being said...sure I'd rim my bf if I used saranwrap. LoL if there was no protection, then I wouldn't, because thats gross. But i'd love to finger his butt and I'd consider using saran wrap to lick it, too.


Well-known member
Wow this thread has some interesting tricks and tips!

Shimmer, I cannot tell you how BAD I was laughing at the post where you said your "chocolate starfish" OMG! I was dying! he he


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Perhaps I missed it, but to those of you who have been rimmed, would you rim your man-assuming of course he asks nicely after stepping out of a hot shower.

i enjoy rimming giving and receiving. Provided everything is clean and hairless on guys and girls.

Not that I'm anally fixated or anything....:booty:

ETA: I've found dental Dams to be quite good for that as long as you don't have a latex allergy. And they come in flavors too, As for the bugger thing, I've always understood that to be to do with the bum and nothing else but it's entirely possible. I may have to look it up.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Saran Wrap is a good idea. my bf has used this on me before.

With that being said...sure I'd rim my bf if I used saranwrap. LoL if there was no protection, then I wouldn't, because thats gross. But i'd love to finger his butt and I'd consider using saran wrap to lick it, too.

yeah i agree on the gross factor, im not licking no ones a** saranwrap or not, and it will be a cold day in hell before someone trys to stick there fist up my a**.. notice how i said try, i cant imagine someone that can take a mans fist up the rear or vagina. im sure its possible but not on my tight lil a**


Well-known member
Physical damage

Physical damage to the rectum and anus can manifest as generalized ano-rectal trauma, hemorrhoids, anal fissures,[29] and rectal prolapse. An insufficient amount of lubricant can make it especially painful or injurious.[35] Damage is more likely if intercourse is forcible or aggressive, if alcohol or other drugs have dulled sensitivity, if communication is poor, or if technique is clumsy.


Incontinence has also been reported; the result of the anal sphincter losing its tonus.[36] However a 1997 study published in the American Journal of Gastenerology found no difference in levels of incontence between homosexual man who engaged in anal sex and heterosexual men who did not, and severly criticised an earlier 1993 study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine which had found that fourteen out of a sample of forty men receiving anal intercourse experienced episodes of frequent anal incontinence for its inclusion of flatulus in its definition of incontinence.[37] [38] Tristan Taormino argues in her book The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women that proper technique, clear communication, and mutual consent can reduce the risk of incontinence.

Just be careful please


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i cant imagine someone that can take a mans fist up the rear or vagina.

Umm, I'm pretty sure most fists are significantly smaller than a newborn infant and those seem to come out of vaginas on a pretty regular basis.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Umm, I'm pretty sure most fists are significantly smaller than a newborn infant and those seem to come out of vaginas on a pretty regular basis.

are you compareing childbirth with sex?? i guess its easy for babys to pop out when your cervix is totally dilated to 10 c, a lil anethesia helps too. but hey to each there own, if someones gets satisfaction and enjoyment from rimming and fisting great.. its not my thing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
are you compareing childbirth with sex?? i guess its easy for babys to pop out when your cervix is totally dilated to 10 c, a lil anethesia helps too. but hey to each there own, if someones gets satisfaction and enjoyment from rimming and fisting great.. its not my thing

I'm sorry but I have to agree. Yes, childbirth is natural, and most fists are smaller than a newborn.But from what I hear, most women don't really enjoy the procedure of gving birth--they are happy that they are having a child, I'm sure. But getting pleasure from having sex and being joyous about having a baby are different, IMO. And a lot of women I know would rather not have something the size of a fist, or half a baby, or whatever being inserted in their lady parts. If thats your thing, then cool. I've experienced some crazy things that others may not be into, but personally I couldn't handle a fist.

maybe after giving birth I can.


Well-known member
No, I'm not comparing childbirth with sex. I'm simply stating that a fist is smaller than a baby and a baby comes through a vagina just fine. Your vagina's ability to stretch has nothing to do with your cervix, nor does the pain of childbirth have anything to do with the fact that I am simply stating that a fist can fit inside a vagina very easily. I've never given birth vaginally and all of my OBs have managed to get their hands inside to check despite the fact that my cervix has never dilated past about 3 cms. It has nothi.ng to do with a cervix at all

My point was that saying that you can't imagine someone that can take a fist in a vagina is pretty silly considering that just about all females have vaginas that are designed to stretch to pass an infant through. I am making no comments at all on the desirability or pleasure aspect of fisting, just expressing surprise that anyone thinks a fist won't fit in there.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I'm sorry but I have to agree. Yes, childbirth is natural, and most fists are smaller than a newborn.But from what I hear, most women don't really enjoy the procedure of gving birth--they are happy that they are having a child, I'm sure. But getting pleasure from having sex and being joyous about having a baby are different, IMO. And a lot of women I know would rather not have something the size of a fist, or half a baby, or whatever being inserted in their lady parts. If thats your thing, then cool. I've experienced some crazy things that others may not be into, but personally I couldn't handle a fist.

maybe after giving birth I can.

thats exactly what i was trying to say, im sure there are some that can handel a fist or more in there front and rear, anything is possible. i myself cant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Though sodomy is still illegal.*

*Fuck it, I'll go to jail.

i love you, shimmer.

as far as oral goes...i'm a fan. giving or recieving, i'm all for it but the guy's got to do it right. i've actually been with a guy who didn't impress me with his tongue, which is sad because i mean...it's not rocket science. then again, the guy was extremely well endowed and didn't know how to use that gift properly either.

as far as anal goes...it's never been brought up. i've never offered and it's never been asked of me. not too sure what my answer would be if it was asked of me, though.


Well-known member
lol ok so i like giving and receiving oral, giving more
anal the first time hurt so we stopped the second time it was good but had to go really slow. the breathing and relaxing thing really does help. um it does feel like you have to poop wen hes pulling out somewat, im not in love with anal but i do like it once in a while.. rimming is a no go for me.. fisting.. i think i got like 4 fingers tops.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i love you, shimmer.

as far as oral goes...i'm a fan. giving or recieving, i'm all for it but the guy's got to do it right. i've actually been with a guy who didn't impress me with his tongue, which is sad because i mean...it's not rocket science. then again, the guy was extremely well endowed and didn't know how to use that gift properly either.

as far as anal goes...it's never been brought up. i've never offered and it's never been asked of me. not too sure what my answer would be if it was asked of me, though.

Who ever came up with the idea of telling guys to do the alphabet with their tongue on the clitoris should be shot. Yikes.


I wouldn't say yes to anal with anyone I didn't trust.


Well-known member
*im shy* my ex and I have tried anal, it hurtt. i got nothing out of it. I have had 4 sexual partners, and no orgasam. I know it sucks for me. I was physically attracted to them, but not emotionally. Could that be a reason? I'm still waiting for that guy to put it on me! lol.


Well-known member
WTF? How did 7 pages happen without me?? Especially about my fav subject.
okay on with the show.

1. Those novelty products that you apply to the back of your throat are nothing more than orajel and don't work. And if you are lucky you don't totally get it all over your tongue and some odd place on your lip and then your finger, which you you forget you have dick orajel on your fingertip and you go to rub your eye..so on....

2. He can do me anal but papichulo has to let me return the favor. Anal beads, if you get your guy to get past the 'gayness' of them then he will be happier then a doggy just let outside to play.

3. I agree with whoever said to go slow with lotsa jelly for your peanut butterhole and take it in small stages. Think of it as your ass is like a snake disengaging it's jaw to swallow a small baby cow;let your ass swallow his shaft and this shouldn't be hard if you breath and relax.

4. The sex lady on Oxygen gave some good advice and said that men like the feel of deep throat but the male mind is usually disengaged during sex and can be easily fooled, so to fake that feel of deep throat is lots of spit and to make an O with your hand (much like the sign language gesture for the letter O) and invisibly glue it to you lips creating a love tunnel into your mouth, and then flatten your tongue to the underside of his shaft

5. My personal rule, if I start to feel his hands of the back on my head started to control the movements and basically starts fucking my mouth-I bring out the teeth.

6. OT from the thread title but holy schnikies I love to have my nipples abused, pull em, lick em, bite em , whatevas!

7. And since I already wandered off the main context, I would also like to share with all you, since I consider all 22,876 of you as my closest friends, I am CANNOT get off with masturbation. Unless I am being watched. Exhibitionism is so naughty and I should be spanked it for it...

8. Oral sex on me-It is a requirement however my clit can only take so much stabbing. I love to be tongue fucked. And then kissed afterwards, I taste good. which brings me to...

9. Do I swallow him, after a taste test from the precum to see if I can handle his, is when I decide whether or not I will.

10. and my secret weapon in bed.........is talk to his ass is a foreign language. They have NO clue what you are saying. This one Black guy I was seeing was so turned on by it that, just for kicks, I said " OOOO mi papi morenito me encantan tus manos grandes, especialmente cuando estas lavando mis platos" and he was so turned on.

OK, if you are still readin, then why thank you.


Well-known member
i like to give oral, only to my chick. haha. and anal sex is the best. for me i think the advice i would give is, you have to masturbate the whole time your receiving it, and it makes it feel so good. but of course you have to have a partner that is willing to take time to work up to anything that might resemble full blown hot animal sex
. take your time. ots well worth it. oh and the dp? omg thats pretty fukkin hot!

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